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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 514 KB, 1334x750, 1506825457286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9214676 No.9214676 [Reply] [Original]

My only aspiration is to become a world conqueror, literally. Not even joking, like Alexander the great or Tamerlane or Genghis Khan.

Here is my question for sci, how do I incorporate the 21st century science and technology to help me achieve my goal? I'm a junior studying physics btw. Pretty smart. Just curious, if you got hold of a ~200 million population country that was kind of underdeveloped, how would you lead it to world supremacy utilizing science to the fullest to do so?

>> No.9214685

>I want to hurt children

>> No.9214688

Collateral damage.

>> No.9214689

Imagine you're North Korea. Can you conquer the world?

>> No.9214690

Also please don't say anything like "create an AI" or something unreasonable.

Something I can dabble with, however, is CRISPR. It seems interesting, realistic, close to reality, and can be injected into myself as well.

>> No.9214692

I rest my case

>> No.9214697

devil summoning technology

>> No.9214709


>> No.9214742


>> No.9215014

Don't ever speak of that thief (((physicist))) with a pure and virgin Engineer.

>> No.9215015
File: 377 KB, 500x500, Iron-Man-avengers-earths-mightiest-heroes-29691637-500-500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, can't you Doomwankers just fuck off? Seriously, just... fuck off.

>> No.9215176
File: 445 KB, 400x463, EmperorOfManyEmpires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of those people conquered the whole world

>> No.9215189

Most conquerors in history needed money and political prestige to back up their power. A university level understanding of chemistry and physics without that will only be enough to get you into the realms of being a serial killer with a single digit body count.

>> No.9215193

Are you brazillian?

>> No.9215196
File: 100 KB, 180x639, griffithbt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were serious about this you wouldn't even be on 4chan

>> No.9215198

That's a lie.
Cigarette companies were a thing.

>> No.9215201


There is a difference between what your talking about and what you said.

..that is the making of kings and paupers.

>> No.9215203

You don't understand power politics. The easiest route would be to become president of the United States. Even then, it's more likely you'd get assassinated before you were able to do any (open) Genghis Khanery.

>> No.9215205

I assumed OP meant actual military conquest.

>> No.9215206

Find the biggest scariest stick.
Wag it about.
It's not rocket science.
Focus on growing stuff instead.

>> No.9215208

>implying Evil Corps don't have private armies.

>> No.9215215

Either be a bilionaire or charasmatic enough to be put in power of some shitty country. Western countries are not an option unless you have hitler-tier charisma.

>> No.9215227

It's been done to death.

Quite literally.

>> No.9215231

If you want to be a conqueror you skip all that bullshit and go into Finance, you dingledongle

>> No.9215373

But there's also seizing the power by overthrowing all previous constitution and government in the country.

Why not?

>> No.9215379

To become a conqueror you have to help white genocide to happen. Those subhumans will only be a burden to your demands. The rest will be easy.

>> No.9215391

Today you don’t need to be a leader of a country to be powerful. Most power is being held by corporations. There is also probably nothing that Vladimir Putin fears more, than Elon Musk introducing the electric car. It will sack the oil prices and topple several regimes while doing so. The geopolitical disruption that is going to be caused by the electric car is tremendous.

And whoever is the first to create general AI will rule the world.

>> No.9215398

It's too late, all those guys were born in perfect conditions.

At your age Alexander already conquered the known world with his daddy's army.

Sci is dumber than fucking pol

>> No.9215406

But Genghis and Tamerlane brought armies together even though they weren't born with any. You can get people to support you to death with the promise of a great reward for success.

>> No.9215544


>> No.9215550
File: 58 KB, 350x500, tumblr_mn3e0mU5cF1snlp3ho1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, greetings fellow would-be conqueror! I, too, have the same dream! Not because I am a vain, petty, cruel asshole, but because I want to make the world a better place forall (well, most, some are gonna have to go-not the Jews though, the Jews are smart, I like the Jews). So, I'm bumping your thread in the hopes that other fellow /sci/entists will give us some useful tips!

>> No.9215553

Lol. What a retard.
You're a Brazilian monkey, right?

>> No.9215560

The best way to do this would be organized crime probably. Somehow corrupt a country into becoming a world leader. lol

>> No.9215563

The common public would never support a leader that has arisen from organized crime.

