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File: 65 KB, 640x424, the-thinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9182777 No.9182777 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9182791


How a bundle of sticks tied together can post a thread.

>> No.9182793

a fasces?

>> No.9182796


>> No.9182812

Sometimes i have the impression that i felt what just happened before it happened, like a premature dejavu. as if i had lived this whole life already, and sometimes i remember it, making me able to tell the story before living it for the second time

>> No.9182815

You were given a second chance at life and you're repeating your mistakes all over again, anon.

>> No.9182818

Yes. I have accurate premonitions about small things in my personal life that are completely unpredictable.
Most recent example: my work will, on very rare occasion take me to PA. In the ~5years I've been doing this, I've gone down there less than a dozen times (less than a 3 hour drive, so so always back by the end of the day). I call in at the end of each day to find out what my assignment is the next day; it is completely random, there is no rhyme or reason, unless there's a dedicated need, in which case we'll be informed of the duration we'll be expected to be on it. Last Wednesday, in the middle of the day, I pictured myself driving down to Warren...so much so that I.pre-planned my route, & where I'd stop for lunch. Keep in mind that I haven't even thought about that trip in over a year, but now it's in my head, & I'm actively planning it. THAT NIGHT WHEN I CALLED ABOUT MY NEXT DAY'S ASSIGNMENT, they tell me the ...Warren.

This is the most recent example, & this happens often with other small, personal things. I've never predicted any major happening, but I have predicted with absolutely stunning accuracy events, though small, in my own life, with absolutely no way of having any forewarning about them at fucking all.

I can't explain that.

>> No.9182828


I had about 5 years of my life, that 90% of the time that I looked what time it is, it was always: 22:22. I also had recurrent dreams about being killed by a human hammer hammering me into the ground. Luckily that has ended.

>> No.9182830
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Epic ftw! Upvoted

>> No.9182857
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I never really believed in Ghosts or the paranormal but..
>be me
>live in grandparents' basement
>grandparents moves to their cabin by sea for the summer so I am all alone in their house
>one day, I walk up to shower
>passes door that is always open
>when I go back down, this door is closed

There's absolutely no ventilation to the outside down there, and there was no window open upstairs either. Ever since, I've felt a presence of something being there, but this eventually vanished when my grandparents got home. The backyard door also was mysteriously open one day, which can only be opened from the inside due to there being no door handle on the outside.

>inb4 lol there was just a hobo at your home XD

>> No.9182915
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I made a hole in a net and there were less holes than before

>> No.9182921

I experienced a physical sensation I've never experienced before or since when, as an experiment, I decided to pray and ask God if he actually existed.

I'm a deist now.

>> No.9182933

hindsight bias?

>> No.9182954

The topic is unexplained things, but you clearly have explanations you've already implicitly accepted for these phenomenon.
>i can magically predict the future
>a disembodied soul closed a door for no apparent reason
>a felt weird when asking a potentially life changing question because the creator of the universe thought that was the best proof of his existence

The fact that you decided to post these things in an "unexplained" thread seems to imply to that you still, at some level, realize your explanations are stupid, though.

>> No.9182955

Interesting. That happened to me in dreams when a teenager and a kid. I would see myself in a very specific situation, but anyone around me would have blurry faces. The other hint is that in the dream, I would feel a very specific emotion. Sometimes it didn't even made any sense, and just looked random. It happened like 5 times. In one case, I've imagined myself in a classroom I was never in before, with three people sitting in very specific poses looking to me and the emotion "joy". In a week or so I was inside that same classroom, telling a funny personal story to three classmates I wasn't very close to. It was lunchbreak, so they were sitting in a very unorganized way. In that moment I noticed the dream happened.

>> No.9182956

>there were less holes
>there were less

autism activated
Every time I look, there are fewer people who can speak English

>> No.9182958


>> No.9182965

Oh, I know I can't explain it. I'm just am coming up with my best guess until I come up with enough data to reliably hypothesize.

>> No.9182968

I read the bible, but I did not yet know about religion.

>a lonely faggot that created his own simulation in his imagination

Adam and Eve
>God wanted to watch porn

>God experimented with the incest simulation

Turns out the bible is actualy a chemistry/minerallogy book.

I still dont know why the element sulphur is called the devil...

>> No.9182975


Yeah, sometimes I get strange abstract thoughts in my mind, that I can smell and feel, but I don't understand what they mean, or what they are trying to explain.

I think I might have some neurological disorder

>> No.9182994

statistical mechanics. it's like FUCK dude!

>> No.9183004

>best guess
None of them sounded like particularly thought out guesses. They all three seemed like somebody jumped swiftly to a conclusion, then labored to justify it.

