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9187442 No.9187442 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you prefer to study?

In my case:

>At the library
>Savant-like productivity

>At home
>Spend all day fapping and browsing 4chan

Is there a way to force myself to focus at home or should I just always go to the library?

pic related; me at the library

>> No.9187466

I have the exact same problem. At home, I'm nearly unproductive.

>> No.9187471

>At the library
>I'm hungry

>At home
>Nothing else matters

>> No.9187604
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>go to library
>go to my special desk
>pull out text book
>pull out notebook
>plug headphones into phone
>turn on white noise app
>put on shooting range ear muffs to block out normie sound
>experience the ecstasy of truth and knowledge

God damn I love being autistic

>> No.9187606

I've got a shitload of work due tomorrow and here I am telling mongolian basketweavers about how I can't do shit when I'm at home

>> No.9187639


Libraries are much better for very obvious reasons, but my local library has started putting in sofas and magazines are open areas to sit, appealing to normies and extroverts, and I just don't feel comfortable there anymore.

>> No.9187664

You need to seek help

>> No.9187671

couches are for everyone you moron. Just yesterday I was sprawled out on a couch in the library and I read 70 pages out of a textbook in one sitting.

>> No.9187811

sounds comfy, I may try something like that

>> No.9187817


I don't see any other way than to make a special room in your home where it's for you to study only, no computer nearby. Either that, or use software to block internet.

If neither of those work, consider selling the computer.

>> No.9187823

Libraries are filled with girls studying English, education or business who are just sooo stressed out and really needed that last double frap to crank out her 5 page book report, who're now chatting across the room with their sorority sisters.

Aka, not a good place to study for anyone who hopes to actually get work done

>> No.9187857

At home. I feel self-conscious at the library which hinders my productivity.

>> No.9187886

luckily my uni has a big library and there's bound to be an area on on of the six floors where there's nobody in the area, and at those times I can get a lot of shit done.

There's some guy who's always in the computer section for what seems to be 24 hours a day and he's constantly coughing like he's got some horrible terminal lung disease and I can't stand to be there and I can never get anything done. Wish I had a laptop so I could go anywhere else, because I could definitely be more productive there than at home. The ability to do stuff is inversely proportional to the amount of people around you in libraries. Trying to get anything done on the ground floor is a mistake.

>> No.9187888

Literally me except for the ear muffs. Do they really make any difference when you're already listening to white noise?

>> No.9187893

If I'm going to be working from home then I take a shower and get dressed/ completely ready like I'd be going out...It seems to trick the brain into a "do work" mentality over bumming around.

>> No.9188038

My library is full of screaming kids. It pisses me off too because its literally 2 blocks from my house so I am literally wasting a possible resource because shitty parents think it's a daycare.

>> No.9188043

I don't think that word exists. Trying to sound it out makes it sound just like whore.

>> No.9188064

>at library
>there are other humans around and it bothers me on a deep level

>at home
>girlfriend is there and bothers me or I am alone and use the chance to fap to sick shit

I wish I wasn't such a retard.

>> No.9188071

At home, although I do sometimes have problems with distractions, I get far too angry if I don't understand something and I like to yell.

This is how I feel, minus the office job:

>> No.9188179

what white noise app? what is white noise specifically too?