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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9221993 No.9221993 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't use meth- on a daily basis
Druglets leave, this is a stimulant board

>> No.9222017

being a stimulant addict doesn't make you erdös you brainlet

>> No.9222077

>Paul Erdős
>He himself doubted the existence of God, whom he called the "Supreme Fascist" (SF).[24][25] He accused SF of hiding his socks and Hungarian passports, and of keeping the most elegant mathematical proofs to Himself. When he saw a particularly beautiful mathematical proof he would exclaim, "This one's from The Book!" This later inspired a book titled Proofs from the Book.


Lmao, sounds like a swell guy.

>> No.9222982
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>throws up a random wikipedia paragraph completely out of context to make Erdos sound like a paranoid schizo who lives in fear and hatred of a higher being
>haha what a brainlet
Instead of reading articles out of context, watch a documentary on the life of Erdos. He was definitely eccentric and what skeptical of the existence of a god throughout his life. However, terminology like "SF" when referring to a hypothetical god was a joke he shared with colleagues and friends, not something he held a serious, unironic belief in. Here's an hour or so documentary which explains his life and his personality in further detail: https://youtu.be/nCQwh9fsU7I

Sorry if I sound a little assblasted when I wrote this, just seemed like you accidentally read yourself into a false impression of who was, in reality, a great man.

>> No.9223238

>attempting to justify your addiction at all
why do brainlets attempt this?

>> No.9223331

>needing stims to focus
>not smoking weed to unlock your creativity while maintaining laser focus due to strong willpower

Stimfags are true brainlets.

>> No.9223344

>Needing a substance to focus

I'm going to share my short little story.

When I was a kid I was interested in absolutely everything but I would start many things and never finish them. Like, making 10 characters in a video game and quitting before ever getting them halfway to max level.

Everything changed when I learned guitar. I can now focus endlessly, and see through any task to the end. I highly recommend everyone to learn a musical instrument, it's really good for you. I've been playing for about 8 years now and still play every day.

>> No.9223443

would love to use some stims, but sadly i have no idea how to get my hands on shit like adderall. Stuck using caffeine pills and energy drinks.

>> No.9223458

I told my doctor I have a hard time staying awake during the day and he prescribed me 5mg. Not much, but it's better than nothing.

I'll probably ask for a dosage increase soon, what's the best dosage to get for Adderall before the side effects become not worth it?

>> No.9223473

burp morty morty you gotta do drugs burp xddd


>> No.9223729
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>just seemed like you accidentally read yourself into a false impression of who was, in reality, a great man.

I didn't.

Despite only quoting that particular paragraph I did in fact read the majority of the Wikipedia page and watch a few minutes of some YouTube video. With even a basic grasp of the English language anyone should easily be able to understand that he was more than "a brainlet".

I posted that particular paragraph (along with my own personal comment) because I found it amusing and thought its comedic value would resonate well with the 4chan audience. Not because it directly communicated my opinion of him.

I may be a retarded brainlet, but I'm not quite as retarded as you seem to think I am.

>> No.9223740

Go to bed.

>> No.9223755

Nothing better than snorting up some meth and then proceeding to fap and play video games for the next 10 hours. You're missing out if you're not at the very least using it every now and then recreationally.

>> No.9223775

>not using PHENOTYPE tier dissociatives to escape the soul crushing reality of being an academic/wage slave

>> No.9223780

>not heroin

>> No.9223796
File: 19 KB, 1024x578, Androcur-50-mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't nuke his sex drive to concentrate on science better

>> No.9225038

>Being dumb enough to use meth instead of armodafinil

Meth is garbage, prove me wrong.

>> No.9225047




Geniuses mess with their minds with psychs and dissos so enter new realms of consciousness kept away from brainlets like you.

Ketamine + lsd + edibles all day long

>> No.9225054

I'd say 15-20mg.

>> No.9225055

I take Adderall but not on a daily basis. I love getting high off of it so I tend to only take it a couple times a week at high doses, then recover for a few days. It's probably not what Paul Erdos did, but so far it has helped with independent studying.

>> No.9225193

I switched from Ritalin to dexamphetamine and it had almost no effect, I didnt see what all the hype was about

>> No.9225218

Depends on how much you like to get doped up. I could take 60mg and the side effects would be worth it to me because it makes me feel so damn good. Most people say this >>9225054 though.