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9158368 No.9158368 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Reminder: Aubry de Grey is a retarded shithead and isn't even bothering with immortality anymore.

>Muh Alzheimers
>Muh Mitochondria
>What's a stem cell?

You literally had ONE fucking job, you stupid asshole.

>> No.9158679

>Implying he didn't find it already and decided to fake his own death.

>> No.9158706
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Kek, aubrey is going to win and you'll suck his immortal dick for a small dose of his SENS therapies

>> No.9158708

Out of curiousity what is his star sign?

>> No.9158710

what is it called when this happens?

>> No.9158715

>He is a Taurus.

He is gonna make it. Earth signs live notoriously long lives.
Plus, de Gray is literally translated to
"The Grey."

Gandalf confirmed to have reincarnated into our reality

>> No.9158777

Well he better get on it then. I mean not only does the technology have to fucking exist, but then we have to wait the 50 fucking years capitalism decides to make it less than a trillion fucking dollars a pop.

>> No.9158824

If you care abiut it, why don't you help instead of being a whiny pussy? Donate money, become a researcher, spread awareness among people.

Aubrey has to fight against deathism, which impregnates our society on every level. It's not easy and he certainly couldn't do it all by himself.

>> No.9158831

>Donate money
I don't have any money, nigger. And this shit doesn't require any more. If they can't do this shit with all the millions they're getting, then they need to get the fuck out of the way and let someone else do it.

>spread awareness among people
That's what I'm doing right now. By making sure everyone knows that these dumb niggers are either lying to the public or genuinely focusing on the wrong shit. That's all I CAN do.

>Aubrey has to fight against deathism
Yeah, including his own. Like I said, he turned his back on life extension. He's dithering away his energy on wild goose chases now.

>It's not easy and he certainly couldn't do it all by himself.
Of course it's easy. All they have to do is pioneer a technique of whole-body stem cell rejuvenation. GET ON IT. Holy shit it's not rocket surgery FUCK. Combined with senolytics (NO, not using senolytics as the PRIMARY treatment) will effectively reverse aging. All the mainstream gerontoligists have basically abandoned stem cell research now though to focus on stupid shit like vampirism.

>> No.9158887


>> No.9159241


>> No.9160022

Extend my telomeres.

>> No.9160650

Aubrey doesn't nearly look 80

>> No.9162078


>de Gray

Literally translates to 'of Gray', you wank puffin.

>> No.9162079


But cancer.

>> No.9162090


what is smoking weed?

>> No.9162217
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>> No.9162221


>> No.9162243

It's called irony, brainlet.

>> No.9162499

But bullshit. Effective cures for cancer now exist.

>> No.9163504

It's going to be sad seeing this guy and Kurzweil die crying in their beds, knowing they didn't live long enough to benefit from the technological and scientific wonders they claim we'll have.

>> No.9163518

Why exactly do you think you deserve to live forever?

>> No.9163523
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We take and conquer, not ask retarded questions like such. Side with progress, or perish under it's weight.

>> No.9163525

Not him, but as a native dutch speaker Ican tell you're full of shit. 'De' means 'the' in dutch.

>> No.9163529

Daily reminder that if you use any devices that operate via pulsed fields, have shitty wiring, or live near many power lines, you don't care about your health or longevity, and are a pretentious hackjob.

>> No.9163697

Yeah, fuck off with your shit language then. His name means "of Grey" because he's of French ancestry and in French du, de, des, d' mean "of" similar to how you idiots use Van in names and the Germans use Von.

>> No.9163725

Why do you think you deserve to die?
There is no "worthiness" for life or death, at least not with your average 4neet nobody here has been condemned to execution for crimes but as it stands currently a saint and murderer are equally likely to meet an undignified end and equally certain to meet an end of some sort.

>> No.9163821


Listen cunt flap, nobody cares about your pepper shteak of a language.

It's 'of', due to its latin origin, as this anon >>9163697 has already pointed out.

>> No.9163884


Humanity's natural aim is to transcend mortality.

>> No.9163889


>> No.9163914
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this post gets a (You) from me.