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9156197 No.9156197 [Reply] [Original]

Does the "soul" really exist?

>> No.9156198
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Not in whoever took that picture, fucking disgusting

>> No.9156203

What's wrong with m- i mean that persons plate

>> No.9156206

bruh. That's clearly a euro with olive and pepper. You have absolutely no taste.

>> No.9156263
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Quantum mind theory posits that quantum mechanical phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, may play an important part in the brain's function and could form the basis of an explanation of consciousness.

Now changing topics for a second, if by some currently unknown methods we're able to create a quantum computer that employs quantum entanglement then we could have two computers on the other side of the planet, acting as 1 single computer. Distance would not be limited. We could have 2 computers on opposite sides of the universe acting as 1 single computer. Now one step further, we could have billions and billions of computers, seeded all across the galaxy all acting as 1 single computer. Now a computer system, that's spread across the universe, and used by innumerable alien life forms should be intelligent and advanced enough that it should be able to interface with any computer system that employs quantum entanglement.

This is where quantum mind theory comes in. The brain is basically an organic computer system. If it turns out it's using quantum entanglement and superposition, as the theory suggests, then our minds could be linked, or uploaded into the system. Our essences, or souls if you will, could literally ascend to the heavens become immortal.

>> No.9156278

Entanglement can't transfer any meaningful information.

>> No.9156287

>something we don't fully understand is magic!

Not by any meaningful interpretation, brain damage can cause complete changes in your personality, what is a soul if it's not who we are and if who we are can change because of changes in the brain then this implies who we are is completely controlled by the brain

>> No.9156293

Okay i understand that we are all just animals running on various chemical reactions and electrical impulses induced by the brain, but how are we capable of maintaining who we are despite our body constantly being remade from new cells and atoms...?

Essentially we all "die" so to speak several times in year because we are not composed of the same materials we were in the beginning

>> No.9156304


From what I've read brain cells generally don't get regenerated after maturity, atleast not anywhere near the level that the rest of the body does

>> No.9156354

"soul" is a very vague and ill defined concept.

>> No.9156457

what is it entangled with? i dont see how this effects consciousness or a soul because it still means all the meaningful work is done in the brain and explainable as such.

>> No.9156532

Yes. The physical brain is like an antenna that allows the soul to control the body. The bad news is that your memories of your physical experiences are also stored in your physical brain. Only spiritual enlightenment and the increasing connection with other souls truly endures in our souls or the akashic record so be sure to pass on your physical knowledge and experiences before you die.

Usually it's on /x/ that I explain this and they attempt to attach their own additional fantasies to it so it'll be interesting to see how /sci/ attacks it.

>> No.9156550

Magic isn't real.

>> No.9156558

>The bad news is that your memories of your physical experiences are also stored in your physical brain.

Can you verify this claim?

>The physical brain is like an antenna that allows the soul to control the body.

Then how come many people tell about out-of-body experiences, and their soul leaving the body, as a physical thing? I've personally felt this myself back when I was a student and had lots of nightly terrors.

>> No.9156560

The "Self" (which you're referring to) is an implication that develops when enough different neural activities overlap and compete for direction. It doesn't actually exist.

>> No.9156578


I don't think it's absurd to say FTL communication may be possible though undiscovered means. QM is a relatively (pardon the pun) new field of study and we're learning new practical uses all the time and getting closer to FTL communication. It could happen in the future.

>> No.9156599

/sci/ is the wrong board for this question

>> No.9156614

To the primitive mind, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

When the physical body is asleep or better yet in deep meditation the soul's connection to it is weakened allowing clearer tuning to other physical anchors although it happens when we're awake as well.

The reason so-called "past life regressions" are always some historically significant or tragic (or both) person is because people are actually accessing the akashic record.

Statistically, any life or even 1000 lives are nearly guaranteed to be completely mundane.

>> No.9156618

so what is the soul if everything distinctive and meaningful about us is in our physical brain?

>> No.9156657

Well, our consciousness for one thing. Like to put it in simple physical world terms if you had a brain tumor that would kill you unless you had a surgery that was guaranteed to give you total amnesia wouldn't you still have the surgery?

But furthermore, our soul does mature spiritually and establish/advance complex attachments to other souls that's why some people are just fundamentally more or less at peace, more or less capable of grasping the world around them and so forth.

>> No.9156718

But are consciousness is inextricably tied to the meaningful functions.

