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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9235956 No.9235956 [Reply] [Original]

Beyond simply acquiring knowledge and experience through hard work, how much do we actually improve on a cognitive level (not just mechanical)?

I feel like you can't get too much further than what you are genetically predisposed to; that's just the harsh reality.

>> No.9235968

Yep, and hard work doesn't benefit all fields, especially STEM whuch requires innovation and ingenuity which slower minds won't be able to keep up with.

>> No.9235992

Kinda- recently I've become more and more pissed thinking about how hard I worked studying for tests in uni, where many kids would just cheat on the tests and ended up getting better grades than me


>> No.9236014

It's a meme to work harder than you need to succeed

>> No.9236015

I think it's not a meme, clearly some natural talent exists but hard work works. I'm not a hard worker but during the times that I worked hard consistently (that's the important part) I got results. I wouldn't say I have much natural talent either.

>> No.9236022

Yes it is. Don't work hard at all. Leave it to the actual "smart" people (i.e. people who have a minimum amount of common sense and work towards their goals, regardless of their intelectual level) to do stuff. Live a mediocre life, as your supposely brainlet IQ of 125 has already established for you.

>> No.9236029
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Has anyone actually done any research on this? Why is this not a hot topic?

Just from observation I would say that the ability to work hard is all about focus and endurance. People who work hard can focus on one task without getting distracted.

For example a lazy person might force themselves to do their math homework but will constantly think about checking social media or playing video games. To fight these distractions the person will have to use mental energy and will get tired quicker.

Meanwhile a hard working person won't even have any thoughts about doing anything else but the task.

Then I also think that some people have a lower pain/discomfort tolerance. For someone the discomfort of studying is bearable compared to the payoffs. For someone else studying is so painful that they avoid it at all costs until the deadline gets close.

Some people I imagine get tired more quickly.

By hard work I am excluding activities where the person enjoys them like if studying mathematics is actually your passion. I am talking here about people who are able to bring themselves to work even though they don't enjoy the work.

Would be nice if someone would actually research this.

>> No.9236033

there's a study that shows that people that procrastinate moderately are generally more productive than people who don't. The stress of deadlines forces procrastinators to be more creative, and they have more time to ponder on topics subconsciously

>> No.9236079

If you have to work hard at something, way Too Hard it. It's probably a sign you have no business doing it.

And, unfortunately our culture pushes this idea people should strive to do something and never give up on it even though they suck at it, so you get people in things they are horrible at, but are still fucking around in cause Muh never give up Muh the Hard Work will pay off.

If you have a 90 IQ you can't Hard Work your way to equal work of a person with a 140 IQ. If you are a 5'2 110 lbs guy you cant Hard Work your way to playing in the NFL, etc..... But our culture tells people No little Johnny and Janie you can be anything you want, rather than figuring out what you are good at and instead focus on that.

Thankfully, the Protestant Work Ethic will tossed out the window by 2035 when everything gets automated,

>> No.9236090

this might be right, I'm way too stupid for what I'm trying to do with my life but I'm not gonna give up, who gives a fuck
>you're not getting out of life alive

>> No.9236091

goddamn it feels good to have a 142 IQ

>> No.9236876

What if it is something that is equally hard for anyone, like getting a job at NASA or something? Even geniuses have trouble with that. It's not like they'll employ you just because you went to an Ivy League or created your own website.

>> No.9236932

I've heard of some study saying you're aptitude at something was directly proportional to the time you spent on efficient practice.
Now that sounds like a load of trivialities but the person seemed to consider the study good so maybe it was. Anybody know about it?

>> No.9238079

>Is hard work a meme?
No, you lazy fuck. Potential is less than worthless with the work to unlock it.

>> No.9238096

Cal Newport wrote a book on this

>> No.9238099

You are an idiot

>> No.9238229

Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.9238271

Some people are big, some are small. Regardless hard work is not a meme, you just gotta minmax your build. Some people can't be Brock Lesnar's or Arnold's but they can be Bruce Lee's. Genetic determinism is just an excuse most of the time, nothing stopping you from being fit nigguh. If you can't hold a million numbers then use the other areas of your brain, be faster at calculating, be more creative, maybe you have higher mental stamina. All brain types are useful in the sciences and maths and there will always be an autistic savant who is maxed out on a trait and min at others.