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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9161417 No.9161417 [Reply] [Original]

>"Do you believe in science?"

>> No.9161422

Every system of knowledge requires a fundamental set of beliefs which can't be proven from the system itself. Though, these retards act as if science isn't nothing special.

>> No.9161888
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pic related

>> No.9161890

Flat-Earthers blown apart by this comment.

>> No.9161892

Technically speaking the scientific method does break a logical rule, though in pratice it is irrelevant.

>> No.9161912

I believe in mathematics

>> No.9161929

no. empiricism has failed humanity

>> No.9161952
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>> No.9161954

Yes, again and again has it failed to cure all major ilnesses, end war and reduce violence and famine to an all-time minimum. We should move on from it, really

>> No.9161965

it has failed to create happiness, giving us only a sense of despair, purposelessness and existential dread

>> No.9161986

Why should it generate happiness? It's a fucking method.

>> No.9161987

all right you've convinced me. let's regress back to the dark ages.

>> No.9162000

You're probably spoiled snotty kids who haven't seen any hardship in your like yet. One day you'll realize science destroying any sense of hope and purpose and offering no solution is not more desirable than believing soothing fairy tales, quite the opposite. I used to be like you kids, one day the people you love dearly will die unexpectedly, I wanna see how you'll tell me knowing they're gone forever and you'll never see them again and there's no shit you can do about it never ever is preferable than "knowing" you'll be together again in the future

>> No.9162002

fucking science how dare it only solve practical issues

>> No.9162004

Solving practical issue? That's awesome and the reason we love science.
Destroying any sense of hope and not replacing it with anything showing and proving us there's no way it can, and basically telling us to suck a massive nigger dick? not so awesome and no reason for it either

>> No.9162007
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Go back to your comforting lies then, we don't mind
Just don't become a politician, please and thank you

>> No.9162008
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>tfw the internet tells you god isn't real

>> No.9162009

Is this the YouTube comment section?

>> No.9162019

I have had close family die. I know they're never coming back. I cherish the time I had with them, but them being gone isn't something I blame science for. Quite the opposite: science is the only reason they lasted as long as they did.

>> No.9162046

Or you could just stop being a crybaby.

>> No.9162052

>science is wrong because its findings hurt my feelings ;_;

>> No.9162070

science is not wrong it's just pointless. learn to read

>> No.9162075

i bet your parents, siblings, wife/husband and children are still alive and none of them died a brutal painful death. come back when someone you lived with died. uncles and grandparents death are nothing

>> No.9162077

you're the reason why atheism is dying

>> No.9162105

Well it IS a valid question.

The scientific method, as good as it is, is interpreted, used, shared, and commercialized by human beings. The fact remains that almost everything you think you know, was taught to you by organizations and people. All of which have their own motivations.

So when someone asks you if you believe in dinosaurs, and you say "it's not a matter of belief, it's fact, we have ample evidence of their existence", can you actually back that up? Have you ever dug up those bones yourself? Done research on those sediments, used radiocarbon dating, familiarized yourself with every single one of the tiny bits and strands of information, experimented on them, used them, tried your very best to discredit them... over and over, until you were certain you knew your shit?

Of course you haven't. Now, this does not mean that science is a belief like religion. Religions are literally bullshit, they are supported by no evidence at all, and have literally no internal control, or desire to improve and evolve over time. But it's not completely outlandish to say that even when the scientific method makes a lot of sense, and it has a self-regulated evolution that compels it to truly find out through experimentation and proof how everything works, even how science is in every single way superior to all the religions combined and there some... each of us also need to "believe" in it. Even if just a little.

>> No.9162503

>atheism is dying
top kek

>> No.9162516

atheism isnt dying, theists just breed to much

>> No.9162526

Flat earthers generally don't believe in gravitation, though. They believe that things fall, obviously, but they don't believe in attraction based on massiveness. They instead substitute some weird misinterpretation of density as understood by Archimedes..

>> No.9162554

or atheisms breed too little.

>> No.9162578

>being purposely ignorant on how science illiterate normies can treat science as a religion

>> No.9162592

Theists criticise secularists for their sexual openess and then complain about their low fertility.
Also no, it's definitely shitty backward religious cultures that breed too much, it's not good for them or us or the planet.
Like in africa, people are poor as fuck because of high fertility (not enough food to go around), but women keep choosing to have lots of children because that's what conservative cultures are like (children take care of their parents when they grow old). It clearly doesn't work.

>> No.9162601

>science tells you to suck nigger dick
I think you're a closet homo anon, and you can blame existentialism and post modernism for that, not science

>> No.9162603

>it clearly doesn't work
>ignores how population surpluses are necessary for early industrialization

>> No.9162820

>dude singularities lmao

Is there anything worse than people who misinterpret models?