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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9143968 No.9143968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Can /sci/ refute this video?

>> No.9143978

>16 whole minutes
give me the tl;dw and I'll gladly refute

>> No.9144058

How can you possible refute it without watching it?

>> No.9144062

which part of his argument requires visuals?

>> No.9144093

He's in front of a bookshelf. That means he's credible.

>> No.9144105


Can /sci/ refute this video?

>> No.9144113

If you can't watch a 15 minute video you're probably too much of a brainlet to refute it anyway.

>> No.9144118

>If you can't watch a 15 minute video you're probably too much of a brainlet to refute it anyway.
does watching videos put strain on your mind or something?

like i said, give me the tl;dw and I'll gladly refute it

>> No.9144120

TL;DW: nogs are dum dum

>> No.9144124

>TL;DW: nogs are dum dum

Why the racism?

>> No.9144140

What racism?

>> No.9144142

It's actually not even that radical. At no point does he argue that black people don't deserve rights or deny that highly intelligent blacks exist, he just argues that thinking a system that produces different outcomes for different racial groups is solely doing that due to racism is irrational and that striving to achieve an equality of outcome for all races is a fool's errand.

The guy's on record as arguing that Ashkenazi jews and asian people are the most intelligent of all groups on average not whites, yet he's called a white supremacist. It's silly.

If he is wrong, i'd like to see the evidence for it, not just hear the magic word "racism" thrown out like that automatically makes him wrong.

>> No.9144151

>If he is wrong, i'd like to see the evidence for it, not just hear the magic word "racism" thrown out like that automatically makes him wrong.
Too late, see >>9144124

>> No.9144203

I watched until 1:40
He says whites need to learn about racial differences in self-defence. He dodges answering the question if there blacks are dumber by appeal to ridicule: "Why would anyone think..."

He's making shit claims and not backing shit up. If you think careful diction and a suit in a tidy living room makes for a convincing argument you need to take a long hard look at your critical thinking skills.

>> No.9144207

>I watched until 1:40
>He's making shit claims and not backing shit up.
Hmm... there's something wrong with this post, but I'm not quite sure what it is.

>> No.9144213


it's ADHD

>> No.9144231

>In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.
Why disable comments?

>> No.9144236

Because it makes /pol/yards and as hell.

>> No.9144239
File: 73 KB, 265x309, confused fellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it makes /pol/yards and as hell.
Is this the power of /sci/?

>> No.9144266

Because people might discuss the problematic video in the comments I guess.

>> No.9144305

Ironically, I think in this case the fact that the guy gives off such an upper class vibe does more to hurt his image than help it.

>> No.9144320



>> No.9144458

No, because those arguments are flawless and factually true.

>> No.9144465

>yfw IQ correlated with parental socioeconomic status more than any other factor
>yfw "race and IQ" analysis is literally meaningless since it does not consider socioeconomic status, childhood education and other such factors
>yfw "race and IQ" data is always presented without any context other than race
>yfw "race and IQ" data is always presented by people who already believe the conclusions of "race and IQ" without data, and are looking for cheap pseudoscience to validate what they already believe is true

>> No.9144473
File: 46 KB, 842x460, YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not watching since youtube is warning it's offensive.

>> No.9144480

>"race and IQ" analysis is literally meaningless since it does not consider socioeconomic status, childhood education and other such factors
I have a nagging suspicion you didn't watch the video. Want to know why? Because he mentions a study that takes all of those things into account, you fucking retard. Never post on this board again.

>> No.9144483
File: 682 KB, 1080x1039, 1480516657093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get refuted
>delete thread
>make thread again
/pol/ is so sad

>> No.9144485
File: 200 KB, 999x442, polhurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is a hurt fest

>> No.9144490

>get refuted
>delete thread
>make thread again
That would be pretty funny if it ever happened. Unfortunately, no one in this thread has even watched the video, much less attempt to refute it.

>> No.9144504
File: 624 KB, 2048x1536, 1501557304974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the video but I don't know enough to refute what he said if there is anything worth being refuted.