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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 300x239, NERVA_XE_nuclear_rocket_engine_being_transported_to_test_stand_-_GPN-2002-000143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9153443 No.9153443 [Reply] [Original]

Nuclear Thread. Post everything nuclear, and shame those who hate it.

>> No.9153449
File: 176 KB, 1280x1024, NB-36H_with_B-50,_1955_-_DF-SC-83-09332.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that if our country wasn't full of environmental pussies we would have had a nuclear powered plane by now.

>> No.9153453
File: 42 KB, 620x344, energy subsidies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though nuclear is the superior energy source, it gets the least government support. Anybody that hates nuclear power hates humanity and deserves a helicopter ride, just a reminder.

>> No.9153461
File: 164 KB, 801x675, zyrEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that humanity could have become a type 1 civilization by now, if we dropped bombs to generate electricity.

>> No.9153472
File: 57 KB, 500x657, tumblr_m10thl90E01rr31b3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherenkov radiation is so beautiful

>> No.9153477

That looks like it would be a horribly inefficient method of extracting energy.

>> No.9153494

At least your country utilizes nuclear to some degree. It's completely off limits in mine, all we have is a fucking research reactor to create medical isotopes. These fucking greenies are holding us back from our true energy production potential

>> No.9153497

It's not very cost effective because nukes cost a lot to make.

>> No.9153499

Think of the environmental hazard. Do you know how bad Chernobyl was?

>> No.9153500

How can we get people to adopt nuclear power again? So fuckin strange that normies were in love with nuclear after hiroshima, but now they are pussing out. Probably has to do with millennials and years of fearmongering

>> No.9153504

Yeah, but they really fucked up initial testing for that one:


They thought that hey, the salt dome will contain all the radiation, so they invited scientists and reporters to show just how safe it was. Well they fucked up and it spewed radioactive steam and dust right in front of reporters and scientists.

doesn't matter, because it's half fusion power

>> No.9153507
File: 15 KB, 300x241, Exercise_Desert_Rock_I_(Buster-Jangle_Dog)_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, using nukes would be super cost-effective. A fission bomb is expensive but a thermonuclear bomb is literally just a fission bomb but with super cheap lithium deutride fusion fuel. Costs the same but much more explosive. There's really no limit to how big of a thermonuke you can make. So as long as you use really big nukes, it would be super cost effective. Just like project orion.

>> No.9153511
File: 48 KB, 592x579, m3njxm3wtjcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That happened because the reactor was made by literally a bunch of retarded monkeys aka communists. Wouldn't ever happen in America you fucking pussy.

>> No.9153517
File: 535 KB, 1152x806, ion_space_nukes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not very practical. Because shielding is heavy, you can't afford to shield the whole reactor. So it's hard to handle when it's on the ground.

Now what we really need to do is build a space rated nuclear reactor. One with moving parts for thermal conversion so we can get more power out. That would solve so many problems related to space power systems.

Oh and the cool thing is that reactors can be LESS radioactive during launch than RTGs. Before the control rods are removed it would be pretty much inert.

>> No.9153520


>> No.9153594
File: 50 KB, 315x218, neal_blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>radiation is bad meme

Have you ever heard of something called neutron absorbers? Reactors release slow neutrons which make it easy to absorb or slow down with little materials. Even if we couldn't use reactors on the plane, we could use nuclear pumped lasers and beam the energy onto them. The idea of this thread is that nukes are superior.

>> No.9153630

whats the point of these cringe threads

>> No.9153671
File: 88 KB, 640x357, nb36h-cockpita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>neutron absorbers
were too heavy, so they had to resort to shadow shielding. They put enough shielding in just the right places so that the flight crew wouldn't get irradiated.


>>nuclear pumped lasers and beam the energy onto them
no. Lasers are line of sight only. Without a complicated mirror system you more or less need nuclear lasers everywhere.

That's not very practical. Instead, we could use nuclear power to produce hydrogen, ammonia, or other burnable fuels

>>The idea of this thread is that nukes are superior.
well too bad, in some cases they aren't

>> No.9153798
File: 819 KB, 796x1024, Tesla_What_is_Plasma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


https://books.google.com/books?id=OSEDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA98&dq=popular+science+1951+atomic+aircraft&hl=en&ei=dgzFTP-MF 8innQeCs-T4CQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result#v=onepage&q&f=true

Oh, please. The nuclear fuel would allow the plane to fly continuously even if the heavy reactor and shielding wouldn't be any lighter than traditional fuel. The literally retarded communists were just really bad engineers, and do not at all represent nuke tech. Research before you post, you dimwit.

