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9171130 No.9171130 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that the founders of Mensa included themselves on their own list of prominent members

>> No.9171152

>the founders of an organisation devoted entirely to self aggrandising and feeling intellectually superior to those around them were full of themselves
Colour me unsurprised

>> No.9171169

What does Mensa do? It looks like Reddit irl

>> No.9171191

1. Screech about how having an above-average IQ makes you special

>> No.9171578

What the point of mensa a part of feeling obnoxious about their """intellectual superiority"""

>> No.9171583
File: 34 KB, 500x322, IMG_2359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that players in the NFL include themselves in the list of prominent members of the NFL hall of fame

>> No.9171593

If they founded it doesn't that make them pretty prominent?

>> No.9171614

Daily reminder that the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has included had included his name as the 1st "prophet" of prophets to Jesus

>> No.9171629

Hey fuck off guys

Think of all of the big problems MENSA has solved, like the large hardon collector and THE fucking MOON.

>> No.9171630

Your moms pussy as big as one of earths moons, we call it a hardon collector m8. Get rekt

>> No.9171727

I heard that MENSA solved the problem of cynical disallusionment due to personal and emotional shortcomings by replacing deep-seated autistic self-hatred with an ego-stroking circlejerk of cerebral aggrandizement.

>> No.9171761

>brainlets be mad
>go full on cynical
>still brainlets