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9218232 No.9218232 [Reply] [Original]

Do irrational numbers disprove the computer simulation hypothesis?

Is it just beyond our mind to comprehend infinite memory?

>> No.9218248

No you fucking retard. Study harder in your middle school algebra class.

>> No.9218251

In Tolkien's books, there are dragons. Does this mean that dragons exist in our world?

In some math books, there are irrational numbers. Does this mean that irrational numbers exist in our world?

Both are abstract, made-up bullshit.

>> No.9218260

i mean pi definitely exists, the name is man made but the value is there. If the universe was coded are u saying we wouldn't need to store pi's value?

>> No.9218266

>Do irrational numbers disprove the computer simulation hypothesis?

>Is it just beyond our mind to comprehend infinite memory?

>> No.9218267

No, because Q is countable.

>> No.9218269

What if it was calculated and stored as it was needed?

>> No.9218273

Not OP but i can tell you are having trouble comprehending this non-brainlet-friendly subject matter, allow me to help. It doesnt matter whether irrational numbers are made up or not. Pi doesnt end. OP is asking whether or not it’s possible to simulate a number that doesn’t end with anything other than infinite memory/processing power. In a universe with a finite number of resources it seems only logical that it wouldnt be possible to calculate an infinite number of digits.

My answer to your question is this. If the universe is a simulation, the computer running said simulation doesnt need to calculate infinite decimals of pi. It only needs to calculate a number of digits long enough to convince us that it doesnt end so we give up looking for the end. The people running the ancestor simulation only need to compute the same number of digits that we do. The rest of the digits are never “rendered” until someone decides to find the nth digit of pi.

>> No.9218276

can you explain how it doesn't please?
then we are back at square one storing an infinity long piece of data

>> No.9218283

ah i see, so in theory it could actually end but realisticly we will never know if its truly infinite. Thats an interesting way to look at it thanks

>> No.9218286

Except pi doesn't exist. There is no such thing as a perfect circle.

>> No.9218298

Wait not Q. Irrationals are countable too.

>tfw you work with transcendental number so long you forget there's a different between the rationals and irrationals

>> No.9218300
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You wouldn't need all of pi at the same time. Only certain digits. Store enough digits for everyday purposes (trillions? about a few terabytes worth) and calculate extras only when they are needed.

>> No.9218320

What about points 1 plank length different from the one next to them so it forms a perfect circle

>> No.9218323

For which calculation exactly is a billion digit approximation not good enough?

>> No.9218343

Agreed. Isn't it only like 30-40 digits required to calculate the circumference of the known universe to within a proton or some such ridiculous shit?

>> No.9218377

God damn it scimon who let you out of your cage? At least you seem less manic and insane than previous times they let you out of the mental hospital. They got you on some good drugs now?

>> No.9218384
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>> No.9218385

You do realize that irrational numbers can be represented by a computer right? Not with IEEE 754 floating point numbers, but for example with an expression tree.

>> No.9218449

>can you explain how it doesn't please?
I don't see any way how it does; I don't think there is much more to explain than that. Unless you explain why you think it DOES, in which case I can explain opinions on that.

>> No.9218565
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>he presented with a grandiose sense of his own importance
>referred to himself as a genius
>complained that uni didn't provide the needs of a genius

>> No.9218622
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Just because it's possible to endlessly perform an operation doesn't mean that this operation has to be endlessly performed in order to exist.
Would you say the fact you can repeatedly add 1 to a number endlessly is evidence a world with a concept of addition isn't simulated?
Pi works in a similar way. You can repeatedly perform an operation endlessly that more closely approximates the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter e.g. pic related. Just because there isn't a limitation on how many times you can perform an operation doesn't mean it's necessary to have performed that operation an infinite number of times in order for it to exist as a concept in an artificial world.

>> No.9218658

Finally. Now I don't have to mess around with Fibonacci coordinates anymore.
[eqn][0+4; 1 + n^2, 2n;0][/eqn]

>> No.9218670

I know, right? I wish continued fraction approaches were taught in school.

>> No.9218689
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>irrational numbers are abstract

>> No.9218776

Oh my god its even better than i could have hoped. You really are batshit insane. That’s hilarious. Your roommate is probably crazy too.

>> No.9218809

Is this a Jojo reference?

>> No.9218837


>> No.9218935 [DELETED] 
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This is the shadowmasters Simon. You need to steal the hope diamond if you value your life. You have 3 weeks. DO NOT TEST US.

>> No.9218943 [DELETED] 

*shrug* The rules of at least n game will be revealed to me in time. Politely? Polite-lier. Hm, haven-hyphen.