>> No.9153818

Just use Neutron Absorbers or swap to a Thorium reactor, and all of those problems are solved. Now I'm just disappointed that we let uneducated civilian politics get in the way of potentially emission-free and practically endless flight.
>It could've happened bros.

>> No.9153827

Anybody want to talk about those Fusion bombs supposedly in development?
>"The Most Humane Bomb Ever"
>Equally if not more powerful than any sort of Thermonuclear device.
>Leaves absolutely no radiation or harmful byproduct behind and instantly vaporises everything within range.

>> No.9153863

>> citing an old popular science article

>> No.9153869

Sounds like bullshit. We don't have net gain fusion reactors.

>> No.9153875

>shame those who hate it

Fuck off shill. You only ever post here when there is a bad nuclear news story circulating. Fuck off and go spam some other site.

>> No.9153891


We could build one right now. We could have a net gain icf plant, by having the first pellet trigger the fusion of the next, like in a teller/ulam device, but that would probably blow the plant up.

>> No.9153896


thread theme

>> No.9153898

Hence why I'd like to talk about it.
The idea is that the entire thing is wrapped up inside of a bomb, but it isn't your standard reactor apparently.

>> No.9153972

is this visible by the human eye?

>> No.9153975

Daily reminder that nuclear reactors will all melt down during the next solar storm.

>> No.9154009
File: 257 KB, 960x386, 64f39bf8651657e40df9b7af93a07173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that you're a faggot cuck.


>> No.9154010
File: 66 KB, 780x438, 170903150914-03-north-korea-kim-jong-un-nuke-lab-visit-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9154014

This. Cant wait for the next carrington event -tier solar storm when modern civilization will come crumbling down and 99% our fine electrical systems and grids will be fucked.

>> No.9154027

Not nuclear related but, what about drilling holes far into the ground so we can use Earth molten core to generate energy? At the end of the day it's always about heating water.

>> No.9154032


>> No.9154110

>There's really no limit to how big of a thermonuke you can make.

Bullshit. Eventually you reach a point where the fuel blows itself apart before it can be used.

>> No.9154201


>> No.9154204

Nuclear is dangerous because it blow up and destroy half a continent.

>> No.9154220


>> No.9154295

> thermonuclear being a hydrogen bomb
so there really isn't much of a limit, just the initial stage is limited, but the secondary and tertiary and so on are not limited.

>> No.9154311

>Heat up the surface and cool the core (weakening magnetosphere)
What a brainlet idea

>> No.9154317

Shill really? I'd think the shills were losers like Helen Caldicott

>> No.9154318

Not with LFTR.

>> No.9154780

of course

>> No.9154786

Please. All it does is poison the local ecosystem and get potheads on the internet to think their fish are poisoned or that the car exhaust and waste particulates they call air has turned sour from the 1 part per 100 trillion that is slightly more radioactive than normal.

>> No.9154798
File: 392 KB, 1024x707, 1409345952_rz_nuclear_power_plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the retard.
What are you even doing on /sci/?
>inb4 RBMK a shit

>> No.9154807
File: 3.71 MB, 4032x3024, 20170907_224454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post geiger counters

>> No.9154816

Came across this recently: http://atomic-skies.blogspot.com/2012/07/those-magnificent-men-and-their-atomic.html

Use the heat of a nuclear reactor to melt holes into the ground as a method of digging tunnels.
That's already a thing. Well sort of. Most such plants operate in regions with volcanic activity because its currently impractical to dig deep enough to do it anywhere.

>> No.9154829

>What is geothermal

>> No.9154961
File: 803 KB, 1440x2560, wp_ss_20170908_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are in Sydney, there's gonna be a conference by the ANA in October @ UTS.

Pic related.
I'm going.

>> No.9155004
File: 96 KB, 736x552, LFTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there is a safe and reliable reactor type that does not produce highly radioactve waste is cannot ever have a meltdown.

Reminder that it is not used because you loose your "civil" and "peaceful" excuse to produce weapon grade uranium.

>> No.9155010
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x998, fuel_twk_2788_ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang nuclear power, you have some nice colors

>> No.9155274

Lmfao, you use a windows phone?


>> No.9155277

cry about it

>> No.9155454

You do know that they build reactors underground right, retard?


>> No.9155485

That blue isn't actually caused by cherenkov radiation, this is a pool for new fuel elements.

>> No.9155507
File: 94 KB, 600x505, thorium-reactor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever heard of a thorium reactor.

>> No.9155562

what about earthquakes

>> No.9155578
File: 319 KB, 1280x851, f545b175d539102e9889b5c719180fa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is nuclear for sexual?
Ask those retarded Japanes, they know all about how good nuclear reactors and a region with a lot of tectonic activity mix.

