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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9221787 No.9221787 [Reply] [Original]

I was reading through a neurology magazine and there was an article talking about how it turns out that being overweight or obese is terrible for brainhealth and significantly increases risks of neurodegenerative disease.

I had also previously read that excess bodyfat affects your hormones a lot and is very bad. Does this then mean that we should get more healthy bodies to optimize our brains function???

Is there a single reason for me to be overweight? So far it seems like no benefits. Should I lose weight so I can become smarter?

>> No.9221803


>> No.9221824


>> No.9221828

yes, a healthy body is a prerequisite for a healthy mind. being physically fit definitely helps with exhausting mental activities, like math or playing chess, that require prolonged periods of intense concentration.

just try to cut out any foods with added-sugar (including soda, fruit juice and shit like that) and you'll already have a much healthier diet.
also work out, do cardio, whatever. just stay fit


>> No.9221829
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point me to a fat fields medalist

>> No.9221848

Richard Stallman

>> No.9221851


>you actually made me check if stallman had a fields medal


>> No.9221874

Yeah man.

What is the fat % at which you start seeing dangerous health risks? I broke my knee this summer and can tell I've gained weight from being on crutches.

I think I'm about 16-17% now.

>> No.9221885

Anything over 10-12% apparently. But there's no real data on something that specific.

>> No.9221890

Just get your poop transplant

>> No.9221903

Fuck man I need to protect my brain gains. I am no /fit/ guy but I know how to measure my BMI. At what range at my healthy in terms of brain power? Is there any data on that?

>> No.9221913

>Is there a single reason for me to be overweight?
Come on, man...

>> No.9221920

That's just alt-right propaganda. Read up on the HAES movement. Healthy at any size!

>> No.9221954

Uh what's wrong with sugar?

>> No.9222119

Not that guy, but AFAIK, insulin spikes and changes in the microbiome

>> No.9222165

Exercise has all sorts of ancillary benefits in addition to just losing fat. Some of the clearest and most satisfied your brain chemistry will let you feel happens after a good run or lifting heavy. Not to mention that it gives you some solitary time to think and reflect on things in your life.

>> No.9222173


Anon, why don't you give me the doi, PMID or wathever and let us check the article?

It seems more intelligent than just complaining.

>> No.9222392

Jesus christ. Kurzgesagt makes a video on it and now everyone has to say microbiome this, microbiome that. Before that video no one mentioned it at all. I hope their next video is on the benefits of killing yourself so all the sheep do it.