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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9185690 No.9185690 [Reply] [Original]

told a girl the other day i was going to major in something in the engineering/physics department. (haven't really decided yet so that's usually what i tell people) and she actually said "oh so like an electrician". when's a time that your intellect was fucking shit on by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about?

>> No.9185770

hows ur career in electricity going?

>> No.9185779


Who gives a fuck? No-one wants to see you humble brag about being an electrician.

>> No.9185794
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People ask what I am majoring in.

Tell them mechanical engineering.

"Oh, you want to fix cars and stuff?"

>> No.9185809

OP here, i think some of you all misunderstood. i'm not actually going to be an electrician.

>> No.9185814

You can't just give up your dreams that easily anon. C'mon wire up my new house.

>> No.9185815

Same shit happened to me; I know that feeling!

>> No.9185816

Sure you will. You can do it if you believe in yourself.

>> No.9185839

God I fucking hate collegefaggots.

This board used to be interesting. No one gives a shit about your faggot ass major or your IQ or flat earth or any of this bullshit

>> No.9185842
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met a guy yesterday, at first he seemed nice, but didn't have a plan for his future, was muttering something about majoring, but did not know what, maybe engineering maybe physics maybe something else. What I wanna say, he wasn't a concrete man. Anyways, he asked me what I studied, so I said cosmetology, so he said like "so you do nails, huh, eh...". How do I deal with these people? My ethical standards led me to cosmetology in the first place also a wish to help people to present themselves with confidence to the world. I help people who were involved in accidents, surgeries. I want to help people like the guy I met, but they have problems in their mind (apart of him being obese), how do we help them to get a grasp on reality?

>> No.9185848

then what the fuck are you expecting to find on this board lol? if you want a nonstop supply of mathematics then wikipedia it. some people would like to have discussions relating to math & science but not directly. so go bitch somewhere else

>> No.9185851

i hear you. i'm a senior in high school (laugh it up fuckheads). and i sit in some freshmen/low end classes for dual credit. basically, i do nothing. so i have plenty of free time to listen to the kids. man o man, i'm not one to gripe on about my intellect, i don't really care. but some of these kids are uber retarded, they can't solve two step equations and then they start talking about college.

>> No.9185867

>when's a time that your intellect was fucking shit on by people who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about?
Last time I posted on /sci/

>> No.9185869
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> so like accounting?

>> No.9185888

>oh so like breaking bad?

>> No.9185894

whenever someone tries to prove how smart they are by explaining PhD level thermodynamics but then they started talking about a flat earth. rip

>> No.9185918

>hurr muh major dude

This is not math or science discussion you fucking brainlet

>> No.9185957

>grandma only knows the name of my degree: literally transalted informatics engineer (in reality its somewhere between compeng amd softeng)
>can you pleas instal me this obscure software?
>struggle with it, since her computer is full of addware and other shit I have to get rid of
>I tought you'd be better at this, since this'll be your job, right?

>> No.9186149

>grasp on reality?
Which reality? Yours?

>> No.9186151

It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people with mecheng degrees end up working in garages for years.

>> No.9186169

good post

>> No.9186561

Hello underage