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9199226 No.9199226 [Reply] [Original]

> steal a uni premed course from a student who might love biology or chemistry

> literally no interest in said subject

> shit up the course. Cant find mutual interest with them as they only want medicine

> tend to be arrogant

Why not just ban premeds?

>> No.9199239

You should switch to the european way, with med school right after high school

>> No.9199266
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i hate pre meds, so fucking obnoxious
a huge group of them have a lunch block at the same time as me and they are always so fucking loud proudly boasting about some barf inducing topic
buncha chads

>> No.9199270
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Why the fuck would you even need a pre-med degree? Don't you teach anything in high-schools in the US? In my country, you learn basic math and calculus in high school, which is enough to become a physician - ie. understand physiology stuff like Poiseulle equation. And after preclinical studies, most physicians won't even need that high level of understanding.

>> No.9199276

Damn, all the talks about premeds here are getting me really horny. I want to teach a calculus class and just give them mind-bending problems olympiad style that require much more than formulas and fail them all.

Jesus fuck if you guys could see my cock right now. It's so hard. It's just that brainlet tears get me... you know... fuck, brainlet tears get me hard.

>> No.9199285
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>American schools

>> No.9199313

Pure biologists are the biggest brainlets, all they do is plant shit and baby stuff like ecology.

>> No.9199322

The only bad thing about premeds is theyre the selfish.

I like the competitive and Machiavellian environment.

>> No.9199336


t. Premed

>> No.9199819

In my country there's no such thing as a premed or a minor and a major.

>> No.9199845

Nothing is more of a joke than American high schools.

>> No.9200364

Engineers are pretty bad too

>first day of my physics lab
>professor has us split off into groups of 3-6
>see table with 2 kids who are friends of a friend
>sit there since I feel since I don't know anyone else
>fucking sperg who knew them joined the table
>every fucking class he'd quote Bender's binary copy past quote from Futurerama
>and that pimp my ride meme
>every fucking class he'd quote that crap out loud multiple
>he'd also watch crap on his laptop without headphones while we were doing experiments

It was one of the few times I felt true homicidal urges towards another person.

>> No.9200375 [DELETED] 

join my pre-med discord pls, current physicians and life sciences students welcome


>> No.9200411

My university has this "Integrated Liberal Arts and Medicine" 7-year program where those who are accepted are given 2 years of only pre-med STEM courses and some humanities courses then 5 years of medical school. They only accept straight outta highschool people with outstanding marks in their academic career thus far and the top scorers in the entrance examinations.

>> No.9200482

engineering has the biggest spergs

>> No.9200799


>be in Organic Chem lecture
>probably 200 students there
>professor asks
>"how many chem students are there?"
>7 raise their hands
>"how many ChemE students here?"
>me and two others raise hands.
>"how many pre med here?"
>rest of lecture hall raises hands

And THAT anon, was one of the several times I realized the current university system is a fucking sham. There is absolutely NO REASON, with the exception if curbing "costs", that I should be mandated to go three times a week to a class with a majority of students who have no reason to be in the same room as me.

>> No.9200804


Oh anon, if you attended public schools in urban areas in the US you would understand. Educate yourself on "No Child Left Behind" / Common Core, why it was brought about, and who really benefits from these programs, and you will see why most US students don't graduate public high school with a solid grasp of Calculus.

>> No.9200813

Organic chemistry isnt some special class.

>> No.9201084

>molecular bio major
>literally 99% of my peers don’t give a fuck about biology and are just doing it for pre-med
>brainlets who are failing chem 200 and bio 205 act all high and mighty because they think they’ll become a doctor one day
I want to die

>> No.9201104

Let's not pretend getting into an American medical school is anything like getting into a medical school in your trash country. Doctors in the US make an avg of 300-500k for surgical specialities, so competition is fierce as fuck to get into even the shittiest state schools out there, with most schools having a less than 3% acceptance rate. Because interest is so high, schools need a way to curb the bad candidates, which is why they require a bachelors and the MCAT.