>> No.9155606

But Thorium Is way more effective as uranium and you can't build a bomb out of it so why would you use a nuklear plane if you can use a thorium plane

>> No.9155615

brainlet or bait; really can't tell

>> No.9155809
File: 18 KB, 1564x178, Nuclear power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear is the superior energy source


>it gets the least government support

Every nuke plant ever has been fully subsidized by the government.

>> No.9156988

Im going to need more credibility than a screenshot with a link to some blog

>> No.9157200

Nowhere near as bad as Greenpeace makes it out to be.

>> No.9157203

>No naked ladies on the aircraft


>> No.9157223

Nuclear to phase out Coal/Gas stations.
Renewables to crop up in the developing world.
Fusion gets funded once things have settled.
We will make it to K1 one day boys.

>> No.9157380

>implying we won't find a way to fuck us up before that

>> No.9158107

Relevant, Ford had made a concept nuclear powered car during 40s. Nevertheless, both would have been not useful.

>> No.9158111

That is what fusion bombs do though. Is this some North Korea propaganda shit?

>> No.9158115

Literally a glorified water boiler, complete with most of its mass being devoted to a maze of active failsafes. Most inefficient hacked together mess to ever be widely praised.

>> No.9158117

The core is pretty deep but swallow plants should possible. Maybe they aren't worth it.

>> No.9158367
File: 59 KB, 512x512, Cava6CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nuclear Engineer here, ask me anything. I studied in the most prestigious uni in latin america, the Balseiro Institute. And yes, Chemical and Electrical engineering are easy as fuck compared to Nuclear.

>> No.9158374

>most prestigious uni in latin america
thats like being, the most majestic ant or something.

>> No.9158379

Latin american degrees are harder than american degrees. Here you have to take over 50 classes to get an engineering degree (5 years). That's why my degree is considered a bachelor + master in burguerland and europe.

>> No.9158398

>A fission bomb is expensive
No it isn't
There are signficant startup costs but actually churning out nuclear anything is extremely cheap in comparison. Simply due to immense energy density.

>> No.9158408

serious question
is there any logical explanationn why we don't shoot nuclear waste into space?

>> No.9158416

Cost and danger.

>> No.9158418

1. Its valuable
2. Its perfectly safe to store here on earth: After all it was taken from here, we can just put it back where it came from
3. Ridiculously expensive to shoot stuff into space, even moreso to shoot it in a way that it wont come down later (50k/kg and more)
4. Very risky. Rockets occasionally explode

>> No.9158754
File: 164 KB, 772x954, HTRE-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a question, but explain in technical terms to environmententalist degenerates, why nuclear power is way safer then other sources, and how it would be way cheaper than other sources if it wasn't overregulated.

>> No.9158917

What do communists have to do with this? HTRE-3 was American designed and still had to be scrapped after an accident in its test bed. If that shit had happened while its compressor was running in flight it would have seriously fucked some shit up. How do you even service the fucking thing, the entire compressor and turbine assembly is going to be highly irradiated, and have questionable material properties due to embrittlement. Every hour of operation for a direct-cycle plant like that just increases the risk to populations, and would make ground operations of the plane untenable. Nuclear aircraft were just a bad idea, and will only ever be suitable for very specialized military applications, like those automated death bombers.

>> No.9158954
File: 67 KB, 418x599, 418px-EdwardTeller1958_fewer_smudges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviets made a really shitty nuke plane that had shitty shielding. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-95LAL Americans wouldn't ever do that you dipshit. The shielding on the american plane was more than adequate. Once in the air, the atmosphere works as a great shield. The reactor is tiny so very little fuel is used, so very little radioactive material is produced you dimwit. It makes servicing doable.

>> No.9158956

You say the Americans didn't do it, but they did and it melted down.

>> No.9158958
File: 81 KB, 1453x1045, atomchop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are environmentalist lies.

>> No.9159024


You're a joke. :) You're autistic REEE's aren't going to bring back atomic aircraft. Maybe if you watch some more youtube videos on the subject you can really convince your friends and family you are an authority on the subject.

Or you could get over you ignorance and actually read something on the subject, and slowly realize just how bad of an idea it is, but that's not going to happen is it?

>> No.9159047
File: 1.50 MB, 1973x2991, Teller-Edward389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>source is youtube videos


Bitch please, i know more about this than you do. Radioactivity and fallout is a meme. Source is pic.

>> No.9159059

sadly in german, not english (though I think a translation exists):

TL;DR: Less than 1000 radiation deaths confirmed from Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Tchernobyl combined. People surviving cracy radiation levels that should officially kill them in 50minutes for years and decades.

