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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 400x401, haley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9161167 No.9161167 [Reply] [Original]

Why are American "students" so terrible at STEM?

>More here: https://borgenproject.org/can-u-s-learn-foreign-education-system/

>> No.9161170

because USA is only 56% white now

>> No.9161172

>15 year olds
china has a weird ego about wanting to have the smartest high schoolers, and then when they get to college they have no pressure anymore. i think it's because research requires an element of creativity

>> No.9161182

IMO kids don't stay kids long enough anymore.

Places like China and Japan turn kids into robots. High suicide rates, high competition for a 20% improvement?
Doesn't seem worth it to me.

>> No.9161213

Other countries have to be picky with higher education. America just says 'fuck it, anyone can go, just rack up loan debt'. It works (barely) in America because the loans are mostly paid back. Other countries can't really do that, they'd just go broke.

So other countries are extremely picky and favor results over ingenuity. They might not get the Nobel level scientist, but they'll get 10 scientists for the price of 1.

Most Chinese/Indian people in my field (PhD Synthetic Organic Chemistry) are lacking in both theory and imagination though. They ace tests, but in the real world when a problem arises, they go into panic mode and generally can't translate their memorization into a solution. You can flash some random named reaction up on a board though and they'll call it out no problem.

It does come in handy, and they're not bad scientists by any stretch, but I'll say this: an application comes in and it's 10 green cards with foreign PhD's and 1 american, I'll always hedge on the american and at least give them an interview. Not saying they get the job, it's still hit or miss, but you have a much better chance of finding a solid scientists with an american PhD. (we throw all H1B visa's in the trash)

>> No.9161215

chinese people have a nasty habit of cheating on tests. their culture is very ruthless. they also fake results a lot which is annoying if you try to replicate or use their papers

>> No.9161222
File: 44 KB, 636x1333, PISA_Intl_Scores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demographic anchors

>> No.9161241


>> No.9161242


>> No.9161243

nice y axis

>> No.9161249

Many American kids are conditioned by movies and TV shows to hate science and mathematics, and to not be a "lame nerd"

>> No.9161468

N E R D detected lmao!!!

>> No.9162020
File: 178 KB, 691x484, usabrightstu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of diversity, the bright or high intelligent students in America are put in the same class as those low intelligent students. America teachers can only teach as fast as the slowest learners.

>> No.9162022
File: 55 KB, 769x1246, averagepisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have the scores for natives

>> No.9162025
File: 43 KB, 720x483, LvDhzzP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a surprise. US are good thanks to the immigration.

USA are an artificial country. They exist because they attract the top scientist of the world thanks to money.

>> No.9162031

You got this for math?

>> No.9162076

>ban multiple generations of niggers from going to school
>blame them when their children aren't good in school
kys whitey

>> No.9162085

This. I would also like to see the scores vs money spent on education or per capita earnings.

>> No.9162096

Yeah, I find it rather sad that due extremely high populations China and India have a culture of just learning for tedt, but lack the insight to apply and creatively use what they learned. People meme American schools all the time, however our insanely diverse culture encourages creatively. You train kids to be robots on tests, they will be robots in academics in general.

>> No.9162103

I feel this is fading. However memey they are, Tyson and Nye get people interested in STEM. Also, people hate what they don't understand. "I hate math!!! It st0pid" = I suck at math

>> No.9162113
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Yeah this basically. Tyson and Nye understand they aren't real scientists but their primary job is influencing how people see science. This is why I hate it when they take political stances because they represent science. They make it seem like science is nothing but a left wing token

>> No.9162122

i went to a school in the US with a lot of Chinese exchange students. their demographic more than any other was caught cheating, failing, etc. When I was a TA for advanced abstract algebra, my Chinese foreign students were always the worst. they were always concerned with exam content, never caring for the material. i think it was a cultural thing though, since US born Chinese were much better.

although, maybe im just racist.

>> No.9162184


>> No.9162258

>Tyson and Nye get people interested in STEM.
is there any proof of this?

>> No.9162269

I had worst experience with versions, legitimately talking /conversating multiple timee during final exams for civil engineering. Chinese didn't cheat that much

>> No.9162306

>Why are American "students" so terrible at STEM?

because loving baby Jesus and being as Nationalist (patriotic) as possible is what matters most. Everything else is for nerds, losers, and probably will make you go to hell.

