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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 622x395, engineering student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9184191 No.9184191 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best engineer memes

>> No.9184194
File: 170 KB, 381x570, e = pi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9184214
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>> No.9184223
File: 76 KB, 716x595, engineer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9184228
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I didn't realize they had started making cardboard boxes with internet built into them.

>> No.9184233

>g = 10
this is a good decision

>pi = 3
ok, I can see it

>sin(x) = x
no one has ever done this

>> No.9184235

Error in sin(x) ~= x is negligible for |x| < 10E-3. Not using this approximation would make a lot of solid mechanics problems intractable. An engineer would never dream of using the other two approximations though.

>> No.9184244

>>sin(x) = x
>no one has ever done this
except astrophysicists

>> No.9184247

>no one has ever done this
t. never taken a physics class beyond physics 1 & 2

>> No.9184249

>except astrophysicists
>t. never taken a physics class beyond physics 1 & 2

>> No.9184250


Here's a wikipedia article with examples

>> No.9185375
File: 588 KB, 700x1200, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185380
File: 150 KB, 1212x372, 1468120037890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185459
File: 441 KB, 1775x971, Double Line Symbol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185463
File: 23 KB, 550x325, ENGANEERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185465

This so true, an I'm an engineering major! Why are these kids so prone to autism and ADHD behavior?

>> No.9185468
File: 246 KB, 327x316, 1504988580293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185472
File: 310 KB, 794x635, tag yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9185474

/sci/ just further proves it is exactly like /co/, a colony of reddit. It’s no coincidence /sci/ has the same opinion on engies as Bazinga man does. /diy/ is the only actual intellectual board dealing with STEM subjects. /g/ is consumerist shit and /sci/ is popsci.

>> No.9185475

Lol fuck off triggered cunt

>> No.9185478

engineers are actually the biggest chads I've seen, save for the computer engineers

the only math majors I know are manlets

>> No.9185480

I've seen in STEM*

>> No.9185485
File: 34 KB, 387x326, Fast-Cheap-Good-Triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185488

know plenty of bill and carls, a few sams
I am definitely tim

>> No.9185493

Wow Tim you're such an asshole
>tfw Harold

>> No.9185494


>> No.9185518

this is a fact about me not an insult
try harder brainlet

>> No.9185534

>"Do you want it done right? Or done right now?"

>> No.9185552

It's just assblasted mathematicians, they're sad their degree yields no actual income or interest outside of a hobbyist level. Don't take them serious, It's not like society or the rest of STEM does so no reason for you to.

>> No.9185576

>do ME
>be the retard that broke career services, am staying extra 2 years for comp sci double major despite /sci/'s warnings

I'm Carl as fuck.

>> No.9185578

A lot of mechanical engineering majors are "car guys" for lack of a better term, so this is pretty accurate in my experience.

>> No.9185654
File: 243 KB, 550x578, 1505552825301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people bitching about sin(x)=x
Do you really expect me to resolve the nonlinear fuckfest that results from a simple pendulum otherwise?

>> No.9185665

>"Both, faggot. Now get it done or I will SHIT down your NECK."

>> No.9185934
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 1506066541531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185939

> will take unpaid internship
you shouldn't?

>> No.9185942


>> No.9185946

Always Carl.

>> No.9185993
File: 25 KB, 369x277, 1497299572981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this meme. Based Finns.

>> No.9185996

You'd be fired on the spot if you tried pulling this.

>> No.9186011


>> No.9186013



>> No.9186047

Alot of mech engies STUDENTS are chad car types. Doesn't mean those chads will become engineers. I have no clue why these meth heads and physics guys think engineers are some type of chad who has sex and drinks all the time. Every person I met that was 3rd year and above was an autist. I guess social interactions like letting someone borrow your pencil is considered chad-like so meth heads get the misconception we have sex with other men.

>> No.9186051
File: 272 KB, 1014x527, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meth heads are upset that engineering is the aryan major of choice. We are pure unlike those filthy untermensch.

>> No.9186056
File: 70 KB, 224x176, Gt+regular+ranch+cool+ranch+obviously+_4dab26948a730670deb6412ba99b15e5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you see a black girl in your engineering class

>> No.9186074

1st year and 2nd year probably because of the push by (((them))) but idiots and social people get weeded out once they realize you need to study all the time.