Turns out when those "this will kill you" limits were set, we did not know all that much about the risks and decided to err on the side of caution.

>> No.9159073
File: 112 KB, 796x800, new-nsa-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I know. The whole radioactivity is bad meme was coldwar détente propaganda

>> No.9159076

what about Chernobyl? Still uninhabitable 30 years later.

>> No.9159079

Go thell that to the animals and plants there.
Its perfectly safe.

>> No.9159386

A Swedish girl wants me to take her to EBR1.

Sounds like a fucking amazing one in a million first date but I don't find her physically attractive at all.

>> No.9160243




>> No.9160274

Imo, nuclear energy is the most reasonable energy source available to humanity, HOWEVER, humanity is not reasonable enough to deserve it. Even if engineers make it 100 % safe, there is still the human factor like revolutions, and suddenly your new leader wants plutonium warheads. You get the idea.

What would probalby work though is having a secret city full of high IQ brainmores with a nuclear power plant just for themselves.

>> No.9160282

You gotta be kidding me. Seen what happened to the robots they used for exploring Fukushima? Would you rather like to be the one instead of the robot?

>> No.9160350

I think they haven't still resolved the part where the pipes clog a bit, but I may be misremembering something.

>> No.9160362

Why radiactive waste has to be cooled down before storing?

Wouldn't it make more sense to, you know, keep using the things if they are generaing heat? Isn't that the point of having self-heating bars of stuff?

>> No.9160371

>and reliable
citation needed.

>> No.9160436

Is it possible to buid a nuclear power plant deep underground that if it fails the radiation wont reach the average joe above ground?
t. interested brainlet

>> No.9160491

Sounds terribly expensive.

>> No.9160514

Better yet just don't store your waste on site and dont use weapon grade nuclear fuel. Nuclear "waste" has uses in science and industry but because people are scared of muh dirty bombs we decided that all these extremely valuable heavy elements should be kept hidden away somewhere. Usually this means just keeping the waste on site, so that every time something goes wrong all of that waste leaks. Apparently the threat of every nuclear reactor in America being an actual time bomb is a lesser concern than the possibility that someone might for some reason leak radioactive materials intentionally.

>> No.9160658

this is different. The robot was directly next to an uncontained remain of a reactor meltdown.

Illustration: If you sit right into a fire you will die, but sitting next to it is quite pleasant.

Not to mention that Fukushima and Tchernobyl are quite different. The latter is now safe behind meters and meters of concrete.
According to the fearmongers everyone working in that plant when it blew should have died within weeks, in reality while there were more cancer incidents compared to the general population, most lived for decades and many are still alive today.

>> No.9160691

kys retard

>> No.9160702
File: 73 KB, 524x842, Solar-Panel-Rooftop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9160706

I see the radiation has been affecting your brain

>> No.9160709
File: 121 KB, 625x466, german-explains-how-homeowners-generate-half-his-countrys-electricity-solar-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should activate some almonds around here

>> No.9160710

>cost less than both wars combined
So it would cost more than a single one of them?

>> No.9160713

They jacked up the electricity prices to unimaginable heights to fund this retarded program.
This bankrupted several aluminium foundries already and for the retail customers its even worse

>> No.9160714
File: 25 KB, 236x236, 6f2e850d52d6a0ab34f30afce07164cb--renewable-energy-solar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear is dead, solar power is the future. Just accept the future you fucking retard
>m-m-muh nuclear

>> No.9160719
File: 229 KB, 500x332, fuck-yeah-clean-energy_c_3421957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ can't refute this

>> No.9160728
File: 32 KB, 480x361, 2287-e1c89bb0fd11eb4eb0153a2ed6a7dc46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ btfo

>> No.9160730

I see you didn't refute what i pointed out

>> No.9160732
File: 90 KB, 620x350, solar-infinite-energy-620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why have nuclear when you literally have free energy coming from space
It works, get over it

>> No.9160733
File: 129 KB, 500x540, in-america-the-gop-is-constantly-trying-to-convince-us-6889158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if America could be as progressive as Germany

>> No.9160753

Nuclear is 10x safer than solar. I feel safe knowing that my power source wont go supernova at any time and engulf the solar system in fire

>> No.9160769

>implying Solar isn't being cockblocked by Leftist NIMBY's

>> No.9160779

> where are they getting their electricity from
From mining expensive materials out of the earth to inefficiently produce electricity and spending copious amounts of resources in maintenance and dumping broken solar panel parts into landfills/the ocean, all the while claiming that their energy is generated without byproducts.

>> No.9160974

All with the footprint of several gigawatts of Nuclear, and for half the day at best. Wow!

>> No.9160980

it has to be bait.

