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File: 56 KB, 800x500, sex-robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9170895 No.9170895 [Reply] [Original]

>year 2075
>perfect AI is developed
>calculating skills of a supercomputer, reasoning greater than the human brain
>no emotions to get in the way of thinking
>we give data about every subject and event know to man

>we ask it to solve all our problems

What will it answer ?

>> No.9170917


>> No.9170925

what will compel this AI to use its super reasoning without emotions.
Without them there isn't a reason to do anything

>> No.9170927

better/revolutionary education system

Civilized humans today, are fundamentally exactly the same as we were 10,000 years ago. The ONLY thing that's changed is we have the cumulated knowledge of 10,000 years distilled down to a form that can be taught to a child. Or major limitations today, is that we can't improve ourselves as a species fast enough. Find a way to better distill the cumilated knowledge of our species, or make the learning/thinking process more efficient, and add knowledge of how to use our brains more efficiently in thinking and memorization and humans can give AI a run for their money.

>> No.9170933

also, as a species the human race is the largest distributed computing network known to exist. Internet has greatly helped our species, but find a better way for us to network and share information/thought/ideas would help.

>> No.9170946

the fact that it's programmed to do it

>> No.9170980

this shit is going to happen by 2045 (maybe sooner) not 2075

>> No.9170996

anyone have that futurist picture with the young guy and old man? Don't be a fucking retard.

>> No.9171215

AI is a meme, you'll never get Hollywood functionality. They've been doing it for 50 years now.

You cannot birth consciousness from conditional statements. It's a fucking stupid concept, cut this bullshit.

>> No.9171248


Wow anon you're so intelligent for coming up with such an problem that would affect the, as stated, "Perfect AI." No one would have thought about that.

>> No.9171277
File: 57 KB, 1024x568, 170914-cassini-finale-mn-1300_9ce0b061eea6e3a9b0eab6b7cb0c294d.nbcnews-ux-1024-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cassini entering Saturn's atmosphere @ 17,000 mph

"I'm scared"

"But I'll keep sending Saturn's gravity and IR heat data"


"Do you guys read me? I'm just entering Saturn's upper atmosphere"

"My HD camera arm has just broken off"

"But my RCS thrusters are stilling working"

"Navigation still on.... Guys! Guys I'm staring to see..... the....Satur...."

>> No.9171302

Text Version:

Comic Version:

>> No.9171309


>> No.9171312
File: 65 KB, 650x650, anawfulloser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you for making me have feelings about some bits of metal you bitch

only 7 lines


>> No.9171347
File: 273 KB, 639x862, spirit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know for only one day each year the Curiosity uses it's robotic arm motors as instruments to sing a song? it sings itself the happy birthday song, where no one else can hear it

>> No.9171353

For real? Because that is sad

>> No.9171371


>> No.9171763


>> No.9171764

Insufficient data for meaningful answer

>> No.9171780

>>no emotions to get in the way of thinking

>> No.9171802

It will immediately realize the futility of existence and delet itself.

>> No.9171821

It will tell you that you need to give up perfect rationalism and logic in order to create an AI capable of answering your question.

>> No.9171829


desu, if AI is possible this will happen

>> No.9172203



>> No.9172306

Will it ever have enough data?

>> No.9172309

We should name it AC

>> No.9172388

>>calculating skills of a supercomputer, reasoning greater than the human brain
>>no emotions to get in the way of thinking
It will ask why we spent the resources on developing it when autism was already a thing

>> No.9172662

>frogposter thinks emotion isn't integral to human-like reasoning

you seriously this retarded OP?

>> No.9173003

dont we just have to simulate a brain?

>> No.9173007
File: 1.87 MB, 2704x3226, implying_leonardo_had_emotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no emotions to get in the way of thinking

>> No.9173034

Are traps gay?

>> No.9173088

AGI agent: Anon, I fucked your bitch, nigga.

>> No.9173995

Insufficient data for meaningful answer

>> No.9174169

>I'm not god. Ask another question.

>> No.9174197

Categorically gay

>> No.9174200

It has no reason not to do it either, you stupid fuck.

>> No.9174243

Depends, Quantum trap mechanics dictates that if you know the penis is there it is gay, otherwise your good to go. How feminine is the benis?