Plus, the quantum mind thing doesn't help the positions in hard problem of consciousness. It no more explains how matter can lead to consciousness than the brain would. Entanglement doesn't bridge the gap in any way that i can see. Just leads to something else that you have to explain.

>> No.9156736

>Just leads to something else that you have to explain
Everything worth learning does, Anon. Abandon your quest for answers. I'm actually not the quantum entanglement Anon but I'm not surprised you might assume I am considering everything about that goes hand in hand with what I'm saying which might tell you something. We are far, far, far away from understanding the nature of consciousness and it will definitely take more tools than are available in the physical sciences to even begin approaching the problem, but quantum theory is most likely a fresh step in the right direction.

>> No.9156738

>t. Christfag

>> No.9156749

Yes, i understand that things lead to more questions but my point is that this quantum entanglement idea adds nothing and doesn't seem to explain anything. So it seems just redundant.

>> No.9156752

Define soul

>> No.9156785

It's just a tool, Anon. Don't worry that you can't grasp how it might be used. Nobody grasps everything.

Let's revisit our real world thought experiment. One application of quantum teleportation is for us to instantly communicate with space probes without the light speed delay. Imagine robotic probes that we've sent out to explore earthlike planets a hundred or more years travel from us. None of the reasearchers who create or launch it will live to see it arrive or perhaps even be sure civilization is intact so they build it with enough autonomy to establish itself and maintain communication for as long as necessary. How much would we want it to know about us? What would its descendants know about us?

>> No.9156803

>but quantum theory is most likely a fresh step in the right direction.

Why? Afaik, quantum effects stop at lengths greater than a couple of nanometers, that is bonding length between molecules. Maybe this has an effect on proteins, but neuron cells? Ceveral micrometers? What kind of quantum effect has such a long range?

>> No.9156828

Quantum entanglement has a proven range of hundreds of miles we just haven't figured out how to use it to actually transmit data because of the observation property. We would have to solve Schrodinger's thought experiment before we could really tackle mine.

>> No.9156861

That second paragraph has got nothing to do with consciousness...

You're right, i'm not a physicist but haven't explained what your tool does in consciousness.

>> No.9156873

And note, When i said adds nothing or explains anything, i meant in terms of a soul or consciousness. Not in general.

>> No.9156880


they demonstrated long range effects recently.

>> No.9156897


How? Can you show an experiment that manipulates anything by this supposed range?

If i put a green and a red ball in a bag, and let one person grab a ball without looking, and have the other person travel to india with the bag without looking, then by looking at the red ball, I will know the other ball in india is green, and vice versa. Quantum entanglement is essentially this, but with light waves and polarisation, if I understand it correctly. You are talking about quantum particles, but where is the wave function extending in space, over hundreds of miles?

>> No.9156905

OP - until you do this, your question is meaningless.

>> No.9156968

Why else would they make books about it

>> No.9156985

did you not see the link directly above you? there were threads all over sci

>> No.9156989

Do you understand the experiment? Is it any different from my ball analogy, only with light and electric detectors instead of eyes? If so, how exactly? What is the underlying property that makes it unique from my simple analogy? Really curious, I never understood entanglement that well...

>> No.9157023

No, i really don't. As far as i understand it is indeed similar to your analogy so i don't understand if your analogy had a point or something. Im sure if you read the paper you'll get some sort of answer. Though... it might be too difficult to understand.

>> No.9157030

Their object is to effectively teleport data instantaneously. They expect to solve the problems in the relatively near future. Either they will and it will bring us closer to understanding many things including how the mind may be physically separate from the body or they'll run into an unsolvable obstacle and the nature of that obstacle will reveal some things too.

>> No.9157036

>Bring us closer to understanding how the mind works

There's nothing to even suggest it has something to do with the mind.

Please explain the connection of quantum theory to the mind and how it explains or adds anything to what is consensus in the scientific community.

>> No.9157051

what even is a soul?

>> No.9157058

>Does the "soul" really exist?
Only for men.

>> No.9157126

There is no consensus in the scientific community on the nature of the mind

>> No.9157135

Well ill tell you that the consensus is that you need a reason to start postulating theories and there is a growing field surrounding the nature of consciounsess that started with global workspace and recurrent cortico-thalamic and feedback-lateral connection theories in the mid 90s toward co-ordination dynamics and increasingly better neuroimaging analytical tools of now. For instance, dynamic causal modelling. Maybe they don't give you the answers or doorways to the answers that you want, but quantum entanglement is just bad in terms of redundancy so far unless someone wants to tell me why it is an interesting idea or why it makes any difference to hard problems of consciousness.

