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9190971 No.9190971 [Reply] [Original]

How did schizophrenia survive through the process of natural selection? What role would a schizophrenic play in a hunter gatherer society? A seer maybe? How would they deal an entire life, unmedicated, being jumpy and anxious from hallucinations and delusions? It baffles me

T. Schizo that experiences no psychotic symptoms thanks to Latuda 80mg

>> No.9190988

What makes you think that schizophrenics could not be functional in society?
People hide their homosexuality and diseases their whole lives, one could conceivably keep their hallucinations to themselves.

>> No.9190989

Just because you are weak willed doesn't mean others are not

>> No.9190991

How am I weak willed for not wanting to be anxious and jumpy in response to every stimulus and not wanting to hear and see shit that's frightening and nonexistent? You're a fucking faggot my guy.

>> No.9190994

Because schizophrenia that's mainly characterized by delusions isn't something you can hide. If you start talking about crazy off the wall shit people are gonna know something's off

>> No.9190997

No, You're the faggot, hence the medication. You have a weak will, and ao you give in to stimuli.
If i rang a bell and offeres you a treat, would your mouth water? You are like a dog.

Consider there are people like Wim Hof who withstand extreme temperatures, amd NAVY seals who are capable od amazing athletic feats.
You are just a crybaby bitch.DYEL

>> No.9190999

Consider what >>9190988 said, but also schizophrenia manifests itself at an age where most prehistoric humans had already has several children. In that sense, it's kind of like Huntington's today in that by the time you know you have it you already have passed it on.

And all that assumes that schizo is fully inherited, which neglects the role childhood experiences likely play.

>> No.9191001

Sounds like a child, who believes dragons and dinosaura and other stupid shit exist. I would have to think schizos have a low levels of education

>> No.9191002

No I don't give in to stimuli it's overwhelming to my overactive brain. And I could withstand physical extremes too with enough willpower. The body and mind are different. Like I said you're just a faggot. And do I even lift? I bet your Max is 2pl8 and you've been browsing /fit/ for a year

>> No.9191003

Also obvious samefag

>> No.9191005

I'm right.


From one schizo to another, You're a crybaby bitch. Kys

>> No.9191006

Yes no shit dumb fuck. Stay in school

>> No.9191010

If you think not wanting to have constant hallucinations and not scare your family means you're weak willed, I'm not the one who needs more education. You kill yourself you idiotic pussy

>> No.9191011

Like i said, I'm scizo too, but smart enough not to be a faggot. Man youre dumb.

>> No.9191013

Actually, I see whats going on here. Youre one of those snowflakes. Fuggin loser

>> No.9191014

Smart enough not to be a faggot huh? You're smart. Get the fuck out of this thread already you self diagnosing fail troll bitch.

>> No.9191020

Try harder.

>> No.9191034

The society we live in affects us much as our underlying mental tendencies do. Your outputs would probably be different in a world devoid of all our insane inputs. I'm somewhere between schizotypal and schizophrenic myself, and I choose to embrace the added flavor it brings to my life, rather than dull myself with chemicals in order to be whatever this week's definition of normal is. Being of an abnormal mindset and thinking it's wrong to the extreme of altering your thoughts with pharmaceuticals is no different than trannies cutting their dicks off. Just escapism in differnet directions.

Going to get shit on for this, but anyone who is struggling with schizo tendencies should pursue meditation of some sort.
>Not advocating anything beyond sitting down in the quiet dark of the morning and paying attention to your breathing, observing your thoughts
>Also not claiming this can work for people who have already left the terminal and are currently in orbit around Niburu

>> No.9191038

This is like asking how product defects survived the design phase. It makes no sense, yet we have these threads every day.

>> No.9191341

It just wasn't selected against. Not every trait humans have was selected for, some things just don't get culled out because they don't stop you from breeding.

>> No.9191425

Whos to say they arent in the process of dying out?

>> No.9191428

>evolution is perfect
Just like God intended

>> No.9191492

ITT: no one actually understands basic evo & pop gen

>> No.9191588

my grandma was a shizo

that crazy woman got my grandpa to marry her and give her five kids, when he was relatively rich at the time and a super go-getter. She was completely full of shit and you could never trust anything she said. She owned a ton of parrots and had huge mountains of antiques and acted like she was royalty and deserved to be treated it like, and it apparently worked. She basically believed herself into survival and success, despite being objectively wrong.

It must just give extra motivation to do and acquire, or maybe there was some other factor that over-rode it

>> No.9191621

Well if she was hot that's it.

Physical appearance simple matters more than mental health.

>> No.9191661

Turns out it's not a genetic trait but a proto/retrovirus that survives on in people and doesn't become active usually unless certain conditions are met.
Please use google, it's the first result.

>> No.9191665

none, just not frequent or debilitating enough to kill off all who have it (you can not have schizophrenia for generations upon generations and have it surface in your child, due to the particular circumstance, nurture and genetic makeup that constitutes your child). It's not purely genetic either.

If it were so prominent and debilitating, then schizos would all die, removing it beyond some rare cases.

>> No.9191667

All throughout history there have been mystics, seers, divinely inspired individuals, and mad geniuses

To the ancient people, schizophrenics were viewed this way. They often held high rank in society and reproduced a lot

>> No.9191670
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Schizo onset age is older than the age of reproduction.


>> No.9191671

Schizophrenia was a common trait in hunter-gatherer shamans.
Faith and belief systems are beneficial for the society.
Because their schizophrenia was conducive to the understanding of the spirit-world, the trait lives on.

>> No.9191676

anyone want to look into how the behavioral sink might explain things like schizophrenia and that in the past some of them would be removed by natural selection but with modern society man has no real natural predators to cull the herd.

>> No.9191689

This, anons. My god.

>> No.9191889

I heard it was polygenetic, so not so easy to breed out.
Also maybe non-schizophrenic offspring inherit some quirky/confident traits that aren't debilitating but interesting enough to get others to fuq them

>> No.9191910


Schizophrenia is implicated with high dopamine levels and fast and excessive pruning of the brain. High dopamine makes you highly motivated and confident, while fast neural pruning means that you will function better than your peers when you are young. Iirc there was some study showing that family members of schizophrenics are often very successful business people, etc. This pruning becomes damaging when you're older if you live in a stressful environment, since your sensory inputs loose synchronicity to other parts of your brain. Therefore since your cortex works on the principle that it tries to predict what happens next in terms of the senses, you always have a slight sense of unease as the brain's predictions for the sensory inputs are slightly off. This manifests itself as paranoia. Your brain tries to fill in the missing gaps of info due to the timing fuck-up by coming up with a hypothesis of what is wrong. Since your dopamine levels are very high, this turns into self-perpetuating delusions.

>> No.9191924

I remember reading something regarding its prevalence being too high for it to be signed off as merely a mutation or some random dysfunction, and that it is supposed to give some evolutionary benefit but no one knows what exactly.

>> No.9191943
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>Be schizo
>Come up with spirititual bullshit
>Become the shaman of the village
>Placebo makes sure the retards in the village literally think you are a shaman
>Get all the pussy
>Do nothing all day
Gee, who the fuck knows.

>> No.9191980

Evolution is not perfect. Not all traits are a direct product of natural selection. Some just remained because despite their obvious drawbacks, the individuals who possessed them were able to reproduce. Like some have already pointed out here, schizophrenia manifests it self after the individual is able to reproduce, so it goes undetected.