A door closing on its own could have any number of external causes; he claimed there were no air drifts in the house, but the fact that there was a human moving around in a house will cause wind. Every time you close or open a door, you're going to cause a big gust, and the fact that he had just taken a shower means that there was a bunch of expanding warm air trapped in a small room that was suddenly released when he opened the bathroom door. I'm sure that got some air moving. This is just one possible explanation. It also could have been a rat or the door being imbalanced

Predicting the future sounds like a classic case of confirmation bias. If he thinks about something and nothing special happens related to those thoughts, he forgets about it. If he thinks about something and then something related happens, you remember it as proof of some supernatural predictive power. Consider the shear volume of thoughts you have in a day. It's inevitable that occasionally you'll think about something and then something related will later happen. There also may be subtle external ques that something is going to happen that you recognize subconsciously but don't consciously realize.

Believing in God after a designed experiment of directly asking him is the only one that isn't completely retarded. The details are too sparse for me to try to austistically come up with some alternate explanation like i did with these other two, though. Religious thinking can easily cause very weird mental reactions, though. I'm not surprised that you experienced some sort of religious ecstasy in such a dramatic spiritual moment

>> No.9183007

How many times you imagine such a secnario and it doesn't really happen, though?

>> No.9183018

* when i was 13 or so i saw three lights in the night sky that looked like big stars. they moved around each other in circles, then united with each other, and disappeared.

* i experimented with lucid dreaming and became very succesful. so much, that i can consciously registrate every single step of falling asleep. shortly before you start dreaming you feel a very strong sensation of acceleration for a short period of time. combined with my explorations in the dream worlds i am 99% sure that the consciousness leaves the body when you dream.

>> No.9183028

Could be the manifestation of some kind of synesthesia. Document it.

>> No.9183031


Alright, I might. I made some observations so far. One is that increasing the dopamine levels of my brain (Selegiline, Bupropion, Dexamphetamine) increase the rate of these happening, and some get overwhelming. The second, would be that sleep deprivation also increases the effects, and makes me have tremendously vivid closed eyes hallucinations.

>> No.9183044

The thing is that I didn't think it was anything like a wandering sould that did it. I just got surprised, then confused, and then started to get creeped out as I thought there might be a hobo in my house. To my relief, there was nobody there. But I have still tried everything to figure out how these doors opened/closed.

>> No.9183057

>A door closing on its own could have any number of external causes; he claimed there were no air drifts in the house, but the fact that there was a human moving around in a house will cause wind. Every time you close or open a door, you're going to cause a big gust, and the fact that he had just taken a shower means that there was a bunch of expanding warm air trapped in a small room that was suddenly released when he opened the bathroom door. I'm sure that got some air moving. This is just one possible explanation. It also could have been a rat or the door being imbalanced
nope nope nope nope. This was far from the first time I showered with all these factors included. It happened once. It didn't even happen any of the times when I had the windows open downstairs. The house layout just doesn't make any of your speculations possible. It's hard to explain but the bathroom is just too far away from even the stairs of the basement to even have any effect. The bathroom is ventilated and have a small window that let's out the warm air to prevent fogging on the mirrors. My grandparents don't like that. The only ventilation in my room is the window, and it wasn't open. Nothing in the house was open at that time except for the bathroom window which shouldn't have any effect to the doors downstairs unless there's a window open there too. There are neither any rodents there as that would have been noticed by now

Had only the window been open, I would have found a conclusion. But it didn't so that's why I am out of any scientific explanation. The door is even kind of heavy to close, but it was completely shut closed when I got there

>> No.9183062
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The psychology of humor. Why do we laugh at another's humiliation or even their death but in reflection we fear and loathe these phenomena?The mind is irrational and twisted.

>> No.9183064

Because we know that humiliation and death of others are only observations. Fear and loathing of these same observations is just (you), being unable to make the choice. Should I laugh or cry?

>> No.9183066

well, the most obvious and simple explanation is that you closed the door and forgot about it, but I'm sure you will hold on the irrational but extremely typical human belief that you always remember everything that you do.

>> No.9183077

black rectangle UFO when was a kid, it was me and two other people, they ran away.

It sounded like a swarm of bees.

>> No.9183098

We actually laugh at unexpected events.

