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9234330 No.9234330 [Reply] [Original]

I once got 90% in a Biochemistry exam. I don't really know how desu, I just love Biochemistry so I didn't really revise, I just knew the information.

But on a Math exam I got 25% because I forgot to bring my calculator and the examiner didn't allow me to borrow a spare one at the front (what a cunt). So I wasted 3 hrs doing a Math exam and I just sat there doing nothing, because I couldn't.

>> No.9234333

great thread desu

>> No.9234334

>90% is best he's ever gotten

What a brainlet. I've got full points in several exams. (I major in math)

The worst I've ever gotten was 0%. I simply forgot that I registered for the exam.

>> No.9234350

I once got 110% on a first year biology exam in undergrad. You got awarded extra points for in-depth explanations and I found biology really easy.

I also have a bunch of 100% chem and maths exams.

>> No.9234357
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Got around 6/100 on FP2 if I recall, which was strange given that I could have sworn I knew the answers to a lot of the questions, certainly the polar coordinates one where you had to apply the area formula and integrate stuff. Alas probably the Dunning-Kruger effect in motion. Can't remember what my best grade was, probably 80-90 in something.

>> No.9234361

Why are there spares if you're not allowed to use them?

In any case the grade distributions vary depending on where you are. For example, the boundary here for the "highest" grade is 70%. Best I ever got was 96% but that got moderated to 90%, worst was probably around 58%.

>> No.9234369

>tfw got 0 on a multiple choice exam because the examiner couldn't read my name

>> No.9234382

I once got 70% on a test that I know I aced. The guy who copied from me for 88%. Fml

>> No.9234414

100.5% for a second year Physiology course because the course convenor included two bonus marks to increase the pass rate.

The worst exam mark I received was 73%. It was my first university exam and being nervous as hell made it really hard to concentrate.

>> No.9234421

Best: 100%
Worst: 26%

>> No.9234436

Best: 95% Theoretical physics exam (Lagrangian+Hamiltonian classical dynamics + Quantum mechanics)

Worst: 64% Elementary number theory exam

To be fair, the highest grade you can get here is 70% so it's not that far off, and it's the only exam I've gotten under that grade. It was literally fuck my life tier because I kept getting shitty stupid errors in a gcd computation question

>> No.9234470

>100% is possible in american exams

Envy you guys, my best was 83 in university in organic chem

>> No.9234612

Best 100% on a math exam
Worst 21% on a cs exam
Tfw just like math but need programming to do anything other than teaching. Fuck my life bros, I hate it

>> No.9234620

How the fuck do you get so high in something as difficult as theoretical physics but flop in ELEMENTARY number theory ?

>> No.9234628

>>100% is possible in american exams
>Envy you guys, my best was 83 in university in organic chem
Try not being a brainlet, and actually learning the material

>> No.9234630

100% on graph theory final
18% on electromagnetism midterm

>> No.9234638

as I said in the post, the first question in the paper was a dumb gcd computation and i literally did stupid mistakes like 3-4 times in a row, making me lose like 30 mins in a 2 hour paper, what should have taken me at most 7 mins

>> No.9234713

>Not American
>Got 100% in organic chem exams


>> No.9234749

I've gotten full marks on a few exams. A Calc 2 midterm, all my exams in logic (this wasn't that uncommon, I think the mode for those exams was 100 because it was piss easy), topology midterm and a physics final. My best exam relative to the rest of the class is when I got a 90 when the next highest grade was 60 in an abstract algebra midterm (there was a very easy 20-point problem that wasn't covered in class and I was the only nerd who actually read the textbook).

I failed my first calculus midterm pretty badly, I think I got around a 50. Ended up getting an A in the class though.

>> No.9234792

Like a 20%

>> No.9235011

I once forgot my calculator too and the examiner stood up, asked the class for one and gave it to me. It doesn't have anything to do with your post but I wanted to let you know.

The worst I've gotten on a test was 0 on a linear algebra test (I did it on purpose, long shitty story) and the best was a 100 on a geometry test.

>> No.9235080

Make our lives a little longer OP.