WarHammer Space Marines, Imperial God Emperor of humanity!

That's a little sexier I guess. Bleh.

>> No.9219105


>> No.9219108
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>> No.9219110
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>> No.9219145
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Interesting stuff. Fuck universities.

Hey what is your opinion on these facts that apply to all human beings:

*Your entire life up until now is just a memory and nothing more.

*All the knowledge you have gained in the past and will gain in the future has come through the mind.

*All the knowledge you have is not independent of your own mind.

*Everything and all knowledge that is not independent of your own mind, you don't know.

*The entire past is a memory and thus entirely mental.

*The entire future is imagination and thus entirely mental.

*The moment you process the sense data and experience the present is a tiny amount of time later than the moment when a sense organ receives info; thus the present moment is entirely mental.

*Since the present past, present, and future are entirely mental and since all knowledge you gained, have, and will have only come from past, present, and future. Everyone constantly lives inside their own imagination.

>> No.9219153

Hello friend. My name is Simon Troy Cosgrove.

May I know what yours is? Since you've drunk from my fresh pool of water that has never known to remember a ripple in infinity. It is fresh. Fresh. F.

>> No.9219160

If you feel a little lost I've always enjoyed c4 (middle c)

>> No.9219171
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My name Michael Roeleveld. Nice to meet you.

What you think of the following?

1*9 = 9 9+0 = 9
2*9 = 18 1+8 = 9
3*9 = 27 2+7 = 9
4*9 = 36 3+6 = 9
5*9 = 45 4+5 = 9
6*9 = 54 5+4 = 9
7*9 = 63 6+3 = 9
8*9 = 72 7+2 = 9
9*9 = 81 8+1 = 9
10*9 = 90 9+0 = 9
11*9 = 99 9+9 = 18 1+8 = 9
12*9 = 108 1+0+8 = 9

Earth has 1 cycle in 24 hours, divided by and night

6 senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, counsciousness.
3 types of feelings: pleasent, neutral, unpleasent.
2 places where feelings occur: internally and externally.
3 times where feelings occur: past, present, future.

6*3*2*3 = 108

For man 9 holes in the human body

2 eyes
2 ears
2 nostrils
1 mouth
1 asshole
1 peehole

2+2+2+1+1+1 = 9

For women the womb is the 10th hole of the body. After the number 9 the cycle of 0 to 9 repeats from 10 to 19.
Inside the womb is where the cycle of life and death starts again.

>> No.9219174

That orgy invitation is way too complicated for all of our friends, but I grok.

But yes, welcome to 'duality'. The 'turn left' vs 'go right'.

I am me, you are you.

Michael Roeleveld.

Can I please stop suffering now? Seriously, cash should be easy/simple. I just need some 'time off'.

>> No.9219194

Why are you so hostile to such a simple question?

No rational adult gets this triggered by someone looking to learn.

>> No.9219198
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there is no duality
there is no difference between dreams and daytime,
there is no difference between mind and space,
there is no difference between happiness and suffering,
there is no difference between ignorance and knowledge.

As for negative thoughts, you couldn't stop them if you tried, because they are just self-manifesting mental experiences.
For exactly the same reason, it is not even necessary to stop negative thought Nor is it necessary to try to get positive thoughts going. Since the thought of wishing to get positive thoughts going or to stop negative ones is itself a mental experience.

The very activity of trying to stop a thought is mental activity [which is what a thought is. Since the activity of trying to stop a thought is itself conceptual in character, such activity results in thought, which is what it was trying to stop. For this reason] it is not possible to stop thoughts through trying to stop them.
[The emphasis here is on thought not on negative. Obviously the claim here is not that it is impossible to replace a negative thought with a positive, but that it is impossible to stop conceptual activity by applying conceptual activity to it.]

From the point of view of the non dual nature, the essence of positive and negative thoughts is identical.
Because of that, negative thoughts do not need to be stopped; positive ones do not need to be started.

In a dream, the idea of putting a stop to something negative and promoting something positive occurs. Why?
It is with reference to negative appearances that the idea of "bringing to an end" comes up. And it is with reference to positive appearances that the idea of affirming and promoting comes up.
As long as one does not recognize that it is a dream, the idea of negating the one and affirming the other predominates and is also needed.

>> No.9219205

Religion of Integra

>> No.9219208

what's "Integra"?

When you see that the whole thing is a dream experience, there is nothing to negate and nothing to affirm, because the appearances, negative as well as positive, have no substantial content. So there is nothing for the idea of negating or affirming to relate to.

When is there any stopping of negative thoughts and promoting of positive?