>> No.9183112

I sometimes get something similar to this when i think about locations i have an attachment to, like the schools I've been to (for some odd reason, never got it when thinking about the 3 different homes i've lived in). It's stronger the more stressful of a time i'm thinking of, going with the school example again, when i think of my first day moving to a new school, there is always a distinct smell, the same for every school. The smell is different depending on the situation though, like how i smell something similar to "hospital smell" when thinking about seriously awkward situations.
I don't really know how to word this properly, but this happens during the present, too. It isn't unique to memories. If i think i left the gas on, i can smell something which i have no idea how to describe.
In fact, thinking about that, most of the smells are indescribable... I have nothing to compare them to.

I'd feel guilty about deleting this massive wall of text, though.
It can stay.

>> No.9183115

If i were to stick a guinea pig up your ass i doubt your first instinct would be to laugh

>> No.9183118

>tfw no gf
Honestly, why does it feel the way it does?

>> No.9183165

True, but it would be if some third person stuck a guinea pig up yours.

>> No.9183196

I was unsure about the other anon, but yours is clearly synesthesia. Your trigger is emotion and place, the reaction is smell. http://syndiscovery.com/synaesthesia-types/

>> No.9183253


I can relate to that, a lot. It's been a source of a lot of stress in my life. I used to visit this park near my house, at night to stargaze and just relax, walk and think of ideas. I somehow developed a very abstract feeling of belonging, or coming back home whenever I would visit. I was pretty depressed at the time, and that feeling was good enough to bring meaning into my life and motivate to stay productive. One day it just stopped, and I got obsessed with getting it back. Never worked out, sometimes when I am really tired I get a faint sense of it for less than a second, but then it's gone from my grasp again... I feel like I lost an important part of me, like I lost my home.

I feel like a schizo talking non-sense like this, to be honest. In fact, I tried explaining this to a psychiatrist once, and she wanted to get me into lithium...which I refused.

>> No.9183312

never. everything that i've experienced can be explained.

>> No.9183315


>> No.9183319

fuck off stannis

>> No.9183548

Pretty much the dreamworld and how it's expanding into an arc rather than a series of short stories

>> No.9183557

The universe.

>> No.9183688

5 years ago I think it was I was reading about Project Stargate. I picked out somebody who was essentially a stranger to me from an IRC channel I went to. The day afterwards, when I had some quiet time to myself, I sat still focusing, trying to read this person's mind. The result was a brief, blurry vision of myself holding a chainsaw and my arm suddenly jerking as though to start it. Though I didn't really "see" it, I just picked up some colors and the idea of "chainsaw" just entered my mind. I asked them that day and it turns out they were indeed working using a chainsaw that day. There were two other cases with a different person in a different IRC channel that were also accurate but very broad descriptions. The important thing though is that it feels completely different from something like dreaming or visualizing. When your mind creates an image, it seems stark; it's never "blurry". I never got any false positives.

>> No.9183779

I get the same thing happen to me from time to time. Every place I have had some emotional event happen, is linked to a distinct smell that I know I never consciously thought of at the time, each smell is unique to the location, the further back the memory or the greater the emotional impact, the more vivid the smell. Even for places I only visited once.

>> No.9183905

wat'd he do wrong?

>> No.9183930

The overwhelming feeling of being a god who had himself born into this world in order to experience it.

>> No.9183933
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>not being able to explain everything about the universe instantly
Brainlets, when will they learn?

>> No.9183965

yeah i got laid

>> No.9183979

I just tried this and also felt something like never before. A bubbling in my prefrontal cortex, my face feeling hot, my heart being seized.
I opened my eyes and realized that having been force fed Christianity since I was a tot, I must have some deep-seated psychological ties to the idea of God after years of slowly atheizing.

>> No.9183992

I've "seen the future" a few times before. Hasn't happened in a long time, but a few times when I was younger I'd have a dream that would later come true. It was all completely random shit, and I don't remember any of the extremely rare times it did happen except one which was about a year apart from the dream to reality. In the dream I was sitting on something and looking at some blurry dark figure in front of a pane of glass with a white background, the person then recoiled because they had bumped their head against a wind chime that was sitting inside hanging from the glass. They straightened it out and shifted position a little and the dream stopped there. Around a year later my parents had a friend of theirs over and he was sitting on top of this wooden chest we have in front of the living room window, and I was on the couch opposite it. The friend was wearing a dark rain jacked because It was overcast that day, but the clouds were really light gray (with the light coming through them they were basically glowing white). Sometime while siting there listening to my parents talk with him, he bumped his head on the wind chime decoration we had hanging inside. the very moment he did that I recalled the dream I'd had and idk, for some reason that one little experience has stuck with me and I can't explain it.

