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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 236x326, cancerNotation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9239389 No.9239389 [Reply] [Original]

What notation in math and physics looks the shittiest?
>dirac slash notation,
>>pic related

>> No.9239395


>> No.9239668

I love this shit, makes focusing on the concepts behind it so much clearer. Probably slightly ahead of proper tensor notation with Einstein summation for me, which would be my second nomination for coolest notation.
As for the shittiest: Not really pen and paper math or physics, but Mathematicas notation, while useable, is not at all the godly invention all the other users seem to wank about.

>> No.9239690

What's wrong with it?

>> No.9239692
File: 3 KB, 208x400, Greek_lc_xi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9239746

fuck this letter

>> No.9239881

My linear algebra teacher introduced this as a "curly capital E"

>> No.9239889

Mine usually looks like a balloon filled with helium tied to a wiggly cord, but as long as it's unique who cares.

>> No.9239923

My calculus teacher once used this during a convergence proof and by the end of it, even he couldn't figure out whether some symbols were xi or epsilon.

>> No.9239940

I literally just jot down a squiggle. Fuck this shit. Especially when taking notes.

>> No.9239943


>m-muh canon symbols

>> No.9239954

Thats what you get for going to a brainlet school lmao

>> No.9239957

>taking notes
Spotted the brainlet

>> No.9240777

Anything done not by mathematicians looks utterly retarded and is inefficient usually... Had to take physical chemistry once (elective), prof took almost 3 lines to write a single partial differential cus he couldn't into proper notation.

>> No.9241192

>8 symbols
>it expands to half page
every fucking time

>> No.9241831

This desu
>statistics book discusses ANOVA
>unironically uses 4 subscripts on a single variable

They invented conditional expectations for a reason

>> No.9241978
File: 512 KB, 2013x2236, 1499149215882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really any wonder why it's always people who have no idea what they're talking about bashing bra-ket notation?

>> No.9242007

I'm Greek and I often fuck this letter up.
Same for curly brackers {, }.

>> No.9242846


Slash is great

>> No.9242849


Anything Quantum/QFT/GR stuff is utterly BS with usual mathematics. Just use some slack slash and Einstein Notation with Natural Units and I feel comfy

>> No.9242863

Kek, it's so easy being greek
Imagine writing a vertical S2 and 2S

>> No.9243124

Why does taking notes is considered for brainlet?

>> No.9243161

"Taking" is metaphorical in this case, because you're actually writing your notes down on paper, rather than the usual practice of storing everything in your mind as a discrete mental note.

You can probably do the same, your internal bulletin board is just much smaller.

>> No.9243291

>Implying I use notes instead of memory and that I was the same guy as before who wrote "especially....etc"
Not even considering the fact that mine was a pure questions, not inferring man

>> No.9243302

Ah yes, squiggly line and his brother zeta, the slightly less squiggly line
I'm pretty sure people who use this just want to fuck with people

>> No.9243358

Yes and no.

Yes, the implication is that you're probably that anon. But it doesn't matter. You could be asking a pure question, and that's perfectly allowed. I was responding only to the implications of the question, not to any presumed identity or prior discussion. I hadn't even read the prior dialogue, I was literally responding to the pure question.

The pure question can only be asked by someone who doesn't know why non-brainlets don't have to take notes. ie., someone who doesn't already know how to use their memory.

So yes to the part before the and, but no to the parts after it.

>> No.9243435

>The pure question can only be asked by someone who doesn't know why non-brainlets don't have to take notes. ie., someone who doesn't already know how to use their memory.

Nope man, you're assuming wrong. Human is not a machine who works like "If this =" or "If not this =", so I would correct your assertion in:
-The pure question is probably asked by someone who wants to know other people's point of view in argument concerning contingency.
To be honest I don't even speak english, I do not know the exact translation of "brainlet", by inductivity I figured out ( kek ) it's "retard" but damn man, you can't tell someone is retard by a single contingency fact, and I actually agree with you about the fact that using memory is way better, therefore some people can't remember the information amount of ( figurative way I'm doubtful about its consistency ) high IQ guys ( Should I consider myself high IQ? I did 148 at IQ by psychologist of my high school ).
For example, I red during this summer some Einstein's thought and I can tell that he wouldn't had never call someone "brainlet" because of he takes notes, so if he would have ask that to you is he a brainlet?
And for the last point, actually, I don't take notes except for some philosopher ( to be honest I don't take notes, I just write sometimes on the page when I ear something I'm not sure I understood ), but it NEVER happen in scientific subject, I know that in high school they are pretty easy compared to univeristy, but if my classmates after working their ass off they get a 65-75/100 and me just reading it the day/night before I get 90-100/100 in those matter is because I think I can use my brain and my memory kek. Plus, I DO consider my classmate brainlet, but they don't limit themselves to "take notes" they want to take notes asking the professor to spell EVERY FUCKING WORDS, that's being brainlet, they can't even a synonymous because the didn't even understand the point of what they eared. kek

>> No.9243445

>someone who wants to know other people's point of view
Precisely, and not having that point of view, not acquiring it by some other means, not inferring it, you know what I was just shitposting anyway so I'mma drop it.

>> No.9243449

Comment too long

I want also to add that now I have to left because I have to study Hegel ( in my country now it's 10pm kek )

and that

I tell you a "story"
I was always distinguished by other people I know because of my memory, one time a professor took us a table to complete where every single classmate had to put their information like e-mail, phone number etc etc because of a plan, I took the paper and write down every phone number of my classmate ( 27 people ), and everyone was like "omg" but that's normal to me. For example I haven't got an address book, I just remember every number of my relatives and friends and classmate... and I have other tons of story concerning "my memory"

Sorry if I'm prolix but it's not that easy to sustain an argument in a language different from mine

Good night (?) don't know which is your country

>> No.9243479

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean