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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9183238 No.9183238 [Reply] [Original]

Not a "career path" thread is swear, but is going to some shitty state school for a bachelors in pure math (a meme degree I know I know) and THEN going to a respected and prestigious school for Master's and Doctorate smart, or brainlet-tier? This school I'm in right now is kinda shit (It takes 4 fucking semesters before you even touch linear algebra, instead you are forced for the first 3 to go through the calc sequence) but I think it's worth it over going 50,000 in debt just for a bachelors from a good school in what is already known as a meme degree.

>> No.9183268

Only if you are absolutely confident you can nail your classes and find a professor who is willing to do research with you.

>> No.9183273

I think I'm alright as far as classes go, but I'm kinda fucked as far as connecting with professors and doing collaborative research with others as I talk to 0 people because I am
socially retarded. Thanks for your input

>> No.9183313

Just talk to your professors and go to office hours. You should find opportunities to do research.

Just sort of an N.B. here, but you're going to need to make sure that your program will be able to prepare you for qualifying exams, at least a little bit. That generally means that you're going to need to be able to enroll in graduate-level courses. If the university doesn't allow that, and it makes you take redundant prerequisite courses in order to enroll in self-contained classes (like, "you have to take UG algebra to take grad algebra"), then it's not a program worth getting a degree from imo. You don't need to take everything at the grad level, but having at least one subject done at the grad level (like algebra or differential geometry) is really helpful.

>> No.9183381

Hey OP

That's not dumb at all. In fact if your school has a 5th-year master's program you should definitely take advantage of it.

Also at the bachelor's level pure math isn't a meme degree at all. You gotta have that Analysis sequence and some exposure to topology.

That's actually what I and a lot of my cohorts did and now we're going to places like Emory and Duke for our PhDs.

>> No.9183671

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