Got a 100% in programming, and got 20% in my Labs. I wouldn't have passed if my teacher hadn't felt like passing me just because. I was doing fine in all my other classes so...

>> No.9235099

>Best is 101 in Old West Saxon English
>Wost is 99 in Linear Algebra
Feels good being a freshman, don't have a ton to choose from yet
Still waiting for one score back that I don't think will be so wonderful, though.

>> No.9235128

Several 100s throughout math courses, and nailed a 100 on an Emag test. Worst I’ve ever done was in the mid 50s on the first test I ever took in college, chemistry.

>> No.9235216


>> No.9235224

worst F
best A
dude wtf

>> No.9235227

>calls others brainlets
>he is capable of forgetting
uh oh

>> No.9235244

>math exams
Physics and engineering classes I get but a math class? That is brainlet tier.

>> No.9235271

ITT: brainlet Americans with their brainlet academic system where the tests are so easy that 90 % is low

>> No.9235372

I've gotten 100% in a lot of things.

Bout to fail a MoF exam tomorrow though.

>> No.9235385

I've looked at british academic systems. its a fucking joke.
Built into stages and each stage is 1 year. YOu guys literally take 4 fucking classes in 1 year with each class worth 15 credits. You guys don't even take shit like non-STEM classes like we do.

>> No.9235386

I got 9,5 (out of 10) for my Finance class and 3 for Statistics (passing grade is 5,5)

>> No.9235389

I've got 100 on an exam in a brainlet tier intro to geology course. One time I got a 50% on a probability exam. It was the most likely outcome since every question is 50/50, you either get it right or you don't :^) But really it was because I forgot there was a test that day and hadn't studied at all.

>> No.9235392

0% and 70% or smth, I study engineering physics and just want the fucking degree and go into the industry.

>yes ofc I feel bad about never getting top scores, but i've learned to live with that and is decently happy as long as i pass

>> No.9235396

>You guys don't even take shit like non-STEM classes like we do.

Isn't that a good thing? Why would I pay £9k/year to study physics and then be required to study medieval languages?

>> No.9235399

it's a good thing yes, but you guys are calling us yanks brainlets when we get jewed and have to work harder.

>> No.9235400

What the latter anon said. Why the fuck would you want to take completely unrelated classes? Especially if you pay lots of money for it.

>> No.9235402

Why is it a good thing? Do your future employer value that one history class you took four years ago worth 5-10 credits?

>> No.9235403

I know we are jewed like crazy here and our GPA's can get absolutely fucked over by a general education class, but we the students are not brainlets for it. We are just good little goyem.

>> No.9235406

No, I'm saying that the exclusion of those classes is good. I'm jelly.

>> No.9235440


>> No.9235658

100% in Microbio (my major)

hmm, if we're going by percentage then bacterial pathogenesis at 45% but the averge on the midterm was 50%. If by furthest from the average it would be a 45% in biochem metabolism when the average was a 62%

>> No.9235661

idk man, my philosophy is "just wing it"
I don't check my grades
they haven't kicked me out yet so I must be doing ok

>> No.9235671

>33% on a thermodynamics exam
>100% on same class's final

Just managed to scrape out a B with that final.
I guess I just didn't think I'd need to study/memorize all the different engine cycles

>> No.9235708

Nigga in the UK 70% is equal to the 90th percentile. 100% is unheard of.

>> No.9235710

>Nigga in the UK 70% is equal to the 90th percentile. 100% is unheard of.
Why are no UK students smart enough to get 100%?

>> No.9235713

Some do, so yes it's stands true I'm a brainlet.

>> No.9235744
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My worst grade was on a combinatorics exam; professor didn't even give me back it, because I wrote nothing but my name. Obviously I failed the whole course and had to take a final exam; the day I did it professor told me "I did not put any combinatorics question so realize how much I spoil you". That was very nice of her, but I think she did it because combinatorics was an extra topic we weren't supposed to study.
>Mfw due to that I passed the course

My best grade was on analytic geometry, 98%.