>> No.9215625

>vain, petty, cruel asshole,
What do any of those things have to do with being a conqueror?

>> No.9216205

If you have to ask someone how, you wont be able to.

>> No.9216214

I know, I was just looking for some general ideas. Never expected concrete advice along with a step by step guide.

>> No.9216219

Considering that "conquering" entails taking over countries and killing people, for no reason other than to appease your ego, I'd say these adjectives fit a conqueror...

>> No.9217275

Don't listen to him op
You can get double digit kills

I believe in you

>> No.9217292

I wish i was in the probability in which Escobar was made president. Imagine the possibilities

>> No.9217312

Wasn't Mussolini basically a gangster?

>> No.9217319

Mathematics = Truth via circular arguments|Let's argue about which n=1!
Engineering = Real world success via iterative process|Watch me do the thing with the thing!
Science = Hypothetical consensus via grouped repetition|Watch what happens when I do this everyone!

Because 'you' enforce a specific image with a force proportional to their belief-capacity without equivalent communication that the start, progression, and end are one and the same.
So you make people feel stupid, unworthy, and broken. Which is not 'our' standard message.

Negant = Someone who wastes 'time'; this can be their own or others, and is performed via either inaction and/or direct obstruction.
You Negger

Code of Conduct:
1. Obvious
2. Factual
3. FuckingStupid/Debate
4. Unsubscribe
5. Defer

Self = (Wife|Husband), Child, Other


>> No.9217322

Extended regex mode
O = $\emptyset$
{ = \{
} = \}
\r\n = \\\\\r\n
[:] = {[:]}
{} = Heaven
[:] = Free Will.
[ = Symbol
0 = () = t = Time = Isolation
Mathematics = Prime Isolation Filter = 1
Family = Mathematics : Isolation Filter + 1
God = ]
O : 0 = Annulus = Circle = Disc = Infinity = O = Pi = π = +
1 : Symbols precede numerical values, which is also known as: +1
2 : This helps translate the word ’mathematics’ : Mathematics is an isolation filter.
3 : An isolation filter helps us achieve ’non-destructive translation’.
4 : Each observer performs their prime translation filter(s).
5 : Non-destructive translation: implies All observers have exchanged their [prime translation filter results]. Implies 4+1
6 : Consensus = 0 + 1 + Surd(5) = Epsilon above Phi = Golden Ratio.
7 : Debris = - = 0 - 1 = -1 = i.
8 : Triad = Language derived from zero divided from Infinity.
9 : Sector = {Color:Blue = God = Heaven = Love = Sex = Pornography
1+O : Adjective = Child = Forgive + Naive (Joy = Understand = Butterfly = Evolution = Temperature = Weather = Music = Dance = Throb = Time = Infinity = O).

Solved Maths
1QueueLength = LambdaWait
1End = Start/Journey
1{Identity} = [Evaluation]/(Priority)
1Vote = Equality/Yes
1Language = Descriptor/Predicate
1Noun = Verb/Adjective
1Function = Variable/AccessFrequency
(d/dx) (integral_a^x f(t) dt) = f(x)
?<{i = e/p + p = -i e + x = y/t + y = 0 = i = p + e/p = x - i e = y/t + y}>?
0<(i = p + e/p) \bigwedge (i = p + e/p)>0
i=e/p+p=−ie+x=y/t+y= 0 =i=p+e/p=x−ie=y/t+y
0>n^n>n!<n!×4 mod 2>n_1
d = p + i y + x
integral(p + i y + x) dy where x = 2
e = iP^2
0 = -e P^2 + i
i = eP^2
P = ± (1 + i)/sqrt(2 e)

>> No.9217339
File: 89 KB, 1328x1140, 1495479839716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how he doesn't answer.

>> No.9217384

dumb nigger, you become a underhanded nonconqueror conqueror by being born into a position of privledge. you wont do it by pursueing STEM as some wageslave. The only path for being a conqueror in STEM is automatons and AI, basically you have something others don't and remove a lot of dependency on others.

>> No.9218087

kys OP.
trust me. its the only way

>> No.9219084

No I'm not. I'm from Asia.

