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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9140242 No.9140242 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else find it sad that we are constantly raided by science denial because these people are so afraid of the truth?

Every single day there is a thread about race or climate change denial. Every thread is the same. "It's a liberal conspiracy." Despite how much has been argued on both topics, the threads never stop and they never learn.

They claim science is on their side, but when they cite a picture or a paper they don't understand it. When you point out the paper doesn't claim what they thought it did, they claim the authors were also part of the conspiracy.

What leads these people to be so mentally ill that they think raiding this board will accomplish anything?

>> No.9140253
File: 120 KB, 538x552, sciencedenial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9140257

If you care about human genetics so much, why not actually get a college degree and educate yourself on it?

>> No.9140261

We don't need threads like this. It just stirs them up. Just look at the 1st reply...

>> No.9140262

You don't need a degree to be educated.

>> No.9140264

But you do need to be educated. Posting some jpegs and links to think you don't understand is not educated. Browsing /pol/ is not an education.

>> No.9140267

>Posting some jpegs and links to think you don't understand is not educated. Browsing /pol/ is not an education.
Did someone say it was?

>> No.9140274

It clearly applies to you, as evidenced by your retarded png.

>> No.9140278

That there are STEM grads who disagree with you on global warming and taboo genetics must really trigger your fashmode.

>> No.9140284

I haven't posted any images in this thread, only that you don't need a degree to be educated. For some reason you strawmanned and assumed that anyone with a different viewpoint than you gets their information from /pol/, jpegs and links they don't understand, when this is obviously not the case.

>> No.9140300

They're just fucking with us OP. Feeling sad is playing into their hand. Learn how trolls work.

>> No.9140526

Let's think about what "climate change" means:

> if the climate changes, humans are at fault
> change is inevitable
> it's your fault, no matter what you do

It's like flipping a coin and losing whether you get heads or tails.

And remember, it's your fault. Not Al Gores fault, or his trips on jets. It's not the aristocracy's fault either. Even though the vast majority of wealth and resources goes towards their bullshit bouts of philanthropy.

You're to blame, regardless.

>> No.9140549

what bothers me more than anything, is that despite overwhelming evidence and years of data suggesting man made climate change, the best we've been able to come up with to mitigate it is a piece of fucking paper that says people will "try" to use billions of money from the US and other 1st world countries to reduce their emissions.

there's no agreements, there's no laws, there's no consequences politically, for countries that don't try to reduce emissions. without some sort of pressure, nobody will do anything about it.

so imo it doesn't matter whether climate change is real or not if nobody is going to do shit about it.

>> No.9140559

>Let's think about what "climate change" means:
>> if the climate changes, humans are at fault
False, humans are responsible for the particular climate change we are experiencing right now, also known as global warming, not all climate change.

>> change is inevitable
Some change is inevitable, not all changes. Global warming can be mitigated.

>> it's your fault, no matter what you do
Yes, that's how cause and effect works. Almost everyone uses fossil fuels, some more than others. So what?

Is there a point in here, or are you just trying to make people react emotionally to scientific facts?

>> No.9140566

No one is going to do shit about it if they don't believe it's happening. Conservatives don't actually care if it's happening or not, they just don't want to have to do anything about it. The easiest way to justify not doing anything about it is to deny it exists.

>> No.9140597

It was assumed through the reply chain that you posted the image. You have made similar assumptions as I am not the guy who originally replied to your 1st post. I was directing my anger at the image poster, not you.

>> No.9140680


Here's the list of shit that affects our climate:
1: The Sun
2: The precession of the Earth's axis
9001: our pitiful existence

We cause pollution, we don't cause an entire fucking planet to warm or cool.

Why don't you carbon tax freaks ever bitch about Garbage Island or the fact that China is gutting Africa for sand and displacing it into artificial islands.

By all means though, keep blaming ruralites for your fucking problems.

>> No.9140692

I agree with you on climate change denial, but you're being zealously anti-science if you're denying racial differences.

>> No.9140706

From proving that man made climate change is a thing to proving that we can stop, or significantly slower this process there is a long difficult road.

>> No.9140735

Climate change should have more categories
- Do you believe there is more carbon being released that was once sequestered?
- What climate effects do you think this has?
- What is an efficient way to change policies to account for these changes?

The problem with climate change nuts especially on the left is that their stances are:
- It's real
- It's going to kill us all soon
- We have to kill our economy now regardless of what any other country does.