>> No.9235766

98th percentile in the PSAT.. had I taken the SAT and graduated I;d have beena national merit scholar and one of four including myself in our school.

>> No.9235773

My worst was when I got like 80%

>> No.9235783

Only A- I ever received in Uni was in biocalculus

I worked my fucking ass off all year and had a mid-90 grade, probably a 96 or 95. Final comes around and I abosultely tank it. I don't know what happened. Night after night I was studying for it, probably 40 hours in a week on top of all my other finals work. God a 68 on it. Brought me down to a 91 in the class, and I had to live with the blemish of a A- on my transcript. I was beyond pissed and really thought I fucked up my chances of going anywhere nice for grad school. it all worked out in the end

>> No.9235794

100%: First-semester ochem exam on electrophilic addition

45%: Calc II exam on sequences/series cuz I hadn't gone to lecture in like two weeks prior to the exam. Still got an A- in the course though thankfully.

>> No.9235803


>> No.9235881
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I passed my materials science course last semester with a 52%

>> No.9235927

physical chemistry test on stat-mech
120/100 on my unit-ops II midterm about separations processes.

>> No.9235935

It was 30 on stat mech.

>> No.9235978

>Studying 40 hours a week for a single final
Hahah what a brainlet

>> No.9235985

The worst exam grades I ever got were on Physics tests. (sub 60%) Then I taught myself the problems instead of listening in lecture and aced the exams. Physics teachers are fucking trash.

>> No.9235987

Story please? :^)

>> No.9236016

Freshman year of HS I got a 99/100 multiple choice in the biology midterm... people accused me of cheating, small drama ensued. My dad really just had me watch a series of lectures on dvd on it during the summer before the semester, so the whole shit was review. still got a B in the class. The reason being is that you NEEDED to have your HW/assignments in the middle of the desk by the time she walked around the class picking up homeworks or she wouldnt accept them, end of story. I blanked and lost hundreds of points in one go one day.

I also once got a 102.5% on a physics test, but it was too easy so i can't count it

Lowest was like a 50ish/100 on a multivar calc test. i hate that class.

>> No.9236067

Best: 100%
Worst: 0%

>> No.9236094

>I've got full points in several exams. (I major in math)
You clearly don't go to a top 5.

>> No.9236104

I dont understand shit

How does grading system works up in the north

Here it's from 0,0 to 5,0, but it's pretty common to get 5 if you're good enough

I've got 5s on 3 calculus midterms, and my worst was 1,5 from physics I (from rectilinear movement to friction, yes I'm retarded, yes I live in a third world country)

>> No.9236111

is this commonplace?

>> No.9236117

How did you manage to get a 21% on a CS exam?

>> No.9236121

Once got 97.5% on a differential equations and series / induction test in my freshman year

>> No.9236136

Biochem here. Am taking first course in the series

Any advice?

>> No.9236161

>Why are there spares if you're not allowed to use them?

I'm assuming there weren't any spares.

Back when I was in university, whenever we had exams they would stress that they didn't provide any and if we forgot it we were out of luck.

I think partly it was a "personal responsibility" thing, but also the uni didn't want to be responsible it the calculator was faulty / went flat partway through an exam.

>> No.9236166

>5/5 on Calc 1.
>1.5/5 on Physics 1
>rectilinear movement to friction, yes I'm retarded, yes I live in a third world country
Literally me, senpai

>> No.9236181

no op is von neumann

>> No.9236939

Didnt know how to program any of the things I was being asked to do. I completely blanked it, couldnt get the methods to compile. I didnt study so I deserved that, it was 100% my fault honestly

>> No.9236950

I got 200, when the maximum is 100, and I still don't know how their stupid computer accepted that input
it brought my average score to 120, which somehow STILL got calculated.
I felt like being in a shitty. half-assed uni when it happened, but also had quite the chuckle

>> No.9236951

100% in programming
26% in calc 2, why the fuck is it so hard

>> No.9236994

120% in programming, because American grade inflation + teacher likes how I implement things

230% in a history exam, because I was the first student in over 20 years to get 100%. I don't even like history, I think it's a bit of a waste of time when studied as a career.

