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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9147451 No.9147451 [Reply] [Original]

>you'll never be high enough IQ to leave a lasting impact in your respective field

>> No.9147453

If you kill someone important in the field that is, you can have a lasting impact.

Just saying.

>> No.9147456
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>high IQ
>still won't amount to anything

>> No.9147473

What a retarded thing to be worried about. Stop being a little faggot and swallow the nihilistic red pill already. Nothing fucking matters, even if you become the next Gauss this planet will burn and so will all of your accomplishments, so live modestly and try to accomplish as much as you can without directly worrying about how much you have accomplished. Gauss never worried about making more discoveries, he just did.

>> No.9147479

plenty of people have stumbled into leaving an impact all it takes is luck and and the passion to pursue the unknown

>> No.9147481
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>Smart enough to accomplish modest things through hard work
>Lacking the expectations of success or failure of others, I simply am
>Can make enough money in my respective field to easily support myself and a family
feels great man

>> No.9147493

Nihilism is the lazy mans philosophy.

>> No.9147495

True, but it is also the correct man's philosophy. This universe is lazy. No creator, no purpose, no reason. Worrying about not leaving a mark is retarded because no one will ever leave a mark.

>> No.9147503

The universe isn't lazy, the universe does everything it possibly can at every possible instant that it's can. You're lazy. You think if aren't looking at what happens in the core of the sun it doesn't matter so it might as well not be happening. You want to make things look simpler than they are and you want to tell yourself you don't care because you know you care and you know you're going to fuck it up so you might as well say it didn't matter because you know it's going to be even worse than the nothing you want to live in.

>> No.9147513

>You want to make things look simpler
>you want to tell yourself you don't care because you know you care and you know you're going to fuck it up

Hey man, the projectors at my faculty are pretty old and glitch out from time to time but you seem to be in a perfect state. Do you mind if I donate you to the school?

>> No.9147519

So by accepting mediocrity you find your peace? I can't say i'm any better or whatever but its ok to have goals and dreams. The idea is you do it for yourself, and to deny yourself self fulfillment seems sad to me and at a larger scale really explains why a lot of people are sad and deprived of creativity nowadays.

>> No.9147520

>Not riding other peoples coat tails into defining moments within your area of interest
>not waiting til peak intensity
>not immediately disrobing and spraying diarhea shit and vomit on revolutionary members in the field
>not forever sealing yourself into the annals of history as that dude who shat on everything in the midst of a groundbreaking moment

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.9147522

This guy gets it

>> No.9147523

>nothing matters because we'll all be dead one day
How does transience preclude from things mattering?

>> No.9147529

No, you are not supposed to accept mediocrity. That is why I mentioned Gauss. You are just supposed to do what you can do and enjoy life. Worrying about leaving a mark is pointless so just don't think about it while doing your thing. Most high achievers do not stress over how high they are achieving, they just keep achieving more and more by going with the flow and just generally not fucking up.

>> No.9147550

But most of the successful people(If not all of them) set goals for themselves and have the ambition to pursue them. Not worrying about some things is fine but whenever it applies to everything it becomes a hindrance. Some people use the idea of nihilism to do the things they want to do but it ends up spreading over into other areas of their lives. That's why nihilism is impractical it ends up just being a crutch for hesitant people.

>> No.9147561

>Nuffin matters dood
There is a purpose and you realize it the moment someone is chopping off your fingers, you don't want to suffer and likewise shouldn't want others to either

>> No.9149105

>set goals for themselves
There is nothing wrong with setting goals. But OP is pretty much setting an anti-goal. He is describing an ideal that demonstrably no human being will achieve, and then he is beating himself down with it like if it matters.

To expand on my position, if OP said "I want to leave a lasting impact in my field" then I would be supportive. There is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve. But OP is not saying that, OP is depressed because he can't do that. So he is using his goal to destroy himself. That is destructive behavior and it comes from our attachment to ideals that don't really matter.

Please, this is a science board. The reason I don't want someone to chop off my fingers is because I have pain receptors which will fuck me up if you try to chop off my fingers, and the reason I have pain receptors is because we evolved to detect when something hurts us so that we can react and avoid it immediately.

>> No.9149110

that's what a PhD is for

>> No.9149382

well obviously we're predisposed to believe otherwise, and this inclination will operate even if it only be in a temporally limited ~history~ we exist to.
So, although nihilism is correct in some sense, a search for truth circumvents this. However, as someone else said, wanting to "known" or respected is an aspect of an existing structure inside a meaning paradigm, and not a search for truth which can exist outside (to some extent).

>> No.9149435

Not him but you're not making much sense. I can feel fulfilled by studying and doing my best to advance my specific area of interest. Revolutionizing a field requires a lot of things which are outside your control, all you can do is do the best possible and have fun while doing it. Maybe you prove something important or maybe you end up just doing the leg work for someone with a better background to do something meaningful. It doesn't matter, this is how research works.

You faggots which need fame or being the number one are retards. There are a lot of easier careers instead of /sci/ if you need this.

>> No.9149459

>took 8 years to complete a bachelors from a diploma mill while studying the softest of sciences

>> No.9149521

I think contributing already to the collective body of knowledge upon which can be built upon by the collective consciousness of the ever evolving human hive mind is great work.

>> No.9149539


If I build a house and it gets knocked down the next day, then it was all for fucking nothing.

The transience is the PROBLEM.

Why is that so hard to figure out you brainlet.

>> No.9149550

>The reason I don't want someone to chop off my fingers is because I have pain receptors

Yes that's the point. Things matter only as much as they affect conscious beings that are capable of suffering / happiness.

That is the red-pill.

All morality, philosophy, ethics etc reduces to such a simple idea.

Minimise suffering, maximise well being.

>> No.9149557

i know, its like whats the point in even majoring in stem

>> No.9149565

You're talking about utilitarianism, not nihilism.

>> No.9149639
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>tfw my sky-high IQ is nearly useless with both my own impulsiveness, along with the impulsiveness of my parents growing up
>tfw I'm disgustingly good at video games and arguing, but little else
>tfw I can learn anything I want and make a giant impact with it, but chose to passively observe culture and politics instead
Don't buy the IQ meme. Someone (on this board actually) got angry at me for comparing it to Ghz, but it's true. I only think faster, that's it. It doesn't mean that what's rattling inside is of any importance.