>> No.9186079
File: 420 KB, 560x420, testAnimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engineers in charge of using small angle approximations correctly

>> No.9186152

Holy fucking hell, I remember that thread.

>> No.9186154


>> No.9186157

>Knows basics shit.
>Understands what's going on.
My bro.

>> No.9186221

is that a prop engine starting?

>> No.9186223
File: 741 KB, 2378x998, Science &amp; Engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9186259

In EE we never ever round until the final result and it's to 4 decimals

>> No.9186265

Wow these are some epic lulz huh fellow undergrads?

>> No.9186267

I'm carl

>> No.9186306
File: 20 KB, 842x595, 1462914882467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isnt smart enough to get it

its ok man, not everyone is cut out for physics

>> No.9186326

lol im an electrical engineer and this is funny as shit

>> No.9186369
File: 36 KB, 1600x548, Updated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9186375

>small angle approximation in simulations
That's what happens when you give the job to someone who's not an engineer.

>> No.9186420
File: 470 KB, 664x674, 1503589110361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9186432


>> No.9186436

>stadium for ants
Wow scientists btfo

>> No.9186473

nonlinear functions are expensive man

>> No.9186475

>thread for engineer memes
>engy gets so butthurt he posts a science meme

I guess that when you are so stuffed with cocks, you have no room left for some harmless self-deprecating humor.

>> No.9186489

depends on where you are and how successful the industry is in your area. For instance, if you are doing Civil Engineering in a large metropolitan area with lots of money, hell no you shouldn't take an unpaid internship. However, if you're doing chemical engineering in the middle of nowhere with Cleetus and Joanne then yeah you might have to settle unpaid.

>> No.9186513
File: 94 KB, 1044x544, 1495661537057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw carl

>> No.9186591

t. never programmed a pendulum because intense calculations

>> No.9186617

but i posted the gif
calculating the blue pendulum took me 4 times longer than the red one
some people live busy lives and cannot afford to waste an extra 0.3 seconds for higher accuracy anon

>> No.9186707

>calling engineers gay is the greatest joke a physics and methhead have
Seriously, it's like being in 3rd grade again. You have a plethora of memes to use on engies but you stoop to middle school jokes.

>> No.9186723

>says we need to use better jokes
>but simply calling you gay gets you butthurt

No man. When saying "engineers are gay" stops getting me (you)'s then I'll consider coming up with new jokes. It looks like the third graders are the engineers, given that you still get offended by such low energy shitposting. But hey, why would someone do high-energy shitposting when low energy shitposting is more than enough?

>> No.9186790

you're an autist faggot

t. EE who rounds to 2 or 3 decimals

>> No.9186799


>be homosexual
>build a dome with your buttsex buddies so 80IQ soccer fans can watch some people throwing a ball around

the glory of this profession

>> No.9186818

How about using Cartesian coordinates and modeling the string force with basic scaling? You literally save all the modeling time and get something more accurate, you stupid sub-80.

>> No.9186829

How are people still bothered by being called gay

>> No.9186833

>How about [...] modeling [...]
>You literally save all the modeling time
>imblying i did any modeling at all and not just copy the ode from wikipedia
like i said, i'm a busy man

>> No.9186834
File: 102 KB, 900x900, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a math grad student, former engineering undergrad, I see where these memes are coming from, sort of, but honestly never found them funny. They just don't seem funny, just dumb.
I wouldn't expect an average math grad student to have a firm grasp on Bernoulli principle or Carnot efficient systems.
Not even butthurt it just doesn't cut it as funny material.

>> No.9186836


what about the vandalized bathrooms in engineering departments with homosexuals exchanging phone numbers?

>> No.9186842


>busy man

gotta suck all those cocks

>> No.9186851

/sci/ is garbage, you've got that right. the board is filled with either

1) spill-over from /pol/ with the iq autism pop-sci

2) spill-over from /b/ with the rest of the pop-sci threads

3) /x/ tier b8

and the 5% left is bears some semblance of a properly structured thread discussing science. i haven't lurked here for 2 years now, and i remember this board very differently. used to be slow as shit ye, but all threads were math threads with the occasional chemistry/physics and engi meme thread here and there. I believe the downward spiral is due to:

1) influx of laymen with no actual stem degrees

2) growth of /pol/, which makes it more likely to contain this board

3) lack of actual moderation of content

I'd rather have the board be slow as fuck, than the garbage it is today. But I guess whoever moderates (if anyone) feels differently. It's a shame too cause /sci/ used to be very pleasant to lurk

>> No.9186854

But.. your mom is all three.

