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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9241052 No.9241052 [Reply] [Original]

>when one of your students who failed the first test comes to office hours and makes an A on Test 2

>> No.9241059
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>when one of your students hands in hand written MATLAB code (obviously without output)

>> No.9241303
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>when your students email cell phone pictures of their sloppily written assignment at 1am

>> No.9241308

Dude...why is that even an option?

>> No.9241313

>Dude...why is that even an option?
It's not, they got zeroes.

>> No.9241386

You're not a professor. You're probably a first semester babby sho is in the motivated phase and wants to be at college forever so you see yourself being s professor

>> No.9241408
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>when your professor browses an antisemtic and racist website to post about his boring life

>> No.9241409

>wants to be at college forever
people don't really do this, right?

>> No.9241410

math majors most certainly do. it postpones the inevitable of no job, or worse, a job in an inner city high school.

>> No.9241459

I have no clue what gave you the impression I call myself a professor but you made yourself look like a faggot projecting.

PhD student actually
And damn right my life is boring

>> No.9241485

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9241491

we don't like engineers around here

>> No.9241667

>giving students a second chance to write an exam
And this is why we have morons in the field. Thats anon

>> No.9241684

He/she obviously meant a second, separate test, you moron.

>> No.9241709

I actually did this, except it was calc 1, and I failed the first 3 tests, and made a 95% on the 4th. It was out of 5 tests and a final, where the final replaces your worst test grade. I made 100%'s on the rest of those tests, and got the highest score on the final.

Dr. Holmes, if you remember that, I hope I made you proud. My man.

>> No.9241719

>uses "my student"
>not a professor
either you are a professor or you are calling virgin undergrad girls (guys) who you fuck as "students"

>> No.9242392

At nearly every university there are plenty of lecturers who aren't professors

>> No.9242406
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>talk to a professor every once in a while
>talk about tabletop rpgs
>he mentions how he's looking for a group
>looks at me expectantly
>don't invite him

>> No.9244618

Cringe unworthy teens

>> No.9244633

I don't know what you're smoking dude, but at least at my school if you want to go to grad school (and often just in upper division of your major in undergrad), you can strike sweet deals on cheap tuition with the school if you become a TA. It's not difficult, and they're still your students because you do have to teach them once or twice a week often, as well as grade their assignments usually.

>> No.9244986

Anon, it is you who are the moron.