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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 20 KB, 462x298, DLNHBR2WAAUdUFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9208274 No.9208274 [Reply] [Original]

Kek, Nobel Prize in Physics for finding useless waves. Who cares really?

>> No.9208278

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.9208279

Well explain how these waves are going to change anything?

>> No.9208280

There havent really been extraordinary discoveries in the field of physics in the last years. It's no surprise.
Medicine, on the other hand, went to the cool and clinically usable process of autophagy last year, but this year it went to LE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. Fuck my life.

>> No.9208284

Just goes on to prove that medicine is the best of sciences. Physics is just a circlejerk at this point.

>> No.9208292

did I stutter?

>> No.9208314

Honestly this.
The only thing physics has proved is god doesn't exist and your life is utterly meaningless. Any solution to that? "Nope, LMAO." Thanks physishits.
Meanwhile medicine is actually improving our standard of living, making our brief lives longer and more enjoyable. There's still a lot of work to be done but at least it's working towards a positive goal.

>> No.9208331

You seem like someone who watches Rick and Morty

>> No.9208334

>Implying everything must have a use
lmao what a fucking nigger tier attitude.

>> No.9208338

Ever thought of how a PET scan actually works?
protip: what does the P stand for?

>> No.9208343

Ur an idiot.

Couldn't have put it better myself.

>> No.9208348
File: 60 KB, 540x960, 22089101_1722987567732169_6647808524643142276_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said Kip on the last thread and people laughed at me.

kek faggots

>> No.9208351

I was completely unaware of this cartoon's existence until you kids kept bringing it up. I am utterly disinterested in pop-culture.
u 2

>> No.9208356

Thanks for Uhhh believing in Kip Uhhh anon

>> No.9208358
File: 149 KB, 937x1063, health_life1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making our brief lives longer
Maybe elsewhere. In the US healthcare is not about health, it's about lifelong treatment.

>> No.9208365

Honestly should just posthumously award it to Einstein instead.

>> No.9208367


>> No.9208370

>That pic
The US is literally the most cucked nation on earth, I feel sorry for them.

>> No.9208371

looks like the second amendment isn't protecting them from insurance companies kek

>> No.9208376

>interstellar guy wins Nobel

Bravo Nolan

>> No.9208379

no diversity? Nobel Prizes are RACIST and propagate the patriarchy!!!!

>> No.9208420

can you imagine a negroid winning the nobel prize in something non-retarded? he would probably get on stage and start talking about lebron james

>> No.9208427

So this is the power of /sci/

Also that graph means literally nothing, shame on you.

>> No.9208432

I know how it works. Physics has brought the tools needed for modern medicine, now all physicists should just quit and actually apply those techs. There's nothing more to be found in the field of circlejerking around some waves and particles.

>> No.9208435

It looks like more spending is giving worse results.

>> No.9208835

>Also that graph means literally nothing
... to you.

To the rest of us it means a longer life.

>> No.9208847

You sound exactly like somebody who watches rick and morty.

>> No.9208868

Medicine, hard biological subjects (neuro biology, microbiology, biochemistry, cardiology etc.) are where science is at right now. Physics has its uses for Tech, and teaching, but it's basically a history course at this point considering nothing has happened for decades of any value. Physicists should look more towards medi-Tech and engineering as a way to forward science imo.

>> No.9208876

These people helped to build a detector so sensitive it could pick up a wiggle in space-time vastly smaller than a proton's width. That's pretty impressive.

>> No.9208891

This. all these med shills want their shitty ass prostate simulation algorithm to get an award instead. fuck off.

>> No.9208899

We get it you love cartoons. Moving on...

>> No.9208909

thanks engineers

>> No.9208934


>> No.9209118

I work with LIGOs computational cluster and have root access to their systems. Also I can see all the gravitational wave stuff before it's published. AMA?

>> No.9209125

I didn't know non-whites were allowed here...

>> No.9209137

On what dates did the events happen in the recent run?

