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File: 47 KB, 800x450, flat-earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9156656 No.9156656 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?

>> No.9156667

Because space agencies have such a hard time just posting real, unedited footage from their cameras.

>> No.9156737

This is certainly part of it.

They did so much shooping of pictures from space that some people got really suspicious.

However, that alone isn't reason to throw away everything humans learned before we even went into space.

>> No.9156767


The other reason is, it doesn't matter for us humans, because for 99% of us, this knowledge has no practical relevancy. Even pilots are (supposedly) trained to assume a flat earth because the curvature is this unimportant for them.

>> No.9156777

>Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?

To post troll threads asking why they exist.

<--- /x/

>> No.9156779

Poe's law.

>> No.9156904

That doesn't explain why there are people who genuinely are FETs

>> No.9157131
File: 289 KB, 1600x1065, Solar_eclipse_seen_from_Space_Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?
Because it's an easy, zero-effort way to feel special.

>space agencies have such a hard time just posting real, unedited footage from their cameras.
Hardly - Most people are just too lazy to bother looking.
If you spend a few minutes on any sapce agency's web site you'll find vast quantities of raw images and videos. They only make an effort to publicise the pretty, well edited stuff, but the rest of it is still public.

For example, here are images of the ISS:

>> No.9157139

Assuming facts not in evidence...

>> No.9157427
File: 1.11 MB, 1334x878, 1490256675232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Earth is flat.

>> No.9157452

>Even pilots are (supposedly) trained to assume a flat earth because the curvature is this unimportant for them.
I don't know much about pilot training but that sounds absolutely retarded. You'd definitely need to take Earth's curvature into account when chartering a course from A to B.

>> No.9157454

Because half of the population have an IQ of 100 or below.

>> No.9157458

Because the holy bible doesn't say its round.

>> No.9157532

>You'd definitely need to take Earth's curvature into account when chartering a course from A to B
Not really. The map you are using probably takes that into account already.
What they probably don't want is pilots trying to take curvature into account while in the air. Just plot your course and follow your compass. The Earth's magnetic field will take care of the curvature for you.

>> No.9157551

Prove to me that a single 'real' flat-earther exists. (real as in unironic)
I have yet to encounter one who isn't ironic. Best I've seen is someone who had dedicated
his whole life for this ironic joke of flat earth but even he clearly was simply memeing even if he couldn't admit it.
Even I have #researchflatearth stickers on my laptop and I actively tell people that I believe the earth is flat, but that doesn't mean I believe earth is flat.
Like many others, I reached the conclusion that in a life with no intrinsic value
it does not make sense for everyone to act within their best knownledge or seek the truth at all.
Actually, I think it makes sense for none but things worked out like this anyway.
Some just tell others they think the earth is flat, others are prepared to die for their ironic values. Just because you're prepared to sacrifice your life
for a cause doesn't mean you actually believe that cause holds any truth. You simply chose to do so.

I wouldn't say this anywhere else but all this pretending to believe that there are people who legitimately believe in flat earth on /sci/ of all places is getting under my skin so congrats for counter-trolling successfully I guess.

>> No.9157555

It's just an exercise in debate. No one is dumb enough to actually believe it.

>> No.9157573

Because some people are so ashamed to be dumb, they need something to make them feel they do know something.
Ironically they waste time on trying to remember bullocks Flat Earth stories.
If they only spent that much time on following actual university lectures (free on youtube), they would be a bit less illiterate and over time could be really smart and intelligent.

It's so sad, it isn't even entertaining and funny anymore.

>> No.9157585

Don't talk to anyone who believes that here, the chances of them being serious are close to zero. It's kind of lost the funny part of it and is just boring now.

>> No.9157809

I saw someone's explanation for how the Sun would have to move faster at lower inclinations (for summer in the Southern Hemisphere) in the disk World model being the Sun contained in a tube that would be rotating about the Northern Pole, seeing it would still be doing one revolution every 24 hours the Sun wouldn't be traveling faster (though it still would be because it would still be covering more distance in the same amount of time just within an arm that would be guiding it).

His explanation for how the Sun moved back and forth was bonkers though. Claimed that the Sun was a negative charge and the two ends of the tube were positively charged so it would naturally move back and forth between the two ends.

>> No.9158217


>> No.9158225
File: 33 KB, 536x643, flathead bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9158308
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While I agree life has no intrinsic value, acting retarded to be ironic is honestly the stupidest thing. If you wish to be an ironic contrarian, try something not subject to the scientific method.

>> No.9158311

I should also add, there are very many people on Instagram of all places, that very much believe the earth is flat, their reasoning as to why the "gubbernments" lie to us is varied as all fuck however. I think its because people want to find meaning in life, and its more convent to deny knowledge and make up some bullshit than actually decipher the truth.

>> No.9158330

Because Trump voters are gullible.

>> No.9158385

The only people who think the earth is flat are the weirdos like people who post on this forum.

>> No.9158391

because we paid good money to create the psyop.

>> No.9158394

>Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?

because science education isn't good enough

>> No.9158873
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1501759289513s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flat earth club is fun and something diffrent maybe thats whats required 4 change geocentric LOvE true peace with all things..water level 2 words.

>> No.9158884

Because people don't understand physics or math well enough to go beyond simple intuitive understandings of astrophysics.

>> No.9158903

This is wrong, the Earth is more rectangular.

>> No.9159068

Because there are people dumb enough to fall for the bait

>> No.9159336

Because space agencies photoshop lots
Because mapmakers and Google Earth edit things a lot
Because flight paths don't follow what a spherical Earth should dictate for efficiency
Because the entire thing models Antarctica as the icewall around the earth and nobody is allowed there except for specific tourist areas and exterior government bases for work
Because it's fun

>> No.9159337

The same reason skinheads believe. They just want to be part of a rebellious counter-culture.

>> No.9159519
File: 595 KB, 1600x1600, A Flat Earth Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two pilots decide to have a race counter-clockwise around the Earth.
Both pilots agree to use the same model plane and fly at identical speeds during the whole race.
Pilot A takes the yellow path, and Pilot B takes the black path.

Who won the race?

>> No.9159581

>Because flight paths don't follow what a spherical Earth should dictate for efficiency
Uh, most of them do.

>Because the entire thing models Antarctica as the icewall around the earth and nobody is allowed there except for specific tourist areas and exterior government bases for work
And those people that cross the Antarctic continent for fun. But I am sure they are part of the conspiracy.

They're both doing one rotation so they're going the same speed, one rotation per whatever time they do it in.
If one completes it later than the other then clearly he was going slower than the other, less than the one rotation per whatever time the other did.

>> No.9159598
File: 34 KB, 611x278, A Globe Earth Race.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me redraw the same race on a different map. Does this help you understand the point I am trying to make?

The race is all about distance.
If the Flat Earth model is true, Pilot A will travel a shorter distance than Pilot B, thus winning the race.

If the Round Earth model is true, Pilot B will travel a shorter distance than Pilot A, thus winning the race.

Proving or disproving the Flat Earth theory is as simple as having 2 planes race around with these set paths and conditions.

>> No.9159601

Sorry, I'm using Flat Earth logic in my argument.

You can't use Globe Earth logic to disprove it.

>> No.9159603

If The Earth Is Flat, Why Are There Mountains?

>> No.9159622

Mountains are a conspiracy.


>> No.9159652


Just look at their arguments. This plays no part in it at all. Nothing about FET retards has to do with logic or reason like that, or they wouldn't exist at all.

This guy summed it up pretty well, even if he is being way too understanding of them:

It's just one step further from religious extremists, extreme left liberals, feminists, anti vaccine, anti climate change, alternative medicine etc idiots. I mean, you must've realized by this point in life that there are a LOT of borderline insane, inhumanly stupid people out there. Now with social media they have the ability to share their stupid thoughts, bring it out to other people, where others equally dumb and insane can see them. These mentally handicapped can find each other, and be handicapped together.

They simply don't care about facts, reason, or even common sense. Have you ever really talked with such a person? It's literally like chatting with a 3-yearold, or someone from a mental asylum. There's nothing you can do or say, not with all the evidence in the world, to bring them out of that insanity.

I don't care about stupid people, it's not they're fault they're unimaginably dumb. What I do care about however, is that within our democratic societies, these loons of all kinds have real power. If it was up to me, I'd isolate all of the groups above to their own island somewhere so our societies could actually evolve and not be stuck in this bullshit.

>> No.9159665

It plays a part in why they don't trust NASA.

NASA (or NASA paid artists more likely) has taken many images of Earth to photoshop to try and pretty them up, making North America or Africa far larger than they should be on the globe.

I understand why they did it, because most of those photos come from an orbit too low to capture a full face of the Earth, but by representing it as a full face they give people who have doubts more that feeds their doubts.

>> No.9159675

>Prove to me that a single 'real' flat-earther exists.
there are plenty on youtube. they are rednecks who point their cheap camera to the sky, say it looks weird and ramble about the gubbement and the bible and god

>> No.9159681

Stumbling once doesn't make you lose your faith in your ability to walk. There are hundreds of thousands of points of evidence, every day devices and technology, culture and literature... there's fucking EVERYTHING to support the fact that the earth is a sphere. In that literal ocean of material, a few extra shiny photos will stand out and matter about as much as a molecule of dust on a distant beach.

So no, they don't base their theory on evidence of photos. They ignore literally everything that's known, and then hand pick bullshit from their collective asses instead because it sounds nice and special.

I am honestly offended, and deeply worried that I'm even a part of the same species as them.

>> No.9159695

Education system has failed completely. It doesn't teach people critical thinking. You're simply expected to learn everything what's in the book without questioning it, so it doesn't prepare you for the internet.

>> No.9159706

>flat earther tries a scientific experiment to prove moonlight cools things
>puts hot water into two glasses on his bench top
>has them sitting there for a while as he prepares the experiment
>repeatedly measures both to show they're about the same temperature, but also show they are slightly different temperatures
>moves one so it will be in the moonlight coming in the window
>turns off the light and uses a magnifying glass to focus the moonlight onto the glass for a half hour or so
>remeasures the water in the glasses and finds the one that was in moonlight was about six degrees lower than the other one

You should be able to work this out /sci/.

>> No.9159710

I'm going to guess he did something stupid like cover the first glass to prevent moonlight from touching it

>> No.9159711


Even from my summary you should be able to work it out.

>> No.9159724

Well video helps quite a bit in your description it doesnt mention he literally puts the magnifying glass so that its touching the glass. So im curious at what temperature the magnifying glass ended at.

>> No.9159730

Frankly the fact that the magnifying glass is touching the glass shouldn't make much difference at all, except that it will be doing a poor job of magnifying the moonlight because the focal point will be ruined by the refraction of the water.

It's more the fact that the counter top is probably a poor conductor of heat and the two glasses would have been heating up the surface under them, then he moved the glass to a new spot on the counter that would have been cooler than the spot it was on.

>> No.9159737

Good point. Its true that the magnifying glass has a low surface area touching the glass and should have less effect than the counter.

>> No.9159799

Basically a culmination of a certain conspiratorial way of thinking and the ability of social media to connect people who think the same way. You've always had people believing in a bunch of various ideas that had to do with """them""" controlling or deceiving us: chemtrails, water fluoridation, anti-vaxx, 9/11 truth, moon hoaxes etc etc, but they were always sort of disconnected and haphazard. With the development of the internet and especially the recent prevalance of social media, they've become much more connected, and flat earth has emerged as a sort of ultimate meme of this idea of "they're lying to us". It's essentially a catch-all worldview for various ideas which used to be separate and disorganised.

It really doesn't have much of anything to do with actual interest about the shape of the Earth, any of their proposals about how a flat earth would work are just post hoc speculations after they've already decided on a worldview where everything is a lie.

>> No.9159800

Hey flat earthers, if the earth is flat how come the earth is flat yet all the other planets are some sort of exception. How come nobody noticed odd patterns with sunlight during the day when the earth is rotating, that's if you don't think the earth is completely stationary all the time

>> No.9159805

>yet all the other planets are some sort of exception
They aren't. They're also flat or just projections.

>that's if you don't think the earth is completely stationary all the time
It is stationary, the Sun moves.

>> No.9159808

Have none of you ever seen a boat disappear behind the horizon?

>> No.9159810

Not even the church has challenged heliocentrism for centuries, only you and your loon friends think that even in the 1600s and earlier the one world government was fabricating evidence of other planets

>> No.9159817

hey feller...leave the rednecks out of this....most rednecks wouldn't give two shits about either side of the argument

>> No.9159824

Actually there are a couple of other mechanisms that can cause that, not just the curvature of the Earth.

And no I haven't. Even though I lived on the coast I just never went and autistically watched ships go out to sea.

>> No.9160193

If anyone wants to use the bible to say the earth is flat they should look at answers in genesis. When literal young earth 6 day dinosaurs were on the ark creationists say the earth is a sphere and space is legit you know your theory is out there.

>> No.9160226

>Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?
Because selective pressure for intelligence has reduced significantly over time as technology has advanced and made trivial complex problems requiring critical thought.

In order to combat this, education should be refocused from learning rote facts (something any search engine can do) to learning how to critically analyze facts.

>> No.9160238

>They simply don't care about facts, reason, or even common sense.
>common sense
Common sense would be that the Earth is flat. It's not very useful.

>> No.9160349

No, common sense can't bring you to the conclusion that literally everything you know, every law of physics, science, sociology, psychology, all of our education, almost literally *every* piece of technology, and so much more, would each be wrong because of a supermassive conspiracy. Never mind that everything that's constantly fucked up in the world shows clearly enough that we aren't even a fraction of a fraction as organized as we'd need to be to pull off something on that scale.

Common sense is perfectly applicable to understanding that when you're dealing with a scenario where everything in the whole universe needs to be wrong, and in on it, or it's just you who doesn't get it... then odds are, you don't get it. It's not unlike when most people talk about something with an expert, they understand he probably knows his stuff better than you do. Or do you go to the doctor's claiming "that's all BS, I googled for 5 minutes and pulled some stuff out of my ass, clearly I know your job far better than you do"?

>> No.9160364
File: 22 KB, 473x352, 1504941661696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is dumb enough to actually believe it.

>> No.9160367

it has to be a meme, they are trolling, it's a jokememe

>> No.9160382

>They're both doing one rotation so they're going the same speed, one rotation per whatever time they do it in.

Huh. That must be why race car drivers don't care whether they take the inside track or not.

>> No.9160397

It's next to the window, which is cooled by the night air. That in turn cools the glass.

>> No.9160581

Tbh the only reason track position matters is to conserve energy and fuel along the ideal path for future turns. When it's nothing but turning left around an oval it matters less than a constructed track with left and right turns.

>> No.9160627

I was talking to someone who believed this, and they asked me why I believed the earth was round. I said if you go up higher, you can see farther. That makes sense if the earth is round, but not if the earth is flat. If the earth was flat, if anything going up higher would decrease your field of vision since you'd be getting further away from your horizon. They told me the reason you can see further when you get up higher is because the atmosphere is thinner up higher, and you can see further in a thinner atmosphere. That makes no sense, right?

>> No.9160763

>That makes no sense, right?
It may work at higher altitudes but it makes no sense at low altitudes.

There's no appreciable difference in air density at 20, 50 or 100 metres, so if it was just density of air decreasing your view range then if you imagine a right angle triangle with the hypotenuse being your view distance.
At a height of 0 your view distance would be equal to the horizontal axis, your maximum view distance at that density.
As you start to increase the height to maintain that same maximum view distance at this density the view distance would need to decrease.