>> No.9237040

Of the course that I have passed:

Discrete Mathematics 10/10
Complex Analysis 10/10
Algebra 10/10

Stochastic Processes 5.5 (I still don't understand why I got graded so low)

>> No.9237052

100% in Algebra
0% in Calculus

>> No.9237137


>> No.9237469

I got a 0% on a midterm because I did it in pen.

>> No.9237488

40 points above the average on Organic chem test

50% on a latin exam, later withdrew from the course

>> No.9237493

Best: 97%
Worst: 52%

Both in Organic Chemistry, ironically.

>> No.9237508

wtf, how is that legal
no redo?

>> No.9237545

>Tell class to write in pencil
>They still write in pen
Deserve the 0% desu

>> No.9237587

35 in a Data Structures exam, but that was just because the day before was one of the worst days for me.

>> No.9237594

Forgot to add that my best was 100% in a Linear Algebra exam. But it was okay, only the first half of the semester was covered.

>> No.9237632

98 and 36

>> No.9237637

>there are people out there who have never received a 100% test grade

like >50% of my tests have been 100%
lowest grade was a 48 on a QM test (disgusting) but class avg was 43 so meh

>> No.9237678

100 and a whatever a D is
that sounds good but my grades are actually really shitty
>tfw smart but lazy ecksdee
>tfw ready to die

>> No.9237686

Only ever gotten perfect grades, but never went to uni

>> No.9237691


>> No.9237703

112% on some mechanical component design midterm.

17% on a linear algebra midterm because the grad student thought it would be a good idea to teach the class as set theory. Passed by the skin of my teeth after abandoning her lectures for MIT opencourseware instead.

>> No.9238326

103% due to 'bonus questions' bullshit in a classical mechanics exam, thought I would be first in it but no, my rival got 108%

6% in a very easy abstract algebra exam. Theres was no fucking way I got that low so I went to the office the next day, told them to remark it, they told me I have to fill in a form and pay $60 if I want it remarked, ok, fine, did it. hear nothing, if I ask its just 'in progress', eventually 4 months later they call me 'No sorry they cant, the timeperiod to request a remark ended 3 months ago'. Didn't even get my $60 back and had to retake the class, got 96% final mark the second time.

God I hate my university.

If I dont count that fuckup them my lowest is something like 48%, just below 50 somewhere.

>> No.9238362

All of my undergrad bio courses were easy as shit, would always get 90%-100%+

Wouldn't show up to class, review the material 2-3 days before the test, and bam, ahead of the curve every time.

What made this great for me was the groups of pre-meds and other "gunner" majors would study more, perform extra homework modules, and still get lower grades.

Lowest test scores I've ever had were in Philosophy of Logic (60%), and Discrete Mathematics (50%)

For logic, the professor used his own textbook as the course material, and it was like reading the Bible or some religious text. It was so ambiguous that all the concepts were written in a way that was "subject to interpretation," but if you didn't interpret it the professors way, he'd fail you.

Discrete, well, fuck proofs.

>> No.9238392

99% Advanced Quantum Mechanics
68% Second year maths

>> No.9238397

UK btw

>> No.9238429

100% in Intro to Computer Programming
45% in Critical Writing (the professor was a biased asshole)

I also got 95% in Linear Algebra

>> No.9238454

98.5% computational statics and dynamics
53% fluid dynamics and hydraulics,

For some reason I thought that because I aces thermodynamics and SOME concepts carry over I wouldn't have to study as hard for fluids, I thought wrong

>> No.9238602

nigger how could you fail fp2 that badly

>> No.9238788

best 100%
worst curved, 15% or so (was a B)
worst non-curved, 65%. was trying to study without being on adderall.

>> No.9238925

Got a 100% on a general bio exam. But, that was intro shit so it's not really a source of pride.

Highest upper-division was on Organic Chemistry 2 final, 99%

Lowest has been a 70% on a physics 2 exam. I spent too much time prepping for Biochemistry, underestimating how much studying I needed elsewhere. I was completely blank on two problems. Felt awful.

