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File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-decide-what-you-want-decide-what-you-are-willing-to-exchange-for-it-establish-your-priorities-h-l-hunt-13-89-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9162674 No.9162674 [Reply] [Original]

Physics major here, Junior year. I'm getting worried about my future prospects. I majored in physics so I could potentially run a tech business in the future, but the more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

And I feel like I have no more ideas, nothing motivational enough for me to keep studying physics for.

Please name a few potential business ideas for a physics student that are exciting. It will help me regain my motivation. Thanks

>> No.9162676

I'm also extremely interested in genetics, but my own subject takes up so much of my time I literally cannot spend any time studying that/working on a genetics related business.

>> No.9162679

>for fucking industry
You're fucked. Rev up that mcjob application.

>> No.9162681

Don't say that. Physics for academia is a dead end imo. Cba spending my life in a lab, not fully utilizing what I have learned to help create a more productive society and let me enjoy what I work as.

On a side note, I'm also interested in currency trading. How should one connect their physics studies to Forex?

>> No.9162836

a phyics degree itself is worthless, however it has the potential to make you smart in the process.

answer to ur side question:

physics > computer science > financial engineering/mathematics

>> No.9162865

High quality sexbots. VR catering to erotic desires beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.9162997

f = ma urself off a cliff

>> No.9163000

that was a terrible answer to the side question

>> No.9163006

> I majored in physics so I could potentially run a tech business in the future


>> No.9163036

What are you? My son? Ah just go into two different fields and try to cross pollinate. Or wait for the super computer networks that are going to make computer simulations of new phenomena. Or go to space and ponder existence. Or think faster about the newest developments in physics and laws than anybody else and notice things and make connections that other people overlook. Sometimes tiny things are important. And you can make a whole living off a tiny thing.

>> No.9163059

Physics presents problems and dilemmas dicks that you have to suck and solve and get answers. If you want to make a tech business you have to suck dick in a way that nobody sucks or to suck a dick that makes others moan in agony and despair until it cums.

>> No.9163089

you really dont need a physics degree for that ya fucked ya self you ONLY take physics if your planning to get into research (basically a PhD) and good luck finding a position

>> No.9163104

Good answer. Thanks.

>> No.9163187

Bumperini bumperino.

Let me put it like this; what are you as a physics major planning to do after college? If you're not a physics major, just assume you are

>> No.9163384

I think the Ph.D. system is an abomination. It forces people to waste years and years of their lives sort of pretending to do research for which they’re not at all well-suited. In the end, they have this piece of paper which says they’re qualified, but it really doesn’t mean anything.

>> No.9163395

>I majored in physics so I could run a tech company
>8/10 tech companies run by individuals with unrelated/business degrees

Good plan, bruh. How does having a degree in physics prepare you to manage or run a business? It doesn't, which is why physicists don't do it. Lol. Finish your physics degree and then try and get into a top 5 business school if you actually want to do your States goal. This shouldn't be hard cuz obvi you're suuuper intelligent if you did a physics degree.

>> No.9163436
File: 71 KB, 655x527, IMG_0971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>profiting from only a Bachelors in 2017

>> No.9163514
File: 1.73 MB, 286x225, based driver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you planning on getting a PhD? I believe this will open many doors for you, if you plan on staying within the realm of physics. The most notable career that comes to mind is one in R&D. I've been beating myself up recently because I lost out on many great research opportunities because the team specifically asked for physicists -- this was for an Intel-funded project involving the use of graphite. You probably get paid fairly well $100k+ and get to work on some (reasonably) cutting-edge research.

If you plan on sticking with a bachelor's-level education, which isn't a bad choice either, I would strongly encourage teaching yourself a few programming languages on the side. At the end of the day, a BS/BA in physics will have done one important thing; instill in you the ability to think very ANALYTICALLY, something that would be valuable for any company, large or small, that was in the software business. I personally think it would be the most fulfilling to work for a small software startup, although the whole money situation could get stressful if the project goes tits up.

Best of luck.

>> No.9163990


>> No.9164036

if you read that symbol as greater than, then u are retarded my friend