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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9199296 No.9199296 [Reply] [Original]

I assume most of /sci/ is still in undergrad or maybe grad school. What's your thoughts on people cheating/reporting cheaters?

I've reported two this year already. It makes me feel like a dick but I don't think it's right to have someone get higher grades because they are using a phone or paper with all the answers on it. Plus everyone is competing for scholarships and internships so why let someone get a leg up that way?

picture unrelated

>> No.9199299
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>tfw report someone is cheating
>tfw teacher just comes by and takes away their cheatsheet, no other consequences
> :gun:

>> No.9199334

caught a cheater last semester while proctoring an exam. he was very obviously looking at someone else's test, and after comparing them it was super obvious he'd been copying

gave him a zero and told him to talk to the prof about it, who was going to confront him. didn't press in honor court cause that's a fucking nightmare and usually they get out of it anyway. he ended up dropping the class

>> No.9201045

Yeah sure you can cheat and maybe you'll get away with and get a good grade.
But what then anon?
Will you feel good knowing that you're a fraud.
Whenever i study and get good on a test I'm happy because I fucking worked hard.
Honestly kill yourself

>> No.9201134

I reported two students in a class (calc 1) I was teaching this summer. Their answers were exactly the same and they sat next to each other. Luckily they admitted to it as having to go through the formal procedures when our stories differ is a nightmare. They both ended up passing the class though; the punishment for the first offense at my institution is to attend a seminar about academic dishonesty so that the university can rightfully claim that the students knew about academic dishonesty before suspending them.
Reporting them is good anon. You should do it. They need to learn to deal with the material themselves rather than copy off each other. Passing people who don't know what they're doing through the system discredits other people's degrees from that institution (to an extent). I see many students in classes who clearly don't belong there, and it diminishes my view of higher education. For example, I had a student who couldn't find the integral [math]\int x^3 dx[/math]. This was when I was helping him prepare for his calc 2 final. Some of this lack of knowledge is likely due to cheating. The rest is probably from instructors who want a decent passing rate so that they get good evaluations and get rehired.

>> No.9201169
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>be 1st year grad
>mandatory seminar on TA responsibilities
>cheating story time
>chinese girl has website in chinese where students pay her to take calc1 and calc2 finals for them
>students get caught because they all have the same handwriting on their tests and some didn't even know what an integral was.
>chinese girl gets away by flying back to china

>> No.9201172

You clearly didn't even read the post.
You're a fucking retard of the highest caliber.

>> No.9201196

If you're feel bad for ratting out a cheat then the real world will screw you over. You'll get used to it though, I wouldn't stress too much.

>> No.9201211

Cheating is for losers who want to be bad at what they do.

I am strongly opposed to it but i also would not report it unless it was obvious/affected me like copying would.
Or if I was a TA and caught it, then i would cause its my job and not just being a snitch.
But yea fuck people who cheat on tests in college. Highschool is fine but in college learning actually matters

>> No.9201228

Obviously cheating is bad. Cheaters will waste the university's time and money by pretending to be really smart, making the university like them and offer them opportunities but then they will graduate and get the fuck out of academia because they know they are not smart enough to be actual academics. It is sad.

And yes, it is a bit of a dick move to report them but you are right when you say university is a competition. Everyone is on their own. If they don't want to get reported then they shouldn't have cheated.

>> No.9201598

>Mathematical statistics
>Final takes place after graduation ceremony because my school is an administrative mess.
>Black girl, who wasn't doing well in the class, comes in wearing cap and gown
>Immediately takes out her phone to look up the answers

I didn't report her, but to this day I wonder if I should have

>> No.9201659

I would never cheat. University is a Battle against myself. There are always going to be people who are su much more intelligent and way out of your League. Also I think they deserve a little credit, if they actually cheat succesfully, since in most od my exams you are usaually busy with calculating the whole time.

>> No.9201852

>> thoughts on cheaters
Hang them high

>> No.9201962

my university in undergrad had a mandatory academic dishonesty seminar before school started freshman year. this allowed for the first strike to be a zero while avoiding the legalese your students could hide behind.

>> No.9202145

Would slash your tires.

>> No.9202173
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ITT a bunch of beep meenies

>> No.9202197

I bet most of you anti cheaters here really just harbor some envy driven racism to asians.

>> No.9202210
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In the real world outside of academics white or majority priveldge could be considered cheating to get the A

While applying for job or college while minority could be considered expert work. The same way comparing a cheater in science class to a hard home studier would cause an appearence of unfairness

>> No.9202212 [DELETED] 

I would only report cheating if it was in a degree where people do serious work that could affect lives like medicine or engineering.

>> No.9202243

Who is this

>> No.9202277

Focusing on other people cheating rather than your own test.

>> No.9202286

looking at solution manuals on homework when you're stuck i think is fine
people who cheat on tests can eat a peter

>> No.9202292

either you're drunk or you forgot to take your meds and should probably stay away from /pol/

>> No.9202328

nice rebuttal. hope you enjoy your jewish privilege.

