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9138077 No.9138077 [Reply] [Original]

will there ever be a cure

>> No.9138086

If we stop teaching people language then they can't hear voices in their heads

>> No.9138100

I meant like stop the genetic flaw that causes it.

>> No.9138108
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>tfw schizoaffective
Please open up the long term mental hospitals again where we can have a comfy life doing farm work and simple jobs again. Plz. We need them.

>> No.9138115

tfw same and i completely agree with you

>> No.9138134

There is no clear genetic flaw that causes schizophrenia - the most current research points to neonatal stress as a prevalent cause. It's pretty idiopathic tho

>> No.9138144

There is deaf people who with schizo who see random hands making sign language in the corner of there eyes. So i dont think that would work.

>> No.9138156

Communes offer farm work

>> No.9138160

>just send a schizophrenic to live among drug abusing hedonist weirdos on a hippie green commune lmao

>> No.9138170

A cure for what?

>> No.9138174

like somehow manipulate the flawed piece of genetic that causes the issue with schitz

>> No.9138179

Crispr will fix it like it will fix every other genetic defect

>> No.9138182
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how soon?

>> No.9138196

I don't think they'd have the expendable income for drugs

Also not all communes are hippie: some kill animals :((

>> No.9138318

Schizoid here
I can't imagine how bad full blown schizophrenia must be even though I have most of the negative symptoms.
Hang in there schizo anons

>> No.9138319

Many hippies kill animals

>> No.9138333

first have to eliminate the stigma associated with SMI first.

>> No.9138358

Scizophrenia is the next step in evolution

>> No.9138362
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>> No.9138413

tragically thats how most of them cure themselves currently.

>> No.9138715


Putain pourquoi il faut une ordonnance pour ça. Le gouvernement veut vraiment nous faire prisonniers.

Je cherche du Solian en région Parisienne, quelqu'un en vend ?

>> No.9139155
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what did anon mean by this? was he goofing with me or something deeper?

>> No.9139160

same here anon.
add me on kik?


>> No.9139245
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Sounds like something a schizo would say

>> No.9139307

Same here bro. Hang in there.

>> No.9139846
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What's having schizophrenia like? Are there different "kinds" of it or are all cases basically the same but with different levels of severity?

>> No.9139851
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>tfw I have both Autism AND schizophrenia
>tfw I am so severely asocial that I can't even talk to my own family
>What's having schizophrenia like?
This is how negative symptoms are viewed only from an outside perspective. I got my schizophrenia from childhood trauma and isolation so it depends for people.

>> No.9139855


>> No.9139879

Maybe they are normal and the rest of the world needs to be cured

>> No.9139926

woah dude thats deep

>> No.9139933

spot on.
cement in brain. feels like brain damage. walking corpse. people see you as a walking corpse. half asleep half awake all day. locked in my own mind. invasive thoughts. feels like I have a beautiful mind though. I understand others so well.

>> No.9140030

Does that number count the bodies or the personalities?

>> No.9140080
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Not my fault they're born with shit genes

>> No.9140081

you think it's possible to fix it though? fix the genetic flaw?

>> No.9140101

Deal with the throat and stomach bacteria

>> No.9140116

There is no clear genetic flaw in any mentak iklness but they are clearly heritable.

>> No.9140118



>> No.9140123

Im not the poster you should be sending that to.

>> No.9140138


You realize people were horribly tortured and lived in absolute squalor in the most inhumane conditions imaginable right? There was nothing "comfy" about it

>> No.9140148

Where? Are you talking about medieval sanatoriums? Or are you talking about the old state mental hospitals that were shut down in the sixties? Because the latter were perfectly fine if a little bit rough around the edges. Now the mentally ill are ending up in prison en masse with violent sociopaths.

>> No.9140155


>> No.9140170

>sign language
>not a language

>> No.9140174



>> No.9140180

language is an innate feature of consciousness regardless of the speech used to symbolize it

>> No.9140315
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Who would create terrifying works of art then?

>> No.9140560

Liberal arts colleges.

>> No.9141404
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Bump for more answers

>> No.9141406
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>> No.9141411

how about remotely compelling terrifying art

>> No.9141419

It's plausible you can vastly improve it, if not, cure it entirely by inducing cortical neurogenesis.

Meditation and cardiovascular exercise serve to accomplish this, while fasting heightens BDNF levels which accelerates the growth of new neurons.

>> No.9141450

Fuck off quentin.