>> No.9161044

I kinda wonder what effect having square miles of land being vastly more reflective of light would have on the environment.

>> No.9161289

>Spend $10t to save $162b per year
>Using Family Guy as an argument

That's a special kind of retarded.

>> No.9161296

I can't tell if this is just retarded or if it's a troll post.

>> No.9161317
File: 38 KB, 640x360, nuscale2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And guess what, we can have both solar power and nukes. Small nuclear reactors like Nuscale's are able to adjust their power output faster than big reactors, making them compatible with renewable energy sources.

And guess what, unlike other crazy nuclear reactor designs, the nuscale reactor design is fairly close to NRC approval.

>> No.9161350

>after 12 years it's paid off in full
>free energy for everybody after that
>decides to attack the meme background instead of content
That's a pretty common kind of retarded.

>> No.9161399

If solar is more efficient than anything else, then why don't companies rely solely on solar, if it's cheaper and pays for itself?

>> No.9161573

soon anon. Solar shall go on to consume all. Nothing will escape solar's hunger.

>> No.9161586

it also sounds nice

>> No.9161587

Aren't they having to import electricity from adjacent countries that use fossil fuels because they can't always meet demand with solar?

Solar is really only going to be the best when launch prices bottom out and we can build massive orbiting solar power plants. Until then its too location /condition dependent to provide the base load.

>> No.9161724

>Balseiro Institute
yeah i got a question
what's the difference for nuclear engineering, nuclear physics and nuclear science; is it all the same thing and do they work as a team in actual projects

>> No.9161726

Well good luck with living in shack.

>> No.9161757

Well we have eyes to see fire but we cannot see radiation, which makes it so difficult to handle for humans.

Would you have liked to be a liquidator if you are so bold as to call everyone conserned a fearmonger?

>> No.9161760

go ask /pol/ why this is a bad idea
Also what is
> maintainance costs
> energy transport

>> No.9161804

Lithium will become the new oil. Mark my words.

>> No.9161871

ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
tell us more anecdotal prophet

>> No.9161880

The mass media sensationalzed it.Sure,Chernobyl is bad,but with good maintenance and regulation,the risks far,far diminishes compared to the returns

>> No.9161899

>this is what envirotards unironically believe

>> No.9161903

>after 12 years it's paid off in full

Citation needed faggot.

>> No.9161905

Well you see, there's a giant conspiracy not to make money and become rich, but rather to pollute the planet for no discernible reason.

>> No.9161906

The truth is that unrenewable energy is extremely cheap,reliable and established.

>> No.9161916

You're a big guy

>> No.9161918

>tfw c# developer

>> No.9161930
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>> No.9161931
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Lol wut m8?

>> No.9162067

the nuclear plane was a retarded idea. the designers knew it too, they just kept working on it so they could get money for their safe reactor concept.

>> No.9162163
File: 458 KB, 1920x1080, refuel-pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spiegel as source
Even though this is one of the few ok articles that shithole makes, if you read that on a regular basis for "information" you should really consider to end your existence

>> No.9162272

And of course the net is strained to the limit because solar is on/off on/off all the time, not just at night but also when clouds pass by. And with germany having almost no AC in houses, its not like the consumption goes up when the sun power goes up.

this has literally nothing to do with my argument.
Its not about the seeing fire but about its warmth (we cannot see IR either, dipshit!). A little heat is nice and harmless. Sitting in it is deadly.

>Would you have liked to be a liquidator if you are so bold as to call everyone conserned a fearmonger?
Also non-sequitur. Its not about what I like or not, its about your false argument that nucular = superdeadly. Counterpoint: most liquidators surviving far longer than the fear-mongers predicted.

technically he is right, but only because of massive subsidies from the german state which it takes from the end-user of electricity which have to pay those sky-high prices.

I know, which is why I dont.
I had that article bookmarked because I got it from another source (idk anymore which one) also a debate about atom = evul or not.

>> No.9162583

Lithium is more abundant than lead or tin.

Lithium only makes up 2% by weight of a lithium-ion battery.

Nuclear Fission is dead. Stop beating a dead horse.

Nuclear Fusion is going to be the future. Until it is ready, might as well use natty gas and renewables.

>> No.9162634

Imagine if America didn't have to be the defense budget for all of Europe and most of Asia

>> No.9162645

>Imagine if America didn't chose to be the defense budget for all of Europe and most of Asia

They came up with the whole "you must be pacifist because WWII" clause for Germany and Japan for example.
Also ever since 2001 its been the NATO-states bailing out/helping the US in their little adventures, not the other way around.

