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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 886x357, puzzle2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9202862 No.9202862 [Reply] [Original]



1. a
2. 3
3. f
4. 35
5. 8
6. fantastic
7. e1
8. 15
9. moon
10. infinity
11. colour
12. prime numbers
13. pi
14. 500500
15. 428
16. hidden
17. ramanujan
18. translation
19. feigenbaum
20. queen
21. wall street
22. millennium bug
23. relativity
24. antarctica
25. weleetka
26. 1867
27. justice
28. deadly sins
29. descartes
30. psychopath
31. ted bundy
32. world trade center

>> No.9202864

could the letters be referring to something and the numbers referring to something within that? like if they were the first letter of months and the numbers were days for example

>> No.9202956

hackerjews have joined the party

>> No.9202957


D73 S04 P86 B07 S95

>> No.9202964

Does the game rate limit answers server-side? If not, dictionary attacks could work.

>> No.9202966
File: 39 KB, 420x1400, Screenshot_2017-10-01 13.50.38_lmdF0G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the last thread, there's no consistent theme on wikipedia pages, so it's something obscure.

Doesn't look like coordinates either(pic related)

>> No.9202973

it's obviously a cipher

>> No.9202983

>Does the game rate limit answers server-side?

>> No.9202990


expansion years of the EU

>> No.9202992


>> No.9202993

nice work

Next question:

Try a thing You haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the Fear of doing It. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether You Like It or not.

>> No.9202994
File: 55 KB, 1372x400, Screenshot_2017-10-01 14.06.01_BuN5VH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quote from Virgil Thomson

>> No.9202995

owner of this site is Viktor Svensson



>> No.9202996

winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.9202999

Capitalization is weird, probably has something to do with that?

>> No.9203002

>"You fear you like it" capitalised.

Bad sex jokes incoming?

>> No.9203003



Google only gives no fear shakespeare

>> No.9203004
File: 90 KB, 647x436, 5768537+_ce110205da3dbe54a075d27593e4186c (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203006


The `It` is capitilized mid-sentence too. Makes a bit more sense.

> You Fear It You Like It

>> No.9203008

quote is by virgil thompson, composer, musician. using only the caps out of place yields YFYL but all i could think of is "you fap you lose" which isn't correct

>> No.9203010

Wikiquote actually moved the quote to the talk page as it wasn't sourced.

>> No.9203013

On the off chance the Shakespeare googling isn't irrelevant, I found that Virgil Thomson did a Shakespeare Songs album: http://works.virgilthomson.org/works/view/265

But nothing related to the album seemed to be an answer

>> No.9203015

>Try You One Fear It Twice And You Like It

Maybe with the normally capitalised words too? Starts to become sorta coherent?

>> No.9203019

interesting ads are injected in the page https://www.nevercompletedgame.com/api/answer?get_message=1

>> No.9203021


>Try You Once Fear It Twice And You Like It

I tried actually doing that, you once, fear it twice, and then you like it but nothing.

Is that maybe a clue, the numbers of doing things? There is also the "three times" part.

>> No.9203025


that's just an ad that pops up on the bottom when you try a bunvh, it goes to https://in.betsson.com/welcome_bonus_casino/en/?from=osO7Hp7hv7jm6TgIUr0UCmNd7ZgqdRLk-ZWJldHMxMjM=&affcode=ebets123&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_source=10202587

>> No.9203028


I've been trying combinations of "you you you fear fear fear you like it" and stuff like that but nothing yet. The "twice" part might be the weird one

>> No.9203031

34 was horror movie

>> No.9203033

is it possible that you have to try the answer three times

>> No.9203036


lol, that's dumb, but i suppose it goes off >>9203006

Next question

> Edxwer Rgnvgy Resxc Iuhnm.

>> No.9203037


this works.

#35 is

Edxwer Rgnvgy Resxc Iuhnm

>> No.9203038

current is

> Edxwer Rgnvgy Resxc Iuhnm

>> No.9203039

Edxwer Rgnvgy Resxc Iuhnm.

>> No.9203040


>> No.9203043

Can decipher to:

>Philps Served Spain Court

>> No.9203050


>> No.9203051


It's off but there were kings of Spain named Phillip

>> No.9203052


>Exiled Doctor Denis Quack

Any popular pseudo-scientists named Denis?

>> No.9203053 [DELETED] 

quipquip.com gives a bunch of ideas

>> No.9203054


Phillip II had a lot of interesting people in his court apparently

>> No.9203055

Something to do with qwerty keyboards? Looks like the words make patterns (T X C O ?)

>> No.9203067

So this might be unrelated but does anyone knows something about A-1? Afaik it used random letters in a combination of 5 to produce words or something like that, and each word in the question has 5 letters too

>> No.9203068

Last group looks more like a C or a G than an O

>> No.9203071

Fuck me I don't know how to count

>> No.9203072

can you be more specific?

>> No.9203073


First group has 6 letters. No dice.

>> No.9203076

T (÷ or %) C C

>> No.9203077


As does the second for that matter. Twice as far out!

>> No.9203078

corpus christi

>> No.9203088,1 [INTERNAL] 

does look like it's related to qwerty keyboards

>> No.9203080

What if you draw this on an android keyboard? What does it come up with? (Don’t have an Android myself, sorry.)