Best guess is that either I dreamed some things at complete random and they just so happened to align with reality at some times, or that I had a few experiences of legitimate deja-vu where the dream never existed until after the event happened. My only problem with the deja-vu thing is that, while I only dreamed it once, I do remember recalling that dream and thinking about it for no particular reason at all at least a couple times between when I "saw it" and it actually happened which would mean that my deja-vu fabricated those moments as well, which as far as I can tell is not how it is suppose to work.

>> No.9184016

Can our enjoyment for music be explained?

Why does our brain differentiate between the sound of music in comparison to just any other random assortment of sound? Why do the different kinds of music please some, while offending others?

>> No.9184025

i can't explain words so easily to people desu

>> No.9184026

With any sense you're going to prefer some sort of stimuli over another

>> No.9184032

Music by itself is not enjoyable, it's literally just background noise. You can relate some of the sounds in it to activities / events that happened near and around you when you heard them and then upon hearing those sounds again recall your experiences, but that degrades over time and it's "never as good as the first time" because the first time contained the actual experience. People who love music are the equivalent of drug addicts. There's nothing wrong with music itself, and in moderation it can enhance experiences, but if you listen to music all the time or have playlists that you frequent then you need to therapy.

>> No.9184036

the lack of reason for being.

>> No.9184046

maybe its not so much that I can't explain so much as there is a part of me that demands an explanation and is upset there isn't one.

>> No.9184168

I can say that this is the most scientific explanation but that doesn't really mean it have to be true as it's based on the rational thought of physics. What I can say is that I am dead sure I didn't close the door. I've never in my entire life touched that door as it's always open to make air flow through. I have tried to think that it was just me who closed it but I actually completely recall that I didn't touch it.

>> No.9184797

>If you have playlists that you frequent then you need therapy
Source? I think almost all people have a group of favorite songs they tend to listen

>> No.9184820

We are in a simulation and the retards running it sometimes forget things. The pen ink bug is a great example.

>> No.9184826

>pen ink bug
whats that?

>> No.9184828

laughter comes when strained expectation turns to nothing

>> No.9184830

these desu, I sometimes get so creeped out that it makes me want to kill myself

>> No.9184838
File: 20 KB, 523x467, colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dere be two type of niggas
>Dey who intuitively comprehend dat colors ain't frequencies or patterns
>Dey who do not comprehend de aforemention

>> No.9184903

>One day it just stopped, and I got obsessed with getting it back. Never worked out, sometimes when I am really tired I get a faint sense of it for less than a second, but then it's gone from my grasp again... I feel like I lost an important part of me, like I lost my home.

i still faintly remember the feeling, like when nobody knows where you are. no responsibility, i still cling to that feeling, but it's so hard getting it, bordering on impossible.

i know it, i know it so bad

>> No.9184934

the word 'hole' has a plural form and is a discrete concept so 'fewer' is preferred over 'less'
really though that anon is just being a faggot. he and everyone else clearly knew what >>9182915 meant.

>> No.9184950

I saw a leaf explode once. I was at my lawn staring at a leaf and it exploded. It made a loud sound(like those shitty fireworks that do nothing but explode). It flashed really bright around the leaf(1inch radius around it so not a circle) but didn't dissipate. After the explosion the leaf disappeared.

>> No.9184961

sounds like some sort of chemical reaction

>> No.9184973

I saw God.

>> No.9185027

From 1 to 10 how fuckable was she?

>> No.9185037


>> No.9185044


>> No.9185052
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>> No.9185193

One time I ate 8 brownies due to having not ate for 3 days (GI virus)

Found out it was pot brownies , but didn't know it at the time I ate them.

>2 hours after eating brownies
>my L arm gives out, hard to move
>my right arm gives out
>my head is spacey as heck
>can't concentrate on simple tasks
>stand up and the world spins around me
>time perception is completely off track, what seems like 5 minutes is actually 2 hours and what seems like 2 hours is actually minutes
>think I'm just severely dehydrated
>can't stand up to go to the sink
>end up dialing 911

Couldn't explain the situation to the paramedics on scene, they did a tox screen and I was positive for cannibinoids
Spend the next 8 hours in the ER in some detox room in the back corner receiving IV fluids and I guess I pissed myself cuz I woke up wearing a diaper

>friend tells me that I ingested about 320mg of cannibinoids

>> No.9185203


>> No.9185213


>> No.9185388

they're just another, more risky, form of gambling
put money in, get sex out, with a chance of going to prison for doing nothing at all
the amount of sex output is directly related to how attractive you are, with a hard cap of no sex around 20% and softer caps every 20% above it

>> No.9185409


> Take DMT.
> Achieve a 'breakthrough.'
> Come 'back' after experiencing a sense I was away for days, communing with an enclave of other beings in a nonphysical place outside this reality.
> Have Latin phrase "Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" burned in my mind. No recollection of having read or heard it before.