>> No.9162307
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More money are spend on darkies education since the liberal left/democrats believe extra money will help improve darkies education achivement.

>> No.9162312

Income disparity and stuff. Some kids wake up sad because their house is shit.

>> No.9162336

There's a hard cap on how much money helps but there's a lot of other factors.

>> No.9162345

STEM is over-rated.

Over emphasis on STEM has turned the Japanese into sexless robots.

>> No.9162355

Does this mean jews are dumb?

>> No.9162478
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How can Jews be dumb if they are over-represented in Ivy league universities.

>> No.9162491

It's a cultural thing combined with how they handle education over there.

In China, you take the Gaokao at the end of highschool which pretty much decides the course of your life in the most literal way possible. This splits into two problems: The public universities only care about sucking up the people with the best Gaokao scores. After that, they put no pressure on anyone to succeed. And why would they? The students' Gaokao scores would carry them to their first job no matter how shitty they did in college and then after that it's all about connections. But, China also has private schools. These don't care about your Gaokao, they only care about your money. In these, they again put no pressure on the students; as before, why would they? They only care about milking the students for money. Chinese parents are paying the schools for a service: To provide their Small Emperors and Small Empresses with a degree. There is no "learning" aspect to it, it's an exchange of money for a certificate that will lead to employment.

China has the worst of both private and public universities.

>> No.9162553


>> No.9162556

No I don't have any conrete proof, more ancedotal. My school would should Nye videos when I was in elementary school. To a lot of it kids it was like "ooOo cool science is cool and awesome!!". It was exactly very accurate portrayal but it got kids thinking about it. It is a similar thing with musk. Even if he doesn't deliver on his promises he got people talking about science, especially space again. Their public selves become role models. "Mommy I want to be bill Nye when I'm older". Tyson is a more contemporary Nye due to the reboot(?) of Cosmos.

>> No.9162561

Yea the whole Netflix Nye thing was dumb but as long as they are encouraging children to learn and question I tolerate them. They do distort science as a process a bit, but interest in sciencitific topics help generate public support.

>> No.9162630

Go to school in Africa oh wait you subhumans had no education systems until whitey.

>> No.9162635

Paper and Crafts?

>> No.9162727

>They only care about milking the students for money. Chinese parents are paying the schools for a service: To provide their Small Emperors and Small Empresses with a degree. There is no "learning" aspect to it, it's an exchange of money for a certificate that will lead to employment
How is that any different than the US?

>> No.9163175
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>> No.9163183




>> No.9163185
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>le muh Americans are so creative meme

>> No.9163188
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This observation actually makes more sense, for example even though a lot of people in a lot of Germanic and East Asian countries tend to be very literate on science, their students don't want to become scientists

>> No.9163190

I know that my AP classes, in a predominately black neighborhood, were so interrupted by the black students specifically that the entire class's education was marginalized.

When I got to uni, where there were fewer black students and the educators cared less, the education quality rose incredibly.

>> No.9163192
File: 140 KB, 710x1100, C1hozJ8WQAQr_l0.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Places like China and Japan turn kids into robots

>> No.9163196

What does your pic have to do with the post you replied to?

>> No.9163197
File: 210 KB, 959x613, 自殺率.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High suicide rates

>> No.9163199

why are kiwis so suicidal. Like Lithuania is a shit but kiwiland is kind of nice

>> No.9163201

lots of drugs

>> No.9163205
File: 57 KB, 580x744, 20131207_ASC885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rate that I posted is only for 15-19-year-olds, New Zealand suicide rate isn't that "high"

>> No.9163217

>Places like China and Japan turn kids into robots

>> No.9163220


>> No.9163221

"Natives" there refers to "native-born" as opposed to "foreign-born"

>> No.9163315

I'm German and looking at this shard I have to say that there are hours worked and "hours worked". Right, Greece?

>> No.9163317
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>> No.9163331
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Because you chuckle fucks can't fucking count and into basic statistics.

Finland and Singapore are roughly 5.5 million people each.