>> No.9162647

>Tfw we can genetically engineer Dragons and Unicorns


>> No.9162650

You fail to understand the point, these Nordic and other countries wouldn't be nearly as developed as they are if it wasn't for America. Germany doesn't have to drop a cent on military anymore.

>> No.9162656

of course they would be, why would they not.
It would only have required a different approach from america, such as starting operation unthinkable to exterminate the soviets.

And Germany does have to spend money, they are doing so right now. Its just not the over the top ammount that the USA is spending.

And take France: a nuclear power who became such alone.

>> No.9162685

>Nuclear plane
that's just retarded
nuclear is to much of a hazard to be flying around in something that has a tendency to crash and explode
Leave nuclear to the missile proof reactors and power the plane through either electric power, or synthesized fuel

>> No.9162688

Or just normal fuel.

>> No.9162697
File: 119 KB, 847x725, 1392264545780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any idea how big that is

>> No.9162775

RBMKs are really neat desu. Not as neat as AGRs but they blow water reactors out of the proverbial.

>> No.9163001

Care to elaborate?

>> No.9163124
File: 33 KB, 460x215, soma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is SOMA bitch nigguh.
>Underwater power plant that sits on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean
>In region where distance between crust and mantle are a few kilometers
>drill big fuck off hole for heat

>> No.9163157

A nuclear engine means you don't need to stop for gas on you way to drop nuke Moscow. They made a lot of sense at the time, then air to air refueling was invented and it turned out to be exponentially cheaper than than continuing to develop nuclear engines.

> they blow water reactors out of the proverbial.
I see what you did there.

>> No.9163160

Yeah lad

>> No.9163162

I'll see you there

>> No.9163179
File: 23 KB, 400x400, laughs in physicist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear engineering
you are part of a legally defined profession that has huge earnings potential, but the most cut throat competition and the worst job satisfaction out of any engineering field.

>nuclear physics
you better get at least a masters and you better be fuckin' good (honestly, just get the PhD because thats what you need for people to take you seriously). if not, enjoy ending up like....

>nuclear science
literally technician tier. you can live a comfy middle class life working at a plant somewhere looking at gauges and turning valves.

>> No.9163182

>implying liberals would let you "destroy" that much of an ecosystem to generate "energy"

liberals want you to stop using energy or pay hefty taxes for doing so. they don't actually want to create new or innovative energy sources.

>> No.9163189

>"ask me anything"
>answers nothing

>> No.9163252

fuck the environment, but I live near hanford....that shit leaks and we're all dead.

>> No.9163258

Can one really smart anon sit here and explain the pros and cons to both Nuclear and Solar energy

>> No.9163272

nuclear pros and cons at the same time: Big, reliable energy source. Its good, for obvious reasons, but also bad because you cannot just throttle or shut down a nuclear plant when there is too much electricity in the net.
Issues with safety of byproducts and of the reactors themselves are non-issues. They have all been solved long time ago. Fukushima withstood an earth quake almost 10 times as strong as it was designed to withstand. Sure it was damaged, but not too much.

Can be awesome in sunny countries, development of better panels has advanced a lot in recent years. However: Not at all controllable when/if and how much energy is produced.
Also the panels are kinda expensive (per MWh) and take a lot of energy to produce, they must be taken apart after their end of life at specialized factories.
Solar is a nice addon but can never provide the base load.
Solar+Batteries is a huge waste of energy (50% when loading, 50% when unloading a battery)

>> No.9163435

just found this one by Prof. Richard Mueller:


TL;DR gross capacity and net capacity are vastly different for solar power where for nucular they are the same.

>> No.9163472

Exactly. Thats why they hate biofuel. Their worst nightmare would be if you could produce your own, or if it could actually sequestor carbon and ruin their political agenda or cut profits on lithium ion batteries. Seriously look up all the shit talking against biofuel its delusional.

Anyway this is neo liberal authoritarianism not classical liberalism, which respecets the individual.

>> No.9163480
File: 28 KB, 850x582, image-191592-galleryV9-sscv-191592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fukushima withstood an earth quake almost 10 times as strong as it was designed to withstand. Sure it was damaged, but not too much.
Umm, sweetie..

>> No.9163494

damaged != destroyed
There was an oil reffinery nearby (which no one talks about), who whas completely destroyed. Fukushima is still standing.

>> No.9163533



>> No.9163603
File: 146 KB, 496x496, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you should learn the difference between an earthquake and a tsunami.

>> No.9163612

Solar is shit. You have no grid stability

>> No.9163626

>Its not about the seeing fire but about its warmth (we cannot see IR either, dipshit!). A little heat is nice and harmless.