That is really all there is to it. My best guess has been that I overheard something on the television or such when I was 'away', and it made me recall the quote.

>> No.9185469

I can't explain why I'm such a failure

>> No.9185524

Laughter is a defense mechanism.

>> No.9185593


That's exactly my case: >>9182955
I'm aware I had the dream before experiencing the false deja vu, because I actually tested it. Another I dreamed was me in the night entering a door in a completely random building I never saw before. Months later I was invited to a birthday party at a friend's house (which was a 30 store building with two identical neighbour buildings). It was the whole day playing around, and then he invited me to play basketball inside a court that was located in one of the neighbour buildings, when we were in front of the door of the court I noticed it was just like my dream.

>> No.9185607

Why a girl asked me for my number today.

>> No.9185620

Just once. Once some friends and I were exploring a dark cave and I literally saw a thought bubble pop up over the head of the kid I got along with the most. It was just like when you sort of see something in a dream right before you wake up and it fades, and in the cloud I saw the image of a witch riding a broom.
So I told the kid "You're... Thinking of witches" and he was very shocked and asked me how I knew, and kept trying to get me to read his mind for a while (if only).

>> No.9185628

Fuck off this is a science board and nobody gives a fuck

>> No.9185646

I can't truly explain anything I've ever experienced, or experience itself.

>> No.9185650

I was on a causse in the South of France and saw blue clouds. I can't explain that, though I imagine someone could.

>> No.9185655

stop reinforcing the stereotype that STEM majors are half-literate autists.

>> No.9185676

How do you know that the clouds were blue?

>> No.9185722

Once I was watching a movie by myself and I stood up to get myself a snack from the kitchen. I sometimes get lightheaded upon standing, but this time my knees completely buckled and I fell back in my seat. I couldn't move or say anything for over 20 minutes, and I went from feeling very hot to very cold during this time. My paralysis went away gradually over a couple of minutes afterwards.

>> No.9185727

As soon as I turned 23, I became unable to drink beer. I could chug and chug it when I was younger, but now its like a few sips gives me a killer headache. Have no idea how this happened

>> No.9185736

>be 4 to 5 years old
>bed time
>go to the hallway
>gotta walk past the bathroom to get to the kitchen
>dad smokes in kitchen before bedtime
>see dad in kitchen smoking a cigarette
>say good night and go to bedroom
>passing bathroom
>dad is on toilet
>he sees me and closes the door cuz hes taking a shit
>what the fuck, dad is in kitchen
>walk back to kitchen
>dad is still there, still smoking
>walk back to bathroom
>door is ajar, but no one is in there

idk what that was, but it freaks me out to this day (I'm 28 now)

>> No.9185748

My whole life experience, me being conscious is something I can't explain.

>> No.9185955

i know this.

>mother calls me down
>rush down the stairs as always
>starts telling me "clean floors" and whatnot
>see my eyes fade to black
>fall on floor
>me "i cant see"
>mom " stop trying to get out of your duties"
>slowly regain senses
>stands up still dizzy
>noone belives me

>> No.9185979


Reading your post is making me anxious. I hate pot brownies. Those trips can last for days.

>> No.9185985
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>a few sips gives me a killer headache. Have no idea how this happened

Probably the additives. This happened to me but then I discovered German Beer and the "pure beer law". Now all good, but a class of the gaseous concoction known as 'beer' in the US or most other countries and I have a killer headache.

>> No.9185995

>Non est ad astra mollis e terris via

There is no easy way from the earth to the stars


>> No.9186002

Just a run of the mill hallucination my dude. Brains hallucinate all the time based on expectations it is just that usually there is nothing to tell it that it was wrong (and usually it is right).

>> No.9186163

when you poop and the toilet paper is clean and the bowl is empty
spooky man

>> No.9186184

At the age of 5 or 6 (or 7. Fuck knows) I was in bed and heard creaking and saw my office chair was spinning back and forth, slowly. I freaked out and sought refuge in my parents' bed.

I don't think I gave it much thought afterwards, but it was probably a hallucination. Maybe the mind is more impressionable at that age.

>> No.9186196

People are literally monkeys, unable to comprehend if you refer to something that's not in front of them or known from experience.

>let me infer something that you explicitly did not say but I didn't really know what you were talking about so I ignored it and filled in the with whatever

>maybe it's syncopy or something

>> No.9186199


I have this too, pretty frequently. I'm not superstitious or anything but no deja vu explanation I've read adequately explains this phenomenon. The sensation is so strong I have to stop everything I'm doing until it fades.