>> No.9203082

What about lower/upper case greek letters?

>> No.9203083


>> No.9203084

wtf why? this works

#36 now

1,799,160,000,000 km
1,822,660,000,000 km

>> No.9203086

TXCC (facepalms)

>> No.9203087

The madman. Nice

>> No.9203088



>> No.9203091


>> No.9203093


L2 is a Lagrangian point, which might make sense considering those distances. Are we supposed to see what's that far from L2?


>> No.9203094

tx = texas
cc = corpus christi

>> No.9203096
File: 29 KB, 454x408, Screenshot_2017-10-01 14.40.45_LHbce1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coordinates or distances?

>> No.9203102,1 [INTERNAL] 

drawing out the characters on the keyboard looks like TXCC

>> No.9203099

>1,799,160,000,000 km

~12026 AU. Pretty fucking huge distance, even for L2.

>> No.9203104,1 [INTERNAL] 

36 = corpus christi

>> No.9203101
File: 205 KB, 550x1189, 1490819403101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203102


33 european union
34 horror movie
35 corpus christi

>> No.9203104

Two Crosses T X
and CC
Obviously corpus christi,
Did you all miss your Sunday School?

>> No.9203105

you are my hero

>> No.9203106

23,500,000,000 km is the difference. One of jupiter's moons is about that big.

>> No.9203108

So some asteroid or moon?

>> No.9203109


who tf is religious these days, esp. on /sci/ ?

>> No.9203111


the :7 part means something as well. What moon is that big? is it the "7th" moon?

>> No.9203112

How about multiplying them to get an area? surface of a star

>> No.9203113

seems about the right distance for voyager 2...

>> No.9203114

anyone who's visiting from /lit/ for one

>> No.9203121,1 [INTERNAL] 

is 36 about light years possibly?

>> No.9203118

Me but I dunno what religion and Corpus Christi have to do with that... Except Latin for body of Christ...

>> No.9203119

wait I forgot a set of zeros lol

>> No.9203121

unfortunately a couple orders of magnitude off :(

>> No.9203122

L2:7 could refer to Uranus, 7th planet? Venus doesn't have moons

>> No.9203125


What does that have to do with Venus?

>> No.9203126

What would the L2 indicate there?

>> No.9203128

L2:7 could be a proportion of lengths, two seventh

>> No.9203129

can someone explain 15?

>> No.9203130

the missing numbers in each set of 10

>> No.9203132

Some numbers to give perspective

1 AU (astronomical unit) is the distance between the earth and sun. 1,799,160,000,000 km is 12183 AU. This is outside the solar system, for example Pluto is located 39.5 astronomical units away from the sun.

More numbers:
1,799,160,000,000 km is 0.1901 light years
1,822,660,000,000 km is 0.1926 light years
Alpha centauri is 4.367 light years away

>> No.9203134

Possibly a coincidence, but 7 is the number of extra 0s at the end of both numbers - could indicate that we should ignore the absurd magnitude

>> No.9203135

It's the numbers that are missing from each counting sequence. 123_5678901_345678901234567_90

>> No.9203139


Between the nearest star and our own... but much fucking closer to us... but still out of our own system...

Like someone else above said, Voyager is the only thing I can think of.

>> No.9203140

Again, what would the L2 mean?

>> No.9203141

That might fit. Then they’re around the same location as L2 according to http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/Herschel/L2_the_second_Lagrangian_Point (1.5mil km).

>> No.9203143


Might be onto something there.

>> No.9203145

>picture of a drone
>deadly sins


>> No.9203146

This might be useful if anyone hasn’t found it on their own yet:

>> No.9203148

they reduce as a ratio to 1914:1939

>> No.9203149

ive tried all of jupiters moons so you dont have to

>> No.9203150

it's world war

>> No.9203151

The earth moon ones seem like the most likely targets imo, they got by far the most attention on that page

>> No.9203152


I saw this on HN

"Zoom in, below left of the drone."

"so there are numbers backwards in the bottom left
take all numbers, substract 5, get

>> No.9203155

!!! winner

> Wourali mal cam sis.
> 1331471115165824910651

>> No.9203156


>> No.9203158

Holy shit

>> No.9203159


>> No.9203160

World War 1 began in 1914, and World War 2 began in 1939

>> No.9203161


>> No.9203162




Wourali mal cam sis.

>> No.9203163


>> No.9203164

What the fuck is going on?
How long has this site been up?

>> No.9203165

It's world war

>> No.9203166

see >>9203160

i thought it was obvious, sorry for not posting my rationale

>> No.9203167

Corpus cristi was from CC

World War was from ratio of numbers

>> No.9203168

We is close bois. 4 more to go.

>> No.9203169

2 stars? Orihime and Hikoboshi? Tanabata?

>> No.9203171

Different person, how did you get those two numbers? Am I missing something?

>> No.9203173


So to recap

#33 - european union
#34 - horror movie
#35 - corpus christi
#36 - world war

>> No.9203176

Wourali mal cam sis.


>> No.9203178 [DELETED] 

Also L could be Class L stars


L2 and L7 perhaps?

