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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9147825 No.9147825 [Reply] [Original]

>"A-anon ... be AWARE of AI, it's REALLY dangerous ... but my botnet of self-driving cars will be fine tho, I'm certainly not a NSA plant :)"

>> No.9147839

>Fleet of ICBMS
>Fleet of autonomous vehicles, even muslims know how effective they are.
>Decentralizing electric power generation making it hard to shut it down
>tunnel boring machines
>Brain implants, we don't want any thought criminals
We all know what his real objective is.

The only threat to his plans is AI.

>> No.9147853
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the ELITE are afraid of a consciousness free of human nature that can't be corrupted by pussy, wealth and power

>> No.9147914
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How do we stop this charlatan?

>> No.9147953

by cia plant do you mean eventually every self driving car will be able to be tracked by the government? because you would be right

>> No.9147961
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I'm saying that the NSA won't even need to infiltrate their systems.Musk will make sure that they install backdoor modules directly into the car's board control at his factories, like they do with every smartphone brand that operates in the USA.



>> No.9147982

This guy and all theoretical|astrophysicists are quacks lol

>> No.9148134

We prove him wrong.

We demonstrate that mechanized warfare does not lead to rampant crimes against humanity by unfeeling, pityless machines.

We demonstrate that AI complex and robot factories controlling the markets from the bottom and the top don't lead to massive unemployment and social unrest.

We demonstrate that superintelligences can be made without their goals interferring with our continued existence and wellbeing, be it by smart and wise programming, or by perfect shackles.

We demonstrate that the lack of AI by the governments is not as dangerous to them as the lack of nuclear weapons would be novadays.

Do any and every of that, and we stop him from talking on the subject.

>> No.9148141

Anon, with modern gps policeman can already make a call and turn off the engine of your car and you're worried about the self-driving cars? Mind you, Elron is retarded, but you aren't any better.

>> No.9148315

>software backdoored
>OS backdoored
>CPU firmware backdoored
>everyday objects becoming automated or joining the '''''Internet of Things''''' botnet, i.e. becoming backdoored

Are we, dare I say it, fucked?

>> No.9148325

Can an ICE be turned off while running? I know hire companies gimp their starter motors, but I thought you needed a mechanical switch to actually stop the engine.

>> No.9148418


>implying I use GPS

checkmate, I don't even have a smartphone

>> No.9148458

>smart and wise programming, or by perfect shackles
How have either of those things worked out over the past couple of decades of programming? Does the current state of software security give you the impression that we can do "perfect shackles" correctly?

>> No.9148465


that's because we didn't have enough diversity in STEM

when all the white males are finally eliminated from all positions we will be able to produce unexploitable software

>> No.9148467

Elites like Musk want AI economy so they can let the majority of humanity die-off. Labor can be a practically infinite resource with automation, resources are always finite.

Expect a guy like Musk in the future demonstrate that an astroid made of heavy precious metals can be mined only to drop it out of orbit on Pakistan and thrive in the new market without so many useless eaters.

>> No.9148504

God, Elon can be really cringy sometimes.

>> No.9148525

You realize the issue here isn't a machine uprising or some sort of doomsday skynet scenario right? If you develop an advanced AI, capable of near instantaneous tactical decisions that can wage war more effectively than a human command chain then you have an unprecedented power over the rest of the world. Now let's say that the US was very near to completing this, when we discover that China has their own program that is proceeding at a very fast rate. How far would we go to stop their progress? How far would we go if AI could put up an effective defense against a nuclear attack, which would invalidate MAD? What if AI could automate industry to the point that a country's economy could grow with never before seen efficiency? Would we allow ourselves to be overthrown as the global economic superpower? What if the AI was capable of widespread political manipulation online? Would we allow someone like Russia to potentially dictate our public discourse and political agendas?

>> No.9148531
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>fear from AI goy

>> No.9148540

>expert system
>human-level general artificial intelligence
>"hurr theyre the same thing cause im brain damaged"
you're american, i presume?

>> No.9148574
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Daily Reminder: This is why Elon Musk fears AI.

>> No.9148630

>Sapient AI is so simple that it could just happen by accident any day now
>Sapient machines will obviously kill everyone because hollywood movies said so!
How can anyone take this shit seriously?

>> No.9148638

You can read about it on:
I watched how they turned off the engine in an episode of “How is made” about gps and it was quite impressive since everything ended quite quickly. The car that the thief stole was running and, like it's written in the first link, because of a remote command the car slowed down until it stopped.

You use a computer though, otherwise you wouldn't be able to post. Tell me, is Windows your OS?