>> No.9238933

Wow that remarking bullshit sounds fucking awful.

The worst thing like that I've experienced was a theory exam for a lab class. I gave a textbook answer and they marked me wrong, and then refused to regrade because I "wrote it in pencil and it could have been altered".

It actually dropped me down to A-.

>> No.9238977

There is so much autism in this post. I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.9239143

100 / 0
How anyone doesnt have this confuses me, youre bound to ace something at least once and then you auto 0 something you dont show up for which is bound to happen at some point as well

>> No.9239218

0% and 94%

>> No.9239234

100% on a final in fundamentals of computer engineering. The hardest problem was to write an algorithm to perform some operation using the hardware scheme they gave us. The point average for the problem was 2/20 but the rest was easy so people still passed.
43% on a final in fundamentals of electrical engineering but I redid the test next term and did better. It's the hardest class in the first year and I underestimated the time I needed to prepare.

>> No.9239241

>(what a cunt)

Spoken like a true Aussie

>> No.9239245
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highest 97/100
lowest 75/100
but i'm a bong and the highest classification is 70

>> No.9239706

Yes an actual zero

>> No.9239718

Best i got was 100% in a piss easy exam on bayesian theorem. After that it was 88% in population genetics

>> No.9239722

I got a 98 on a Cell Bio exam. That was pretty neat I guess. Class average was like a 70 IIRC.
Calc I exam, 19%. Embarrassing, but I was pretty fucked up. Found out my girlfriend of a year was cheating on me the night before. Drank a lot because she was my first everything. Took it still inebriated. Failed the class, retook it and got a B, so that made me feel pretty good.

>> No.9239823

I've had a few perfect scores on midterms, doubtful that I ever aced a final (we never got our final marks separated out so I'm not really sure though).

Worst was a 39% on a final. Prof went on holidays right after and didn't show me my exam when I asked. Convinced the faculty to let me retake the exam (40% is the cut off but my average up to that was high 80s so I was very confused how I failed so hard).

Took the retest and got a 90 with very little in the way of studying. I still believe the cunt of a calculus professor marked my paper wrong or got my name wrong or something. Luckily she's dead now. Literally fell off a cliff (different holiday, wasn't me).

>> No.9239835

why were you even taking further if highest was 90

>> No.9240228

What anime is that from? Google inage search keeps pulling up writing systems as Did you mean....

>> No.9240285
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100% on an elementary number theory exam. I've gotten many A's, but that sticks out in particular, and is turning out to be one of my favorite subjects

Fucking 45% on a god damned differential equations test. I was super sick only and got like 3-4 hours of sleep,and my best friend died in a car crash that term, so I wans't studying much. Did fine on the final though: ~89%.

>> No.9240290

Actually, I got a 118% on a curved electromagnetism exam, but that class was full of refugees and I prefer math to physics, so I stand by my original answer.

>> No.9240329

flashcards budday

>> No.9240333

10 out of 10 (in my country we grade that way)
a weird professor let us do extra work etc so max grade was 12/10, ended up with 11.8 kek

>> No.9240840


>> No.9240910

It's designed not to happen. If there is a student that gets 100% the boards get suspicious.

>> No.9240915

110. Was in a Computer Engineering class I had to take

62, for a Calc III exam. I felt like a goddamn retard but the class average as below a 50 so I felt a little better.

>> No.9241005
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100% In a physics class
47% In a EE class

I've felt like brainlet ever since

>> No.9241337

First year in uni,so I can only talk about my entrance exams.My best grade was on my chemistry exam,which was around 85-95%(I can't say for sure).I answered 45/50 questions and solved the problems.I lost a few points,because I made some weird mistakes plus I included very weird catalysts in some reactions(writing a wrong catalyst or not including one is worse than writing a wrong product for some reason).My worst grade was on my Biology exam and it was around 70%-75% percent.

>> No.9241341

got a U on one of my A-levels lmao.
Got 7 out of 43 marks on a chemistry paper.
Also, 100% in a statistics assessment.