>> No.9203180

Google Translate picks out the text as Turkish but only translates two words out of the four. Probably a dead end.

I'm not the anon that math'd it, I just recognized the dates.

>> No.9203183

Wourali is a plant. It makes a poison, known as curare

>> No.9203184

see >>9203148
basically simplifying the fraction

>> No.9203186

i reduced the numbers to their lowest whole forms

>> No.9203187
File: 187 KB, 564x1724, Screenshot_2017-10-01 14.59.42_aR3TiY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quipquip.com gives this list. I'm fairly confident in eye as the last word(assuming a cypher, the others haven't been).

>> No.9203189


Mal is death or pain, so that makes sense.

>> No.9203190


I've seen quipquip.com linked twice now but that link doesn't go anywhere.

>> No.9203193

url is deceptive

>> No.9203194

mal cam sis in turkish means "goods glass fog" says google translate

wourali is a plant used in pharmacology, a less common name for curare

An extract of various plants, especially Strychnos toxifera, S. castelnaei, S. crevauxii, and Chondodendron tomentosum, which produces nondepolarizing paralysis of skeletal muscle after intravenous injection by blocking transmission at the myoneuronal junction; indigenous South American hunters of the Amazon and Orinoco regions use arrowheads dipped in curare; curare is used clinically (for example, as D-tubocurarine chloride, metocurine iodide) to relax muscles during surgery. Often classified by the types of vessels in which hunters stored it (for example, pot curare).
Synonym(s): arrow poison (1)

>> No.9203195

from quipqiup - "Eof this which was a." , "End this which was a." Magnetic drive EOF would start with a 13, in HEX.. no idea what that code is

>> No.9203197
File: 19 KB, 316x272, main-qimg-10da18eac83a774b6be4509fdadb1c29-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related for



>> No.9203199



don't think it's related

>> No.9203200

I think you'll have to change the numbers depending on what the text says, like with the +5

>> No.9203204

This is probably not that useful but I've gone ahead and separated the numbers into pairs:


>> No.9203205

According to this strategy, here's where the letters must be broken up:
13 3 14 7 1115 16 5 8 24 9 10 6 5 1
ac/m c ad/n g aaae/aje/jae/aao af/p e h bd/x i j f e a

>> No.9203206


I don't think it is related, but you're forgetting double digit letters as in:

1 3 3 14 7 1 11 5 16 5 8 24 9 10 6 5 1


>> No.9203208

If it's a cypher, I like "Company ran war eye." as a guess.

>> No.9203209

I got “MCNGKOPEHXIJFEA” if you make each number two digits unless it goes over 26, then it’s only one digit (e.g. 1331 = 13 3 1)

>> No.9203211

Maybe the first sentence is a cipher, which gives the number mapping to decode the second part.

>> No.9203213

also maybe of note: one 0, eight 1s, one 2, two 3s, two 4s, two 5s, one 7, one 8, and one 9

>> No.9203217

Probably barking up the wrong tree, but "wourali mal cam sis" made me think of deaths from curare, which led to the Dr. X killings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._X_killings

He had 8 probable victims, which could be a relevant number

>> No.9203221

If the large sequence is a number it is not prime.
1331471115165824910651 = 3 × 11 × 3697 × 4419937 × 2469177323
(Also it has 32 divisors)

>> No.9203222



There are eight 1's

>> No.9203223

"mal cam" -> malcam, an ammonite god, aka moloch.

>> No.9203226

I tried matching letters to numbers, got "MUSIC IS A MORAL LAW"

>> No.9203227


Get rid of the 1's or replace them with X's

X 33 X 47 X X X 5 X 658249 X 065 X


>> No.9203228

WHEW! accidentally closed the tab but your progress is saved!

>> No.9203229



>> No.9203230


what happens if you refresh?

>> No.9203231

Can you elaborate on your method? How did you divide up the numbers?

>> No.9203232


>> No.9203233


>> No.9203234


>> No.9203235

Queal dan pope itos creation.

>> No.9203236


>> No.9203238


>> No.9203239

curare [koo-rah´re]
any of a wide variety of highly toxic extracts from various botanical sources, including various species of Strychnos, a genus of tropical trees; used originally as arrow poisons in South America. A form extracted from the shrub Chondodendron tomentosum has been used as a skeletal muscle relaxant.


>> No.9203240


>> No.9203242

#38 - Queal dan pope itos creation.

Spanish or portuguese or something like that

>> No.9203243

nvm I see now. Nice.

>> No.9203245

1=W O=2 U=3 R=4 etc. then matched to numbers below

>> No.9203246


>> No.9203248

Neither. Sorry senpai

>> No.9203250


Yeah, I realized now I forgot the question mark at the end. I have no clue, I just assumed at first.

>> No.9203251

Camphor is an antidote to Wourali, according to https://books.google.com/books?id=JB9PAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA251

My thought was that mal and sis are latin prefixes, but cam is not.

>> No.9203252


anagram? 'equal' 'and'

>> No.9203253

Explanation is here

>> No.9203254

Is that Latin?