So low altitudes would have shorter view distances than being on the surface. High altitudes would stop acting like a triangle and I am sure they would make up whatever curve would fit the perception.

>> No.9160883


>> No.9160893


The smart people are smart enough to know to trust people smarter than them

The dumb people are dumb enough to know that they better just leave it to people smarter than them.

The inbetweeners who are just smart enough to not be completely retarded yet also dumb enough to leave it to people smarter than they are the problem.

The inbetweeners are just smart enough to think "Hey! what if the world really IS flat!" yet also too dumb to reason their way out of the logical fly trap that is the flat earth theory.

>> No.9160925

The same reason bible thumpers, feminists, people who belie in alternative medicine, cults and pseudoscientists, etc. do. There will always be idiots and people willing to ignore reason, evidence and science, they just don't need to be given any legitimate platform.

>> No.9161115
File: 41 KB, 550x327, shaggy 2 dope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally
>Fuckin magnets, how do they work?
>And I don't wanna talk to a scientist,
>cuz they just lyin and gettin me pissed:
The movement

>> No.9161151

none of those links have raw images and video.

>> No.9161154

what about the mile of curvature every 90~ square miles?

>> No.9161164

Because 4chan posted a bunch of memes pretending to believe in it as a joke. Then they ended up on fb, and some dumbass who actually believed it spread it around.

>> No.9161168

same way bronies happened
/b/ posted pony bullshit as a joke trying to scare off newfags, but then people took it way too fucking far.

>> No.9161448

Yeah, case in point the guy doing the moonlight experiment. He was smart enough to form a hypothesis, create an experiment to test it, and have a control sample to compare findings. But he wasn't quite smart enough to consider the effects of moving the test water onto fresh counterspace and how that would accelerate heat loss compared to the control.

>> No.9161635

>Why do Flat Earth Theory believers exist?


>> No.9161670

Remarkably the muslims are super keen on demonstrating how the Quran is the first definitive scientific book. They'd Jihad you for saying the earth is flat and then repurpose a passage to say it's a sphere.

>> No.9161738

Most flight paths do take the most efficient route on a round earth.
Many planes take routes that aren't exactly the shortest distance though, due to city locations, passenger numbers and aircraft range. As well as the fact that it's safer to fly a route that passes near other airports in case you need to make an emergency landing, even if it's a little out of the way.

For example the shortest difference between the Southern tip of South America and Southeast Australia will take you over the edge of Antarctica, and iirc it's the only straight-line from A to B that passes over Antarctica.
However, there aren't any major airports that far south because not many people live down there.

In the Northern hemisphere you've got many more major cities and many more people that can afford to fly.

>> No.9161756

This is something I've noticed about people who claim flight paths don't take direct paths on a sphere. They have difficulties with spatial awareness. It probably also accounts for why they have trouble envisioning the true scale of the earth, solar system, galaxy, universe.

>> No.9161795

Only a problem if you think you need to do something to take account for it.
If you plot your course South West then follow your compass South West. It'll only be a problem if you think "I need to head further West to compensate for the curvature". No you don't. Just follow your compass.

>> No.9161807
File: 135 KB, 829x865, sydjho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example the shortest difference between the Southern tip of South America and Southeast Australia will take you over the edge of Antarctica
I don't know of any direct flights from the bottom of South America to Australia, however Qantas flies from Sydney to Johannesburg daily direct, as CHL pointed out in one of his videos in this series

The flight path makes zero sense on the Flat Earth model.

>> No.9161813

An entertaining explanation from flat earthers I've heard is that everything moves faster the closer to the ice wall you get, so journeys at 60 degrees south take the same amount of time as journeys at 60 degrees north despite on the azimuthal projection the south is much more widely spaced.

Yes flat earthers, willing to break the very laws of physics and reality to avoid admitting their model is wrong.

>> No.9161821

Of course, the laws of physics are just constructions to support the lie, not actual observations of how the universe works.