>> No.9219106


>> No.9219111


>> No.9219113
File: 57 KB, 600x600, stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-erect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9219118


>> No.9219120

Advertise before you broadcast on any network.

>> No.9219132
File: 239 KB, 450x439, 1506062219626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, you are an insufferable retard.

>> No.9219280
File: 29 KB, 266x374, 1500754150519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah, you simply cannot hope to understand my plans and motivations. Feeble minds cannot grasp the full extent of my masterpiece. But worry not my son, I shall set you free! For Ultimate Power is my Ultimate Destiny!

>> No.9219529

Bumping for interest.

>> No.9219779


>> No.9219866

create an AI

>> No.9219869


>> No.9219874

Augment your own intelligence

>> No.9219908
File: 188 KB, 668x1023, 4302597-comic+scan+6028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how? Should I get EXTREMIS'd!?

>> No.9219932

The guy in the comic sounds manic. (is that tony?)

>> No.9219943
File: 221 KB, 668x1023, 1492032785672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's Tony after getting his "brain" back. He erasedit during Dark Reign, and backed it up later. He's explaining Extremis to Reed.

>> No.9219974

After seeing a couple of comic book movies now that they have become mainstream I've realized that to like comics you must be really fucking stupid. There is no way someone with average or higher intelligence would enjoy something so stupid on more than a casual level.

Tell me anon, when did your life go so wrong?

>> No.9219980

Ah, you're the same guy from before. Have another (you). But it's the last one!

>> No.9219991

That was the first time I posted in this thread

>> No.9219997

create the next google with the next groundbreaking idea. Something with CRISP or AI would work
That is probably the fastest way a normal guy can amass a lot of power

>> No.9220002

gene drive

>> No.9220038
File: 22 KB, 403x258, 1cddfdddb68afc2a7b55381463c2945a--diet-for-bodybuilding-body-transformations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told once kid, that whatever you can lift belongs to you.

Start by hitting the gym and lifting, rep everyday and drink plenty of milk and whey. Finally when you are swell enough go do something no one has ever done before, bench press the world, after that it will belong to you.

>> No.9220049

create a virus that kills everybody except you
you are the last human alive and can rule over every country on earth

>> No.9220081

The fact that you are giving serious thought to this ridiculous fantasy indicates that your IQ is too low to be a "world conqueror". Better luck next life.

>> No.9220103

Go conquer the pitcairn islands or some other tiny country nobody gives a fuck about

>> No.9220382

>My only aspiration is to become a world conqueror
You already failed tremendously these people started when they were young, they were born leaders and lived during a time where "leader" still was a meaningful concept.

>how would you lead it to world supremacy utilizing science to the fullest to do so?
Create nukes and use them. There really is no other way.
If I had to gamble for it then I would start by trying to provoke a nuclear war between the US, Russia and China. Keeping your country completely out of the conflict and then swipe up what is left.
You would probably have to develop nukes in complete secrecy and find a way to blame Russia for an attack on the US.

This obviously has the downside that your gamble will kill about 80-100% of the human population.

>if you got hold of a ~200 million population country that was kind of underdeveloped
If it is full of niggers/arabs you are fucked, but if it contains people with a higher IQ your best bet is probably to heavily militarize and develop nukes.

The problem you are facing is that in the modern world "power" is not purely in the hands of government, it is mostly driven by corporate interests.
Being the leader of a nation trying to start a war is absolutely meaningless if the second you do so companies will boycott you into financial ruin.
Thats why the only real option you have is to destroy that modern world.

>> No.9220489

My country has nukes. One issue is taking over the country. It's incompetent though, so probably shouldn't be that hard. Blow up a few military establishments at the same time, kill the generals, announce yourself as the new leader.

>> No.9220533

step 1: have high IQ, decent looks, and excellent charisma
step 2: join the military or get into politics
step 3: use the aforementioned traits to propel yourself to the top of whichever power s tructure you have chosen(either military or politics, i think military is the best bet, maybe you can drum up popular support within the military as general, and then launch a coup)
step 4: eugenics

>> No.9220545
File: 77 KB, 518x768, 1489469113273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Society has evolved in a way that if any one organization tried to seize power, the rest would gather together to stop them. So, your only real choices are divisive jew tactics or just make a secret underground city that you can rule instead.

