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File: 144 KB, 1200x679, expanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9141603 No.9141603 [Reply] [Original]

Expanding Earth theory
Yay or Nay

>> No.9141608

Is there no upper limit to dumbness? Serious question.

>> No.9141609


>> No.9141623


>> No.9141629

First i was like, 3 minutes of crazy might be just enough to laugh at, and it was!

Begin discipline
Theory: people are lying to me
Most people don't believe continents formed a perfect sphere en-capsuling the World, and the world was smaller back then.
Reverse time and move everything back to where it was
He says enough crazy things to keep it fun, like.
>you are asked to believe that the continents swim, or drift about, willy nilly, bumping and crashing as if they were on a grease skillet

>> No.9141637

>Expanding Earth
>Not Expanding Flat Earth

>> No.9141673

Less water? More water more mass, more Gravity, should of said this to start off with.
Less Gravity larger animals ( Dinosaurs )

>> No.9141702

Where does all the new water come from? If it's still expanding today, we would have noticed if a massive amount of ice was coming to Earth from space.

>> No.9141704

But before the dino's animals were smaller.
And the largest animal ever is alive today.

>> No.9141713

Where did all this "extra water" come from?

>> No.9141743

i'm not going to watch that video. nor do I understand the concept (atleast, I haven't looked it up and checked it out) but I'll throw my two cents in. Doesn't the earth form more land mass naturally by volcanoes and shit? Wouldn't that constitute the earth getting bigger? And I saw some replies about "extra water" what not. Well, how did water get in the first place? Can you explain to me, right now on this board, how planets and elements like water were formed in the universe? Recently there's been a finding, i believe I heard about it maybe around 4 years ago, something about some nigs drillin pretty deep in to the earth and they found water where there definitely shouldn't be any water. I dabble in the hollow earth theory, so it was interesting to hear about.

>> No.9141750


>> No.9142281

>implying this is paranormal

(it's just retarded)

>> No.9142291

>Doesn't the earth form more land mass naturally by volcanoes and shit?
Come on now, son, let's use some logic here. That 'more land' comes from what? Cooled lava. Lava that comes from the volcano. Where does it get all that lava/magma? Well, from deep underneath in it the mantle. So are we running out of magma in the mantle? No, because you might know from those fault line cross sections that sometimes one of the two plates is being pushed under the other, and once it gets deep enough it melts into magma. So obviously, volcanoes don't magic up new land from nothing.

>> No.9142293


Eh it's no more retarded than many other claims made by retards.

>> No.9142297

>Come on now, son, let's use some logic here

If he were capable of logic, he wouldn't have made that post.

>> No.9142314


>nuclear reaction taking place inside the Earth
>nuclear reaction taking place inside the Sun
>sun predicted to expand as it ages
>limited evidence the Earth expands as it ages
>global warming

I bet we could get normies to believe the Earth is going to supernova soon with facts like this. Flat Earthers prove people will believe anything these days.

>> No.9142320


Garbage. A smaller Earth without water would be basically Mars desert. And the lower gravity would make the atmosphere thinner. Dinosaurs would not stand a chance.

And one of the most fundamental rules of physics is that matter can't just appear out of nowhere like that. If matter were being introduced from space, all the fossils would be buried half way to the center of the Earth.

>> No.9142323

Mid ocean rift and volcanic activity creates new land so ig

>> No.9142350

so the continents keep their curvature, rising like empty domes and crashing periodically, or do they stay flattened against the sphere and crack up all around their borders? also, do you have the slightest idea how intensive would either of these processes have to be on the timescale proposed?

>> No.9142364

Small asteroids keep falling on Earth. (meteorites) but the tiny increase in Earth's size is negligible.
If Earth lose atmosphere like Mars the Earth will contact a tiny bit.
A Planet's mantle can also cool down & contact a little. With global warming the Earth can expand a little bit.
But the change is negligible.

>> No.9142368
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1504286027391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9142388

Of course the Earth's getting bigger.
Why else would archaeologists have to dig?

>> No.9142459

>Is there no upper limit to dumbness?

Exppanding Dumbness Theory, who's in?

>> No.9142518

Debunked 7 years ago.


>> No.9142853

Where did the additional mass come from?

>> No.9142887

I prefer The Increasing Idiocy Hypothesis

>> No.9142889

Why actually is this?

>> No.9143206

not that video, but yay, I think it makes a lot of sense

one theory states that the earths core is mostly ice with some radioactive material in there heating it all up and turning it to steam, this water then seeps out through cracks in the earths crust

well, those creepy ass ocean insects from before life on land were bigger than anything we have today

This is the best video on the subject I've seen:
Watch it and try to explain how they're wrong.

This is also a good related video

>> No.9143231
File: 1.32 MB, 2400x2061, opo0204i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comets from the kuiper belt and oort cloud. We know that the earths water came from space.... but did it all come at once, or every time the solar system passed the Galactic plane,(disturbing it, sending comets into the inner solar system) which coincides with mass Extinction events.
Lives in Ocean which helps

>> No.9143237
File: 1.06 MB, 2936x1003, 04-galactic motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new study using data from ESA's Gaia satellite has tracked the movement of more than 300,000 stars relative to the Sun, and discovered that some will pass close enough to disturb the vast cloud of comets that make up the Oort Cloud.


>> No.9143241
File: 144 KB, 1399x712, galactic plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9143572

>bigger than anything we have today

>The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) [...] is the largest animal known to have ever existed.[5][6]

>> No.9144984

jesus you retard
bigger than anything *like that* we have today
the sea scorpions were like 15ft long, we dont have any insects of any kind anywhere near that size, then there were those giant trilobite things that, again, are way bigger than any comparable animal

>> No.9145004


I subscribe to the accelerating dumbness expansion theory, terminating in the dumb death of the universe.