>> No.9241349

> math
> needed a calculator

are you in fucking algebra 2? lmfao

>> No.9241489

>get 100% in written tests
>toned down to 85% or less cause I'm an autist who can't speak for shit in oral test
story of my uni life

>> No.9241506

20% on Pchem I. Class average was like 10%.

Turned out the guy had used the wrong numbers on the exam he gave to us as opposed to what was on the answer sheet he made by hand.

The doofus didn't realize his mistake until half way into the semester when everyone kept complaining why we were getting such poor grades.

>> No.9241523

>be me
>in math 55
>no extra credit
>get only 100%

>> No.9241650

>brags about intro to programming grade
>fails math
Why are you even in cs ?

>> No.9241656

>not using Taylor sums for everything in a 1hour exam
what a peasant

>> No.9241663

worst was 52% on first o-chem I exam

best 100% one matlab exam

>> No.9241668
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>wizard detected

>> No.9242051

highest was 120/100 on some random exam, lowest was a 0 sophomore yeaar algebra 2 lol

>> No.9242057

105 is the best exam grade I ever got (material science).
102 was my previous (chemistry 1).

My worst was 57 (dynamics). Just to put it in perspective, the highest test grade was a 71, so I actually ended up with a 86, but without a curve, 57 was the worst grade I ever got.

>> No.9242086

what went wrong?

>> No.9242102
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100% on a Psych 100 exam I studied all of like 1-2 hours. Course was easy as fuck but I was averaging like 75-85% in all the previous exams so I have no idea how I manged to get a perfect on the last one.

23% on a Calc exam I didn't study for recently.

>> No.9242108

The glasses are a nice touch, shill

>> No.9242591

>algebra 2
>needing calculators
Our algebra 2 is about rings, isn't yours?

>> No.9242600

A - F

In high school I got every grade from A to F in the same semester. Funny thing is I'm not the typical STEMlord, I was just a rebel without a clue.

>> No.9242857

Worst is probably a 3.3 (with 1.0 being the best and 4.0 the worst passing grade) in Quantum Mechanics. I really enjoyed the course but there was one Problem in the exam I just failed miserably. However, my peers performed bad swell so I was at least above the median...

>> No.9242864

i have gotten 100% before, my worst was a 1.5% i had on "marketting" back in higschool worst of my life

>> No.9242879

Best: 107% on a comp sci test that had extra credit.

Worst: I got like a 61% in precalculus in highschool

>> No.9244212

104% in calculus 1

58% in orgo 2, i dropped the course shortly after

>> No.9244256

Best: analysis 3rd semester, both written and oral exams were perfect.
Worst: integral equations, something around C, I was overconfident, because I I thought it's just a generalization of linear algebra to functional spaces and did not prepare at all.

>> No.9244267
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AP Calculus BC test. When the calculator portion came around I realized that ours were supposed to be able to evaluate integrals. Mine was just a crappy desk calculator like pic related.
As you would probably expect, I ended up using Simpson's rule to calculate the integrals.
Ended up scoring a 5, you should have seen the looks on those brainlets' faces when they were all pulling out their TI-84s and I just whipped out some piece of crap like this.

>> No.9244565
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90+% on test is the highest, but I haven't gotten one this year because I'm a lazy pile of fucking dog shit. Thankfully the score I got for my first exam wasn't so shit I was fucked, but was bad enough to motivate me by means of fear.

Said lowest score was a 50% in calc, like I said it's awful.

>> No.9245021

Elementary number theory is somewhat of a misnomer

>> No.9245064

Got 9.5 on inmunology and 9.4 on bioinformatics also got 9.4 on carcinogenesis c:

Top grades I got on my masters (I mean I was the best in class)

>> No.9245361

Best I ever got in high school was an A* in biology (90%+ for non-Britbongs), but in university my best grade was 95% in a piss-easy first year maths test.
My worst was a 45% in inorganic chemistry, but considering I hadn't slept for twenty-four hours before the exam and I knew shit all about coordination chemistry I was lucky to pass.