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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9241865 No.9241865 [Reply] [Original]

What is the main goal of life? Choose one:

1) Successfully reproduce with as many women as possible in the attempt to infiltrate the gene pool the most.
2) Reproduce only with the most attractive women you can find, spend the rest of your life with her then invest as much time as possible fathering your children.
3) To live the longest, influencing the world around you to it's betterment as much as possible.
4) There is no goal to life, it just exists because it can.

>> No.9241871

Because, #4, I choose to, #3, such that, #2 can be a viable option for as many beta males as possible, up to and including myself as need be, to the degree that certain types of people can #1 if they choose.

>> No.9241875

it's whatever you want it to be, that's why it exists

>> No.9241879

1) Good
2) Okay but would be better to impregnate beautiful women, then dump them and find new ones.
3) No, that is what a cuck does.
4) That's what a redditcuck does.

>> No.9242239

there is no goal, reproduction is just something life does

>> No.9242243
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to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women

>> No.9242375

Biologically speaking, #1 is your best bet. Genghis Khan did this, his lineage is among of the most successful to this day.

>> No.9242380

Even better, become revered and leave a legacy so you descendants will get laid as well.

>> No.9242482

Obviously 4. 1 and 2 are your genes goals.

>> No.9242635

Option 5:
>Be Filthy Frank.
>Unleash Chaos

>> No.9242661

I see you are nice guy with clever thoughts.

>> No.9242679
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Everyone that doesn't answer 2 needs to be erased.

>> No.9244419

lol none of you betas even give one ounce of attention to money? Money is the only think that gives your life purpose, and if you disagree you're lying to yourself to justify your state of poor laziness.

>> No.9244859
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The only correct answer is reach immortality then do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.9244867
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I have money. This is wrong.

>> No.9244933

>brainlet question
Please, fuck off to some other board.

Oh, and #4.

>> No.9245328

>the literal state of this board

>> No.9245386
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gather information in a noisy place, abstract what that information means from reciprocal interactions between certain aspects of that information and what happens afterwards, then evolution, this happens in genes, vision language,hormones, ect
so basically Life interprets meaning and carries this meaning through sign logic, building up more and more understanding, understanding how to stay alive, energy minimization, sensing, reasoning, stuff like that
please dont tallk about Life anthropocentrically on a science board

>> No.9245392

>your genes goals
wew lad

>> No.9245406

Depends on what you define as life. If you're about talking about ALL life then its to find the best form to survive and replicate sucessfuly.
If you are talking about individual life, it should be to live as long as possible, ideally forever or until you desire to die.

>> No.9245505
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The answer is to have as many successful children as possible so that you die a great great grandfather at the very least.

1: Great
2: Not bad at all.
3-4: Jewish-led Manchild status

>> No.9245530

This is what is best

>> No.9245593

Reproduction in itself is a futile attempt at homeostasis and there is nothing philosophical about it.

>> No.9245596

To cultivate and preserve knowledge and make it accessible. Your first three options are only a means to this end, and your fourth is just for people who failed at this and would rather masturbate their existence away.

>> No.9245617

I personally try to combine the 2 and 3 approach.

>> No.9245638

fuck off, /pol. as you can see bill nye is high iq entertainment like rick and morty.


>> No.9246514

Yeah, this. Society is too complex for one distinct answer to completely describe human endurance.

>> No.9246520

half 2
half 3

mostly convinced i won't find an equal in male form

>> No.9246529

1 because large quantities of spawn will give more potential for quality offspring.

>> No.9246633

Mr. R-selected over here

>> No.9246678

But rather than saying there is no goal I'd say the even more boring answer: You make up your own goal.
My own goal is to have fun.

>> No.9247061

thats really more of a >>>/his/ question,but iÄd say all can be answers,2 and 3 wuld seem the best to me.

>> No.9247188


>> No.9248269
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this is the most retarded shit I have ever read here thanks

>> No.9249465

this is a very western traditionalized response
but i challenge everyone, what are the other cultures men's viewpoints?
without the tang of racism,
do blacks seek the same thing, except when young? When young, objective: have pointless sex at all times, when old, seek to settle?
do our muslim counterparts have an innate seek 2-3 partners?
do our mormon counterparts have the same? I'm not sure what is best, but I feel as if the nuclear family is a western idea
I feel if it was adopted over the world over, it would make for a happier place

>> No.9250980

1 and 2.

I was thinking recently why men care so much about their legacy. And I realised, it's because it improves the survival chances of their children.

Think about it - if you're remembered as a loser, then your kids will grow up thinking "my dad was a loser, therefore I am useless and I have no purpose, because I'm from that stock, and I'll probably just be a loser too. Fuck it."

Whereas if you really make a mark - if you're an INFLUENCER in society, a real big cheese - then it will improve the survival chances of your offspring. People will pay attention to your offspring. They will want to be around them, because they are the offspring of an important person.

So yeah, 1 and 2 are both good goals. I can't really tell you which is better - the thing is that you never know, do you? Think about this - there have been men who had tons of kids, and then they were all wiped out by ethnic cleansing or whatever. So is quantity everything? I think quantity stands for a lot, sure, but it's not the *only* thing. But if you did manage to have 1,000 kids then the chances are, in today's world, that many of them will survive, and you will have done pretty well.

No that's objectively false. Your goal, as an organism, is to reproduce. That's the life goal of every organism on Earth, as far as I'm aware. The purpose of your life is to reproduce - preferably as much as possible, with the highest quality mates possible.

If you don't recognise this then you're a moron and I can't help you. I hope you will be removing yourself from the gene pool because you will be doing everybody a favour.

>he thinks he is something other than his genes
What exactly are you smoking?

>> No.9250984

The purpose of every organism is to take whatever chances it can to reproduce.

So if the opportunity is there then yes, go for it.

>> No.9251231

didn't see anything in OP about hedonism.

it takes a certain level of ignorance to pass on the gift of life. it's a death sentence. there's so much tragedy in people's lives. most normies treat their children like pets. a pathetic attempt at reliving their youth. they have kids for all the wrong reasons.

your genetics is the software you run on. everyone is programmed to do something.

>> No.9251274
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four to justify something else. in my case i want to live a life of love and creative expression with my girlfriend and maybe have children.

>> No.9251285

>No that's objectively false. Your goal, as an organism, is to reproduce. That's the life goal of every organism on Earth, as far as I'm aware. The purpose of your life is to reproduce - preferably as much as possible, with the highest quality mates possible.

except it's not, reproduction is just another generic function of an organism, it's not a "goal" any more than accelerating 1 meter in any direction is a "goal"

>I hope you will be removing yourself from the gene pool because you will be doing everybody a favour.

1) i already am removed from it and so are you
2) it's polluted anyway

>> No.9251412

Logically speaking, 4
How I really live, 3

>> No.9251460

Isn't it just about experiencing pleasure?

>> No.9253194


>> No.9253212

If you can't eat or fuck it, piss on it.

>> No.9253380

the main goal of life is not to spread your genes, but to spread your memes