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File: 67 KB, 791x388, neural_net2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9184298 No.9184298 [Reply] [Original]

I need to pump that skill up boi.

>> No.9184304

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
and its sequel
What Do You Care What Other People Think?

>> No.9184326
File: 270 KB, 605x789, Taking_Care_of_myself_hygiene_puberty_personal_curriculum_for_young_people_with_autism_978-1-885477-94-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommended for CS majors

>> No.9184331

this is going to sound extremely autistic, but studying evolutionary psychology (particularly heuristics and biases) and cognitive science led to me becoming exceedingly good at empathizing with people, because it turns out that people are surprisingly predictable. But, I already could empathize with people before, so I'm not really sure if that would apply to you if you actually have autism, but I'd recommend it nonetheless.

>> No.9184346

This looks just like the thing for me. Need more

>> No.9184482

if you are autistic and have trouble with social cues, study Peirce, his semiotic and pragmatic maxim will help
pragmatICism is how the autist must discern reality and act

>> No.9184484

Communication : d/(dx)( integral_0^x f(t) dt) = f(x)

>> No.9184583

Go out and experience things. You won't be competent at social interaction by reading about it.

>> No.9184627

Mystery Method by Mystery
Distinction by Pierre Bourdieu
The Crowd by Gustave le Bon
Influence by Robert Cialdini

>> No.9184632

That is complete bullshit where autists are concerned.
Theory is more real to us than anything. What can't be explained or fit into a model always blindsides us.

>> No.9184641

Sociology - sure it's weak, but ultimately humans are predictable.

>> No.9184671

Fuck bitches; get money

>> No.9185125

Theories can certainly be real, dumb cunt.
Stop implying that they aren't.

Also, you've had your entire life to not be socially retarded, and you've failed miserably.

>> No.9185157

Probably by analyzing the faults of autism. Inability to read others emotions and empathize properly. Understanding that other people may not care about what you are saying. That 90% of social interaction is more about showing a nice moment than meaningful discourse.

Not really sure what else can be done. The problem generally seems to be that they lack the ability to be self-reflective or even analyze a social encounter in any way.

So them saying hello, I love my little pony, and getting an awful response could be perceived as totally good event. You would need to be a higher IQ autist like zuckerberg to start being able to be decently social because you could start analyzing the events even without the proper empathy centers/connection in the brian.

>> No.9185159

As far as getting good at socializing if you just suck at it. That's the territory of pickup artists and maybe finding a job that interacts with people a lot? You will probably be awkward at it no matter what though similar to how people who grew up with zero athletics are usually awkward when older.

Just understand the same way that woman who small talks amazingly would look retarded throwing a pitch is similar.