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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9210739 No.9210739 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become 616 Tony Stark fellow /sci/entists? What should I study to an Stark?

>> No.9210797
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>can help from safety
>risks self


>> No.9210802

Well he was an EE not a scientist. Ironic that the major with the biggest virgin autists is repped by a capeshit playboy.

>> No.9210971

>616 Stark
Alcohol, followed by more Alcohol, Alcohol recovery, more alcohol and then more recovery mixed with some self-righteous preaching.
Also, rip off all your dead father's work and apply it to stupid edgy shit and pretend you're a fucking genius for being able to read his notes. And remember, Wizards aren't immune to guns. When something is immune to your guns, use progressively bigger guns until it works.

And don't ever try to argue with Reed Richards types, look at what that shit did to Dr. Doom.

>> No.9211261

Tony's an adrenaline junkie. It's been canon for...40 years or so now.

Why does /sci/ not consider Engineers scientists? Besides, he's also a software whiz and after Extremis he's prettymuch a living computer.

>Tony was wrong during Civil War

Yeah, Clor was wrong on a whole lot of levels, but come on.

>> No.9211344

>Why does /sci/ not consider Engineers scientists
This is not what /sci/ says about engineers. Engineers are not scientist by definition, everyone says that. /sci/ thinks engineers are worthless brainlets.

>> No.9211352

Eh, here they're considered scientists,like Chemists, Mathimaticians, Physicists, etc, etc.
>/sci/ thinks engineers are worthless brainlets.
But why?

>> No.9211378

Maybe they are in laymans terms, but they aren't Engineers aren't scientists.
>But why?
Engineering is generally easier than the pure (insert whatever field of science closest to the engineering). Physics is harder than EE and so on.

>> No.9211387

>Engineering is generally easier than the pure (insert whatever field of science closest to the engineering). Physics is harder than EE and so on.
I guess it depends. Here Engineers study everything Physicists do. In actuality, you need better grades to getinto Engineering School than Physics School.

>> No.9211433

>adrenaline junkie
I thought he was just an alcoholic.

>> No.9211456

No, it'scanon. Comics are different from the movies.For example:

>As a kid he was really shy and didn't have any friends, preferring to read tales about Knights and play with his toys

>Howard forced him to drink in order to man up

>while at school he used to carry a robot in his bag, and was beatup for it by bullies

>upon graduating he just turned into an Alpha Male and started fucking models, doing extreme sports and whatnot

>when his parents died he took over the company and expanded it from a small munitions firm to a gonglomerate

Most of that's been retconned, as the Starks being richer than God since forever, him being a young Chad, and lately they've turned him into an atheist and made him adopted, amongst others.

Hell, for all intents and purposes,current Tony is the copy of a copy of an amalgam of 3 versions.

>> No.9211546

>engineering is easier than science
All you fags do is study while we have to build with buisness majors down our throats.Also engineering classes are THE hardest at uni's. There is a reason why the unlucky son of bitches with the most work in Uni are always engies and not physics/methheads.

>> No.9211577

>Here Engineers study everything Physicists do. In actuality, you need better grades to getinto Engineering School than Physics School.
Common, extremely extremely common misconception. How hard it is to get into a school is an indication of its popularity, not the difficulty of the field. It's easy as fuck to get into physics and math because they are so unpopular. Finishing the degree is a completely different thing.
>Here Engineers study everything Physicists do.
No, they don't. See below.
Look, friendo. I'm an information security engineer student myself and I can say confidently that physics and math are much harder than engineering. Engineering classes are not the hardest. We already have massive employment opportunities, and much higher starting wages. What do you think you're gaining by lying to compensate your degree? Everyone excpet /sci/ thinks Engineers are great and smart.

>> No.9211602

>No, they don't.
I'mnot American anon, so in my country Engineers DO study the same stuff as Physicists.

>> No.9211606

Can confirm. Live with a Physicist, we both study at the same uni, which is in the 5 better unis in the country. We have the exact same materials/books and even teachers, sometimes.

>> No.9211607

Which country anon? Are you a fellow Yuropoor?

>> No.9211768

Where did you get the idea that I'm American? I'm European as well. And I can for a certainty say that Physicists and Engineers do not study the the same things. Are you both first year students or something? Maybe at the start they have similar courses but late bachelors and masters they're very different. Especially Computer Engineers or Software Engineers don't even study physics.

>> No.9211783

>computer engineers and software engineers don't even study physics
Here I thought American colleges were brainlet tier but what ever nation you come from where an engineering major, regardless of field, is not taught physics, is pure homer simpson tier brainlet.

>> No.9212263

OH NO you might have to deal with the scary mbas screaming buzzwords at you!!! Jfc

>> No.9212489

They have one mandatory basic course. They can do more if they wish.

>> No.9212586

Tony is good because he likes what he does. At one point in science or probably engineering too the line defining what is the field of things you research becomes very fuzzy, you learn a lot from various disciplines not just one.

>> No.9213004

Computer and Software engineering are not real engineering fields, in the traditional sense. Of course they're easier

>> No.9213006

Computer engineering definitely is. Same chemistry, physics, math requirements as any other engineering. The rest of the courses are half E.E half CS.

>> No.9213098

learn EE/ME, become an alcoholic, and never cease on learning and training your body. In your little spare time become familiarized with everything that's vanguard in the engineering field.