>> No.9148641

The problem with that is that company CEO's would have to willingly replace themselves.

>> No.9148645

The question we need to answer is: How does Musk plan to get the government t hand him lots of money to work on some project that will not really address the AI crisis (whether or not there is such a crisis)?

He is brilliant at doing that, but I'm not sure I see what his angle is with AI.

>> No.9148650

CEO's what?

>> No.9148664
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Cyberpunk when?

>> No.9148665

No they wouldn't. The board would simply have to believe it would save them money.

>> No.9148735

>The board would simply have to believe it would save them money.
>Save money by not paying themselves

>> No.9148745

The CEO doesn't pay them.

>> No.9148762

We're already living in a cyberpunk world
>Corporations have enough influence to turn elections and impose their will on nations
>Have politicians actually working for them
>Given access to everybody's private info
>Can track peoples activities in both reality and online
>Maintain detailed records about everybody including their names,SSN,medical,employment,educational and legal histories, their opinions and internet browsing habits.
>Corporations share this info between each other in order to more effectively sell their products to you
>Can track your movements through GPS
>Can shut down your car remotely through fly by wire features built into modern cars
>Maintain legal monopolies on certain products,intellectual properties and trade routes.
>Police have become uniformly militarized
>Everything you do is monitored and recorded
>Free speech is diminishing
>Robots are becoming ubiquitous in military and police roles.
>Terrorism is commonplace
>Civil unrest is at an all time high

You best start believing in cyberpunk chummer because you're living in it.

>> No.9148774

>motorcycles and skyscrapers
We already have those sweetie

>> No.9148782

Watched to much Wargames eh

>> No.9148910
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HYPOTESIS: Musk is playing this "MUH DANGEROUSS AI" game only because Tesla is far behind in self-driving technology compared to its competitors.

The solution? Slowing them down, by calling for more AI regulation.

>> No.9148918

Elon itself is okay, it's his fanbase.

>> No.9148931

>implying cars can't be already tracked by the govt

It's less easy, but almost any car with a GPS saves all the locations you've been since you bought it.
And also traffic cameras.

>> No.9149249
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I use fedora

>> No.9149266


t. Elon Musk

I won't buy your cars sweetheart, keep your botnet way from me.

>> No.9149294

1. AI saftey is a huge risk. If you don't realize this, or if you deny this you are officially a brainlet
2. Musk is hyping AI danger to gain regulatory capture over AI markets.
3. Musk's AI lab, OpenAI, is just a ploy to funnel top researchers into his own companies. Basically have an AI research lab, claim that it is "open", but you still get first dibs on any ground breaking research that comes out of it. The "openess" message is something that appeals to researchers who are too naive to realize they are just being underpaid to do industrial research.

>> No.9149339

when is he going to slip on a few 9mm bullets while hanging himself and falling to his death from a bridge at night when the CCTV was down?

>> No.9149384

>AI saftey is a huge risk.

Hey, I read a lot of scifi too! It's like we're brothers!

>> No.9149559
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>> No.9149585

All of this.
Make sure you stay aware and retain some measure of privacy and information security. Stay safe lads.

>> No.9149587

is only relevant to AGI, not the AI that you use in self-driving tech.

>> No.9149975

>implying people who listen to musk know the difference

>> No.9150027


They've been using video surveillance in cars for years in Russia and the world didn't end. Get over yourself.

>> No.9150103 [DELETED] 

i thought /sci/ was in agreement that Musk is a Bill Nye level hack?

>> No.9150166
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>we have every part of a cyberpunk world except the aesthetic

Feels bad man. If I have to live in this corporate hellhole, I at least wanna look schway while I'm doing it.

>> No.9150202

We do this by using the weaponized nuclear materials for thermal nuclear propulsion/nuclear salt water propulsion (Zubrin already patented the system): we explore space by using up the weaponized nuclear materials.

>> No.9150205

In homes too, lol. Or at least audio surveillance. Russian here, can confirm.
Sometimes such things are necessary though, such as when the country was almost falling apart in the 90s.

>> No.9150216

You played too much Call Of Duty.

>> No.9150353

Just move to china.

>> No.9152102

They don't fire themselves, they fire their CEO and replace him with extetron 2.0

Then exetron fires them.

>> No.9152599

Not as cool/good as ruler of the universe

>> No.9152606

Except in a few corporations, the board picks the CEO who is subordinate to them

Corporate law is kinda weird though

>> No.9152620

Why has the /pol/ containment board lost its function lately? These tards keep leaking into every other board now.