As long as one has not seen that one is dreaming. The negation and affirmation that takes place then derives from concepts, specifically from the concept that assumes objective existence [for those very appearances].

(Remeber: Earlier was already established the past, present, and future are entirely mental experiences, and mental experiences have no objective existence)

As soon as you know it's a dream, this kind of negation and affirmation are not relevant. Why not?

Because one has recognized that it is a dream. Such recognition corresponds to getting a glimpse of the fundamental nature of mind. When recognition is absent, negation and affirmation are present. When recognition is present, there is nothing to negate or affirm.

There is no need to be attached to the positive, have aversion toward the negative, nor be indifferent towards those in between.
The reason is that all of these experiences whether positive, negative, or in between are all the display of the mental processi. This is what one has to be aware of.
When you know that all of these events, no matter what their quality, are the inventiveness of the imagination, you will not be compelled to dislike the negative ones, cling to the positive, or be bored with those in between.

When you know that, all experiences - positive, negative, and neutral - are the expression of your own imagination; they do not need to constitute a threat or obstacle. If one develops clinging to good experiences and dislike of bad, the whole thing becomes an ordeal.

>> No.9219209

[math]e^{\pi i k}=(-1)^k\text{/;}k\in \mathbb{Z}[/math]

Then why am I imagining 'you'? I placed my order a while ago and the kitchen is taking too long and now I am demanding to see the waiter.

>> No.9219221
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But the problematic character of the experience is created by one's own way of thinking. The experience itself does not create any problem. Where does the problem come from? Your own conceptual bias. If you cling to the good and dislike the bad experiences, these are your own conceptual doing and will cause trouble. This is what has to be understood.

"Obstacles" refers back to those that come from indulging oneself with good experiences and traumatizing oneself over bad ones. In either case it's a question of being duped by one's own thinking. If you want to get over the obstacles and hindrances that crop up as a result, rest in non dual nature, where one neither identifies with good experiences nor rejects bad ones.

All of phenomenal existence, suffering and pleasure, has a single ground (one identical fundamental nature), yet two paths and two fruits,
The original ground of everything is uncompounded. It is the self-originating infinite expanse, beyond expression where even the concepts of pain and pleasure; existence and non-existence do not exist, neither solid-form.
Free from cause and condition, the original ground is itself self-originating mental processes and experiences.

>Then why am I imagining 'you'?
I dont know. Only you know. Find out for yourself. Its your dream after all.
Maybe there is no reason at all. Maybe it is just random. In any case I hope you will find what you are searching for in life and will achieve what you wish.

What is that equation called and what it means? or what it does?

>> No.9219222

It resolves suffering.

>> No.9219239
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Euler–Riemann zeta function ?
You think the Riemann hypothesis will ever be solved?
Will you solve it?
What do you think are the significance and meaning of prime number in relation to the human phenomenal experience?

Also why do you think the same geometrical structures show up in people who use certain medicinal tools like ayahuasca and peyote? (I refuse to call them drugs) and yogi's who spend long periods (over 40 days to 6 years) in complete darkness. Especially with the blending of visual and auditory perception.

>> No.9219242

Bit of a cunt this one

>> No.9219247

Oh wow that almost didn't sound retarded

>> No.9219250

yes and no. Irrational numbers mean these conclusions must be true:

Base reality is the only place irrational numbers can physically exist, except how would that work? Well, they're infinitely precise, so they can't really just exist. What emerges is the existence of time, as that infnity is explored, that is time elapsing. So beyond that, It may be possible to simulate a universe which appears to have irrational numbers in it (i.e. when you zoom in, things will be computed more, you'll stress the simulation by exhausting more of its memory, but it'll serve up smaller and smaller precision)(perhaps as we've made tools to view and analyze smaller things, this has become more difficult for the 'gods' who run this place) Most likely many simulated universes are finite, but really really big.

they exist in invisible relationships. You can't touch pie, but it will emerge with anything circular, its all relative. The theory of relativity expands beyond the parts specific to our physics. Real Bits of information, Real Information, can not exist without interacting with other information. That is what confirms that things exist, they interact, which establishes history and time steps, allowing for existence.

>> No.9219251

entirely appropriate and rational response tbqh

>> No.9219254

>when you zoom in, things will be computed more, you'll stress the simulation by exhausting more of its memory, but it'll serve up smaller and smaller precision

So quantum mechanics are a thing because humankind zoomed too much?

>> No.9219256

[math]\zeta(\rho_n) = 1/2 \implies \forall _{n,n\in \mathbb{Z}\land n\neq 0}\Re\left(\rho _n\right)=\frac{1}{2}[/math]


>> No.9219265

but we can go past that

>> No.9219266
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>> No.9219276

2b != 2b = ?