>> No.9203255


>> No.9203256

Google translate portugeuse to english gave me

What is Pope Pope's Creation

>> No.9203258

isaac newton


>> No.9203259

Something related to Newton?

>> No.9203260

This is Greek.

>> No.9203262


>> No.9203263

isaac newton

>> No.9203265

The answer is Isaac Newton

ON TO 39!

>> No.9203266

good job guys!

>> No.9203268


>> No.9203269

Appears to be a hash of some sort?

>> No.9203270

looks like a part of a website link?

>> No.9203271

looks like a public key of some sort?

>> No.9203272
File: 502 KB, 998x751, I'M FEELIN IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i've seen this series of random sequence of characters before, but i can't quite recall where

>> No.9203273

It's a hash of some sort

>> No.9203274

It's obviously base64 encoded.

>> No.9203275

double base64 decoding gives me BÐ?

>> No.9203276

At first glance it seems to be Base64 but dunno... goes to garbledygook...

>> No.9203277

Looks like base64 encoded format. Decoding gives a binary mess, will see if it is a common format (e.g. image).

>> No.9203278

it's gzip encoded

>> No.9203279

It's a base64 encoded gzip file.

Inflating it yields this:


I'll let someone get the next bit : )

>> No.9203280

It's a base64 encoded string. Telltale is the uppercase/lowercase/numbers and the + character and = sign.

>> No.9203281

It seems to be a gzip that decodes to:

>> No.9203282

$ echo 'H4sIAAAAAAAA//Px8XFxcQkKCgKBBOKAiAtAEAy5kSxD8AAAA=' | base64 --decode | xxd
0000000: 1f8b 0800 0000 0000 00ff f3f1 f171 7171 .............qqq
0000010: 090a 0a02 923e 3e3e 5c2e 60c0 0517 40c8 .....>>>\.`...@.
0000020: 4058 104e 2808 80b4 0100 cb99 12c4 3f00 @X.N(.........?.
0000030: 0000 ..

>> No.9203283


>> No.9203284

Left, right, up, and down. Try drawing it out?

>> No.9203285

ahh, just beat me to it!

>> No.9203286

echo H4sIAAAAAAAA//Px8XFxcQkKCgKSPj4+XC5gwAUXQMhAWBBOKAiAtAEAy5kSxD8AAAA= | base64 -d | xxd
00000000: 1f8b 0800 0000 0000 00ff f3f1 f171 7171 .............qqq
00000010: 090a 0a02 923e 3e3e 5c2e 60c0 0517 40c8 .....>>>\.`...@.
00000020: 4058 104e 2808 80b4 0100 cb99 12c4 3f00 @X.N(.........?.
00000030: 0000 ..

>> No.9203287

Konami code?

>> No.9203288

looks like some game input

left down right down left

>> No.9203289


Up / Left / Down / Right .. but directions on what? A screen keyboard? Number pad?

Mortal kombat secret konami code?

>> No.9203290

Base64 of a gzip?

>> No.9203291

Base 64 decode, then gunzip gives


>> No.9203292

This. Use graph paper or a grid.

>> No.9203293


gzipped file

>> No.9203294
File: 128 KB, 525x542, 1249719241125[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9203295
File: 19 KB, 618x328, Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 12.28.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SI38 ?

>> No.9203296

No idea why all the directions are tripled except the last two:


>> No.9203297


>> No.9203298



>> No.9203299

or 5138

>> No.9203300

Probably 5138 not si lol

>> No.9203301


>> No.9203302

or 5 1 3 8, but yeah that looks about right.
It could be
SI 38
or 5I 38

>> No.9203303
File: 14 KB, 823x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you separate it by line you get this: 5138

>> No.9203304

or maybe 5138

could be leetspeak, could be number

>> No.9203305
File: 508 KB, 821x617, IMG_2094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god /g/ arrived.

>> No.9203306


the starting point should be there too, that makes it look nicer

>> No.9203307


>> No.9203308

This pill with imprint "5138 V" is Orange, Round and has been identified as Promethazine

>> No.9203309

Imprinted on promethazine pills?

>> No.9203310

don't forget upside down, like BEIS or smth

>> No.9203311


Bill S138 is topical right now. Syria and Iraq (And Donald Trump) are all not answers tho

>> No.9203312


>> No.9203313

Is anyone trying all these words? I don’t have it open personally

>> No.9203314

also spells EACH

>> No.9203317

Not "torpedo boat" at least


>> No.9203318
File: 23 KB, 1394x321, 2017-10-01 00_32_26-PDE2A phosphodiesterase 2A [Homo sapiens (human)] - Gene - NCBI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203319

is it an equation or am i retarded

>> No.9203320

probably retarded

>> No.9203321


>> No.9203322

could also be SI for international system of units

>> No.9203323

Could it be a scrambled year? Referencing an historical event?

>> No.9203324


#37 - plato
#38 - isaac newton

>> No.9203325

feels like a red herring, what could that possibly lead to?

>> No.9203326

using >>9203197
If this was a crossword puzzle, I'd say the answer is 'letter'

>> No.9203327

idk man this just feels like a long shot

>> No.9203329

51+38=89 ... does not work

>> No.9203330

not so fast, the last bit only has 5 Us and 2 Rs, the 8 would be incomplete

>> No.9203331

Jeremiah 51:38

They will roar together like young lions, They will growl like lions' cubs.