Shanghai is a fucking province, not a country with only 24 million.

Canada consist of a population with only 35 million.

Of course the U.S. would rank lower in relation, it has a population of +320 million. For the comparisons to be remotely fair the U.S. would have to compare two of their cities in relation to Finland and Singapore. One of their states to Shanghai. And one of their four geographical regions to Canada.

To my knowledge China has never provided their scores accounting for the entire country involving children.

And only Japan with a +120 million is a fair comparison to the U.S. in terms of countries that rank at the top.

>> No.9163336


>> No.9163340

Nah, I think that would've been true like a decade ago. Now that people are so dependent on technology, and science is so hyped up, it's cool to be a nerd.

>> No.9163341

This, I learn faster on my own but I have to go to school to show people that I know that things I do. It's really demoralizing.

>> No.9163346

Maybe if you were good in school you would know that's not how genetics work.

>> No.9163414
File: 173 KB, 1160x1910, PISA_Snapshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Population has nothing to do with performance, you are the one that can't fucking into basic statistics

>> No.9163415
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>> No.9163419
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>> No.9163421
File: 56 KB, 900x500, correlation science literacy 2015 and population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9163423


>> No.9163424


>> No.9163434

You understand that a great majority of Chinese did not attend any school at all until the second half of 20th century? They should be doing worse than blacks by your logic.

>> No.9163437

This is a crapshoot but I'm willing to wonder if the reason the U.S. is more reading/less math and science focused is because of higher gender equality standards.

Asians don't give a shit if their system makes little girls cry as long as they get results, so they're free to push STEM harder.

>> No.9163439
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, gender-differences-in-education-4-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender equality

>> No.9163441
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>> No.9163442
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Riddle me this you chuckle fuck, how many schools and students for each country was assessed here?

Currently a google search and reading of both the PISA related sites and PDFs does not provide numbers outside the U.S. Without those numbers these charts are more or less disingenuous.

Also there is an extreme vulnerability to sampling bias and confounding. For example Shanghai is considered one of the most high income/ educated provinces in China. If you attempted to weight such an homogeneous sample against a country such as the U.S. which samples throughout all it's states this heterogeneous sample will be unfairly compared against. And when I talk about homogeneous and heterogeneous samples I'm not talking about just race here, I'm including traits such as state funding, average gdp and property tax.

Along with this countries such as Singapore and Finland obliviously have populations equivalent to U.S. cities or sparsely populated states. But have yearly GDPs that are respectively higher than most U.S. cities and states. How is it remotely fair to compare Singapore and Finland results to a country like the U.S. that once again samples from multiple States and their cities some of which have no where near the funding to compete properly and thus weigh the U.S. average down?

>> No.9163443
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>> No.9163445
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>> No.9163447
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I'm so sick of hearing every complain and bitch about US High schoolers being fuck tards when compared to other countries.
US High school's only purpose is to separate blue color factory workers and college grads.

>> No.9163453
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>> No.9163458
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>> No.9163475

I don't believe any stats coming out of China. Bunch of cheaters.

>> No.9163477

>China. Bunch of cheaters.

>> No.9163479

Direct link?

>> No.9163490
File: 35 KB, 769x580, PISA 2012 Response rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been cases in which, even though some countries/economies participated in PISA assessments, the OECD and the International PISA Consortium had to remove some their data because of "technical anomalies" or because the data did not meet the OECD technical standards for PISA and therefore their results were not representative of the PISA Target Population.
Unironically, this has never been the case for China (or any other East Asian country for that matter)

>> No.9163491

If you're interested, those countries were:
In PISA 2000: Austria, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and United Kingdom
In PISA 2003: United Kingdom (again)
In PISA 2006: United States (reading literacy scores only)
In PISA 2009: Austria (again)
In PISA 2015: Argentina (except CABA), Kazakhstan and Malaysia

>> No.9163493

>Bunch of cheaters
Typical answer by white people, this is why the West is declining

>> No.9163496

Post this you fucktards. /sci/ living to it's name,guy posts something and nobody asks for the source and just accepts it as true?