>> No.9157142

I don't know, probably.

>> No.9157150

>t. intellectual jerk-off
Go back to plebbit, etc.

>> No.9157153

pic related?

>> No.9157169

personal incredulity is not an argument

>> No.9157193
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>> No.9157194

neither is avoiding arguments

>> No.9157195

Mindless hand waving speculation is not a theory.

>> No.9157277

Two soulless faggots confirmed.

>> No.9157279

I mean it's great to physically map the brain but until we get some clue as to the nature of consciousness it's just icepick lobotomy territory. I'm not the guy who was advocating quantum theory I'm just saying that it wouldn't surprise me if in our lifetimes there was a discovery of some evidence of spooky action at a distance in our brains but perhaps it is just a matter of faith and isn't a topic for /sci/.

>> No.9157283

Of course it isn't, because once you know how something works, it's no longer magical. Dark energy might as well be considered magic because it has an observable effect with no known mechanism. That's all magic is: phenomena for which only the effect is known.

>> No.9157366

suspend anyones subjective beliefs for a second.

how does quantum entanglement add anything or solve any hard problem of consciousness. Youre still describing it in the same abstract physical terms as you would using the brain.

Im telling you faggot. there is no reason to just arbitrarily add quantum ideas to it. it has been done before. like in smell. but it used evidence and experimentation and logic. not fucking conjecture you arse broken queer.

>> No.9157369

And btw, if you think neuroscience is just physically mapping the brain. Then youre ignorant as fuck cowboy. Go back to brokeback faggot.

>> No.9157383

none of this solves the hard problem though.

>> No.9157390


That pic made me hungry as fuck

>> No.9157394

Yes, it's in South Korea.


>> No.9157403

I think that you think the neuroscientists' drug-based conclusions are more valid than the psychologists' and philosophers' drug-based conclusions

>> No.9157710

Lack of consensus is not scientific, it's just faggots shilling for their idea of supernatural soul, where you can instantly say it has nothing to do with science.

>> No.9158076

this is a very long post that says literally nothing, don't read it

>> No.9158082

No, i think that psychology, neuroscience and to some extent, philosophy of mind are all part of the same field and are all equally important.

So take your ass back up to brokeback big boy.

>> No.9158228

I hope so. I've wanted to jump into a black hole for so long and relay the feeling via quantum means and still survive by entangling my body with a clone body to still survive it all.
>ywn stories

>> No.9158267

but if your body dies, the clone one will too so


>> No.9158269

>to some extent equal

>> No.9158278

i mean im not so sure about philosophy of mind. im not too big into it. What ive read about it seems to just be philosophers reiterating what neuroscientists have said and trying to create big metaphysical realities around it. I find some of it abit of a cop out.

>> No.9158283

No they are not.

By your standard cosmology, aerodynamics and astronaut -training are part of the same field of study. They are not.

>> No.9158358

No. I study psychology and neuroscience and read papers and despite misconceptions, neuroscience and psychology bleed into and depend on eachoher and share methodologies and cite eachother. Psychology itself is extremely broad,im biased away from social stuff and in the sense you talk of, maybe psychology should be broken down into different subjects but noneheless there is overlap. Lots of theoretical neuroscience also openly discusses and tests ideas or theories that come under philosophy of mind and there is an active interchange. People like hohwy and clark while some neuroscientists/psychologists actively espouse views that maybe matter of philosophy of mind but seek to test them.

Im not talking out of naivety or ignorance so dont fuck me tony. Dont you ever try to fuck me.

>> No.9158359

To me its all brain science.

>> No.9158362
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>Does the "soul" really exist?

There is zero evidence it does and anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or doesn't understand what counts as evidence.

>> No.9158376
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See you at the rapture mother fucker

>> No.9158392

I'm not saying there isn't a soul. I'm saying there is no evidence for it.

A long time ago there was no evidence that there were planets around other stars, but with improved technology we found that evidence.

Maybe someday evidence will be found to proves souls exist, but right now there is none.

>> No.9158405

Soul is mind, and mind is really the first thing accessible to mind to the point there even was solipsism.

>> No.9158451

The absurd acts of chemicals within an organized system manifest what we call a soul
So yes
But this is a metaphysical question not a scientific one >>>/lit/

>> No.9160137

There are electrical actions in the brain as well.

>> No.9161654

>Does the "soul" really exist?

It means your consciousness... not a glowing light body. you big doofus.