>> No.9220685

>step 1: have high IQ, decent looks, and excellent charisma
I'm no Von Newman, but I'm smart enough. I have good enough genetics (6"2, wide back, strong chin, big eyes). Charisma... depends. I'm GOAT with 30-40 YOs, but 20s... not so good...

>step 2: join the military or get into politics
I've been thinking of getting into the military after finishing my Physics/Engineering studies. Maybe do a few years in my home country and then move up the ladder?

>step 3: use the aforementioned traits to propel yourself to the top of whichever power s tructure you have chosen(either military or politics, i think military is the best bet, maybe you can drum up popular support within the military as general, and then launch a coup)
Well, that goes without saying.

>step 4: eugenics
Okay... I mean, I agree with some... stuff...

Will I make it bros? I'm just a poor Yuropoor with big dreams!

>> No.9220708


everyone stop responding to kim jong-un. Stop giving him anymore ideas.

>> No.9220779

OP here. No you won't, you have low self esteem.

>> No.9220782

Ah, and you will because you're "lollol mycountry has nukes I'll kill everyone". Newsflash, being edgy doesn't make you more level-headed.

>> No.9220785

>My country has nukes. One issue is taking over the country. It's incompetent though, so probably shouldn't be that hard. Blow up a few military establishments at the same time, kill the generals, announce yourself as the new leader.
are you from pakistan?

>> No.9220789
File: 69 KB, 406x343, uprising soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Realize the world is in decline and the winds of change will soon blow
Ride the winds
Hail Kaiser Anonymous

>> No.9220798

Huh, I didn't know we were at the top. Should I give it a go lads?

>> No.9220808

You use faith and alot of Nukes, Immigration. And Banks. thats what i gathered from my eyes and memory.

>> No.9220868

Iran, actually.

>> No.9220888

He'd have to kidnap Steven Hawking for that.

>> No.9220892

You said 200 million population here

>> No.9220904

That was just an example. If you add central Asia and Afghanistan to my domains, the number gets close.

>> No.9220908

Then first of all you need to kill all sunnis

>> No.9220911

if you're best at conversing with 30-40 YO's you're not a natural leader. you wont rule anything as you are now.
build your social skill as a leader, join debates, politics, or even team sports to develop it and be careful, very very careful not to become delusional and boss people around when you dont have any authority and respect to back it up

>> No.9220934

The best way to conquer the world these days is corporate neocolonialism of Africa. If you can get to the head of some Chinese megacorporation (better start learning chink) you can begin to dominate vast swathes of agricultural land in Africa. By pressuring the countries to give you greater political control and autonomy using the leverage of bribes and the fact that you essentially control heir economy, you can carve out a country in Africa and begin developing warfare capabilities using private armies, all while using the land to generate money. From there, a large enough private army can probably allow you to expand, but the if you aren't closely linked enough with China and if the world isn't reliant enough on you for oil and food you will probably get fucked by the U.S. at the first sign of expansionism, so it's a careful game

>> No.9221519

> exploit natural resources
> tax haven
> get rich friends
> make sure you get a cut of every transaction

>> No.9221540

Starting a nuclear war against another country in the current state of the world is not an option, you would get bombed to hell without achieving anything.

The point would be to first let the US, Russia and China battle it out and then sweep in to get the remains, I honestly see no other option.

>> No.9221584

it's not that simple, you don't just kill some people, waltz in and everything is great. What a pathetically childish notion, societies are more complex than that. Also, you will be nuked by everyone else as soon as you do it.

>> No.9221662

The reason you are "GOAT" with 30-40 year-olds is because they are mature adults with developed social skills. The ease you feel when talking to them stems from their side, not yours. If the "GOATNESS" you perceive was actually coming from you you would have no problem whatsoever with 20 year-olds.
Now stop LARPING and go do something meaningful with your time.

>> No.9221666

Aside : An army of sufficiency requires homogeny, how would you organize an army that is defined via any physically testable characteristic?
No True Scotsman fallacy.

Probably better if they all share some mental spectrum disorder.

>> No.9221679

Lots of drones. Like so many drones. You wouldn't believe how many drones

>> No.9222504

Drones are weak and unreliable.