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9183547 No.9183547 [Reply] [Original]

>there was probably an alien civilization millions of years ago on another planet that became as advanced as our civilization and lasted for several thousand years before dying off

When did you realize how insignificant we really are?

>> No.9183552

>he just finished that episode of Rick and Morty
Haha great man you are so smart! Rick and Morty is only for smart people huh? haha.

>> No.9183556

I have not seen a single second of that show. I think this says a lot more about you than about me, buddy.

>> No.9183568

>I have not seen a single second of that show.
Oh yeah. I got you. Me neither (wink) haha. But yeah, so were talking about how smart huh? Wow, life is insignificant? That is such deep insight. How does it feel to be that smart OP? I bet you have a big cock too.

>> No.9183574

Y-you too.

>> No.9183578

I dont think you realize how hard it is to kill humans. Paleolithic man survived Toba and even nuclear radiation wouldnt kill us all.

Any advanced civilization would have back up plans in case of a cataclysmic chimpout like some idiots on Glort fuck up the biosphere so they just move to Ensyna.

>> No.9183630

>I dont think you realize how hard it is to kill humans.
We've only been around for a couple hundred thousand years so you can't really extrapolate much about our ability to survive considering that amounts to 0.001% of the age of our observable universe. We also have made zero progress in setting up colonies anywhere other than the planet we grew out of, so anything that can destroy a planet would completely annihilate us with it.
And on a much larger scale anything that might exist beyond the scope of our observable universe is 100% unknown to us. The universe could be a multi-billion year scale bubble that'll just run into another universe bubble and pop everything suddenly even if we managed to set up an intergalactic empire.
We can't even handle controlling the weather on our own planet, our continuing to live each day doesn't have much more to do with survival innovations on our part than dinosaurs continuing to live each day did theirs. I imagine we might be basically indistinguishable from the rest of the animals on our planet if we're ever assessed by an extraterrestrial civilization that has its shit together.

>> No.9183701

Yes, life is meaningless but also life is less without meaning.

>> No.9183715


probably best to copy paste the url

>> No.9183745

>t. cock studies graduate

>> No.9183901

Is that a synonym for engineer?

>> No.9184340


My pet theory is that any sufficiently advanced civilization will be concerned with controlling physical and informational entropy. Thus they don't want to expend useless energy, and are threatened by other civilizations (which are by nature unpredictable in various ways). Thus the best tactic for an advanced civilization is to leave drones all around potentially habitable planets, wait until that planet produces an advanced civilization, and just when that civilization is on the verge of becoming a threat (leaving the solar system) the drone kills it. So the reason why we haven't observed aliens is because they are waiting for us to reach our maximal non-dangerous potential before exterminating us.

>> No.9184364

Why wait that long? Just sterilize it as soon as it's sapient. There's literally no reason to let it evolve into the point where it might somehow survive.

>> No.9184368

This doesn't make sense, why would it make its job more difficult by waiting? Just make the planet uninhabitable, like Venus, and move on. Simple.

>> No.9184384

Honestly, it sounds like the sort of explanation you come up with when you're sure something is true and want to justify why there's no evidence for it. "If I were an alien I'd kill all other sapient life, but nobody has killed us. Therefore, they must be waiting." It's conspiracy theory tier rationalization.

>> No.9184401


Because the sooner you kill the life, the sooner it will re-occur. Thus over a long period of time, you spend more energy destroying life than necessary.

Making a complete planet uninhabitable is more costly in terms of energy than simply say introducing a few batches of a super virus or hacking the infrastructure to cause a nuclear holocaust.

>> No.9184421

Do you know what an asteroid is?

>> No.9184423

NASA has computers and data from the 70s which they can't operate anymore because there is no docu and you think that a drone after millions of years of sleep will just plugin into the nearest RJ45 jack and hack their way into some military networks to cause a nuclear holocaust? Besides the fact that no critical military network is connected physically to the internet?

>> No.9184426


That's a possibility too. Takes energy to divert an asteroid though.


>implying an advanced civilization couldn't figure out how to get into those systems, e.g. by mind-controlling the people with access through nanobots when the time comes.

>> No.9184430

So they can hack living beings without knowing anything about their biology in advance, but still require nukes to off them and care about energy efficiency? Why not just stopping them from reaching a dangerous state? Or brainwashing them into slaves? And how is all that magic technology more efficient than a asteroid hurled at anything that looks like it can develop life?

>> No.9184443 [DELETED] 

Mimas is a death star and Herschel is it's superlaser confirmed.

>> No.9184446
File: 45 KB, 418x418, 1504045903046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimas is a death star and Herschel is it's superlaser confirmed.

>> No.9184450

Takes more energy to research every new species to figure out how to hack their computers and mind control their population. Asteroid is a one size fits all solution.

>> No.9184465


The Fermi paradox was a mistake

>> No.9184466


Sure, the asteroid hypothesis makes sense I guess. However hurling asteroids less frequently is still more energy efficient.

>> No.9184491

>This level of cynicism

>> No.9184495

Is it? Because it takes millions of years for a planet to recover from an extinction event, and there's no guarantee intelligent life will ever emerge a second time. Look at Earth - would the dinosaurs have ever developed into tool users if they hadn't been wiped out?

Meanwhile, if you wait until they're on the verge of leaving their solar system, then they've certainly left their planet. And now you have to scour the entire solar system, because the fuckers will probably have colonized another world, and possibly even done something like built space stations outside of any planetary orbits just in case. Hell, the longer you delay from tool-building, the more likely it is that some of them will be able to survive and rebuild.

Face it, if there was a species waiting to kill us, we'd be way past our due date already. Which leads me to believe you're just assuming the truth of your statement and trying to justify it.

>> No.9184535

they can shoot nova beams into the sun and make it explode

>> No.9184605


Well we know that crows are a sub-species of dinosaur that uses tools. You are right, maybe they will wait until the civilization is about to spread permanently to a second planet for the asteroid attack. Of course this is a theory, but I don't see why its absurd.

>> No.9184617

>wait until they're on the verge of leaving their solar system
just catch them before, we are talking about magic allseeing aliens here anyway

>> No.9184680


>> No.9184765


t. brazilian

>> No.9184780

I'm glad I'll never be this autistic

>> No.9184796

You have no IDEA how fucking dumb you sound rn

>> No.9184824

>t. nigger

>> No.9184882

It's absurd because you're starting with a premise (there are arbitrarily powerful aliens which know about us and want to kill us), seeing evidence contradicting it (we're not dead), and then making assumptions to fit your theory (they're waiting for just the right moment) instead of questioning it (maybe there aren't arbitrarily powerful aliens which know about us and want to kill us). That's conspiracy theory logic.

>> No.9184992

>implying you aren't already that autistic.