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9180966 No.9180966 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone on /sci/ without genius IQ who excelled in university just by studying hard?

>> No.9180973

No, we're all the opposite, extremely intelligent dropouts.

>> No.9180991
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>> No.9181019

Brainlet speaking, yes it's possible. Nothing is inherently accessible by ""genius level IQ"" or whatever that means.
It's merely the time required to understand something.

>> No.9181022

>needing a genius IQ to succeed

>> No.9181051
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>uni is hard

>> No.9181053

Can't you read? Of course it's not hard if you have high IQ, that's why I'm asking people without it.

>> No.9181060

It can be hard for other reasons even if you're intelligent, or maybe abnormal intelligence can even spawn contributing factors for it being hard. What's the correlation of IQ and mental disorders?

>> No.9181196
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>> No.9181252

>implying geniuses don't work hard
It's literally all they do, because they enjoy it.

>> No.9181258

Not what I implied nor asked.

>> No.9181293

I have an IQ of 142 (tested professionally) and did shit at uni (computer systems engineering).
I suffer from ADHD, depression and anxiety.
I never finished anything on time.

Never took SSRIs because I was afraid my IQ would lower, and my "maniac" productivity would go away.

Just because dopamine and serotonin are messed up in my brain.

Currently working on a usb powered transcranial direct current stimulation device.

>> No.9181299

Sounds like you'll be successful regardless of uni.

>> No.9181305

A try hard can succeed in STEM Undergrad.
But perhaps not in STEM Grad School.

>> No.9181392
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Frequency based, which seems like the easiest way to accomplish such a feat. Or connected with the host via implant; very messy.

>> No.9181773

Yes, but I took up uni at 25, and it was after being stuck in the deepest hole of my life. I had my back against the wall, and decided that either I should actually commit suicide, or give my all to science in the hopes of one day helping someone.

I'll be graduating Summa Cum Laude this spring in Biochemistry. I know grad school will be harder, but I don't see a point in not trying.

>> No.9181776

hardwork doesn't become work when its fun. Every assignment given is just a playground when its something that you like and have a passion for.

>> No.9181780

I'm kind of dumb (105-110 IQ is my guess) but I'm going to a top 100 university for my major and got a perfect GPA freshman year. Sophomore year is kicking my ass so far tho. I will definitely graduate at least

>> No.9181884

Wow you're kinda like me. I started my college years at 26. I'm already a final year student studying physics. I was in a pit of depression for 8 years before college. Studying Physics and being with like minded people kinda saved my life.

>> No.9181890

With all the certainty of Bertrand Russel's capacity to delight in logically affirming your death within 5 minutes : No, there is not.


>> No.9181896

Holy shit, are you me? I started a biochemistry at 25, just graduated with honors and multiple requests from professors to do a masters. This is from someone that had 60's in math/science in high school.

>> No.9181947

There's no point in being intelligent but lazy.
Really it's useless. It's like being handsome but using a paper bag on your face whenever you want to date.

>> No.9181950

*sigh* tru dat, it's just that human-eyes aren't really built for seeing people's big throbbing brain-cock that has a 12-pack and solves quantum physics in its spare time.

>> No.9181958

My brother has "superior" intelligence on the WISC and barely got through Duke relying entirely on his friends. He is a hard worker when he wants to be, but I think he got sick of how much was expected of him.

Meanwhile, my "very superior" NEET brain is gathering dust in front of a PC, rotting itself away.

Effort/motivation are much, much better qualities than intelligence. A 110 IQ could easily outpace a 130 if they learned the right habits. A lot of smart people just fill their mind with trivia instead of improving on life skills.

>> No.9181962

Maybe we just view 'normal life' as trying to run on bio-diesel when you actually require hyper-enriched plutonium-charged neutrino-implosion generators.


>> No.9181989

Yeah but how do you get into a good uni while being out of it for so long?

>> No.9181994

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.9182007

Question/Answer : You're in pain/We don't need to be.


>> No.9182022

Heyoo similar story here, but math. (Though I picked up an organic chemistry minor)

Not done yet, I'm about to be a senior this fall, but I turn 26 in october and I had my first precalculus class at 23 years old. Worked my ass off and have had mostly A's, like a 3.7 gpa overall and a 3.85 in my major. I want to go to graduate school if I can get a good letter of rec.

Believe in yourself, brainlets.

>> No.9182039

If you have an IQ greater than 105 you can get any undergrad degree that exists and can likely get most graduate degrees as well simply through hard work and studying.

In fact more "smart" students drop out because they think it's easy or expect it to be easy and refuse to actually do their work.

You might never become a doctor and perform your own research but you can certainly learn processes and double check and confirm the work of others and it would certainly be high paying and fulfilling (at lest compared to being some retail store manager).

>> No.9182045

So... schizophrenia?

>> No.9182056

The guy is a smuggie

he was also like that on this other board


ignore him like a homeless person

>> No.9182059

also, google search "Integra/Veil-burn"

the guy is fucking nuts, he appears a lot in /x/

>> No.9182078

I agree/concur. It's all fine if you want to go mad with me, I am a mathematician after all.

>> No.9182083
