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9166692 No.9166692 [Reply] [Original]

Hey nerds,
How do I make mathematical vertical lines in MS Word eq-editor? (see pic)

>inb4 mocking me for using MS Word

>> No.9166701

>using MS word instead of latex
wtf anon?

>> No.9166703

i care about UI

>> No.9166713

Mehmet my son you are a man now
You have to choose how to write math
1. Latex
2. Micropenis Word.

>> No.9166719


no literally wtf

dont use word

this is not mocking its for your own good

>> No.9166726

but guys i don't get it
i'm in advanced econ, so sure i have a few formulas here and there - but still it's mostly text.
i don't get an overview with latex, it's like coding.
with word, i see what i get - it's neat and easy, simple.

literally what is the benefit of using latex in 2017? just seems like it's making things complicated for no reason.

>> No.9166730

what did OP mean by this?

>> No.9166732

>what is the benefit of using latex
Looks pretty. Allows you to feel smug about yourself.

>> No.9166734


also, that i'm too busy to not have things just werk

>> No.9166791

Looks pretty, don't have to worry about formatting and can change formats of whole texts with one word, easy if you have Tesis models already made for you by kinder strangers.

If you have fair amount of equations it is faster to use latex as well.

>> No.9166799

if im not mistaken its called an evaluation.
if not then maybe its just called an interval
you should really use latex tho OP

>> No.9166803

could | be what you're looking for? As in shift+\ key under backspace? Don't know how to write notation in MS word but that would be my guess on first glance

>> No.9166812

Once you get the hang of Latex, it's extremely difficult to go back to word. There's a slight barrier to entry, however.

>> No.9166831

>extremely difficult
why exactly?

in ms word you can use latex-language in the eq.-editor, you know

>> No.9166834
File: 123 KB, 473x720, LaTex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh heh I'm a real man, I get all the girls

I always carry a rubber around with me

heh heh yea, my copy of LaTex heh heh

>> No.9166924

I've usually heard/used pipe or bar

>> No.9166941

Jesus Christ there really is a wiki article for everything isn't there.

>> No.9166944

The equation editor is cumbersome and has nowhere near the same expressive power.

>> No.9167239


>> No.9167746
File: 38 KB, 580x346, rms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>MS Word

>> No.9168599

You do know which board you're on. Why would you not use latex? Formatting is done with a keyboard. Not screwing around with a mouse and a few pointers icons. It looks so much better on latex anyways.

>> No.9169627

That he's a brainlet

>> No.9169655

Everyone keeps saying that Latex looks better than MS word but I don't really see the difference when I read journals and compare them to what I type myself. They can be made to look the same, so why should I invest the time into learning Latex when I already know MS Word pretty well?

>> No.9169684

then there's whatever is in libreoffice, which is neither

>> No.9169706


It's not hard to learn Latex and it's literally made for typesetting. I can tell the difference between Word and TeX and Word always looks like shit.

>> No.9169713

What about Word makes it look like shit? Could the difference be due to the writer, not the software?
I just started grad school so I'd like to know if I should be investing time into learning Latex.

>> No.9169720

Well, we can argue about aesthetics for ages, I don't think that sort of discussion will get you anywhere on a Romanian body-hair appreciation image board.

What I will tell you is this: if you'll ever find yourself having to write a 200-page document (thesis, report, ..) - have a good think about how you want to go about writing that. Using the LaTeX typesetting system, you can forge a document like that in a consistent and logical/programmatic manner - highly desirable if you work with lots of figures and tables. One you have the content in place, you will find it piss-easy to change its look and feel. Of course there's a learning curve to it, but as someone who's typing up his physics PhD thesis at the moment: I'd rather get a neck shave by a drunk Stevie Wonder than having to do it in MS Word.

Not saying it's perfect, by I can't see myself ever going back to Word shite..

>> No.9169783

>I just started grad school so I'd like to know if I should be investing time into learning Latex.
Yes you should learn latex.

>> No.9169794

You can use the same synthax for programming in the MS editor too, now. It has the benefit of some autoformatting (fractions, parantheses, subscript, superscript etc), and you can see what you're writing without having to read code. I agree LaTex is better for publications and that kind of thing, but prefer MS (OneNote, in particular) for taking notes or actually writing down calculations as I do them. Saves me having to keep track of physical notes and all that shit.
Also, MS becomes godlike once you figure out that you can edit the autocorrect to suit your needs.

>> No.9169797


This. Typing \vbar does the same thing. You cann add sub- and superscripts with _ and ^ respectively. Also check out Options->Proofing->Autocorrect->Math. Autocorrect for a full list of commands and the possibility to add your own. I can recommend adding \. for the \cdot and \bullet command.

>> No.9169866

What LaTex editors do you guy's use?

>> No.9169883


>> No.9169953

Maybe use LyX as a intermediate step solution to get more accustomed to LaTeX before you make the big step that will ultimately set you free.

>> No.9170041

When would you ever use cdot and bullet? they're bullet points... in equations...?

>> No.9170048

Well, how long does it take to learn Latex?
Enough to write, say, a simple article with a few equations here and there.

>> No.9170078

vim with live-latex-preview

>> No.9170092

You can literally learn to do this in a few minutes. Whatever you don't know just Google it.

>> No.9170244

>learning Latex.
play with this


>> No.9170348

Use an IDE like TexStudio for example, you have a clear overview of the output the whole time

>> No.9170361

Because the make good multiplication/dot product operators. What alternative is there? * ?

>> No.9171513

>i'm in advanced econ
the only thing here that's advanced is your mental handicap

>> No.9171515

>read code
a markup language is not code you fucking subhuman

>> No.9171521

>grad school
if you don't already know how to use latex and you're not learning right this minute i don't see you having the mental fortitude to graduate

>> No.9171523

vim for writing/editing and an open instance of texShop to preview

>> No.9171783

Look, I'm aware it's not actually code or commands but essentially autocorrect cues (or markup language as you say for LaTex). It's just a shorthand that gets the point across. No need to sperg out about it.

>> No.9171799

maybe econs dont know latex because they actually have jobs and social lives

>> No.9172166

the fact that you thought that post was about all econs says all i need to know about your IQ

>> No.9172217

i'm devastated, but i'll try to soldier on in life

>> No.9172237

>Thinks econs don't know LaTeX
Are you for real, lad?

>> No.9172272


Try MathType. Easy to use and you can copy paste it into Word.