>> No.9203332

si-38? silicon isotope perhaps?

>> No.9203333

inb4 these 40 questions are the first mission

>> No.9203335

Not if you're filling it in cell by cell

>> No.9203336

You're wrong

>> No.9203337

i might actually kill myself i need to get at least some sleep tonight fokn ell

>> No.9203338

Not if you assume that the first point is already filled in

>> No.9203339

inb4 question 40 or 41 is the beginning of an ARG

>> No.9203340

Try it you’ll see, 8 is correct I just did it myself

>> No.9203341

Last question has to be 42

>> No.9203342

inb4 question 40 is just non-sense, and there is no right answer

>> No.9203343

Tried a few parts from RFC 5138, nothing either

>> No.9203344

that'd be a dick move

>> No.9203345

The author just threw a random number at us lol wtf

>> No.9203346

From the french système international article(si units)

La première tentative notable d'établir des unités universelles (c'est-à-dire fondées sur des phénomènes physiques reproductibles) est, dans le monde anglo-saxon, celle de John Wilkins, un scientifique anglais membre de la Royal Society, qui définit en 1668 une longueur puis un volume universel et enfin une masse universelle (celle de la quantité d'eau de pluie contenue dans un cube de côté valant la longueur universelle). La longueur universelle ainsi définie est prise comme valant 38 pouces de Prusse (approximativement 993,7 mm) soit environ celle d'un pendule simple dont la demi-période des petites oscillations est d'une seconde.

The first notable attempt to establish universal units (ie based on reproducible physical phenomena) is, in the Anglo-Saxon world, that of John Wilkins, an English scientist who is a member of the Royal Society, who defines in 1668, a length, then a universal volume, and finally a universal mass (that of the quantity of rainwater contained in a cube on the side of the universal length). The universal length thus defined is taken to be equal to 38 inches of Prussia (approximately 993.7 mm) or about that of a single pendulum whose half-period of small oscillations is one second.

>> No.9203347

doesn't seem to be ascii related:

51 = 3
38 = &

>> No.9203348

SI of question 38, something about the Newton?

>> No.9203349

silicon 38 or something?

>> No.9203350

Looks like binary data 7bit each column

>> No.9203351

This can't be a coincidence

>> No.9203352

Ooh, this feels like it leads somewhere, good thinking.

>> No.9203353

5138 = EACH

>> No.9203354

maybe you need to encode it back?

>> No.9203356

how'd you get "each"?

>> No.9203357

The unit for intertia is the kilogram metre squared.

>> No.9203358
File: 479 KB, 2000x1333, siposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing obvious

>> No.9203360

See >>9203197

>> No.9203361

5=e, 1=a, 3=c, 8=h

Probably bullshit

>> No.9203362

we need to take pieces from each earlier answer

>> No.9203363

A1Z26, A=1, B=2, etc.

>> No.9203364

Hope people are trying words from these!

>> No.9203366


letters of the alphabet. E is 5th letter, A is 1st letter, C is 3rd, H is 8th

>> No.9203367

see >>9203197

>> No.9203368
File: 104 KB, 2207x1628, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flipping it around and rotating

>> No.9203370


It's definitely a 5 and not an S, remember the field you start at also has to be marked

>> No.9203371

not this

>> No.9203373

What does it mean??

>> No.9203374


Maybe it has to be moved a few over like the plato one was? >>9203245

>> No.9203375
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>> No.9203377



>> No.9203378

i plugged in all the trade names for that drug and all sorts of shit; probably a dead end

>> No.9203379

if you take previous answers:

5 = 8; 3=f; 1=a, 8=15 or 8fa15

>> No.9203380

5138 in hex is Q8 ... but the answer is not Audi, or Kuwait .. . just in case that helps

>> No.9203381


>> No.9203382

High score went up

>> No.9203383


>> No.9203384

I got it!

johann sebastian

>> No.9203385

If anyone hasn’t tried this, seems like a lot of good places to look just searching it on Wikipedia:

>> No.9203386


>> No.9203387

>johann sebastian

>> No.9203388

>johann sebastian

>> No.9203389

1580.63 1254.55 1054.94 627.27 939.85 837.31 41.902 12.454

>> No.9203390
File: 110 KB, 500x451, dont-forget-to-drink-your-ovaltine-quickrmeme-come-14082817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer to question #40

>> No.9203391

johann sebastian

>> No.9203392

1580.63 1254.55 1054.94 627.27 939.85 837.31 41.902 12.454

>> No.9203393


1580.63 1254.55 1054.94 627.27 939.85 837.31 41.902 12.454

>> No.9203394

>johann sebastian

>> No.9203395


>> No.9203396

>johann sebastian
I literally tried johann sebastian bach

fuck me

>> No.9203397

Hex for 8fa15 comes back as ¡ in ascii.

MOTHER FUCKER. I tried "bach" and "johann sebastian bach" and it didn't take it.

>> No.9203398


how the hell

>> No.9203399

musical note frequencies


>> No.9203400

why is it when all of you get an answer i feel like i did - i'm just some fuckstick who FEELS like he got the answer...