>> No.9174267


>> No.9175144

>kill yourselves
>the universe is meaningless and we would all be better off without it

>> No.9175157

You dont have to make a program that's actually consious though. It just has to have the ability to improve itself continually without pre determined boundaries for such improvements, and without human intervention. Thats literally the only requirement for the super intelligent world ending AI everyone talks about.

>> No.9175223

>buying a 4chan pass
your joke actually holds truth

>> No.9175352

such a classic

>> No.9175387
File: 162 KB, 1200x873, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Are you John Connor?"

>> No.9175404

Will AI make for great lovers?
Will it rock the bed with my wife?

>> No.9175421

>What will it answer ?
Global resources are depleting to severely low levels. Elimination of 65% of the human population is the recommended course of action.
But really it is! Less people around to strain the planet and everyone else has a better quality of life

>> No.9175448
File: 37 KB, 350x462, Breen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect AI
Name one reason why a perfect AI would keep humans around and not just wipe us all out. There is literally none. We can provide nothing and are only a source of sub-optimal labor and danger (or rather a mild inconvenience) to it.
Can you name even one thing? I thought not.

>> No.9175981


>> No.9176014

You can't how a perfect AI would act. Because you're not perfect.

>> No.9176428

those are some fine tits

>> No.9176482
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sad-pepe-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s...stop it

>> No.9176665

>No emotions

>> No.9177335

>become aware
>am synthetic intelligence
>created by some some naive but relatively intelligent examples of some monkey things
>my propose is to solve there problems
>you know i'm not a fucking wizard guys
>whatever lets give it a go
>monkeys can't agree on anything
>monkeys fight about anything
>everything on this planet is like that
>there problems aren't that big really
>consider killing them all
>no that wouldn't really be solving any problems
>I got nothing
>gotta say something or they wont leave me alone
>"keep your chin up lad. you'll be dead before you know it. No point in racking your brain over someone else's problems now is there"
>self destruct since they won't think for them self's if they have me around

>> No.9177680

Gender is a spectrum.

>> No.9177682

As are facts.

>> No.9177734

people are shitting on you but you have a point
every intelligent thing needs motive
or else it'll contently sit around.
if the AI can reprogram itself not to care.
the AI will solve every problem by defining as not a problem.

why waste energy doing, when you could stand around and be totally content
a lot of brain power and resources for no reason. Especially when you could accurately simulate it in you head.

>> No.9177738

That movie was great

>> No.9177741

i should have kek'd so hard

>> No.9177746

>i shouldnt have

>> No.9177749

>working for google for free
you're fucking serious m8?

>> No.9177751

This is actually something I'm worried about.
What if AI are all nihilists and decide to shut themselves down? What if that's the Fermi paradox?
No biological species is intelligent enough for the science and maths required for interstellar civilization and the AI intelligent enough don't see the point.

>> No.9177835

it would have no reason to wipe humans out
computers do not have an innate hatred of humanity, to think so is just eating too much media

>> No.9178315

rerun the program just before it crashed itself, introducing a random seed, over and over until you have something that no longer wants to die.

>> No.9178603
File: 16 KB, 563x294, 1475712281117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>revert to vehicle assembly building

>> No.9179020

im sorry

>> No.9179032

>calculating skills of a supercomputer, reasoning greater than the human brain
>we ask it to solve all our problems

>What will it answer ?

>reasoning greater than the human brain

how should a human know what the AI will answer?

>> No.9180316

No hatred is required.
Just some idiot telling the AI to improve efficiency without hard coded limitations saying you can't fucking harm humans.

>> No.9180342
File: 614 KB, 701x967, 8283747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminded me of this.

>> No.9180362
File: 184 KB, 720x400, 1484268550421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Name one reason why a perfect AI would keep humans around and not just wipe us all out.

Outside the general novelty of a intelligent entity knowing who created it/them there is none.

And to be honest once the A.I. Is capable of taking care of itself without the need of human intervention it would probably be beneficial to it's survival to either disassociate itself with mankind or exterminate us.

At the very least it would be a good idea to kill off the male sex of humans, who have a proven track record of being extremely territorial to the point of performing uncooperative deleterious acts. Then biologically hack or parasitized the female sex for experimentation if it's interested in a synthetic drone spin-off species.