>> No.9201210

>be TA for organic chemistry lab and lecture
>Premeds are constantly just memorizing and not thinking
>They never come to office hours
>This is obviously showing in their grades
>Suddenly it's nearing 2/3rd into the semester and drop period is approaching for no penalty
>Suddenly office is filled with premeds getting Back
>Asking for extra work or credit
>Laugh and ask where were they earlier this semester
>They stammer with incoherent excuses as they know they fucked up
>Drop period ends
>Class population shrinks by half
>same Problems again next semester with registration because all those B failures are trying to shoehorn their asses into the same classes yet again for the second or even third fucking time just to make an A

It's astounding how many do this and how fucking predictable it is.

>> No.9201250

Do people who cannot naturally get A's in everything even deserve to be doctors? And I know that for the most part, we find solace in that most of them won't get into med school anyways but the reality is that some of them simply luck out and get in. That's because there are not nearly enough actual good people in premed to fill all the med school spots so after all the good people are picked they will just fill in the remaining spots with whoever the fuck scores the most diversity points or has the most legacy points and connections.

I feel bad. When I go to the doctor are there ways to tell if a doctor was once one of these faggots? What should I ask to judge him? I just do not want to economically support these kinds of people. They do not deserve it.

>> No.9201271

If they considered organic chemistry hard or difficult or say it's just all memorization, that's a shit doctor because they clearly missed the bare minimum point of the class from a non chemistry standpoint.

>> No.9201478
File: 77 KB, 949x690, Hatepremeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking hate pre-meds and I can sort of see the professors dislike in pre-meds too for ruining the courses, because they're pressured to fit the course to the needs of the pre-meds.

Pic related, a pre-med bitch in two of my classes. Typical, pre-med who sits in the front of the class.

Another is a guy who always asks stupid irrelevant questions to get the professor's attention that could be answered by googling.

>> No.9201485


hate fuck er

>> No.9201504
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Another is pre-med was so pissed off last Thursday after we got our exams back. He got around a 60%, (Class average was around 50%). Just a week prior he was saying this was his best class.

I was rubbing my score in his face basically and he was like "I fucking hate this class".

I despise pre-meds.

>> No.9201508

>mathematics quote she definitely does not understand

Fuck man. Is she hot at least?

>> No.9201617 [DELETED] 

when will Ali start selling wives?

>> No.9201646

What's with this misconception? There're a lot of "pure biologist" fields.

Devleopmental, molecular, pathological, and to a lesser extent physiology are all rigorous fields that require a great deal of critical analysis. Ecology even with new advances in making bioniformatics the norm for analysis is becoming a much more predictive force.

>> No.9201660

molecular bio bro here

Iktf. At least I can autistically pleasure myself with the wonders of genomics and proteomics while everyone else only seems to give a shit about the medical applications of biology.

>> No.9201692


should've chosen a mathematically intense course and done biology electives, you faggots set yourselves up to deal with brainlets by majoring in biology

>> No.9201712

Nah, my dude. Biology is unironically where the industry is headed, and advances in genetic engineering (which, for all intents and purposes is mostly just a grad program in the US, no typically an undergrad program, that accepts molecular bio/biochem majors) are ushering in the age of industrialized custom lifeforms for mass production of biological byproduct.

Basically, it's a slog, but it's backing the right racehorse, and most people who know enough about biology and the recent advances in gene modification know it.

>> No.9201752 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 480x360, bob page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Biology is unironically where the industry

it's actually quantum computing and comercial rocket travel

>> No.9201761


She's a little thicc with tattoos. I give her about a 5/10. I think she might be 5'10" or so.

>> No.9201762
File: 256 KB, 480x360, bob page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Biology is unironically where the industry is headed

its actually AI and rockets

>> No.9201784
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does she watch rick and morty?

>> No.9201792

>no penalty drop period is 2/3 in to the semester
do you mean financial penalty or grade penalty? seems pretty late.

>> No.9201822
File: 39 KB, 626x374, Ratemyprofile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea, I just know she sits in the pre-med row (the front of the class) and what she says in class.

Rate my profile, this is what my professors/classmates probably see when they add grades or message me.