>> No.9203401


gw c137 Anonymous

>> No.9203402

frequencies of notes.

>> No.9203404

Fucking same

ded geim

>> No.9203405

39. johan sebastian

Question 40:
1580.63 1254.55 1054.94 627.27 939.85 837.31 41.902 12.454

>> No.9203406

tfw you try "johann sebastian bach" and it doesn't work but "juhann sebastian" does

>> No.9203408

BACH = 2138

>> No.9203409



>> No.9203410


>> No.9203412

we're all in the hunt together, anon

anyone who knows music know the tune it makes?

>> No.9203413

spells out

FACADE, excluding last two frequencies

>> No.9203415

5138 = EACH, which flipped is 8138 = BACH, which is Johann Sebastian Bach

>> No.9203416

f a c a d e 41.902 12.454

>> No.9203417


>> No.9203418

how tf is it 2138 and not 5138 tho

>> No.9203420


>> No.9203421



>> No.9203422

Why’s you do that though that’s so random of you

>> No.9203423

F0 21.83 1580.63
A0 27.50 1254.55
C1 32.70 1054.94
A1 55.00 627.27
D1 36.71 939.85
E1 41.20 837.31

I didnt convert the last two

>> No.9203424


Last two are (G/A) and F

>> No.9203425


Coordinates of vatican city

>> No.9203426

vatican city is where the last two point

>> No.9203427

author made a mistake

>> No.9203428

How about someone playing the notes? maybe a known song?

>> No.9203429


probably a melody

>> No.9203430
File: 645 KB, 574x521, desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks to be this statue.

>> No.9203432

1580.63 F0
1254.55 A0
1054.94 C1
627.27 A1
939.85 D1
837.31 E1
41.902 ?????
12.454 ?????

>> No.9203433


>> No.9203434


Is this some great schism shit?

>> No.9203437

borghese, got it

>> No.9203439


>> No.9203441



>> No.9203442


>> No.9203443

GG boys

>> No.9203444

What happened??

>> No.9203445

Damn, what's borghese?

Also we did it guys, great job.

>> No.9203446


>> No.9203447


>> No.9203448


>> No.9203450

so what now

>> No.9203451

Do the email

>> No.9203452

Lol fuck, it's over

>> No.9203453

I'm so proud of you /sci/

>> No.9203454

there's still an input field. what if this is a trick?

>> No.9203455

We done I guess?

>> No.9203456


start playing

>> No.9203457
File: 21 KB, 462x182, Screenshot_2017-10-01 15.54.20_OJpzWY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I stopped the glory hogging too

>> No.9203458

It's who the facade in the vatican is dedicated to

>> No.9203460

But was it worth it?

>> No.9203461


>> No.9203462

Anyone got screenshots of what happens after the last question??

>> No.9203463

I'm going to make a big bowl of pasta

>> No.9203464

inb4 email links to ARG

>> No.9203465

Why was it though?

>> No.9203466
File: 209 KB, 1920x792, Rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203467

"Built during the reign of Paul V Borghese"

Well played lads, that last one was fast

>> No.9203468


well, once more it's proven that nothing can withstand the power of networked autism

>> No.9203469

He's the guy who funded a lot of the art at St. Peter's, including the piazza. The facade in the basilica is dedicated to him.

>> No.9203470
File: 70 KB, 1462x752, Screen Shot 2017-10-01 at 12.55.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing too crazy

>> No.9203471

we are all winners on this blessed day

but you are the winnerest

>> No.9203472

You fucked it up
It's boards.4chan.org/sci/

>> No.9203473

they'll need to rename the site.

>> No.9203474
File: 71 KB, 1432x652, Screenshot_2017-10-01 15.55.39_JExQBT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203475


façade was built during the pontificate of Pope Paul V Borghese

>> No.9203476

you anons are amazing

>> No.9203478

write your email

>> No.9203479

I love you all

>> No.9203480

God bless us everyone. Get some sleep, guys.

>> No.9203481

>tfw contributed

>> No.9203482

It redirects. I'm not that retarded. Although the email I used does have my real name...

>> No.9203483


>> No.9203484

Let’s get a round of applause for all of us who never contributed anything useful

>> No.9203485
File: 54 KB, 1600x769, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you submit on the last one, it shows this as the server response

>> No.9203486

<3 all

>> No.9203487

explanation to last answer?

>> No.9203488

Maybe I should create my own never completed game

>> No.9203489

It shows that as the server response for everything

>> No.9203490

i feel happy that im >>9203197

the idea didn't work for the puzzle but ended up working for bach later on

i feel like i made a difference in the community


back to jacking off and watching anime

>> No.9203491

I wrote something at the end since it still has an input box and it popped a message saying 'still working on it...'

>> No.9203492
File: 779 KB, 1066x800, 1486511662156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried my best, turns out my best is just everyone else's average

>> No.9203493
File: 65 KB, 700x519, pond pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ should do ARGs more often, this was kinda fun

>> No.9203494
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does it?

>> No.9203495

Was frequencies, decoded to FACADE + coords of Vatican. the facade at the Vatican is a thing decorated to that family.

