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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9164934 No.9164934 [Reply] [Original]

Sci, we're reaching a massive paradigm shift, and we can either accept reality or fervently deny it, as the inferior caste denied the heliocentric model of the solar system. You may have realized that I am talking about race.

Why do I still see so many people getting upset by the assertion that races are inherently different -- on a purported 'science' forum? This is some really basic statistics/probability, and, frankly, it shouldn't be this difficult to understand.

Studies and statistics aside, this should be obvious from a very rudimentary understanding of evolutionary biology. Populations separated by space and time tend to evolve and adapt differently. Why would anybody believe that all differences are only skin deep?

The best part is that I can say this without an ounce of hate in my body. This is not a call to begin hating or committing violence against certain races. This is simply the reality of the situation we have found ourselves in. It would be unscientific to deny it any longer.

>> No.9164942

>as the inferior caste denied the heliocentric model of the solar system

What the fuck are you going on about.

>> No.9164944

Something something reddit spacing

Something sometime /pol/

Something something nigger

Something something people ignoring statistics

The thread goes nowhere and we all wasted our time, The End.

>> No.9164948
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People dogmatically held onto the idea that the Earth must be at the center of the universe... This kind of thinking is not new. My wording was quite clear.

This is a waste of time? What a brainlet response.

>> No.9164955

everyone niggers are more violent

it's a question if they're outspoken about it or not

>> No.9164956

>what a brainlet response
Yeah. I know. Everyone here is retarded, including you and me. I could start trying to argue you with you, pointing out ad hominem and the whole shindig, but I doubt you care, nor do I thin you would be willing to change your perspective.

>> No.9164957



>> No.9164966
File: 2.93 MB, 640x470, la riots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone [knows] niggers are more violent

Perhaps subconsciously. But I can tell you that a great amount of people DO NOT share that worldview, and it is chiefly due to what we allow to perpetuate in the media and education system.

It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion about this when black violence is blamed on white "oppression," instead of realizing that there may be a genetic factor here.

>> No.9164968

Yes OP -- but the solution is humanitarianism and possibly genetic engineering, we're not gassing anyone ok?

>> No.9164971

How about you educate me on your perspective. I'd especially love it if you could provide some evidence supporting your side.

>> No.9164975


huummm yes they do sweetie

when you see the hoodie in the distance, you will cross to the other sidewalk and reach to the pepper spray, no one is a liberal in face of danger

>> No.9164985
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, robbery.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the solution is humanitarianism and possibly genetic engineering

It depends on what you mean by humanitarianism. I too am against gassing and genocide, but I don't like how the underperforming races of the world have become the West's burden.

The fact that we are even able to speak candidly about this, since we both accept the racial reality of the situation, is a rarity. One could only hope that these kinds of discussions will be able to be held in public, without the shield of anonymity.

>> No.9164987

Oh nvm actually you're doing a good job sounding reasonable. But sorry man, I don't really have a view becaue I don't really care. How often does this knowledge impede you from accomplishing your goals? Hasn't happened for me, granted, I'm white. Sure I've noticed black people and females get more academic benefits, but I'm good enough that it doesn't really matter. I realize that's it's selfish for me to not care, but you probably know it's tricky to get out of this apathy loop.

>> No.9164994


humanitarianism for me: rule of law -- putting the uppity niggers in jail (obs: selling drugs isn't a crime tho, no victims) and charity to rebuild the black family like subsidizing real state in zip codes with low violence for well-behaving blacks.

>> No.9164999
File: 108 KB, 575x387, on intelligence watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully, I'm studying a field that has experienced relatively little racial dogmatism... so no, I can't say that it's affected me personally very much. But people's careers have been ruined over this sort of thing. Why?

Also, I sometimes imagine what my life would be like if I lived in Europe... getting attacked and insulted consistently, yet being called a "racist" for wanting to defend your culture and civilization. It's completely backwards.

>> No.9165008 [DELETED] 

>the guy that complains about reddit spacing wrote this

>> No.9165010
File: 81 KB, 608x558, systemic raycism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, anon. I just wish we could have these kinds of conversations publicly, without getting lynched by the media, or attacked by violent mobs.

>> No.9165013
File: 137 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 replies
>4 posters

>> No.9165018

Yeah, what gives? Is the scientific community unable to come to terms with the fact that they have a serious inability to see clearly, when it comes to race?

Or is my thread just not filled with enough bait...

>> No.9165021
File: 391 KB, 600x765, the kratos phenomenae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, yes -- we like to elaborate about helping the inferior races from themselves.You were saying?

>> No.9165062

Yeah you're right, I just can't seem to muster any energy towards it until it really affects me. I don't have this mindset everywhere in life, it has pros and cons but in this case I think the pros win. This is just for me, I understand that the you might view it differently and that's valid because this is inheritely a pathos issue. No real logic to build upon, and anyways I doubt the people perpetuating the denial of statistics would want to listen to logic in the first place.

>> No.9165113

>in 'science' forum
>uses the word 'race'

>> No.9165131

>sees word 'race'
>cannot infer that the concept of a 'population' is implied