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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9176184 No.9176184 [Reply] [Original]

if IQ is simply a test acording to sci, why all the high archievers in phylosophy, art, music, literature and STEM have clearly higher than 125 IQ points?

where is the 70 IQ genius?

>> No.9176187

Well it /is/ just a test, but the answer tells us how smart you are

>> No.9176197

IQ only measures how good you are at taking IQ tests. It's not like the skills needed to score well on those test are transferable to anything else irl.

t. associates degree in biology

>> No.9176204

Autistic savants

>> No.9176230

Tell that to the poor sods who have less than 80 iq, Im sure their lives arent affected in any negative way.
Im sure Einstain had like 50 iq

>> No.9176232

>why all the high archievers in phylosophy, art, music, literature and STEM have clearly higher than 125 IQ points?
Not Richard Feynman :^)

>> No.9176237
File: 57 KB, 500x403, einstein true facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im sure Einstain had like 50 iq

>> No.9176271

IQ has a correlation to intelligence and nobody disputes this, but that doesn't mean that IQ and intelligence are a perfect mapping with whatever the hidden distribution of intelligence is. Other things correlate with intelligence like school grades except nobody claims that these truly measure intelligence because of all the clear retards who work hard for their grades

Treating IQ tests as the be all and end all is retarded

>> No.9176279

most intelectual skills are related.

if you're smart for math, you will be smart for music and wordplay.

if you're dumb for math, you will be dumb for other mental habilities as well.

people with low IQ have trouble learning task that a high IQ person would learn in five minutes.

So, yes, IQ is intelligence.

also, IQ correlates with socioeconomic status archieved by the person.

>> No.9176285

Interesting thing about Einstein is that he wasn't a child prodigy. Pretty sure he also failed an entrance exam for uni.

>> No.9176287

>IQ is intelligence
Nope. It's an approximation at best.
Some savants have IQs of 70, can't play music, but can derive any formulae and solve prohlems after seeing them for a few seconds.

>> No.9176289
File: 41 KB, 600x850, iq-prof-men.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9176290

>if you're smart for math, you will be smart for music and wordplay.

>> No.9176518

That's a nice meme but he was exceptional in math and physics since childhood. I still want to believe it's not all genetics though.

>> No.9176521

IQ tests do work, it's just a COPE for brainlets to say otherwise

>> No.9176524

>score 20 points higher when promised financial gain
>score 30 points lower when depressed

Wtf I can judge human intelligence now!!

>> No.9176526

Something tells me, through your poor spelling and grammar, that you're probably the 70 iq genius.

>> No.9176546


Source? Did you mean SAT points? The standard deviation of IQ is only 15/16

>> No.9176605

Not everyone on here is american anon. What other language can you discuss things in? Only English? And you're implying you're smarter than someone else? lmao

>> No.9176638

It takes all of about 1 minute to type out the same thing in your native, inferior language and then translate it on google translate and then proceed to copy (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) the translated garbage into your local 4chan text box.

I gave you the copy and paste hotkey commands in case your 70 IQ didn't know them already.

>> No.9176647
File: 359 KB, 240x200, 1499034426384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must have a very high IQ to elaborate these very complex thoughts

>> No.9176652

bad bait

>> No.9176674
File: 415 KB, 480x238, 1504635145948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bait when insult

>> No.9176680

OP here.

my grammar is technically correct, but I am speaking using spanish grammar with english words.

most people will tend to do that, look up how japanese write english using japanese grammar.

most foreigners have some kind of quirks that tell people away which is their native language.

nothing surprising.

>> No.9176811

not op but if you tink google translate works you are retard

im speak 3 languagues btw

>> No.9176829


>posts a source proving him right


>> No.9176842
File: 68 KB, 430x430, kim_peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>9176204 This. kim Peek is a perfect example. He had below average IQ, still a genius

>> No.9177006

Look at the pic again. Are you blind?

>> No.9177019

Different anon but it's true. I would have to go look up those studies. Easy enough to Google yourself though. A financial incentive of just $10 or so resulted in 15-20 points higher than the control group. IQ is a very dubious tool, still useful though. Kind of like BMI.

>> No.9177032

Well depression does make you dumber so your IQ would be lower than normal

>> No.9177058

literally who

>> No.9177080

>solve prohlems after seeing them for a few seconds.

not new ones then, else they would have a high iq score. savants don't solve anything, they just regurgitate. this is not intelligence.

>> No.9177095

>Kim Peek
>the retard autist who has eidetic memory
>he thinks good memory = genius
heartly kek.

>> No.9177103

>why all the high archievers in phylosophy, art, music, literature and STEM have clearly higher than 125 IQ points
source please

>> No.9177127

Yeah but he looks like a faggot.

>> No.9177135
File: 46 KB, 750x393, alonzo clemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look up 'idiot savant'. There are many examples. How about this guy, Allonzo Clemons. IQ 40-50 yet he can perfectly reproduce anything in sculpture even if he only had a glimpse of it.

I remember a program about a guy who can perfectly recreate any musical composition after only hearing it once yet doesn't understand the concept of pants and would shit in the street if you let him