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9240792 No.9240792 [Reply] [Original]

> Get 3 points extra credit on EM exam for solving the hardest problem
> still only get an 82/100 because of second grade tier algebra mistakes

How the FUCK do you guys stay focused and composed during exams? I take addy and caffeine but I feel that might just not be that helpful cause it makes me feel like a crackhead...

>> No.9240795

That's exactly why I don't take supplements/coffee before exams. It gives me anxiety for no reason.

>> No.9240798

Do you feel like Stims help for studying though? Actually they definately do help me but then I have to take them for the exam.. (state dependent memory and also tolerance)

>> No.9240800

Def just practice more for shit like algebra

>> No.9240844

Slow down or speed up. If you work slower, you'll make less mistakes. If you work faster, you'll have more time to check for mistakes. Your choice.

>> No.9240912

I realized that virtually every mistake I made on an exam, I wouldn't have made if I was doing the problem at home with no pressure. So I started doing stuff like positive affirmations that I didn't give a shit about the outcome of the exam and just focused on learning all the material.

Exams are one of those things that, relatively speaking, the less you care about the better you do -- provided of course that you actually care about the material and learning it.

>> No.9240913

it's just practice, doing tedious calculations by hand isn't very appealing compared to understanding a proof or similar, but it's a fundamental skill.
I'd just treat it like a musician playing scales

>> No.9240918
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Pic related is the exam I feel so stupid looking back on everything though I could have solved this in a much easier way and taken much less time....

Still though >tfw prof writes v. Good

>> No.9240922

Any profs here? What does "v. good" even mean? Is it when a student surprises you with their brilliance or just when they don't make a mistake?

>> No.9240942

where do profs actually grade papers

>> No.9240969

Taking Adderall FOR an exam does so little.
A pill isn't going to make you suddenly know calculus. If you're going to use it, use it to study.

>> No.9241026

I'd say v. good means taking the direct solution to solving a problem when most people miss it, some small trick which makes a long question short.

>> No.9241046

we have a prof who does this, that is also why the results from his exams are always late as shit

>> No.9241062

>Imagine having to take caffeine and adderal to be able to solve that

>> No.9241113

Honestly bro don't take of that shit just relax and take it easy but watch your time. Practice before an exam to gain confidence. If you get stressed out just take a deep breath and get back too it.

>> No.9241186

82 on EM isn't too bad. The problem I'm having with EM is the exams are long as fuck and I literally do not have enough time to check over and see things like algebra mistakes. Also do not use adderall for the actual test you dummy. You take that to study. Unless you actually have """ADHD"""".

>> No.9241197

Problem is I'm at a shit tier state school so I basically need all As if if I ever want to get a good internship or do research anywhere..

. also I literally studied so hard for a week straight 10 hours a day in the library and made sure I knew how to do every problem and still couldn't get an A... it's terribly depressing

>> No.9241218

Very good indeed