>> No.9209166

i sure dont

>> No.9209174

Nope, life expectancy rises for every single country asymptotically with money invested

It looks like there are flaws in the US system

>> No.9209460
File: 156 KB, 566x800, The Fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fucking surprised that /sci/ can't even appreciate the incredible difficulty of this huge detection. A whole new field of observation on the universe has opened and they have already learned a lot from a couple of detections. And this will work as a proof of concept for more wave detectors too, that can observe different kinds of events a objects too. A wave detector can detect changes down to the very surface of a rotating neutron star in other fucking galaxy's. We can't even imagine the scale of these things.

We have been trying to detect these things since the 1960's and LIGO's sensitivity is comparable to detecting a the width of a hair change in distance over 4 fucking light years. If you can't even appreciate that, then I don't know why you are even on a board about science. These waves are so incredibly tiny, if it weren't for the amazing fucking models they work with for predicting exactly what it would look like, then it would never been even picked out from the noise.

Of course they get a nobel price for it. Its the physics event of the century. No one in physics is surprised they get it, and no one doesn't think they deserve it.
Anyone that knows more about it than the basic pop-sci shit would never be this fucking stupid.

>useless waves
Fucking retard.

>> No.9209516


What that chart doesn't say is that Cuba overtook the U.S. in average life expectancy and invest a lot in heath despite it's shabby apparence.

>> No.9209522
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, The_Fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty fucking neat

>> No.9209554
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>The only thing physics has proved is god doesn't exist

>> No.9209563

If you see theorist string will be mad about so useless circlejerk.

>> No.9209760

You're in the wrong place, >>>/r/eddit is better suited for you

>> No.9209795

There have been great discoveries in astrology in the last two decades.

>> No.9209799

Fuck me, I meant astronomy, of course.

>> No.9209817

>I know more than the Nobel committee about what is useless
...using your own achievements as an example?

>> No.9209839
File: 347 KB, 2048x1536, 22181647_10155046529962965_6478016420072873190_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a ticket once for stealing Kip's reserved parking spot. I also saw him walking on campus with Stephen Hawking one time.

>> No.9209842


>> No.9209900

Why are retards from /pol/ always repeating the same retarded shit? Is it because they lack the capacity to actually discuss things?

>> No.9209909
File: 77 KB, 1124x724, sciencemarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone right of my own opinions are from /pol/
fuck off, Commie...go to reddit

>> No.9209910

>also saw him walking on campus with Stephen Hawking

I fucking knew he was faking it

>> No.9209921

The problem is not that I am offended or disagree with your opinion
The problem is that you for some reason bring your personal normalfag issues up in completely unrelated threads and boards and kill any sort of discussion that isn't a funny racist maymay or "you disagree with me, you must belong to the OTHER GROUP WHO ARE OUR ENEMIES, RIGHT GUIZE???"
Basically, you behave like a fucking retard and are offended when people point out your retardation - pretty much the exact same behavior as SJWs and other retarded "radicals" whose only identity is some stupid problem

>> No.9209924
File: 411 KB, 495x512, 1499939355878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobel for some retard cuck morons who sit in front of their monitors all day detecting (((gravitational waves))) that literally has no relevance in the real world and probably were just some space dust
>not for those that actually devised an experiment to detect Majorana edge modes i.e. indications of topological superconducting orders that would eventually allow us to apply topological phase transitions to engineering/CS

>> No.9209931

/pol/ I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about niggers or jews. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, /pol/ users cant help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.

What does the average IQ of blacks have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the movie? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!

TL;DR Stormfags are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".

>> No.9210502

>can't accept reality
We've all been there anon don't worry. No reason to be embarrassed.

>> No.9210505


>> No.9210506

holy shit look >>9209760

>> No.9210548
File: 260 KB, 449x1197, gonna explode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9210554

not everything is the work of the Jews

even if it was you shove that meme down our throats as bad as the left does LGBT memes

>> No.9210573

>LGBT memes are bad
found the /pol/tard

>> No.9210583

>ad hominem fallacy
found the shill

>> No.9210585

>useless waves

>> No.9210589

>/pol/ I want you to understand why we hate you.
switch /pol with people all around the world the rest is a really well done spectrum of the society

>> No.9210598
File: 365 KB, 648x585, xir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stream right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFEEm2l-r9k

>> No.9210610

lol some bitch just asked why 7 of the 9 are from the U.S.