>> No.9203497

can someone explain the 2138 instead of 5138 dilemma?

>> No.9203498

facade + geo-coordinates for saint peter's basilica = facade was built by borghese

>> No.9203500

So what do we get for all this work

>> No.9203501

Mirror image (5, when flipped upside down, becomes a 2)

>> No.9203502

notporn this was not.

>> No.9203503

We should all send in our pseudonym. At this point, it might just be a wall of people from /sci/ who did it. I get that glory hogging is no fun, but it's also kind of nice just to be immortalized somehow.

>> No.9203504

>supreme court people

Too american for my taste, would have never guessed those

>> No.9203505

A congratulations

>> No.9203506

Small moment of fame

>> No.9203507


>> No.9203509

5138, but it was mirrored (also RRRDDDLLLRRRDDDLLL = 3) so it was 2138, spells out B (2) A (1) C (3) H (8) = BACH, missing parts of the name is JOHANN SEBASTIAN

>> No.9203510

5138 mirrored is 2138. 2=B 1=A 3=C 8=H. Johann Sebastian Bach

>> No.9203511


It was flipped vertically.

>> No.9203512

Is the author lurking this thread?

>> No.9203514

Send mine, I'm Anonymous

>> No.9203515
File: 187 KB, 395x296, 1424818932235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw solved #27

>> No.9203516

who /still working on it.../ here

>> No.9203517

has anyone gotten an email back yet?

>> No.9203518

Was a nice thrill being the first to get the last answer but I relied on everyone here and wouldn't have gotten close by myself. All y'all did it.

>> No.9203519

you get added to a list of people the NSA will either recruit or kill for being too clever

>> No.9203520

a handjob

>> No.9203521

its always cool to have solved it like this but then you feel bad for anyone in the future, they won't get to have the same fun we did

>> No.9203522

Nope. I think I was the first in tho. Will update.


>> No.9203524

The feeling of accomplishment you get from solving riddles. Of being part of an ephemeral community. This game formed us into a volunteer ad-hoc think tank. We bounced ideas off of and inspired each other, we bickered a little, and we had a good time.

That's reward enough for me.

>> No.9203525


>> No.9203526

I missed the reason for descartes, then the video, and the European one

>> No.9203527
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>> No.9203528



>> No.9203529

There will always be more riddles, anon. The universe is full of them!

>> No.9203531

Tell him to go fuck himself

>> No.9203534


>> No.9203535

Ask him why he did the game

>> No.9203537


>> No.9203539


>> No.9203540

>87 posters

How the fuck?

Also, roll for >>9203527 to send goatse

>> No.9203541

if dubs tell him 9/11 was an inside job

>> No.9203543


>> No.9203544


>> No.9203545

ding ding ding

>> No.9203546


>> No.9203547

do this

please i beg of you

>> No.9203548

author was itt and probably solved it himself lettuce be honest. their twitter hasn't budged since 2012, this is just a way to promote traffic, some viral marketing bullshit.

>> No.9203549


>> No.9203550

If that's true at least we can feel nice that he picked us to feed the answers and not Facebook or HN.

>> No.9203551

I just sent the author a link to the thread. Lets see.

>> No.9203552

Watching it real time seemed pretty believable/ legit to me, you could be right though and + he was ready for the emails :/

>> No.9203553


>> No.9203554

Like if anyone here doesn't use adblockers anyway.

Guess leddit will reach the site sooner or later.

>> No.9203555

fuck hackerjews

>> No.9203556


>> No.9203557

Happy birthday 4chan!

>> No.9203558
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>> No.9203559

yeah i let someone else send the email first, don't know who this weirdo is and he's probably got all my tracking cookies and shit anyway

>> No.9203560
File: 304 KB, 722x768, 1426778798862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you ask, /sci/?

>> No.9203561

So this is the power of autism on the Internet.

>> No.9203562

I am impressed. There'll be a message from you guys on the website soon. /NCG

>> No.9203563

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9203564

go fuck yourself

>> No.9203565

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9203566


>> No.9203567

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9203569

no newfag it's "Bush did 9/11" OR "Jews did WTC"

Don't mix your stale memes.

>> No.9203570

But, why?

>> No.9203571

go fuck yourself

>> No.9203572

Between this and bombing ISIS in Syria, it's terrifying to think what intelligence agencies (who can afford to employ hundreds/thousands of 4chan-like autists) can manage.

>> No.9203573

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9203574


>> No.9203575


>> No.9203576

Yeah. Now look at what we're doing.
4chan harrassed Shia LaBeouf by chasing a flag and just solved Internet puzzles.
1-0 NSA

>> No.9203577


>> No.9203578
File: 376 KB, 511x602, 200% smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I feel pretty fucking smug right now. I feel like a fucking god. I don't even care how autistic this sounds, I feel like a fucking million dollars. We're the champions. Still the final fucking boss of the internet.

>> No.9203580

now i get to see all you fags facebooks

>> No.9203581

>filename mismatches text
The autism didn't rub off on you, at least.

>> No.9203582


>> No.9203583

Okay /sci/

Next on the agenda

We solve cancer

>> No.9203584


>> No.9203585


>> No.9203586

nah i'd rather let people suffer and die

>> No.9203587

I'd come up with an answer first. For example 'faggot'.