No it's not. Are you being a mongrel on purpose? Do you know the difference between IONISING and NON-IONISING radiation? Do you know there's a certain dose that cause irreversible damage to organisms? Go ahead and get your DNA wrecked by sniffing alpha radiators if you dont believe science.

>> No.9163630

They used to massivly fund nuclear and coal plants in the 50's and 60's and lots of people have gotten cancer from coal plants alone.
At least Silicon is harmless, the only danger from solar is technitians falling from the roof.

> bankrupted several aluminium foundries
> retail customers

Nothing of value has been lost.

>> No.9163638

yes, my point exactly:
>there's a certain dose that cause irreversible damage to organisms?
And we thought that this threshold was way lower in the past, turns out however, that our bodies can cope with much more ionizing radiation than we previously thought.
Makeing the whole "omg nucular kills all" ridiculous.

Consider that a coal plant will produce over 50kg of uranium each year, simply because there are tiny trace ammount of it in coal, and a coal plant burns many tons per hour. Now a nuclear plant may at most release 9g of radioactve material per year.
And thats even before you take into account the natural radioactivity of everything around us, such as Radon seeping into basements.

correct about the coal->cancer.
>Nothing of value has been lost.
No, not at all. Retail customers are basically subsidising the industry, not just the solar industry but all of it because they are the ones that pay the increased prices whereas most industry can avoid them by "buying" carbon credit.
Also Aluminium foundries represent considerable know-how which can be important for a resource-poor nation like Germany.

>> No.9163654

Solar is meem, it takes a shitliad of energy to build and creates a lot if waste in the process, you don't get a predictable yield, yield is lower on winter, yield is shit (you need more area than your rooftop to power your house), yields low voltage DC, yield is nil at night, et cetera

>> No.9163703
File: 101 KB, 624x701, top_left_all_cancer_rates_higher_washingon_especially_higher_than_cali.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K well it will have inevitably contributed to thousands of cancer cases, most likely thyroid(maybe).

Look up the thyroid cancer rate of Washington State (although good luck finding it because its covered up) and you will find its many times higher than the national average thanks to Hanford. The sickening part is that this has been actively covered up and shilled against by statisticians whoring themselves out to convince the public Hanford did not cause any illness. My friend is a doctor and when he saw how high the thyroid cancer rates were in Washington he said it was many times higher than the national average but I cant find it with a google search and only found a specific study that tries to disprove it.

I even may be wrong about the cancer rates in Washington but you are a total fucking delusional retard if you dont think nuclear mishaps haven't caused cancer cases.

>> No.9163706
File: 60 KB, 900x400, hanford_nuclear_waste_columbia_river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that being said I am not exclusively against nuclear power just I think that they need to be even smarter about the designs. That nuclear kid had supposedly a good design that berried the reactor. And thorium reactors are safer apparently and there is no risk of meltdown for them.

The thing is that there is already a nuclear reactor at the center of the solar system and plants are the perfect way to harness that energy because they store the energy as carbohydrates.

Also why the fuck arent you guys talking about fucking fusion goddamnit? You don't get some kind of edgy asshole on the internet award for being pessimistic and blaming libs for NIMBY about old ass dirty fission reactors that produce waste which is the biggest problem and time and time again nuclear waste is treated irresponsibly.

>> No.9163710

Or just make a bomb that uses a laser to initiate the thermonuclear reaction and then there would be no fallout.

>> No.9163713
File: 112 KB, 548x674, 11a392d24e6f8796c59d65d92245719a41b2b9ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: the earths mantle is heated by nuclear fission so geo thermal power is actually just fission power.

>> No.9163727

>thanks to Hanford
So there is increased radioctivity near Handford?
Or is it just that increased cancer coexists with the presence of Hanford.
Because if its the latter: More cancer but not more radioactivity (and not just more within the error margin), that would be the old "correlation is not causation" fallacy.

There was a similar one with high voltage cables and decreased life expectancy which gave rise (in Germany) to the fear of "Electrosmog" (an oxymoron, I know).
Turns out that the presence of those ugly pylons devalues the land around it, driving down rents, inviting more poor people over time.
But poor people "naturally" live less healthier and shorter lifes. Turns out the supposed radiation from the cables had nothing to do with it.

>The thing is that there is already a nuclear reactor at the center of the solar system and plants are the perfect way to harness that energy because they store the energy as carbohydrates.
No they are not, in fact they are quite wasteful if you want to make electricity out of them.

>Also why the fuck arent you guys talking about fucking fusion goddamnit? You don't get some kind of edgy asshole on the internet award for being pessimistic and blaming libs for NIMBY about old ass dirty fission reactors that produce waste which is the biggest problem and time and time again nuclear waste is treated irresponsibly.
Because for the next 500 years fission is perfectly good enough and there is no real will, politically speaking, to finally crack fusion power.