>> No.9161843 [DELETED] 


Vulgi et non scii homini non ascendere alpini.

>> No.9161849

flat earth just got btfo on twitter

>> No.9161923


>> No.9161925

link bb

>> No.9161992

They don't. You are retarded for believing they do.

>> No.9162018

Assuming that everyone is pretending to be retarded is almost as incredible as assuming everyone is conspiring to keep the Flat Earth a secret from the public.

>> No.9162028

Intelligence is on a bell curve, and nearly half of the human population are below average. Think about that any time you want to ask yourself "Why do so many people believe in x stupid thing?"

>> No.9162083

It was widely accepted by ancient societies that the Earth was flat. Flat Earth theorists are actually newer than most people care to think, propping themselves up with anti-science agendas. Not that they necessarily think the Earth is flat, but they don't think science is right and therefore, if science says the Earth is round they say it's flat.

>> No.9162084

Sorry, I meant to say it was widely accepted by ancient societies that the Earth was/is ROUND.

>> No.9162185
File: 17 KB, 300x544, 1504670707240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then why do the other planets move? One way or another you're making Earth an exception to whatever bs idea you come up with.
What is gravity with flat Earth?

>> No.9162186

>What is circumference?

>> No.9162195

>implying hardcocks for breakfast

>> No.9162613

The other planets aren't real, they are just moved around separately in the sky.

>What is gravity with flat Earth?
What do you need gravity for? What we call gravity is just buoyancy. Higher densities fall through lower densities.

>> No.9162617

Mostly because trolls. Secondly because people love to disagree with what they don't understand.

>> No.9163037

>Higher densities fall through lower densities.
Why? What determines the direction of "fall"?

>> No.9163558

Seeing the Earth is flat and higher densities can be demonstrated to fall downward through lower densities then clearly the direction is just down.

A ball falls because it is a higher density than the air. A helium balloon rises because it is a lower density than the air.

>> No.9163858

People who believe in the Flat Earth were created by a secret government agency, they exist to make smart people laugh and feel happier so they are more productive for society

>> No.9163863

Based in Florida near Orlando, large office building.
That's where you'll find the flat earth controlled opp psyop, and the scat channels on YouTube like freaky family.
Disney runs all the government pr on YouTube. It's very organized. The scat movement, the spiderman Elsa videos which directly promote Disney products, and viral flat earthers all work out of the same office complex in Orlando somewhere.
Hats off to them for making the AstroTurf look real, however flat earth didn't exist before 2015, then thousands of accounts showed up ready to go with professional editing all within a month, showing how all those youtubers are organized behind the scenes in lock step, but act out pre developed characters on YouTube to drive gov agendas.
Pr is always media sold at a loss, nothing is actually really viral, it's paid gov ads posing at random YouTube entrprenuers and hobbyists.

Take the thread from glp years ago, called "medical type says sandy hook is total bullshit", on page 7 a gov pr rep, posting from kazakistan and korea, accidentally posted his notes including on how to manage his pre developed characters.

>> No.9163887

>Seeing the Earth is flat and higher densities can be demonstrated to fall downward through lower densities then clearly the direction is just down.
>A ball falls because it is a higher density than the air. A helium balloon rises because it is a lower density than the air.

That is caused because of buoyancy, as you say, but combined with gravity. When there is no gravity you don't get what you say

(Alka seltzer in water in zero gravity)

The only important force opposing to buoyancy here is surface tension, which maintains the bubbles inside.

Therefore,I would like to repeat again: "you need gravity to get what you say, not only buoyancy".

>> No.9164418

Fake video. We haven't been to space so no "zero G" environment has ever been observed, only free fall as in the vomit comet.

>> No.9164808
File: 36 KB, 480x360, 1504479403170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not call myself a flat earther its truely not determined yet..

>> No.9164953

Do the experiment yourself while parachuting out of a plane. For a few seconds before air resistance takes over, you will experience micro-enough gravity that yuo will see the experiment work,

>> No.9164963

Thank you