I think it's probably an error in the memory creation process of the brain. Perhaps right after the brain stores a memory it accidentally immediately recalls it or something.

>> No.9186202

>people are literally monkeys
how is the 8th grade going?

>> No.9187339

Bumping this thread for interest. Wanna hear more stories.

>> No.9187357

everyone one of my emotions
how thoughts just seem to appear in my head

>> No.9187360

Action potential.

>> No.9187364

that's an extremely unsatisfying nonanswer
why not just say "QED" and reduce it to the most fundamental of terms?

>> No.9187373


>> No.9187410
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Sounds like you need to get in touch with your inner self. Surely you know the source of some of your emotions.

Unless you just mean consciousness in general, as no one has a satisfactory explanation for that shit.

>> No.9187420

I now realize that I want to fuck my mother. Thanks, Freud!

>> No.9187430

I sometimes get this but usually its only a few hours forwards. I'll completely live out a few hours and then suddenly flash back to current time.
Furthest its gone is a day and a half.
I call them reverse deja vu
Dont know how to explain this. I'd brush it off as daydreaming but its so detailed that i dont see how it could be.

>> No.9187435
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Lotta psychological phenomenon I witnessed while working an internship at a mental hospital over a few years.

Had a kind of ad-hoc study going on where intakes deemed potentially schizoaffective were asked to describe the meaning of simple metaphors. When asked, "What is meaning of 'One who lives in a glass house should not throw stones'?" they nearly all answered that it means one should 'crush the stone to dust and take it outside first', or words to that effect.

It's commonly known that an acute schizoaffective state caused by a drug-induced serotonin imbalance disables the brain's ability to interpret metaphor, even by rote, but the fact that they all came up with the same was weird as fuck.

Also had a disturbing number of intakes eating their own shit to "retain their power", at the rate of 2-3 per week, but I suppose I could chalk that up to some drug dealer fucking with people.

Nearly every patient we put in this one room would draw a boxed hourglass on the wall. I think maybe the previous vandalism wasn't always painted over well, so maybe it was just imitation once or twice, but there were at least a few times where I couldn't see the old graffiti at all.

Outside of that... Lived and passed through a few semi-shit neighborhoods in my life enough times to witness some odd universal behavior among the homeless - and worked with them in a few programs in different cities. Old homeless that collect cans, and claim they are saving souls in the process, I ran into a few times in different cities on both coasts. I also once saw three people, who clearly were not homeless, and looked like they were from a church group, talking to a kid who was clearly drugged out of his mind, and telling him he could collect trash to save souls. This reminded me of a group session during the aforementioned internship, where one guy claimed three "angels" came to him and told him the same thing, in an entirely different city.

Just, weird shit (sometimes literally).

>> No.9187460

why does consciousness exist the way it does, divided among infinite iterations?

clearly, the alternative wasn't very much fun

>> No.9187568

i thought i was wrong once, but i was mistaken

>> No.9187605

It's not divided. If you could see it well enough, you'd see that it wasn't.

>> No.9187615

Lol this is literally the stupidest thing i've ever read and has just reminded me how everyone on sci is either and idiot or a troll

>> No.9187625


Give the guy a break. He probably has Asperger's.

>> No.9187645

Yeah, because I'd have an immediate sense of discomfort and probably pain if you did that.

However, if I saw this happening to someone else, with no discomfort happening for me, I'd find it pretty funny.

>> No.9187659

Well, when you do it makes you think differently.

>> No.9187725
File: 309 KB, 1380x909, musical neurology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far be it from me to kill the magic of music, but...

Long story short, there are paired neurons related to hearing that are either in sync or out of sync based on harmonics, and when they are synced, the experience is soothing, and when they are out of sync, disturbing. This is a communicative aid found in most mammals and birds that allows one to distinguish between vocalizations of distress or vocalizations of encouragement. (Some reptiles have a primitive system like this as well, though their tonal perceptions are kinda "shifted" compared to ours.) In our case, it is key to language and the emotional expression behind words.

In this fashion, music communicates to us in a preverbal fashion.

Thus, while emotive memory is a factor (as >>9187615 suggests) it isn't required. Children and animals previously unexposed to music will be lulled or excited by it to the degree of hypnotic effect. (Not that some folks with certain brain disorders don't simply interpret all music as "noise".)