>> No.9141462
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The key here, is reverse psychlogy, now take everything we know about magic users, especailly empaths and psykers.
Hear voices
Communes with dark gods
Litteral OP ass magic
Drives you insane
Boom turns out white people just labeled wizardry under another name so those unvilgal or unwilling to take the journey, will turn them selves in due to public opion, while thoses with the will to "Work things out" and or problem solve, will be greeted by the wonderful world of psisonic powers, much to litterally everyone else's dismay, thats why medication is never the way, because what are you trying to control? Something that is beyond even your understanding., theres a reason only stupid people and rich people see shrinks, they're stupid and greedy enough to seek a quick fix to litteral space magic.

>> No.9141464

You wut?

>> No.9141648

Take your meds

>> No.9141752

I highly doubt this.

>> No.9141797

you've heard of synesthesia?
think of that except its all the mental faculties not just the senses.

I have had it explained to me that wries are so cross and disconnected, that many things that would normally interact within a web, are now closed off and dinstinct.

like when you get hungry, you may feel itchy, and get super depressed, but start yelling,you feel hungry but instead you say that sunday is for jumping

or if you want to use the bathroom, you start eating a sandwich instead, and theres a voice inside your head that tells you to drown your children.

just everything is so disconnected that a may not always lead to B

if you want to find out what it feels like get addicted to meth, do it for about 2-3 months.
Once you've quit sleeping for 6 or 7 days. Then you will know.
You will be utterly fucked, but you'll be wiser for it.

>> No.9141831

fuck you neurotipicals if it wasn't for the schizo pill I would be just another slang abusing meme machine phonezombie that spends all their free time on netshitx while browsing Facecatalog

>> No.9141938

You only described a single facet of schizophrenia. Disorganization and disorganization alone. You mentioned "and theres a voice inside your head that tells you to drown your children" that's a command hallucination which comes with psychosis. I have schizophrenia but I've never had command hallucinations, yet I do get psychosis and I hear distant echoing and ambient sounds but never a voice tells me to do anything. I've never understood this.
If you had autism it you'd say the same thing imo. Autism used to be a diagnosis with schizophrenia.

>> No.9142336

I used to be functional but my scizo brother abused the crap out of me and I started to slip

sometimes i feel better if i get tons of protein

>> No.9142363

>there is no concrete evidence for any Jewish conspiracy
Now this is just bait.

>> No.9142422

So can you give a summary of the symptoms you've experienced so far?

>> No.9142592

It feels like I lost something I used to have. Like I used to feel a connection, but that connection is completely gone and will never come back

>> No.9142986

Kill everyone who has anything to do with cannabis would be one way to limit it in the future.
A bit drastic though.

>> No.9143077

Cannabis is not the main cause of schizophrenia by a longshot.

>> No.9143086

I have a hunch a lot of people labeled as schizophrenic would have never broke out into psychosis if it weren't for weed, Colorado's psych wards got packed to the brim after they legalized weed.

>> No.9143090


>> No.9143092


Out of all the drugs linked the schizophrenia, marijuana has the biggest association by several standard deviations. Yes, most people who try pot never become schizophrenic, but for people with a family history of schizophrenia smoking pot is incredibly risky.

>> No.9143095

But it's not the main cause is what I'm saying.

>> No.9143103

Colorado's psych wards seeing an explosion in first episode psychosis is not merely an anecdote

>> No.9143108

>It's all le weed's fault xD
Keep at it.

>> No.9143114

Not even what I said in any of my posts, but keep up your knee jerk hysterics.

>> No.9143118

But we should kill 'em all amirite cletus.

>> No.9143121

Dude what lmao

>> No.9143123

Dude hysteria lmao

>> No.9143138

Everybody's got their problems /
Everybody says the same things to you /
It's just a matter how you solve them /
And knowing not to change the things you've been through

I feel I've come to realize /
How fast life can be compromised /
Step back to see what's going on /
I can't believe this happened to us /
This happened to us (again)

>> No.9143159

I really want to show a friend some factual statistics of this. Do you have anything on Colorado's Psych ward being filled only in the last few years since weed was legalized please? It'd mean alot as just factual stuff I can pull up during a discussion.

>> No.9143171

Tfw everyone's gone from the thread and my chance to gain something moderately useful without having to spend a while looking for it is gone

>> No.9143278

I'm actually better than all of you, you are credible and have believable lives. I am incredible and have an unbelievable life. You can't hack it! Your grouping together and reassuring each other with a skeptical opinion, and as a majority your correct in denial. You don't know anything you haven't learned, you can't see anything without your eyes. You can't think anything without approval. Your educated, influenced and indoctrinated. The cure for you is schizophrenia actually. Incompetency of something that doesn't make sense to you... Hmmm.... Like cause! You need punishment - Twenty push ups.