>> No.9202383

I'm not /pol/ as I don't want any nazis to be running around killing jews but ever since I was little I have been wondering why jews were so powerful despite being a minority. I do not usually think about this but I remembered because yesterday I went to the mall to eat with my gf and half the stores were closed and with a sign that says that they are closed because of some jewish holiday.

Why the fuck do jews, the minority, own half the mall? It makes no sense unless there is some kind of crazy scheme at the top.

>> No.9202505


both those posts are mine and I say we put together a serious statistical study that looks at arbitrary data like birth weight place of birth colleges attended grades all types of stuff to evaluate what will increase probabilities of success

I argue that reading books will not increase success probability but that is a very complicated statement that needs more arguments to back it up

>> No.9202511

one claim I will make is that people born with privilege are less likely to inherit their parents business due to bias from the employees working together to push out the inheritors

This claim flies in the face of the mainstream understanding of majority privilege

>> No.9202529
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>enter exam hall
>"do you have a phone?"
>during exam use the WC
>take out phone and search for keywords in lecture notes


>exam time
>get to exam hall early
>exam papers are on table face down
>group of us gather around one table
>one picks up and reads the first question
>all of us discuss it for ~10 minutes
>"everybody take your seats the exams will start in 5 minutes"

>> No.9202556

How does it feel to not deserve to live? You had one chance at life and you wasted it being a garbage person. Great job.

>> No.9202617

I wouldn't feel bad about yourself. Personally, though, the teachers should be on this and looking out for cheaters themselves. If they're sitting up front reading, or (worse) wandering off somewhere, then they are being irresponsible.

>> No.9202619

get back to /pol/, this is a serious board

>> No.9202625

I went to Penn. This is ludicrous.

>> No.9203219

>What's your thoughts on people cheating/reporting cheaters

I have seen a teacher let two Asians go even though they submitted files that where identical even to the diff unix command

>> No.9203264


mind your own fucking business. It's nobody's business but their own if they cheat or not. It's not your place to rat them out. If you actually think it's harming you because a cheater is out-competing you for scholarships then simply get good you fucking faggot. Study harder than 99% of people and the few cheaters here or there won't matter because you're in the top percentile anyway. People who worry about what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on their own shit are never gonna make it.

>> No.9203513

>because a cheater is out-competing you for scholarships then simply get good you fucking faggot
Lmao, I just report them and watch as they cry and get BTFO. Fuck out of here with that git gud bullshit. If you're cheating, I'm snitching.

>> No.9203770

People cheat their way to the top in the real world.

If you get caught you're just shit at cheating and should've played straight and narrow like a good little cuck.

>> No.9203793

It's not just about competition, if you have to cheat you don't deserve the degree and you're devaluing it by having brainlets pass.

>> No.9203798

God damn there's so much salt in this post.
You better get that sodium down, bro.

>> No.9203799

>Thinking the degree isn't but a piece of paper.

The most important thing you get out studying are your skills m8.
Just git gud

>> No.9203810

>Not my business
Assume the following: a cheater pass through every class and becomes an architect/engineer/whatever that could put people's life at risk. This one has never studied, he doesn't know jack shit and it's hired.
Best case scenario he's hired to do non-critical software
Worst case scenario he's hired to design a building/safety equipment/etc, all things that people rely blindly for safety.

So yes it's your concern calling out cheater, because you don't want an airbag deploy system designed by someone who can't even do 2+2 without looking at a cheat sheet.

>> No.9203854

>People cheat their way to the top in the real world.
Like when people cheat on their grades in school, which is exactly what we're talking about

>> No.9205177

Snitches get stitches for being punk bitches

>> No.9205204

Most of my classes are intensely curved, with the average being set to 2.6-2.7, in classes of like 40-60. So even one cheater runs the risk of upsetting the curve, and multiple is downright dangerous to the people who honestly study.

In an environment like that, it's incredibly important to report cheaters, else your grade might be drastically affected- especially in classes where exam performance is very top-heavy, and the true fight is over the few specific details and extra bits that notes would crush, but are otherwise difficult to remember.

>> No.9205214
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>not using a log scale to compare those quantities

>> No.9205231

Only angry nerds give a shit in most cases. I would only tell if it's something directly affecting me like a competition or a really important filter like a uni entrance exam or a graduation exam (don't know what's called in English).

>> No.9205300

Do you guys consider getting help on homework sets either in real life or online to be cheating?

>> No.9205898

>Cheating has become so rampant that the classes are created with the assumption that the students will cheat

>> No.9205972

What was the cheater's ethinicity?

>> No.9206103

I cheat. I also tell on other people who cheat, because watching other people get fucked over gives me my jollies.
If you do something that you know would result in you being punished if anyone finds out and then let people find out you don't get to whine. Do something about it, pussy.

>> No.9206428

I'd say the threshold for cheating is "am I getting more help than I'd get from asking a professor/TA/tutor for help?". If yes, then you're cheating.