The reasonable stance is to accept that there is probably a change from the release of sequestered carbon. That it has some positive and negative effects (see russia/cold climates). That any policy response must be reasonable and understand the global causes.

My personal stance is that the most positive way forward is just to fund more technology like solar power R&D to make it more economical, reduce subsidies on oil slowly, and look into sequestration and geoengineering technologies that can counter any negative effects if needed.

I find the common leftist response to be suicidal and not evidence based. They are taught or believe that global warming is going to just kill everyone soon and it's mostly insane alarmism.

>> No.9140739
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>because these people are so afraid of the truth?

You misunderstand why trolls post. But wait... are you subtly trolling us? A change of pace, the subtlety. I sort of like it.

>> No.9140765

>I find the common leftist response to be suicidal and not evidence based. They are taught or believe that global warming is going to just kill everyone soon and it's mostly insane alarmism.
Where the hell do you get your info? Fucking Breitbart or something? Everyone on the left wants to do exactly as you suggested:
>My personal stance is that the most positive way forward is just to fund more technology like solar power R&D to make it more economical, reduce subsidies on oil slowly, and look into sequestration and geoengineering technologies that can counter any negative effects if needed.

>> No.9140767

>Does anyone else find it sad that we are constantly raided by science denial because these people are so afraid of the truth?

You are constantly raided because you ALWAYS take the bait. There are no sincere Flat Earthers or Moon Landing Hoaxers, it's just trolls.

>> No.9140797

China and India don't give a shit what Americans believe, why don't you stop bitching about "deniers" and actually attack the source of the problem?

>> No.9140800

Yet they're doing more than we are.

>> No.9140806

>Climate change is a Chinese hoax to make the US less competitive!


>> No.9140817

bullshit, their rate of pollution hasn't decreased at all, China's spoonfeeding the media

>> No.9140860

Not really. Obama attempted his best to sabotage american industries. I said we have to have a global outlook on this problem. Meaning just American Regulation does nothing because it just moves industry to a high pollution country where it is worse.

You want a strong as possible economy regardless of global warming. The point is to invest in R&D to develop cost competitive technologies. Most of the leftist viewpoint is that you should kill and hamstring your economy and export industry. Even the solar/wind investment is more about installing some cost inefficient solutions than getting down to cost competitive.

>> No.9140988

>We cause pollution, we don't cause an entire fucking planet to warm or cool.
Because... magic?

No seriously, how exactly is the greenhouse effect not working? You are delusional.

>> No.9140992

>Releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide causes global warming
>Releasing less carbon dioxide will cause less warming
Wow what a long difficult road that was!

>> No.9140997

>- We have to kill our economy now regardless of what any other country does.
You're stupid.


>> No.9141001

Yes, clearly deniers aren't the problem. Clearly we need some kind of international agreement between countries to mitigate global warming. Yes, that would attack the problem. Clearly deniers would be on board with this and not hijack the agreement. Yes, very clever.

>> No.9141013

>We cause pollution, we don't cause an entire fucking planet to warm or cool.
Evidence for this massive claim?

>> No.9141309
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 1503248376254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be 18+ to post on this board

>> No.9141601

How is race "science denial"? Isn't it the other way around?

>> No.9141612

They won't ever do that.

Obama even is on record saying Africa shouldn't even develop because of global warming.

>> No.9141643


That's all the response you deserve.

>> No.9141649

What a 'race' is is arbitrarily defined and it is not significantly useful to biologists or anyone in any related field to section people off into groups based on skin tone

>> No.9141650

This is straight up SJW suicide kool-aid you are drinking.

>> No.9141667

No it isn't. The way we break people up into "races" is founded on social and historical reasons, not genetics. Yes, if you start with those groups you can find genetic traits that are correlated, but if you If you actually start from genetics and split people up then the groups create look nothing like the "races" people usually talk about.

This is why biologists don't really talk about "races" anymore.

>> No.9141668


Not really, no, but I'm sure you're much too busy watching epic sjw owned videos to actually look into the topic before arriving at a conclusion

>> No.9141912

>The way we break people up into "races" is founded on social and historical reasons, not genetics. Yes, if you start with those groups you can find genetic traits that are correlated
>but if you If you actually start from genetics and split people up then the groups create look nothing like the "races" people usually talk about.
I don't think anyone claims more than the former, so how is the latter relevant?

>> No.9141919
File: 41 KB, 562x437, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new Al Gore meme for idiot deniers?

>> No.9142000
File: 7 KB, 400x222, CC_global carbon cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
