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9153420 No.9153420 [Reply] [Original]

Recently found out that I have an estimated IQ of 143. Is that good? I've seen the Bell Curve diagram, which says I'm in the top 1.3%, but I somehow find that hard to believe.

>> No.9153423

>found out that I have an estimated IQ of 143
Based on what exactly? Did you take a real test or is this some online IQ test bullshit?

>> No.9153424

please tell us more

>> No.9153445

Just found that I'm 7'2", bench 300kg, run a 9.8 second 100m, look like a model, and have a 12" dick, is this good? I find this hard to believe

>> No.9153450

Both. I took the autistic online tests and averaged around the mid 130's. I struggled with some of the pattern recognition questions tbqh (I'm colourblind). I then took the Mensa test and hit a 143.

I'd assumed 143 was slightly above average. I'm pretty shocked. I'm wondering now whether I should apply myself and take a PhD or some shit.

I'm still not convinced I'm in the top 1.3%.

>> No.9153452

Mensa's legit. Why doubt it?

>> No.9153464

>Why doubt it?
Because it's me. I knew I was semi-intelligent, but not that fucking intelligent. I run a chain of Dry Cleaners ffs, I'm not some Oxford educated elite that plays Polo on a Sunday.

Sorry people. I know this must all sound (read) awfully pretentious, I'm just in shock. I'm reeling from it.

Wtf do I do now? Go to Uni? Write to Elon Musk and ask for a job?

>> No.9153485

Mensa's actually not that legit, IQ tests take literally months to get a proper score


>> No.9154683

That's pretty fascinating, Anon, but I wouldn't put too much stock into it. You already said you knew you were clever, but didn't feel like a genius, so why would you just drop everything and change your life because you were able to attach a percentile to your brain?

I don't doubt that you are naturally gifted. One must think, out of the thousands of millions of people out there, there must be millions of 140+ people just kind of... floating around, living seemingly regular lives.

I once read a study on the type of people who end up becoming millionaires. They usually lived very regular lives, and had dull-boring jobs, such as a rubber plant owner, or dry cleaner franchisee... You got a good thing going. I see no reason to abandon your current life for some academic pipedream, unless you are very unhappy with your current life because, chances are, changing course now wouldn't work anyways.

Congrats, OP. Welcome to the club.

>> No.9154972

143 is higher than the top 1.43%. It's well inside the 99th percentile. The sd is 15. Look up some z-tables and figure it out.

What's more important is your score on each individual sub-test. Look at your highest and lowest scores and try to find which academic area they each apply to.

>> No.9155012
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What shocks me is all these people believing (some pretending/larping) that IQ measures your intelligence.

>> No.9155048

143 is around 3 std devs which puts you around .02% not 1.3%, right?

>> No.9155050


>> No.9155570
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>im 12 years old and i have 150 iq, is that good?

>> No.9155571

Why are IQ threads still allowed

>> No.9155572

a voice of reason in a sea of neets

>> No.9156167

Do whatever the fuck you want. IQ is bullshit and the only thing that actually matters in how successful you are is how many shits you give.