>> No.9186859
File: 108 KB, 526x437, 1505602951177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9186877

how did you manage to go from an engineering degree to a math grad program? did you take a math minor / upper division courses? or did you just apply and go "dude im an engineer lmao i can do math" and they actually fucking let you in?

t. EE mite wanna switch to math or physics in grad but curriculum 2packed2take more classes outside of EE

>> No.9186933
File: 65 KB, 716x703, eJwlyFEKwyAMANC7eABj48i0N-h_LyBWbEfbiEmhMHb3DQbv673N1XczmlW1yQiwbJK5L1aUe6rFVua6l9Q2sZkPSKopr0c5VcC7gBGDx2d0Q_DR078C_QxEDgkfMLc74znZV6vm8wUEYSJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate commenting my code and I hate looking at my code again 2 weeks later.

>> No.9187393

>tfw bill as fuck
pls no bully

>> No.9187560

I hate opening up my text editor..

>> No.9187746

>this is a good decision
>ok, I can see it
It's a bit lazy. Go a few digits out. Don't tell me that an engineer is walking around without a calculator.

>no one has ever done this
Yes they have. Here is a simple physics example that involves pendulums:

The equation should really look like:
[eqn]Sin[x]\approx x[/eqn]
as x approaches 0.

>> No.9187750

sam isn't a real engineers
she is a impostor

>> No.9187751

Literally everyone does this

>> No.9187753

Source on the correlation between GRE and IQ?

>> No.9187756

ya well ur mem's not even good m80

>> No.9187768

>le 65% face

>> No.9188106

This image would work better if it was more clear that the second panel is made of lego.

These posters seem confused.

>> No.9188132

>implying reddit isn't engineer central

>> No.9188212

You can get through a masters and then go to math grad no problem. I'm a ME and I was told I could go to artificial intelligence master programs or even stuff like advanced mathematics masters.

Expect a whole fucking lot to cach up to. And different notations and shit like that (it triggers my autism).

>> No.9188214

meant to reply to

>> No.9188582

>no one has ever done this
It's called small-angle approximation. High school students even use it

>> No.9188613

>no one has ever done this
Take the Taylor expansion of sin(x) around 0

>> No.9188629

>forgetting to say to ignore O(x^3) terms
what kind of engineer are you?

>> No.9188638

Hey I'm just giving you the initial push, not handfeeding you.

>> No.9188641

>tfw being bill right fucking now
end my life pls

>> No.9188715


>> No.9188947

Is that MatLab?

>> No.9188968

>A = 3r^2

>> No.9189154

i dont get it

>> No.9189237

From my experience, copying other people's shit doesn't make you busy.

>> No.9189293


>> No.9189358

That is haram

>> No.9189373

>tfw im a tim

>> No.9189398


>> No.9189698
File: 607 KB, 300x169, 1425081763005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9189922

I study mechanical engineering and we have to use g=9.80665

>> No.9189925

e=2? Cmon give us atleast some credit

>> No.9189933

i know you're proud of yourself having to waste your time memorizing that number and taking twice as long to write it down/plug it in everytime, but g varies from 9.7639m/s^2 to 9.8337m/s^2 around the globe

>> No.9190064

>no one has ever done this

linear approximations are everywhere
do you know transistor linearization?

>> No.9190291


If it compiles... SHIP IT !

>> No.9190321

Enjoy not having an uncertainty that works regardless of where on Earth you are.

>> No.9190602

pi = 3.14159265...
pi ≈ 3

e = 2.71828182...
e ≈ 3

pi = e


>> No.9190613

Tim, reporting in.

>> No.9190653

so p=-ie

>> No.9190664


>> No.9190721

time for a proper engineering story

>be development engineer in small EMS company
>customer wants 16bit ADC on his board because muh accurate measurement of a DC voltage
>boss picks ADC-IC, skim over datasheet, seems ok
>figure out later while writing firmware for the MCU that 1bit is spent on polarity of the measured voltage. boss: 'oops'
>what do? customer wants the value displayed as 0-65535
>solution:randomly generate the LSB in a fashion it doesn't seem random, forgot how desu
>we never tell customer, get praised for how stable everything is

no written specification and the customer fucks over his clientele way worse, so no regrets.