>> No.9163732

>plants are the perfect way to harness that energy because they store the energy as carbohydrates
Which is both A. inefficient and B. what we do right now in fossil fuels.

The big problem people have about nuclear power is the threat of radioactive fallout (increased prevalence of cancer/genetic disease) and the lack of good storage for nuclear waste. It turns out if the left hadn't protested the technology so hard during the Cold War, it might actually be way more clean, efficient, and prevalent than it is today. It is already safer, cleaner, and more efficient (by landslides) than fossil fuels, solar, wind, and hydroelectric.

It's a godsend, but since some Ukrainians being paid shekels fucked up one time, no one wants it near them.

>> No.9163733

why is it so hot inside of earth? and if it wasn't, if earth was only a piece of rock, would life still have had a chance to develop?

>> No.9163965
File: 183 KB, 1278x704, 2014-02-15_11.28.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mod pleases my autism quite well.
Anyone else have some good simulations/games with nuclear powerplants/reactors and their operation?
I already have PCTRAN and the BWR sim

>> No.9163996

>Le Thorium maymay

>> No.9164072
File: 370 KB, 900x628, 2_Algae-eats-highway-pollution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is both A. inefficient and B. what we do right now in fossil fuels.
Algae, cheap and simple and can be farmed vertically or on the open ocean means its the perfect goddamn energy source, especially since it can be stored long term.

Seriously whoever pefects this is going to put the saudis and make their trillion dollars worthless. I hope its meee xddDDdd hue hue hue hue!

>> No.9164075

>why is it so hot inside of earth
Literally nuclear fission of naturally occurring isotopes. Notice how uranium is super heavy? Thats why it sinks to the bottom. And life wouldnt exist if the core of the earth didnt produce a magnetic field, like venus, which has horrible radiation exposure on the surface. I suppose life would still exist in the ocean but no humans and intelligent life would have to wait for octopi or dolphins to learn how to change their environment. However ocean life has the problem of brains needing oxygen in large amounts for intelligent though.

>> No.9164077

>Literally the most expensive Form of generating electricity
How does it feel to get cucked by Big Energy?

>> No.9164081
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x666, ultimate_smug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So there is increased radioctivity near Handford?
Yes they spilled a bunch of waste into the columbia river which people use for irrigation. Huge mishap, even huger coverup which continues online today.

I understand that correlation does not equal causation but there was a huge goddamn spill and irresponsible handling of waste because hanford was literally the first major nuclear site in the world, and are the ones who provided the plutonium for fat man.

>No they are not, in fact they are quite wasteful if you want to make electricity out of them.
Okay Elon Musk see >>9164072

>Because for the next 500 years fission is perfectly good enough and there is no real will, politically speaking, to finally crack fusion power.
Okay it's "good enough" sotospeak but its still got issues and speaking of politics theyre not so good considering fission. Fusion might be worth it just to get around the stigma which is everlasting. Not to mention fusion has qualities that make it objectively better so we either crack it now or later, I would rather crack it now desu senpai.

>> No.9164100

>Fusion might be worth it just to get around the stigma which is everlasting

You underestimate the skillz of the Luddite wing of the Green Movement to apply the stigma to a new sort of nuclear plant.

Note how successfully they've equated all fission plants in the public consciousness.

>> No.9164270

ITER is being funded.

Lot of progress at other places as well. The future looks bright for Fusion research, commercialization is still a big unknown.

>> No.9164330
File: 120 KB, 700x489, JointEuropeanTorus_internal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck can it not work? Like it seems simple desu and it works in bombs. And like the other anon said couldnt they start mini chain reactions but then contain them so it doesnt explode?

Also is there anyway to ignite fusion to make a bomb without using fission to start it? Like couldnt they make a fusion bomb with a strong laser?

>> No.9164333
File: 291 KB, 1400x1018, trialphafusion_general_tokamak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fusion infograph

>> No.9164339

What's your argument?

>> No.9164355
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 1483305463837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight
Nuclear power plants do not generate any energy from the act of fission/fusion itself. All the energy is generated from boiling water and the steam passing through large turbines.

>> No.9164370

The boiling water/steam only acts as a tranmitter/converter for the energy.
The energy itself comes from the fission/fusion reaction

>> No.9164375
File: 39 KB, 600x400, la-na-essential-washington-updates-nuclear-football-1487013348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Launch a Nuclear Strike, Donald Trump Would Follow These Steps

Not really /sci/, interesting nonetheless

>> No.9164499

Just like any other president or is there some special trump thing?

>> No.9164898

How much chemistry training and studies did you do? Or was it not required?