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9190748 No.9190748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else having to deal with being much smarter than everyone around them? I have an IQ of 114 and feel just like Rick.

>> No.9190751

Bad bait but this show is complete garbage. It's extremely preachy, and their writers can't seem to find an intelligent way to write it into the plot so instead they write a 5 minute speech (I.e last episode)

>> No.9190758

Have an IQ of 126 and I have no friends lol

>> No.9190771

>Rick and Morty is such a shit show guise I am so le smart for being above it! I still watch it though xxddddd

If you are going to watch a show just watch it. If you are going to watch a show, enjoy a show, and then go online to rant about how it is so terrible then please do so in the designated shitting street of the internet: >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9190781

I don't consider myself too intelligent for the show. It's just not a good show, Rick and Morty is a reddit tier show anyhow. Have you considered watching a show where the creators don't want to kill themselves over how bad the third season has turned out?

>> No.9190789
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I get what you mean. I got halfway into season 2, but I literally had to force myself to get that far.

I wanted to like it, I really did. I like black humor, and I'm interested in the whole idea of multiple dimensions, existences, multiverse concept, but I just couldn't get into it. Way to preachy and the incorporation of ideas is done poorly.

It's feels like a show for average people to feel smart whilst watching.

>> No.9190795

I think you guys have a fundamental misunderstanding of what this show is about.

It's just a silly gag show that has the premise that the main character is a super genius who's retarded.

I don't get where people got this idea it's supposed to be some deep philosophical masterpiece when really it's just a platform for "YOU GOTTA LICK MY BALLS MORTY"


>> No.9190806

Eh, fair enough, but on that case it's just not my style of humor then. To give you an idea of what's more up my alley when it comes to animated comedy: I really enjoy Futurama and King of the Hill.

>> No.9190813

Sure anon

>> No.9190821

i love brick and mortar

>> No.9190834

Agree this episode's ending was just plain retarded

>> No.9190845
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>worse, you're smart

>> No.9190851

What is pretty scary is that there are people, who will take this shit seriously..

>> No.9190859


It's like a cock stroking massage made for nihilistic liberal queers who love The Amazing Atheist.

>> No.9190866

Not to mention in this very same episode they made Morty's father admit he is a closeted racist and sexist. I blame this on the new staff that were only hired to meet diversity requirements.

>> No.9190873

Twitterfags are already circlejerking over it.

Everything ranging from:
>wow, this is literally me
>damn, that hit too close to home
>I feel like I'm finally understood

Just of bunch of "special" snowflakes completely oblivious to the fact that a major theme of the show is that no one is a snowflake and you don't maatter.

>> No.9190888

you do matter but you're not a special snowflake

>> No.9190908

>"Let's misunderstand nihilism and use it to nonsensically justify hedonism!" The Show.
>tfw to intelligent to be not be evil

>> No.9190921


>> No.9190930

can i test you ?