>> No.9190741


Love it

>> No.9190746

Also Carl, and not proud of it :(

>> No.9190767
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, look at them and laughpras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>sin(x) = x
>no one has ever done this

>> No.9190788 [DELETED] 

Small angle aproximation my dude.

>> No.9190841
File: 20 KB, 233x216, IMG_7085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9190848

The lowest paying internship that's recruited at my school was for the Air Force and it paid mid-teens. The highest was $27/hour, comprehensive benefit package, a rent stipend, and weekly employee parties. I'm in EE, though.

>> No.9190867


>> No.9190869

Smaller image, please.

>> No.9190926


>> No.9190961

>physics major here, currently in medical school.
>was a tutor for like 15 years and tutored the GRE which is pretty easy
>hardest standardized test i took was the MCAT
>took GMAT, LSAT, and basically every other standardized grad level test and scored 99.99th percentile in a few weeks of studying.
>mcat took me couple of months to reach 99.99th percentile

144 IQ btw. officially tested.

>> No.9191303

>Not using 6
lmaoing @ u noob

>> No.9191305

Here's how it works according to the math majors I know:
Step 1: Start as EE
Step 2: Quit after completing first year
Step 3: Change out 3 or 4 courses
Step 4: 300k starting

>> No.9191345

Yes you lazy brainlet.

>> No.9191347


I think they mean for low angle approximation but I've never seen anyone do that either

>> No.9191349

>posting salaries in the most megajew fashion
>claiming to be aryan

>> No.9191415


>> No.9191422

holy fuck i can't breathe

>> No.9191933
File: 981 KB, 1864x2116, n jin ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9192337


>> No.9192823


How did you eventually hit 99th on MCAT?

>130 tested brainlet in Postbacc for med.

>> No.9192864

Hard mix between Tim and Sam.
>tfw named Sam

>> No.9193128
File: 212 KB, 1920x1032, NoOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure he was trolling. You did what I was about to do. There are some monstrous systems of equations that get simplified greatly with this assumption. An easy reasoning for the assumption is the taylor series expansion. Ya did good.


Yes they do and the assumption takes many forms as well. Check out pic related.

>> No.9193294

ah yes, and cos(x)=1

>> No.9194180

Can someone explain me the engineer hate

I want to know what I laugh at

>> No.9194220

/sci/ is another colony of reddit like /co/. Reddit loves Big Bang Theory and the joke on the show is engineers are stupid or subhuman. Everyone here regugitates the same old shit from that show. Don’t dare call them out on it though, they will just call you a gay engineer.

>> No.9194265
File: 30 KB, 640x494, 94ebb023f2b0e21006d2aabccf878f9d--engineering-memes-engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9194326

>no being able to solve a simple nonlinear pendulum via boundary conditions or initial conditions
you must be retarded

>> No.9194357

Ah yes, the analytical formula describing chaotic behaviour.
Its great that nobody bothered to write down this trivial solution for an easy Nobel prize

>> No.9194363

b-but why?

>> No.9194367

>simple pendulum
>chaotic behaviour
just because you can't write down a solution in terms of simple functions doesn't mean it's an ill posed problem

>> No.9194370

Because engineers luv overly complicated formulas. ;-)

>> No.9194379
File: 45 KB, 411x543, engineering-electrical-difference_between_volts_amps_ohms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9194383

No it's just stupid and not funny. You sound like you came straight from 9fag.

>> No.9195536

That's only a constant approximation of cos(x) around x=0, so it sucks.

sin(x) approximated by x is actually the quadratic approximation around x=0 so it's much better.

Come on, man. Don't be a retard. We love you and want you to succeed!

>> No.9195548
File: 775 KB, 694x724, 1483227020582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay bro, me too.

>> No.9195569

Not him but if you can get real analysis, abstract algebra, and topology and or measure theory onto your transcript, which would be about 3 or 4 upper level math courses, I don't see why not. Especially if you apply to an applied math program. I'm in grad school for pure math right now.

>> No.9195997

>12% blacks in CS

>> No.9196011

>claims to the most intellectually demanding profession
>best insult they can come up with is "gay"

You're all just butthurt since you found out scientist don't make spacecraft

>> No.9196086

>constant approximation
linear appox

>> No.9196172
