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File: 88 KB, 605x73, stewartlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9164872 No.9164872 [Reply] [Original]

Even Stewart acknowledges how brainlet-tier his books are

>> No.9164874

that's pretty great

>> No.9164875


>> No.9164877

What book do you recommend for calculus then? Don't say Spivak or Apostol. They are too hard for beginners.

>> No.9164878


>> No.9164881



>> No.9164884


>> No.9164886


>> No.9164892

>unironically shilling

>> No.9164895

Which theorem?

>> No.9164896
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>shilling for a nonprofit

desu Khan got paid $800K last year, not bad for a charity

>> No.9164901

The third of fourth edition of Calculus and Analytic Geometry, by Thomas (Donald Knuth loved this book).

Gilbert Strang's "Highlights of Calculus".

Keep in mind common errata in cirriculum: https://math.vanderbilt.edu/schectex/commerrs/

And lastly, Professor Leonard rules if you really can't seem to understand a concept and need a big strong handsome man to ELI5.

>> No.9164902

btw only the first one was a book. Strang's series can be found here: https://ocw.mit.edu/resources/res-18-005-highlights-of-calculus-spring-2010/

>> No.9164905

>You're poof is in another castle

>> No.9164906

That's the one cheque he got from Billy.

>> No.9164926

Intermediate Value Theorem

>> No.9165038

That's why Stewart's books are stands for my monitors.

>> No.9165246

My community college makes us use this book, im in calc2, am i boned?

Also how the fuck do I memorize the 100's of specific ways to solve trig integrals?

>> No.9165253

You're in community college, you're fine.

>> No.9165527

I studied on Spivak this year as a beginner. It seems really hard at first but then you get used to it.

>> No.9165537

>Also how the fuck do I memorize the 100's of specific ways to solve trig integrals?

No man you got it all wrong. You need to learn like 3 identities and that's it. Then in a test you will have a trig integral and you have to think:

>Hmm... this really makes me think. Really activates the good old almonds. I do wondee though, what would make this disgusting mess of secants, cosecants and autisecants integrable?

And then you start playing around with the 3 identities you know and start proving a bunch of identities until you find one that is integrable and you go with it.

I don't know about others but in the middle of calc tests back then I probably proved tens of secant identities just to integrate those bastard integrals.

You'll get what I mean when you get there. Integrals are like women. When you see one you just want to fuck her and get done with it, but you can't just approach a woman and tell her to spread her legs. You gotta concoct and entire operation. You gotta take the integral to dinner. You gotta ask it if it was a dom or a sub (secant integrals are almost always dom) and you gotta ask them for their fetishes. Most integrals have the same fetishes so then you perform sex the way they like it and you are done.

>> No.9165553
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>> No.9165569

so his calculus book is shit but what about his precalclulus book? is it shit too? any alternatives?

>> No.9166657

>any alternatives?

>> No.9167220

spivak teaches precalculus?

>> No.9167225

Thomas is bretty good

>> No.9167368
