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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9135400 No.9135400 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ ever deal with imposter syndrome? Is it more prevalent in some disciplines than others?

>> No.9135403

Is it a syndrome if it's true?

>> No.9135430

Depends on if it's objectively true, which is hard to determine since if you have this syndrome you are in no state to determine the truth of it. That said, it puts us in an interesting position, as any syndrome could be made up such that if you believe or don't believe in something, you could have this syndrome when in reality you're in a perfectly normal, reasonably objective, state of mind.

tldr i don't know

>> No.9135434

i did during undergrad but it went away. it's nbd now that my ego isn't tied to success.

>> No.9135922

Imposter syndrome is for pussies.

>> No.9136025

Yes, it's near 100% pervasive to everyone in academia except tenured professors.

Your university has student counseling for exactly this, and the fact that you ask, OP, means you should go.

I did, but I did it too late. I fucked myself over with my degree from years of imposter syndrome. Don't make the same mistake.

>> No.9136089

>imposter syndrome
What neurotic woman was responsible for this particular post hoc rationalization?

>> No.9136112

I've always been an imposter. Somehow I've gotten this far, but I think my luck is running out.

t. Masters fag

>> No.9136273

That's due to our culture being a bunch of dicks to each other and trying to drag down people who are more successful.

>> No.9136274

You will stop having this issue once you realize everyone is as dumb as a box of rocks and are only successful because other people allow them to be.

>> No.9137597

Imposter syndrome is nonsense. People doesn't know anything, we are carrying the species by pure force of luck, habit, obedience and imitating what older people does (believing that they know what they are doing), and that people in turn imitates their elders until they run out of old people, then resort to tradition to hide their failure.

Society is the collective lie that we have an idea on what we are doing. We only know what to do in specific circunstances, that's why we have rules and superiors.

>> No.9137606

I think I have this, I totally got into major just cause. Not because I'm interested or anything.

>> No.9137613

I have the opposite. I don't look nerdy so nobody assumes I'm smart

>> No.9137964

>People at work look to me for a specific expertise that nobody else has
>Head of every division I've worked with says I'm doing a great job
>My boss and his boss tell me I'm doing an awesome job and that I'm working above my pay grade
>Don't feel like I know what I'm doing and that their trust is misplaced

I think I might have it.

>> No.9138023

I always a worsening feeling of "really? I'm the expert now?" Like I slipped through a crack in the system that should have failed me.