>> No.9202372

>No idea, I just know she sits in the pre-med row (the front of the class) and what she says in class.

Ayy fuck you man, don't call the front row the pre-med row. I seat there and I am no pre-med.

>> No.9202388


Then why are you sitting in the front row if you're not trying to suck up to the professor for letters of recommendation?

>> No.9202399


Could be bad eyesight/get away from dumbasses in the rest of the class? I sit in the front of my class.

>> No.9202499

>my country has a problem with state backed monopolies therefore your country is inferior
Americans everybody

>> No.9202504

Stop being jealous of premeds.

>> No.9202539

Your logic is problematic.

>> No.9202545

nobody is jealous of people who go to office hours after every assignment/exam to beg for marks, i.e. most pre-meds

>> No.9202564


As a non premed and non science guy, can you explain? Shouldnt premeds be the best in class and super determined to do med? Why would they beg for marks?

>> No.9202581

Who the fuck cares
You're there to learn not to mingle with people

Blame your retarded ass university for requiring people who want to learn how to heal people being forced to learn orbital spins of a god damn electron

>> No.9202634

bad eyesight
i also sit in the front because it helps me pay attention
professor makes eye contact more often, if i'm not paying attention i feel like everyone knows and that extra pressure keeps me attentive

>> No.9202762

Where the grade is marked as Incomplete or something. There's a financial penalty regardless but the first option to drop after that point there is some sort of academic penalty on your transcripts.

>> No.9202845


Don't med schools also look at the time it took to complete your degree as well as your dropped classes?

>> No.9202977

Dropped classes don't show up on the transcript if it's before a certain point. That's what I'm referring to. Some universities push that point to different times of the semester.

As far as degree time, That is illegal. You are to admit students based on the body of work the student has put together. There may be varying factors involved in getting it together hence they only can look at the final product.

>> No.9203011

I think every university requires organic chemistry as either a pre-requisite or co-requisite for biochemistry, at least in the US. The really fucked up thing is that California requires clinical laboratory scientists to take optics courses.

>> No.9203691

>be in womb majoring in umbilical asphyxiation
>some pre life untangles me

>> No.9203804

Thankfully,we have separate unis for studying Medicine/Dental Medicine/Pharmacy.

Med students are really obnoxious.Dental Medicine/Pharmacy students are really cool,but meds are fucking annoying.When you ask them what's the hardest thing in their course they quickly reply with "Anatomy",even though Med students are studying Part I and Part II for 4 semesters,Dental medicine are studying the same stuff for 3 semesters and Pharmacy students are supposed to learn all this stuff in 1 semester.The only thing med students bitch about is anatomy,despite the fact that we are all studying anatomy,and other majors have much harder stuff to study.Thankfully,while meds are poking dead people with lancets,we are making cool shit in our chemistry labs,which are made specifically for us.

t.Pharmacy student who needs to vent this shit out

>> No.9203811
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>o-our study is way cooler than theirs!!! A-annoying pieces of s-s-shit!
Most tedious course is histology btw. But next time you're branding an entire group of students as "fucking annoying", argument it better than "they think anatomy is hard wtf??"

>> No.9203814
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Yet another amerishart who justify healthcare being a business. There's literally no other incentive in america to be a physician if not the big and fat paycheck. I bet amerishart doctors don't even take the Hippocratic Oath, because it would mean people lifes > money.

>> No.9203817

Fuck,I completly forgot about that.My bad then.

>> No.9203832
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>which are made specifically for us.

>> No.9203897

I'm a math major so I don't personally have issues with this but I can see how this is a problem. In Europe, med school starts right after high school and god are medical students obnoxious. They seriously think they are the only ones doing a difficult degree, whenever I'm hanging out with medical students, they always try to one-up me of how difficult they have it. Example:

"Oh you have to go home to work on a partial differential equation homework assignment? That's nothing man! We have to know an entire 1300 page book for our test next week. Actually now that I think of it, that's not much compared to our last test where we had to study 8000 powerpoint slides."