Memory is a factor in that the brain anticipates certain patterns as it is exposed to more and more music over time. And really, particularly in western culture, almost all music shares certain patterns:
When the brain runs into a pattern that it's not expecting, the effect similar to that of receiving a dissonant sound, and this is both perplexing and irritating, breaking the effect. This behavior of the pattern recognition system is not restricted to music, of course, but in this case, it takes the brain out of a meditative state, and puts it in analysis mode, and the two systems start fighting with one another, thus annoyance and irritation.

Not that the brain can't learn to like new music, it's just a matter of learning and falling into the new patterns and making new associations.

Long story long:
(In audio form, of course.)

>> No.9187739

I've had this exact experience starting from when I was about 9 but I have never been able to to predict with it because the time periods are usually from about 3 months apart.
I still have some thoughts from when I did acid for the first time.

>> No.9189400
File: 13 KB, 236x236, gensis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those digits, yes discovering how the world really works and finding God in the details you can never explain it to anyone only show them how to find it themselves

>> No.9189418

I see the number 33 everywhere.

>> No.9189427

it isn't by accident

>> No.9189602

I do this to your describing.

>You are not alone.

>> No.9189605

>be 19
>dating a psycho girl
>had the stereo system with the two big speakers with subs and tweeters
>stereo remote sitting on coffee table/us on couch
>with my hand in both a clockwise and counterclockwise motion turn the volume on the stereo up and down
>she is freaking the fuck out

Needless to say I haven't done it since and it was just on a whim

I have way more freaky unexplained examples though. I'm convinced that humans have more power than they know. I'm O+ and 99.99999+% European.

>> No.9189872

How the fuck are you supposed to defend yourself when you ROFL

>> No.9189875

>8 years old
>play football with friends
>suddenly see a huge orangeish balloon inflate on an elevated field 20 meters away
>inflates for maybe 1 second and becomes probably 1 meter in radius
>explodes with a large "boom"
>all of us run to see what it was
>no trace of anyone there or equipment
>no orange remains of the balloon either

I still don't know what it was. At first I thought "it be dem ayylmaos" but no explanation will ever be found I guess

>> No.9189881

Like a weird unsettling feeling, sort of like nausea of my own existence and all of humanity's existence. How nothing really makes sense, the more I learn, the less uncertain everything becomes. The more I study the scientific method and read papers, the more flaws and a nagging sense of uncertainty perpetuates. I don't know how to explain it. I used to be very naive and think science was 100% fact, certainty and that I could trust science. But as I am getting older, I see these mediocre peers of mine enter academia, I feel sick. That these people will be the ones pushing the boundaries of human truth. That a lot of genius go undiscovered simply because of chance or ill fated timing. That things, despite an organized, civil appearance really lack structure, that no matter how much we try to discover the ultimate truth, everything is pretty much suspended in entropy and uncertainty. I just feel very sick about existence. I feel sick there are all these walking brain dead people walking around, some even capable of making tons of money, but ultimate truths go untouched because most of humanity are concerned with such frivolous things like power, material desires, social standing. I just can't exist in this place. Nothing makes sense to me and I am very disenchanted by everything. I wish I did not exist sometimes but along with me, I wish everything else did not exist either.

>> No.9189883

that wasn't your dad in the bathroom. It was uncle Bill jacking off to you

>> No.9189884

If it makes you feel any better, not everyone is a vapid idiot.

>> No.9189946

It's a social and emotional defense mechanism, not a physical one. It stops you from dwelling too long on logical absurdities, defuses tense social situations, and distances yourself from potential traumas. It promotes stability in the individual and unity in the collective, soothing what might otherwise be traumatic, thus promoting the wellbeing of the family and tribe, thus collectives that have it are less apt to fragment and more apt to survive.

Granted, it's a highly malleable and culturally variant one, both collectively and individually, but well, they kinda all are.

>> No.9189960

You need to laugh more, both at the world and yourself.

Albeit, part of the disillusionment of adulthood is realizing that all these infallible expert heroes and, well, adults, you've been looking up to your whole life, are in fact mere humans, meandering their way through every bit as clumsily as you do, sometimes more, sometimes less. You learn that, society, as a whole, covers for a whole lotta incompetence and uncertainty in all its institutions. At the same time, all that shit we've done and built and discovered, that held you in awe as a child, is nonetheless still a product of those same flawed humans, haphazardly working their way through it all while bumping into one another. So, while not all the cream rises to the top, some always does, what does work, we tend to keep, and most manage to contribute a little something to that ever growing stack, no matter how minute the contribution maybe, and it generally outlasts those who instead take from it. Plus, in the end, even that collective incompetence and corruption is a motivation - necessity being the mother of invention and all.