>> No.9206727

found the cheater who got caught

>> No.9206728

>because you don't want an airbag deploy system designed by someone who can't even do 2+2 without looking at a cheat sheet.
or testifying in court about your case

>> No.9206753

it's not socially acceptable to report cheaters.
I remember a high school teacher basically calling the horse girl a faggot because she reported other people cheated during a test.

As on cheating itself, I used to cheat like a mofo in junior high just for the chill of being "a bad boy" and because I didn't give a fuck about remembering some kings' names and battle dates in history class.

In uni, I "cheated" by buying the calculator in OP's pic. It basically did all the calculations for me, and i could send to it the notes from my PC.

>> No.9206756

Well I have a bad habit of blurting out answers for the test to anyone who asks before we start.

Sometimes it's just super obvious what's going to be on the test, half of my study time is dedicated to thinking up logical questions, and coming up with answers that I'd find i'd accept if I was the teacher. It's the teacher who you have to understand if you truly want those 100%s. I mean Ive had a few incompetent teachers who can't write tests for a damn, but it generally works. Lee wu was a hack, she picked one question per section and it was always super specific. I cracked the pattern eventually. I told EVERYONE about that one. She gave me a b- once. Who the fuck grades short answer questions 1 out of 5? It was for the dumbest thing too, I said some monkey experiment used grapes as a reward when it was honey. Fuck her.

If I'm actually on friendly terms with my classmates or like my table group or something, they know to ask me. If there was a study guide then it would be a sort of race to ask questions before the test. Some teachers really hated it, but fuck that, I find trick questions dishonest. And besides, what I was mostly doing was forming questions and then telling them the question, how is that wrong? If you just talked to people about the subject, they generally know the information. Some normies are quite smart, they just can't handle the test environment.

Not me, I love tests. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I found a real deal cheater. I might not be able to restrain my autisum and call them out on the spot.

>> No.9206759

I don't find any worth in cheating so I don't.

>> No.9206774

>boooohooooo i can't compete in classes because people reported me for cheating!!!!!!!

>> No.9206777

If a class is set in such a way that 10% get As always, 10% fail always and the rest get somewhere in the middle, cheating directly hurts other people in a way that is out of their control

>> No.9206849
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We're literally just half of the 1%, it goes back to early business ventures and such but it correlates more with our economic success, business ownership and comradery to have the appearance of privilege.

>> No.9206855
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>read a bunch of old mid terms

i'm not cheating i swear! im a good lad!

>> No.9206876

There's no way that guy could deal with partial fractions in his head.

>> No.9206881

or with the calculator that the other lawyer offered him

>> No.9207001

>>read a bunch of old mid terms
How is that in any way cheating?
In most of my classes previous exams are explicitly provided for studying and sometimes homework?

>> No.9207006

>Why the fuck do jews, the minority, own half the mall?
From what I have understood Jews mastered the art of being successful. Jews use their position to help other Jews and thus are able to fill out large parts of the elite.

I would guess that the owner of the mall (or the company which manages it) was also a Jew who gave his Jewish friends very none-Jewish prices for the rents of their shops.

It probably also helps that Jews in America have a very high IQ and their "privilege" in the eyes of most people is none-existence because "muh holocaust".

>> No.9207013

It is actually Insane to see the statistics of how racist these Universities are when deciding on students.
So many unqualified blacks and Hispanics are allowed to enter just because they are "oppressed", of course the Jews are even better of.

>> No.9207019

A lot of people cheat in my school.
They use the program function on their calculators (which are password protected), and just read notes and answer questions with ease.

I would report, but literally everyone is doing it. It's just unfair for people who work hard.

>> No.9207041

>being allowed to use your own calculators on a test
rookie mistake

>> No.9207042

had a classmate pretend to have to throw up so she could go look shit up on her phone during an exam.
She goes to Brown now for grad school, I didn't get in.

>> No.9207066

Well yeah, what are you supposed to do if you're stuck, just stare at the problem?

>> No.9207468
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she was black

>> No.9207469

mean to tag u

>> No.9207480

If you're being asked to help someone cheat, just tell them to fuck off because it's not worth potentially ruining your academic future for someone else.

If you're the one cheating, you're probably not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.9207554

I think it's okay to cheat when the subject is just some retarded filler unrelated to your major, but it's disgusting otherwise.

>> No.9207575

No-one gives a shit about cheating in high school, because 90% of the shit you learn there will be totally unrelated to your eventual profession, and you will forget most of that shit anyway. Cheating in university is different, because you're there to learn about the given field out of your own volition, and you're fucking your university and your future employer in the ass by being a dumb shit who cheated their way through their degree.

>> No.9207589

well there you go then
It would be illegal for the prof to take any action against them, and quickly get them fired

>> No.9207593

Just throw an anonymous e-mail to your prof about a large number of people using their calculators to cheat, hopefully they will do something about it.

>> No.9207826

What kind of subhuman reports others for cheating? Dont you get beat up daily?