>> No.9210613

yes guys the future shine of race/gender balance over meritocracy

>> No.9210614

Not just male scientists, but *white* male scientists.

>> No.9210706
File: 157 KB, 1080x375, Screenshot_2017-10-04-12-30-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9210710

>lets stop developing technology

>> No.9210711

Why do political activists think science is a male vs female competition?

>> No.9210729

fucking nobelets are mad again? kek

>> No.9210731

they are jews, only jews have the PHENOTYPE to win nobel prizes.

>> No.9210736

What? He's saying the exact opposite you dumb physishit brainlet

>> No.9210824

Physics and chemistry prize come from 50 years old work.

>> No.9210831

Poor Edward Witten never will win prize Nobel.

>> No.9210878

I wonder which for dummies book he has back there

>> No.9210919

why hasn't he already? serious question

>> No.9210948

Why should he?

>> No.9210964

in case you don't know, he is very smart

>> No.9211091

How many people have wasted their careers researching this smart man's fantasy?

>> No.9211134

I'm no physicist but isn't string theory the hot shit of the 21th century physics?

>> No.9211518

"Where do you work out?"

"At the synagogue."

>> No.9211521

>he is very smart

So was von Neumann. He never won either.

>> No.9211533

>based kip gets a prize
Deserved desu

>> No.9211537

>Replying to the pasta

>> No.9211539

>Le Circadian Rhythm
you know, just the thing that dictates when we feel like starting a process that lasts 8 hours, give or take

>> No.9211576

The Higgs was hot shit for a long time too, but they only got the prize after they found it. If someone comes up with solid evidence of strings existing, they will win, but as of now that isn't the case.

>> No.9211584

What does that graph look like when you remove all the obese people and smokers though?

Seriously though, why do we even count the people who clearly want to die young in life expectancy?

>> No.9211586


>> No.9211593

>You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry.
This desu.

Funny thing that /pol/lacks are actually the ultimate snowflakes.

>> No.9211594

Video starts 27 minutes in

Actual presentation starts 51 minutes in

>> No.9211612

and niggers

>> No.9211616

it's just some made up math bs to fit the data it doesn't predict anything new

>> No.9211621

Black people don't have a significantly lower life expectancy. It's like ~75 years for black people and ~78 for white, and ~80 years for hispanics in the US

>> No.9211628

In terms of life expectancy 3 years is actually somewhat significant.

>> No.9211638

No, not really. By that logic, white people have a significantly lower life expectancy than Hispanics. 2-3 years isn't that much when you're in your seventies.

>> No.9211659

Literally why would you post this on /sci/. This isn't /int/ or /pol/ or anywhere where people care about whose country is better.

>> No.9211669

I know this trick, you just wanna know if you can use them for war is that it?

>> No.9211673

god damn i'm pissing away my life on 4chan

>> No.9211724

found the triggered amerilard

>> No.9211732

they have no use whatsoever and never will. they require two massive black hole spinning furiously around each other to create a microscopic almost undetectable ripple in space time that does absolutely nothing. the most useless discovery of physics ever.

>> No.9211759
File: 10 KB, 257x196, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there was an easier way?

>> No.9211803

ITT: People on Mount stupid who dont see the possibilities of observing black hole dynamics

>> No.9211809
File: 1.87 MB, 406x720, 1504759910942.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many fat asses in our country im afraid.

once they're gone we can have nice things.

>> No.9211818
File: 211 KB, 1456x1147, FrH2ZXSr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I thought they were transporting a manatee

>> No.9211828

>he thinks black holes exist

>> No.9211988

hi, michael moore
sucked castro's cock lately?
maybe you should come to cuba for some treatment since you love our healthcare system so much

>> No.9211994

>correlation implies causation
>on /sci/
no wonder no one takes you fags seriously
go look up where all the best surgeons in the world are and post the list here. it'll be interesting.

