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File: 37 KB, 480x352, von neumann and feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9195185 No.9195185 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder what they are talking about

>> No.9195187

Feynman is sexy af

>> No.9195190

2 hungarians and an american

>> No.9195193

*3 Jews

>> No.9195195

but Von Neumann was a good jew, he was a hardline anti-communist

>> No.9195201

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

>> No.9195398


>> No.9195461

He certainly did associate with crypto-communists, but you're right. Quite many of his (jewish) colleagues were very sympathetic to the USSR, if not actual spies, and Oppenheimer didn't take these security risks seriously for some reason.
Also he converted to Catholicism on his deathbed which puts him a peg up in my book. How is it that the smartest man in history was not an atheist?
Although I agree, there's no denying that the Manhattan Project was a fundamentally Jewish project which may not have been justified.

>> No.9195486

Making fun of Feynlet's IQ.

>> No.9195921

man take a look at those phenotypes

>> No.9196105

Build nukes.

>> No.9196114

>How is it that the smartest man in history was not an atheist?
Have you ever seen an atheist in real life? They're literally angsty teenagers that can't go any deeper that "the bible isn't literally factually correct therefore god isn't real"

>> No.9196118


Atheism is a bad religion.

If you don't believe, just don't. Don't go around preaching.

>> No.9196355

Atheists wouldn't need to be loudmouths if religious idiots didn't stick constantly try to stick their magical beliefs into the lives of people smart enough not to believe.
>How is it that the smartest man in history was not an atheist
Even the smartest man in history can be a coward that fears death. Smart people aren't super humans like some you autists believe. They're still badly evolved primates that are highly irrationa. Their overal nature doesn't change just because they're good at abstractions.
Yes. Ever been to a university? 90% of the professors will be atheists.
God damn some of you are smart but dumb.

>> No.9196385
File: 118 KB, 950x534, un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what they are talking about

>hey, either of you stick your dicks in atom bomb parts?
>i wiped my balls on the instrumentation
><disgusted look>
>i shit in oppenheimers office chair
>i fucked the physics package

>> No.9196387

There is literally nothing wrong with being a communist.

>> No.9196397

Shit, you're right...

>> No.9196455

Sure, as long as you stay in the closet, vote against communism, and never assert that you/society has a right to stuff that isn't yours.

>> No.9196496

Except for being fucking stupid, sure

>> No.9196511


>> No.9196825

I lost.

>> No.9196832

not sure if trolling

>> No.9196856

>magical beliefs
Your post only shows how little you understand of religion. If you can't go past le big wizard in the sky argument you should honestly just stay quiet because you're obviously not smart or knowledgeable enough.

>> No.9196859
File: 140 KB, 500x486, 1493364402593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheism is a religion

>> No.9196862

>s-stop arguing against me!
You rightcucks are disgusting because your political positions can't stand on their own merits so you feel the need to silence your opposition.

>> No.9196866

All the pussy Feynman had slain.

>> No.9196873


Religion: pursuit, interest, or movement, followed with great devotion.

Religion: Strict fidelity or faithfulness; conscientiousness; devotion to some principle

Oxford English Dictionary

>> No.9196875


Saying things are "absurd" or "magical" is not an argument.

>> No.9196877

Lol brainlets btfo by this definition. When will atheists accept that they are dogmatic?

>> No.9196878

What does politics have to do with the post you're replying to?

>> No.9196886

>1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Nice cherrypicking you fucking faggot.

>> No.9196891


> Thinking oxforddictionaries.com is the same as the OED
> Not realizing words can have more than 1 definition

>> No.9196898

There are basically two ways to look at religion. As an early science or a social control mechanism. It's terrible at both attaining truth about the universe and at building prosperous modern civilizarions. We have superior methods now.

>> No.9196902

You chose a bullshit secondary definition that isn't commonly used because it was convenient for your """"argument"""". You are a fraud.

>> No.9196903

Include the grammatical errors, I'm fucking tired and phoneposting

>> No.9196907

>>90% of the professors will be atheist
90% of statistics are made up on the spot

>> No.9196909


>> No.9196913


And that's on americunts who are more religious about muh jesus than advanced Europeans.

>> No.9196916
File: 76 KB, 869x222, von neumann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Let me try, surely in vain, to set the record straight as there are so many subtle but horrifying myths that the Left has created about Nash to suit their purposes. (1) His name has entered science largely through his theory of balance in conflict — the Nash Equilibrium. The first movie to get this wrong had him as a reclusive professor whose computer, Joshua, arrived at the conclusion, “Don’t Play” to avert nuclear armageddon. In fact a stable Nash Equilibrium that averts a nuclear holocaust is attained via Mutually Assured Destruction — peace through strength. This idea was previously lampooned by the Hollywood Left’s caricature of Nash’s mentor, John von Neumann, the mad man with the autonomous glove in How I Learned to Love the Bomb."

>> No.9196928

There are basically two ways to look at religion. As an early science or a social control mechanism.
Also the development of morality and consciousness.
>We have superior methods now.
What are they and what is the evidence of them being superior?

>> No.9196932
File: 595 KB, 460x600, fedora tip intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ~50% are atheist?
And this was evidence for muh 90%?
Try again

>> No.9196966

Christcucks completely and utterly

>> No.9196978

>I wonder what they are talking about
incinerating Germany

>> No.9196982

>Also the development of morality and consciousness.
That's linked directly with religion being a social control mechanism. What religions consider as morally 'good' are simply behaviours that were beneficial to the rulers of a bronze age society. You are severely blue pilled my friend.

>> No.9196987


Religitards btfo!