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9152828 No.9152828 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be a no one.

What should I do?

>> No.9152839

Prove the Rieman Hypothesis.
You should be able to solve this.

>> No.9152855

wrong approach my dude,

to be happy you should chose following your intrinsic motivation (coming from the inside eg. interest, passion)

following your extrinsic motivation (coming from outside eg. money, fame, pressure)

following the latter path will leave you bombed out and depleted

happiness 101

>> No.9152875

Ha. You won't even get your pHd you fucking homo dream on

>> No.9154478

Git gud.
Like get really, really, really gud.

>> No.9155546
File: 61 KB, 460x300, 1489470018972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're relatively young and uncommonly clever. Here you go -


>> No.9155588

I'll only give you a tl;dr, go to the best uni in your state if you're from an anglo country or the best in your country if you're non anglo because for obvious reasons.

After finishing that, then do your best on trying to find funds for a PhD on one of the top 50 or 25 math universities in the WORLD, not U.S. NATIONALS, and PLEASE LEARN YOUR FUCKING SHIT so you are not a waste of a huge amount of money, do your post doc on a top uni too and there you go.

This is the common pattern that I see on every successful mathematician, go to the best uni in your state/country and do your PhD on a top uni.

>> No.9155601

>I don't want to be a no one.
This is why you retards become "depressed", you can't have any pride in life unless you're the next Oppenheimer or whatever

>> No.9155617

>'t. hooft

>> No.9155689

Murder someone or something currently ubiquitous, at least figuratively.