The hierarchy actually goes like this:

Smart (majority)

You geniuses are ignored, and you geniuses are going to ignore this, probably until majority have evolved to develop schizophrenia.

>> No.9144597

What do you need?

>> No.9144599

Nice meme

>> No.9145015

I bet elon musk could find a cure

>> No.9145608


>> No.9145613

The only possible cure is artificial selection.

>> No.9145623


>> No.9145632

Guess I could do with some disciples. Anyone here worship the religion of c'dÜdle?


>> No.9145724

Cure bipolar first plz. I know we don't technically have it as bad, but at least people know enough about schizophrenics to sympathize with them.

>> No.9145816

Ooooh, thot.

>> No.9145858


>> No.9145889

Schizophrenia? 100% genetic. You were fucked right from the start bruh.

>> No.9146021
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>tfw have OCD and always obsess about developing schizo

>> No.9146139 [DELETED] 

I keep reading articles saying marijuana can contribute and social isolation as well

>> No.9146770
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top kek this made my day

>> No.9147034

>indirectly enslave and track nearly everyone in my country
>not even even sure if i'm supposed to care

>> No.9147372


>> No.9147650

so why do you think there is OVERREPRESENTATION?

>> No.9147658

>Tfw you laugh since you only have the Depression Lincoln had, so you don't have it always
Then cries, screams, and dies at the same time.

>> No.9147668

Did I kill the Board? Am I that much of a fagg?

>> No.9148668

Bipolar is actually worse than schizophrenia in terms of suicide, unemployment and incarceration rates.

>> No.9148680

Wtf you're talking about m8, which symptoms of schizoid are the same as schizophrenia?

t. anon which is increasingly aware he is becoming a textbook schizoid

>> No.9148932

All off them, anon.

>> No.9149008
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Who will post on 4chan?

>> No.9149046

If we cured bipolar disorder, scientific progress would slow down considerably.

>> No.9149054

Schizoid personality disorder has the so called "negative" symptoms of schizophrenia (anhedonia, passivity, etc)

>> No.9149072

Oh I see, mostly apathy and anhedonia. These are the symptoms I have the least. You got me worried anons, at least I'm not seeing/hearing things.

>> No.9149111

if schizophrenia is a purely chemical disorder, then how come a majority of people suffering from it were abuse victims before symptoms manifested?

>> No.9149116

underrated post
shit thread

>> No.9149170

>a majority of people suffering from it were abuse victims before symptoms manifested
[Citation needed]

>> No.9150146

this is a science board.

>> No.9150148

that's actually a pretty typical thing with schizophrenics being abused in their childhood (sexually and/or physically)

surprised you haven't come across it if you looked into schizophrenia

first link on google

>> No.9150153

is that actually true?


obvi dont have to watch but follows some identical twins. one has schizophrenia one doesnt. and the possible reasons why.

>> No.9150179

>I have a hunch
Have you ever smoked weed? There is no fucking way that shit causes schizophrenia. It makes you go full retard. Delusions require complex thought.

>> No.9150184

I'm going to need citations for that. It conflicts with my anecdote.

>> No.9150189

>Emotional disorder
>Scientifically helpful

>> No.9150206

Google cannabis induced schizophrenia.

>> No.9150598

I don't have halluc or delusions but it feels like my brain is full of cement and can't sleep. I start having conversation with myself without sleeping. like my brain doesnt turn off

>> No.9150606

like it doesn't feel like my mind is unraveling in a sense. like I'm lost in it. not living in the moment and taking in info anymore. just lost in the labyrinths of my own mind.

why is there articles saying it's caused by interversion alienation and divergent thinking/

>> No.9150607

that's stress

>> No.9150635

Schizophrenia isn't "triggered" by smoking marijuana. At worst it makes you go into psychosis earlier in life than what you would have. If it's meant to happen, it eventually will.

>> No.9150670

Schizophrenics who never once smoked weed are in a minority.

>> No.9150709

before or after the episode?

>> No.9151353

You are actually the biggest retard in this thread. Marijuana does nothing but give you delusions when you're really fucking high. Have you ever smoked before? You get the retard award of the thread pal

>> No.9151577


>> No.9151596

so basically a walking corpse?

>> No.9151847

>Stop teaching schizos language
>They hear this instead

>> No.9151849
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You mean revisionist anti-culture