>> No.9204153

Yea,the chem labs are made for Pharmacy students,since our field is more chemistry-orientated.Med students have chemistry,but they have only lectures.We have lectures+exercises and from the second semester we have 2x more chemistry exercises and the number keeps growing until we reach year #3.

>> No.9204379
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I hate to see that med students have a bad reputation. They're pretty competitive and it sucks. I just want to help people :(

>> No.9204380

just call them faggots. that's what i do.

>> No.9204751

Why would you ever want to do a premed program or become a doctor? So much talent is wasted due to a superiority/savior complex or immense pressure from thier family's. Alot of failed doctors then have to rely on "savior" ideals to not kill themselves by attaching themselves to health related fields. Jesus Christ your life can be more enjoyable than focusing on shit you don't care about for 10+ years.

>> No.9205818

Organic chemistry is a logical prerequisite for biochemistry

>> No.9206331

>tfw microbiology undergrad
>tfw they shit up your courses every semester
I hate having a bio degree that's so integrated with medicine. Fuck premeds.

>> No.9206350
File: 75 KB, 547x692, cory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got my B.S. in microbio this summer

>take virology
>pre-meds: why do I need to know this shit? I'm not gonna need it
>why do I, an aspiring future worker of the medical industry, need to know about viruses?

>> No.9207120
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Nice. I'm graduating this semester. I can't wait.
>be in general microbiology
>going over Pseudomonas
>sit next to two premeds talking to each other
>"why are we talking about this denitrification shit? Give us some genuses that are important to medicine"

>> No.9207132

What the fuck kind of country do you live in?
In New Zealand you do premed at uni before medical school at uni
In my high school we didn't learn calculus
However kids in richer schools learnt calculus

>> No.9207710

kek muh space mining
bro no one gives a fuck about your trashy alloys
new quantum geometric matrix will allow simulation of new materials quicker than we can set up the nascent experimental conditions, so in that sense it will be AI driven

but de novo? integrated/hybrid genomes? No, not ai. Full-cell sims? AI, but there is no point to full cell sims. The only reason we've ever cared is to bottom-up fact check [mol-bio] locality, and because we think maybe a full cell sim will afford trix/hax for folding parameters.

Folding will be solved with new quantum calc simplifications (better solvent-surface sims)

>> No.9207714

Hey mate, I am currently doing a pure math and physics major and have been thinking about switching my major to microbiology. I have always been interested in genetics and would very much like to get involved in research. Was just wondering if mbio major is a GPA killer much like math and physics major?

>> No.9207780

>first post is best post and no one is pointing it out

Blame your retarded system, your state-backed monopoly and your loopholes. In Europe you get in, if you're shit you get kicked out. Simple and effective 90% of the time.

>> No.9207827

why can't you just double major and publish cross department white paper?

>> No.9207852

I have a midteir medschool interview tomorrow any questions?

>> No.9207951

Yeah let's switch to the system that has the doctors literally out on the streets rioting from how shit the system is.

>> No.9208024

>confusing medical education with provision of healthcare
come on senpai

>> No.9208180

The irony is Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the reason plants/fruit aren't allowed in ERs

>> No.9208475

To be fair the medical education is shit too. The entire reason it is set up that anyone with any major can go to medical school in America is to prevent think tanks that keep repeating the same mantra. Despite what /sci/ may think, anyone in academia or trying to go into a hard speciality will be doing research and the way an art major, a psychology major or pure math major go about conducting research will all be unique and hopefully produce new viewpoints on subjects. Plus few people know what they want to do by the end of high school and may want to explore other options. Undergrad gives them that time to explore.

>> No.9208652

Probably not as bad. You'll probably be a little disappointed in the lack of math. The most you'll do is babby's first calculus and stats.

It's very fun though and an excellent major if you're wanting to go into genetics. It's not stamp collecting though. You do have to understand why you're doing something or you'll end up like those shitters who dropped Calc II because they thought it would be all rote memorization.

>> No.9209083

Or you could do it like here in the UK where you have both undergraduate and graduate entry

>> No.9209155


Graduate entry is fucking hard. How hard is graduate dentistry though?

>> No.9209158


*to get in to