>> No.9163513
File: 159 KB, 1024x576, pisa-excellence-and-equity-12-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know that countries operate under different socio-economic circumstances so a better comparison would be to compare students with similar socio-economic status across countries so here we go

>> No.9163604
File: 88 KB, 1021x667, StateGDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>so a better comparison would be to compare students with similar socio-economic status across countries

Nope, that is neither better nor fairly comparative.

Pic and link related,


With 50 states that all have varying degrees of gdp, even with a nation wide public school mandate/ curriculum the socio-economic status on both the rich and poor ends of the curve is too varied (in both school and student state by state) to be simply represented as singular points in either the bottom and top decile.

This is why it is incredibly unfair to compare only select provinces from China and small countries like Singapore and Finland.

Also Singapore does not institute a poverty line like the U.S. does so it is not easy to compare the bottom socio-economic decile between the two countries. A number of articles has stated that Singapore's poor is on average better off than the U.S. poor. But this may have more to do with willingness to provide subsidy assistance in housing, food and school on a much broader less restrictive level unlike the U.S..


Along with this Finland is also a welfare state. So it too cannot be compared easily with the U.S. which has some low income assistance but no where near the level Finland provides.



A mildly better way to compare rankings would be to do it school by school with a comprehensive table involving average family net worth, properly tax, government policies, country of origin, etc.

>> No.9163619

Unironically immigration.

>> No.9163633



>> No.9163797
File: 19 KB, 290x555, 2012-sdt-asian-americans-002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans>>>White Americans

>> No.9163826


Ashnekazi and Sephardi Jews (who are the important Jews) have no less than 45% European admixture.

>> No.9163831


>He can't name a single Nigger country that did anything of note for civilization

>> No.9163835


It frustrates me beyond measure when race isn't taken into account.

I'm sure if Shanghai had to deal with a youth population of ~30% spic and ~10% African that they wouldn't fare so fucking well.

I honestly feel bad for the yanks. I realise that minorities are historically used as scapegoats for the ills of nations, but they unironically are dragging the US down at the moment. God it's painful to imagine how well it'd be doing if it was ≥90% white.

>> No.9163839


Now now Jamal and Pablo wuz Kangz N Sheet.

>> No.9163852

>>9161167 (OP)

God, it'd be one thing if it was admitted to be a problem, but the liberals (who seem to be the only ones allowed to voice their opinions in their media) are so stupidly fucking parochial in their analysis.

"Why are we number one in military spending? I want a country were we're number one on education!!!"

And yet they proceed to state that only literal Nazis would have the audacity to only want European (possibly East Asian) immigration.

Really, you don't see the problem with flooding a first world country with sub 85 IQ third worlders?

>> No.9163867



>> No.9163874

This thread is another example of how so many ills plaguing could be solved by genociding the 47%.

>Less crime
>Better education performance
>Less niggers, Beaners, and White Trash
>Better economy

The worthy of America would then intermarry and breed the Master Race.

>> No.9163877

Dumbing down of our education standards
Teaching to tests
Less recess/PE time for middle school/elementary school
Focusing on sports in high school at the detriment of academic subjects
Removal of the arts

>> No.9163931

>what is Ethiopia

>> No.9163938

this is a joke, right?

>> No.9163948

the country literally needs international assistance just to stop it from becoming infested with AIDS

>> No.9163949

they simply have enough shekels in the family that they can easily get in

>> No.9163950


>Had to copy Egypt

Oh, super impressive. Next you'll start going full We Wuz and go on about Egypt and the Moors.

>> No.9163954

Mhm. That looks trustworthy.

Japanese people bring their work home. You're probably only seeing half of what they're actually doing.

>> No.9163966

Can disprove this because there is literally no way Finland is that high in math or science. The Finland good education meme has to die at least in STEM because they only start any basic chemistry or physics in year 9 and all other countries have a head start on them. I know this to be true because I'm from the Scandinavian part of the world and I regularly compete with them in Olympiads they are quite the laughing stock and almost always come in last. Talking with their teams is usually sad and not at all like talking with teams from Estonia Latvia etc. as they actually know their shit and can talk about STEM related stuff but no matter how hard you try to be accepting of Finland you always feel a bit sorry for them.

>> No.9163968



When do you plan to send Jamal back?