>> No.9190026

Whenever I am around my friends, I start to think about a subject or a song. Then a few seconds later, one of them either start talking about that said topic or start singing/humming that song
At first I thought I was just not paying much attention and they were talking about it or singing while my mind is somewhere else. But I've proven to myself that this is wrong as I have recently paid attention to topics and such and still once in a while predict topics and songs a few seconds before it happens

>> No.9190034
File: 145 KB, 720x960, 1490893755648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a nap once at about 8 PM. I wake up and it's 5 PM on the same day. None of my clocks were tampered with. I thought I had slept all the way until the next day, but my mom said she didn't even remember me sleeping. She says I walked into my room and walked out panicking immediately after.

>> No.9190055
File: 1.78 MB, 300x242, it'shiptocheckem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll clue you in: It rhymes with drips and starts with a T

>> No.9190059

opening or closing any door in a house that has no open airflow to the outside will create a current of air inside the house, this can close doors

>> No.9190066


>> No.9190067

severe deformities can cause interruption of blood flow during certain fast moves such as standing up after sitting down in certain position for a while

>> No.9190068

Yah, although in my entire life, doors closing in an airtight house has happened: 0 times. It always happens if 2 windows are open though

>> No.9190069

I love how all anons here didn't even bother to talk about the backyard door of yours

>> No.9190071

depends on the house layout and door mass, size, quality of door hinges and lubrication, 2 windows open is just regular draft throwing shit around

>> No.9190078

backyard door is outside, meaning exposed to temperature changes, going to assume it was made from shitty metal that expands/contracts under high/low temperature

you'd be surprised how much metal changes in size during a cold night, especially the kind of cheap ass shit people use for outdoor crap

>> No.9190130

that's your number
be nice to your number

>> No.9191435


>> No.9191514


>> No.9191548


>> No.9191682

Severe deformities like what? And I couldn't move or talk for over 20 minutes. That's definitely out of the ordinary.

>> No.9191686


It has to do with patterns. Im not just talking about "MUH MUSICAL RATIOS". im talking about why we tend to enjoy music conceptually. if you had a one stringed guitar that could only play one tone at a time you could still play some of the great masterpeices.

Music is should be on the edge of music and chaos. The same note repeated over and over again is so orderly it's boring, while random notes are so unorderly your brain just mooshes them all together and gets bored. the trick is to give something orderly for your brain to latch onto (a rythym or motif) and mix it up from there. Hell, we could even use just drums. A single beat repeated ad infinatum is boring, while beats that are completly random in interval is also boring. but give the beats a slight mix, like one two three fooooourr... one two three fooooourr. etc.. and it's a little bit compelling.

>> No.9191772

Doesn't happen often, a few times a year, usually lying in bed about to sleep. Brain will suddenly flip into hype drive and I will start get getting intense images flashing through my mind. No noise, no smell, just images.Like a series of photographs being quickly flipped right in front of your eyes. Very quickly. Like a quick glance and then its gone, Whatever I do I cant hold onto one image before its immediately replaced with another. Nor can I "switch" off this storm of images if I stay in bed I just have to ride with it until it finally stops, usually in about an hour. If I get up and start doing stuff then it will stop nearly immediately, but usually I just "watch" it, its so bizarre.

Its fascinating to watch, for the images are entirely random. Can be people, close up, far way, places, buildings, usually its mundane, just like looking through someones family photo album, the images never mean anything to me. Sometimes, but not often, the images can be accompanied by emotions, so incredibly fleeting.I never know what or why there is a connection between the image and the emotion.

I have never once seen an image that is related to me in any way that I can recall. Not from my life, nor from a TV show or movie, not from anything I imagined when I was reading a book. The people I see are clear, but they are all strangers, the scenery is never familiar. This is the most interesting thing for me when this happens, I am just lying there watching this random slideshow rushing through my mind and wondering "Where the hell is all of this coming from?"

Logically of course it must be my brain manufacturing these images.But why the fuck is it doing that and why are the images so intense and apparently random and completely unfamiliar?

Its something I don't fear or anything, its just weird and in a way entertaining. Like, when it begins I am "oh wow, here it comes again, lets see what the ride brings this time"

Also no drugs involved in this shit.

>> No.9191930

1. this door is an expendive one mostly made out of glass
2. you need to hold down a button, use some force snd turn the handle 180 degrees to open it.
3. it was during a cloudy day

If your logic is true, then all outside doors even with complex locks are dangerous due to their nature of opening by themselves giving way for burglars

Problem is this has never happened ever before. Even with window open downstairs and door/window open upstairs, the door can close barely but never completely shut. It requires additional leverage to close it because the frame is a little tight

>> No.9192045

Happened to me too, no drugs involved for me either.