Then I'd use the rot13 of the letters, turn to the number of the letter, then draw a pixel for each number in a square picture, encode to png, then get the md5 hash of that.

The question would be the md5.

>> No.9203588

But then there would be no more 4chan

>> No.9203589
File: 56 KB, 663x458, lmeZ6SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203590

But what if it were a game?

>> No.9203591

The winner's word is uploaded to the website. I still love you guys tho!

>> No.9203592

A constellation, quick, what's the distance in light years?

>> No.9203594

now says "go fuck yourself" on the sidebar... gg

>> No.9203595

Hv dfln yvfzgbpd

>> No.9203597
File: 180 KB, 428x510, 1361638555234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203598

We did it reddit!

>> No.9203599

thanks faggot

>> No.9203600

any chance of you putting this on your github

>> No.9203601

You fucker I spent all the night lurking this fucking thread and stealing the answers from these autistic faggots for a fucking "You made it!"? Give me my night back you asshole.

>> No.9203602

top kekel


follow me on github!!!

>> No.9203604

games like this would be fantastic problem sets for training AI/ATP machines (Automated theorem proving), since the problems are always turing complete.

>> No.9203606

If you had contributed instead of trying to be a leech you might actually feel a sense of accomplishment.

>> No.9203607
File: 32 KB, 299x296, gofuckyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg raj pmsl

>> No.9203608


>> No.9203609

Were you expecting 72 virgins? /NCG

>> No.9203610

you misunderstand Turing completeness. these are not mathematical problems, these are understanding, comprehension, and interference problems.

>> No.9203611

Hey fucker who made this

make a sequel

and actually make it hard next time

>> No.9203612

Apparently this anon >>9203609

>> No.9203613

it's directly extensible, read about homotopy type theory.

>> No.9203614

Was 2138/5138 a mistake or you really meant to get it mirrored to answer?

>> No.9203616

btw, have you guys ever tried farting in a jar and then smelling it? its great. /NCG

>> No.9203617

this. the up/dn flip just seemed out of nowhere. granted many of the manipulations seemed arbitrary

>> No.9203618

I'm going to go fuck myself /NCG

>> No.9203619

Not the same poster anymore

>> No.9203621

No really, it’s me, NCG /NCG

>> No.9203622

Aha, yes, NCG. See, we at /sci/, we're all a couple of natural Ricks. And you're a Morty. Your IQ is probably too small to understand this joke.

>> No.9203623

I'm thinking it was a mistake

>> No.9203624

I hope NCG and "go fuck yourself" doesn't become a stale meme on /sci/

>> No.9203626

Should have used a trip while you could.

>> No.9203628

Maybe it will replace KYS. That's what I would have said on any other board here (or another chan). But on /sci/ I turn off the vitriol and turn on my brain.

>> No.9203630

this would have been solved long ago if anyone actually knew about it

>> No.9203637

caring is the actual challenge

>> No.9203642

it only came out today?

>> No.9203647

It came out 5 years ago

>> No.9203660

Today's game is completely different from the 2013 one.

>> No.9203662

But was NCG the OP? Maybe he was bored nobody had solved it yet.

>> No.9203670

i know he wasnt for the last 2 threads

>> No.9203681


>> No.9203684


>> No.9203695

<3 /NCG

>> No.9203698

Why do you bump?
We're done here, faggot
als the thread is on autosage, Morty

>> No.9203717

Go fuck yourself. /NCG

>> No.9203837

Wow you guys did it what the fuck

>> No.9203842
File: 40 KB, 425x516, kate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Include me in the screencap

>> No.9203848

somebody screencap this whole thing
we did it collectively, I feel really good even though I should have studied instead

>> No.9203853

Awesome job

>> No.9203857

donee omg

>> No.9203858


>> No.9203874

Just kidding, that was only the easy mode

>> No.9203904

how did you figure that out?

>> No.9203975

it describes how horror movie enthusiasts would watch a horror movie and judge it to be a good one, I guess.

I'm not one so I didn't get it immediately.

>> No.9204207
File: 1.79 MB, 352x199, a perfect 5 out of 7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit I'm away from /sci/ for a day and a half due to the (((holiday))) and this happens?
holy shit guys, nicely fucking done.

>> No.9204338

But what about 41?

>> No.9204421

did #34
felt easy, some anons truly had their almonds activated here with some of the other responses

>> No.9204431


>> No.9204437

Are we doing 41 or is there some new thread?

>> No.9204469

fuck that

>> No.9204470

New thread?

>seventeenth of the primes
>it's twin is twentynine
29th prime is 109. Could be significant that there's no space between "twenty" and "nine"?
>Let's drive
>Bye, Alfonsín.
Raul Alfonsín was president of Argentina, and died July 8, 1989.
>Add seven triangular.
Triangular numbers maybe? The 7th is 21.

>It named the Valley.

>> No.9204481

7th triangular number is 28

>> No.9204503

maybe the valley is silicon valley, don hoefler gave it that name in 1971

>> No.9204510


it's 59 not 57

>> No.9204519

new thread