A < 2b = 0
A < BB = 0
A < bb = 0
A < BB = 0

>> No.9219289
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>This has become more difficult for the 'gods' who run this place
There are no gods. The 'simulation' is run by your own mind and there is nobody behind that. There is no 'memory' like in a computer, because the simulation is infinite in potential and there are no limits.

>Real Bits of information, Real Information, can not exist without interacting with other information. That is what confirms that things exist, they interact, which establishes history and time steps, allowing for existence.

Yes, but then where did the original interaction come from? You need some original interaction to set all other interactions in motions.
If things only exist from interaction then you can not have existence because the original interaction had to be set off by some previous interaction.
Thus there is no real existence. Everything is kind a like a hologram.

For example consider a box with some volume. The volume is only defined because the box has a north, south, west, east, up, and down side to define the limits of the box.
But what is the definition of 'north'? The definition of north can only come if you have a definition of 'south'.
But what is the definition of 'south'? The definition of south can only come if you have a definition of 'north'.
You see the effect here? They are self-interacting. As you said all that exists comes from interaction. and the universe as a whole is self-interacting, self-manifesting, self-arising.
Thats why time stretches to infinity in the past and the future. There is no origin of time and there is no origin of the universe, because everything is an unreal hologram. Just your self-manifesting imagination.

>> No.9219303
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Consider an infinitely expanded net. On each vertex of the net is a perfect sphere.
The surface of each sphere is a mirror that reflects all the other infinite spheres in the net. And all those reflections of those spheres reflect an infinite spheres and all those infinite spheres again reflect all those spheres... and so on until infinity

Now consider a ripple happening in this net, causing the net to vibrate and shake. The ripple will move over the entire infinity of the net instantly, because everything is a reflection of itself.

Another example would be the body of Vajrasattva. (The Indestructible Being) is defined as a body the shape of a human. that expands into infinity
This body has an infinite pores on its infinitely large skin. In each pore of the skin is a universe.
In each of those universes is another entire body of Vajrasattva. and each of all those infinite Vajrasattva bodies have infinite pores with infinite universes in them. and each of those infinite universes have another infinite Vajrasattva bodies. This also repeats to infinity.

Here is more detailed explained about what I am talking about

Read Nagarjuna's analysis on the fundamental nature of all phenomena to get into the nitty gritty (from ~100 C.E)

Yes. There is an infinite zoom. Like a fractal. We can never 'go beyond' to see the actual 'final reality'; precisely because there is no 'final reality'.

Can you elaborate? I am very much interested, but by math is not as advanced as you.

>> No.9219306

Naa, pi is infinite. That was proven a long time ago cmon man...

>> No.9219308

[math]\iota = \frac{\epsilon}{\phi}[/math]

>> No.9219315
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>it was difficult to follow because it was difficult to follow

>> No.9219330
File: 70 KB, 800x600, ss2Graphwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be good at graph wars. I used to play it with friends back when I was still in college.



>> No.9219336

Saddle-shape needs a horse.

>> No.9219601

Simon quit talking to yourself. MR isnt fooling anyone.

>> No.9219605

Why would you assume, that the same laws of nature apply to the simulation and the reality in which that simulation is run?

>> No.9220060

Irrationals are not a countable set

>> No.9220064

Spotted the aspie

>> No.9220079

>My answer to your question is this. If the universe is a simulation, the computer running said simulation doesnt need to calculate infinite decimals of pi. It only needs to calculate a number of digits long enough to convince us that it doesnt end so we give up looking for the end. The people running the ancestor simulation only need to compute the same number of digits that we do. The rest of the digits are never “rendered” until someone decides to find the nth digit of pi.

A computer simulation wouldn't have to calculate any digits of any number. It doesn't provide pi anywhere, pi is calculated by simple rules which the simulation imposes on the universe. The whole thing would be just rules interacting with each other.

One of that interaction between pieces of logical consequences gives you the number pi, because if a circle is what we consider a circle and it has some diameter, then the circumference is going to be a multiple of pi. The simulation doesn't need to know what pi is, only where it comes from.

>> No.9220083

>attention-whoring retard is an autistic narcissist

Huh, figures.

>> No.9220388

>i mean pi definitely exists
Just as a concept, pi does not occur in the real world.

Math is a thought construct which models reality, mathematical concepts do not occur in reality.

>> No.9220407

No because they don't exist

>> No.9220438



>> No.9221652

If the outside is using a different base math, irrational numbers may not even exist to them. Maybe pi or e can be written as a fraction in their math.

>> No.9221657


I took a test just for you a while ago.


>> No.9221897

Citation needed