>> No.9163972

Haven't seen a black guy this year, not all countries here have immigrants, pretty much only Sweden and Norway.

>> No.9164057

Dumbing the education system down to minorities, which stay dumb due to anti-intellectual subculture.

Regardless of whether you think that it's initially whitey's fault, those who partake in that subculture are perpetuating that cancer. And if you think that the initiation of that subculture is also all whitey's fault, you still shouldn't be for pandering to that shit, which is what dumbing down our education system is.

>> No.9164060


Only Whitey Men and maybe East Asian men can grasp the notion of reality being objective and operating without fee fees. Hence the lack of contributions by Muslims and Negroes to actual science (no We Wuzzin about the Islamic Golden Age).

>> No.9164175


>Being this fucking ignorant

The unironic joke is China does have native ethnic minorities with IQs similar to blacks and hispanics.

The problem which I've been trying to point out in this thread (without inducing a heavy emphasis on race) is that because China is being selective of which provinces is being reviewed in PISA testing you will never notice this. Let alone realize the statistical bias being instigated here.

China is not a population exclusively made up of only Han-Chinese. The Han-Chinese are just the majority and the IQ/testing measurements of China is only advertising that ethnic group. If people actually took the time to research they would be aware China has native ethic minorities with tested IQ averages within the 85-95 range.

The fact anons are still pulling the race scapegoat bullshit only highlights the ignorance people have concerning this subject.

>> No.9164318

papercraft AND origami dumb newfag.

>> No.9164336

Because science and math does not matter.

Imagine you are an alien who is trapped in the european middle ages. You know all about science, maths, interstellar travel, you even have an ufo to show.

But it doesn't matter.

People just want to eat, fuck, resources and having their souls saved.

And you are unable to give any of this.

This is STEM life for you.

>> No.9164341

>Only Whitey Men and maybe East Asian men can grasp the notion of reality being objective and operating without fee fees.
Which is why most white men and asians still believe in objective morality, right?

>> No.9164347

The only two Chinese minorities I've heard of are mongols and Manchus. Both of them controlled the han Chinese population with an iron fist at one point so obviously they are pretty smart

>> No.9164361

Even when we factor in non-payed overtime, childcare etc., they don't work that much, as can be seen here >>9163317
It's just that Anglo countries tend to have a very cartoon-like vision of East Asian societies

>> No.9164379
File: 39 KB, 666x384, edu_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you complain so much about GDP, GDP (PPP) per capita barely explains around 20% of the variance between PISA scores, and it only matters if you're sick poor

>> No.9164382
File: 160 KB, 1190x768, 20161210_IRC412_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if we go with spending per pupil instead of GDP (PPP) we find a similar picture

>> No.9164534
File: 71 KB, 482x323, maths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at America results breakdown by race, white students consistently do better than those students with darker skin.

>> No.9164545


There's at least 28 ethnic minorities in China. Google search "Differences in intelligence between ethnic minorities and Han in China" and check the PDF of that publication.

All are below the Han-Chinese IQ average with the lowest being from groups such as Kyrgyz and Uyghur's with IQ estimated at 85 and 86 respectively. More notable ethnicities like Tibetans average around 90-92 along with several others.

>> No.9164557


>replying with "water is wet" information

Yeah no shit Anon, that's already been documented. What hasn't been documented is what would China's ranking look like if they sampled data from all 34 provinces instead of the typical 2 or 3 top ones they use all the time.

>> No.9164750

He' a Canada anon on /int/ that psots the exact same graphs over and over.

>> No.9164759

>nearly identical to the average of 34 developed countries on Earth
I guess statistics is never taught in whatever shithole you're from

>> No.9164796

This is true, but not exactly proved by the suicide rates.

All the asians I've met (London) are disproportionately STEM and nearly all of them, especially from China, seem to severely lack knowledge regarding anything other than their or a few other STEM subjects. Seriously, if you ask them about history, basic philosophical problems or any kind of cultural subject, you might as well be talking to a wall. It's downright scary how narrow their field of knowledge is. I don't know how anyone can enjoy living in a society with people like these. It looks great on paper, but it's the most extreme expression of the fetishization of STEM and profit-making industry, and I'm saying this as a STEM person. I don't want them to be the future.

