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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9229068 No.9229068 [Reply] [Original]

What sperglord people have you had to work with /sci/?
How did you deal with them?
Are you a massive spergy?

I've got to work with my course' uber autismo for 12 weeks and it's getting difficult to do anything
>3rd Year Physics
>My allocated project partner is the odd Asian guy who keeps asking a mix of dumb and genius questions in lectures
>When saying hello he does a Vulcan salute
>Self taught some niche languages like Bavarian, Aragonese, Klingon and so on
>Responds to quick texts like its a formal email
>When he doesn't understand a question he'll sit in silence staring at you until you say something else
>When asked for more details about something you just talked about, he'll often just repeat whatever he just said word for word
>Early warning when he's about to talk because every sentence is preceded with some quiet 'nya' sounds
>Talks at the same loud volume regardless of where he is or what's going on around him

>> No.9229077
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>quiet aspergic manlet skinny guy who always looks pissed off and never speaks.

always sat near the door when he was in class

>> No.9229089

>every sentence is preceded with some quiet 'nya' sounds

I'm nowhere near this autistic, but I fail to be likeable in nearly all my social interactions despite understanding others emotions really well.

>> No.9229091
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Forgot pic

>> No.9229103

Maybe I am but normies are different breed.

>> No.9229108

>complaining about an autistic physics partner
>on /sci/

You are retarded. Odds are that guy browses this board like crazy and you just let him know how you feel about him. Expect to get poisoned kek.

>> No.9229111

why you gotta make me feel bad

>> No.9229113

He once referred to some close friends of his, which then turned out to be chatbots on the internet, which he then didn't want me to bring on screen since the computer room we were in was for physics students only and the chatbots weren't students.
I highly doubt he could handle all the communication going on in this board, regardless of its quality

>> No.9229118


>self taught in many meme languages
>can't handle /sci/

>> No.9229124
File: 476 KB, 850x997, felix argyle 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like a cool guy, pls handle with care and don't bully him.

>> No.9229162

I try, the effects our having a conversations with him isn't that either one of us walks away feeling offended or embarrassed, just it's as if the conversation didn't do anything

>> No.9229173

Isn't that true for most conversations people have though?

>> No.9229204

>tfw you refer to strangers on 4chan as 'my friends' when talking to normies

>> No.9229309
File: 1.80 MB, 500x476, nyesss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means that conversation with the guy is so unproductive it fails to even be useful towards their bonding. Most conversation with normal people is pretty useless, but in the end you get to learn something about someone and get to walk away thinking more about that convo. I don't think conversation with someone socially awkward would yield the same results.

>> No.9229321

Felix thread btw

>> No.9229934

I do the same, but purely because strangers on 4chan have always been more helpful and empathetic than any normie ever has been
odd that one, considering I look like a stereotypical normie jock

>> No.9230131
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Fire Science classes are another place to find a lot of spergs.

>> No.9230514

It's because I consider you my friend bb :^)

>> No.9231247
File: 99 KB, 1296x797, primes are like weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaving class
>Guy asks me if I'm an EE
>Seems normal at first
>Very rapidly goes into /x/ level insanity
>Starts asking about mind control using radio
>Goes on about Tesla having wireless power that was supressed
>Goes on for an hour
>Roy Batty stare, never blinks
>Somehow escape

>> No.9231380
File: 123 KB, 942x943, 1496991803349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you do use 4chan! Why did you lie?

>> No.9231392

Because your autism speaks too much.

>> No.9231458
File: 323 KB, 466x575, cmon son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bad idea:
Telling people you use 4chan
>Even worse idea:
Telling spedlicants from /x/ that you use 4chan

>> No.9231474

I'm not really that focused on other people. Women tend to bother me at work.