>> No.9211996

that's what the "peace" prize is for

>> No.9212000

>hurr correlation implies causation
you're a retard. the USA spends more and has a worse system. that's what you get from the image. don't go around repeating things you heard to feel smart.

>> No.9212004

congrats, the last 3 digits of your post number are your IQ!
it's not every day that this happens

>> No.9212011

I don’t understand how this comment is constructive, or encourages the reader to think more deeply about anything. It appears to me that this comment’s only purpose is to display the cleverness of the author. Unfortunately, despite the collective efforts of the commentariate, we do get infiltration from those who are apparently determined to give the impression that they are incapable of parsing an entire piece of writing and reading it as a whole.
As has been previously noted (regular readers will be aware) we (that’s the “Royal we” — fellow commenters, occasional contributors such as myself and the moderator team) are engaged in an ongoing attempt to keep the quality of comments at its former impeccably high standard. Sadly, this is more of an effort than it should be.
And as a scientist, it is rather tiresome having to try to explain to the occasional numpty who happens across a post basic reading comprehension skills, how to follow an argument when it is constructed long-form and the ability to master data interpretation.
And I’ve just caught up on all the subsequent comments on this page. All the other commenters have managed to make coherent and intelligible contributions that furthered my understanding or gave me something to think about, because they took the trouble to type more than a single sentence. I don’t agree with everything that’s been said in other comments. Quite the opposite in a couple of cases. But at least I understand what was expressed and the intention behind it.

>> No.9212014

jesus christ you're mad
go take a remedial statistics course, fucko

>> No.9212017

Wrong. You're probably no better off than I am in the scheme of things. The truth is, we're just two random people in a random universe randomly interacting right now. I'm a nihilist, buddy, who doesn't believe any of this even has any meaning.

Is this how you comfort yourself about failing as a physicist or an engineer, or even just as an interesting person, by coming on an imageboard and giving people a hard time? Go fuck yourself, cocksucker, and then your fucking mother. And fuck off with the samefagging bullshit.

>> No.9212022

even if your post is supposed to be ironic, this is sad

>> No.9212027

I have to assume you're too ignorant to continue this conversation in an educational manner. Would you rather I just call you stupid instead of ignorant? Because you're acting pretty stupid right now. And mad.

You do realize that since you've been bated from your normal shit posts to actually taking the time to write shit out, it means that I've won the troll battle you started in the first place, right? Since you failed at your pathetic attempt to shit post like the troll you are I figured I'd give you a taste of your own medicine.

I'm glad you realize that you've been bested.

>> No.9212034

>doesn't understand correlation and causation
>but others are the ones who are stupid

>> No.9212039

Still no arguments to be found except diverting from the original question or repeating the question in a meme manner.

In other words, thanks for proving my point. :^)

>> No.9212044

stop replying to pasta you imbecile

>> No.9212053

>implying that's not the fun of it
how new are you? you can tell me, don't worry friend

>hasn't addressed the original argument
>ignores it and claims there's no argument
sugoii, you're really making me think right now!

>> No.9212056

You are out of the game, that's what you wanted.
I'll spend some of my energy to tell you a few things.
First, you are one adorable monkey to my eyes, a really stupid one, since what you just said is wrong, since you can talk about math using words, one plus one is two, and you can understand nature without understanding math, you drop an apple, it falls and so on :)
a small tiny lecture to you, understand it.

And since you are not in, you don't want to know how to.. for example know how to calculate how to get your dream job? Like I have.. or.. How to be the perfect father?
Those are all states of everything in existence, plausible ones.

And yes, I am aware this is waste of time, like trying to teach algebra to a dog, but to others here who don't get this, be humble, don't attack me, but the theories, we will never be finished, but we can use these for literally anything..

be smart, for once in your life at least.

>> No.9212094


kys you retarded newfag

>> No.9212256