>> No.9164831

Ctrl F
ya bretty much tho

>> No.9164843


Unlike Negroes and women, they can detach what they say they feel from how the world works. It doesn't help that Negroes have a significantly higher level of narcissicm going in line with their lower intelligence. While women are by nature solipsistic going in line with their lower intelligence.

Also, women and muds are more primitively religious than White Men.

>> No.9164847

>Why are American "students" so terrible at STEM?
Because the government doesn't give shit about the voters and hasn't in a long time.

>> No.9165152

Wrong. The only reason for those high scores is that that they hand-pick the students taking the PISA test and make them rote memorize all the answers.

>> No.9165171

They don't anon. Stop trying to deny the fact that those countries are doing something right because it hurts your ego.

>> No.9165175

trumps gonna crash the department of education with no survivors.

>> No.9165259


ORRRR, it's that Chinamen are smarter than Niggers and Spics while rivalling Honkeys at least.

>> No.9165546


>> No.9165605


Go away Pajeet/Pablo/Achmed/Shaniqua.

>> No.9165614

I'm german fuck off

>> No.9165624

Why Israel not higher?

>> No.9165650


The only Jews who are notable for intelligence are the ones with much European blood. Israel has MENA and Jamal Jews dragging them down.

>> No.9165736

I can honestly say that the education I have received during public high school (in the late 90's and early 2000's) was very good in terms of quality and breadth. I took ap and honors courses which really helped me when I went to universities and I placed in the top 5% nationally for my SAT and similar tests for MATH and a few other topics.

I think a lot of kids just don't take advantage of the schooling we have. Also, high school is about regurgitating and memorizing information usually. When you get into high lever university courses in STEM, the way you look at and approach a problem critically is important, and you rarely have to "memorize" anything. It becomes more like familiarizing yourself with concepts and strategies that utilize the things you memorized in high school.

>> No.9165742


We already been through this shit Anon, China's ranking is high because they are selecting particular provinces not students.

It's the equivalent of the U.S. only entering New Jersey and New Hampshire.


Small populations (below 10 million) with realitively high GDP in proportion to said population.

>> No.9165905

Yup. Basically these are self reported figures. And our trustworthy friends in the Greek bureau of statistics are, umm, reliable, right?

Aka Bazinga!

>> No.9166626


So Germans effectively work 26 hours a week?

>> No.9166636

I was a complete dumb shit in high school and am doing great in college. I am happy I don't live in China.

>> No.9166676


>> No.9166796


In all seriousness though, I'd guess that you'd find similar results if you compared socioeconomic status.

>> No.9167455

>using household income

my bad I mistook this for a serious thread

>> No.9168127
File: 139 KB, 1019x1320, Israel_pisa_2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 65% of Israel is non-Haredi Jewish, 20% is Arab, 10% is Haredi and the rest is "other"
I haven't found data break down by race or religion for Israel in PISA, but Arab-speaking israelis score way below than their Hebrew-speaking counterparts, it is estimated that Ashkenazim are around 50% of Jews in Israel, so assuming that the gap between Ashkenazis and other Jews would be the same in PISA as in other cognitive tests (like I.Q. tests) we can predict that more or less Ashkenazim would score as high as Japan (at least in PISA)

>> No.9168452

FPBP. The demographics are fucked.

>> No.9168466

Because every American wants to take the easy way out and avoid STEM is a good way to do it.

>> No.9168890


Even among White Americans it's the Republican Religio Types who are having babies while Leftyfags and Cat Ladies aren't.

>> No.9169747

>Whites have an lower score at reading English than Asians
When will the US finally get rid of the demographic problem of Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites?

>> No.9169771

Because No Child Left Behind means that courses have to be designed so the kids at the bottom of the barrel can pass or else the school loses funding.

>> No.9169772

America belongs to the Amerindians though.

Go back to europe, subhuman.

>> No.9169784

When I was in high school. I was the upper .1 of the 1% in humanities.
I can't even fucking figure out basic Algebra. Can some one please fucking get me to a good source? I need to learn it. Then go beyond it.

>> No.9169789

>high school
who cares?

>> No.9171170
