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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9132474 No.9132474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw sat scores are strongly correlated with IQ
>tfw sat results land me in mensa territory

>> No.9132476

>tfw you have no achievements or accomplishments in life so you use IQ as a bragging point.

i respect someone who has held a job longer than 6 months more than anyone who uses IQ as a single metric of success.

>> No.9132478

> tfw OP is still an irredeemable faggot

>> No.9132485

Why is it correlated? It depends a lot on how much do you study.

>> No.9132491

Smarter people study more often guess

I didn't study for mine

>> No.9132524

I didn't study and got 1800 and I knew that it was because I wasn't prepared for the 25 minutes essay and I would have probably elevated my score by reviewing vocabulary for a week to 2000. There are people who study for over a year and barely get 1900, I find it fuzzy. Though, I know that people who are not math inclined have it more difficult than people who took harder math courses in HS. Maybe that's the catch.

>> No.9132535 [DELETED] 

How much you study correlate with IQ. Because Normies Brainlets barely study.

>> No.9132552

Smart people study more.
People with higher IQ study more.
Normies Brainlets barely know how to study.

>> No.9132563

Not really, If you are smart you don't have to study nearly as much as everyone else for the most part and of you study the same hours, smarter guys will retain more. But I don't know if willpower to study correlates with intelligence.

>> No.9132564
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Yeah this is bullshit, percentiles don't match up between SAT and IQ

>> No.9132592

No, they're not.

>> No.9132599
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Smart people will need to spend less effort in studying since they can understand the concept faster.

>> No.9132662

Use a 1600 format score

>> No.9132700
File: 20 KB, 562x497, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am i such a brainlet
I wish I had better genes

>> No.9132806

>estimated IQ 154
this is bullshit

>> No.9132846

According to this my IS should be between 143 and 148. I suppose that's satisfactory.

>> No.9132851

my psychologists IQ test gave me 161 and my SAT was 1590/2400 so I doubt that. granted i didn't go to sleep the night before and didn't study at all.

>> No.9132920
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Life isn't worth living, sci. I think I'll just kill myself tonight.

>> No.9132953


>> No.9132960

>you must adhere to societal standards to be considered a successful individual

>> No.9133020

this, some jews simply can't stand that some people are too smart to become spineless wage cucks

>> No.9133023
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You are ok, 121 is above average in every country.

>> No.9133030

Nigeria IQ is 67

>> No.9133034



how can these 'guys' even manage to live

>> No.9133039

I'm pretty sure Mensa accepts SAT and ACT. I know my 35 on the ACT would let me get in

>> No.9133047

doubt it, I took the sat and scored in 1% percentile. Its a fucking meme if you know the right stuff.
Its just like people with 4.0 gpas who never challenge themselves, who really gives a shit?
More importantly, why do you still care? Are you a highschooler?

>> No.9133060
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oga booga booga

>> No.9133075

Race is a social construct

t. Jewish media popscience "man"

>> No.9133100

>35 on the ACT would let me get in
only if you took it before 1989. according to mensa there's little correlation with most standardized tests past the 90s and IQ

>> No.9133165

121 is nigger tier IQ. As long as I'm sub 140 I should be shot.

>> No.9133186

>be me
>142 IQ, tested and everything
>spent whole childhood/teenage years being arrogant prick and thinking I'd end up being the next Ramanujan because moderately gifted, thinking I was special
>never worked, grades dropping slowly but steadily as my abilities are overwhelmed by increasing degree of difficulty
>"eh, I'll wake up sooner or later, no way I'm gonna waste my potential, right?"
>get into hard math class, fail because literally LITERALLY never work and sleep through class
>spent the whole year thinking "these are all sheeple, they have no intuition, they're only in it for the money, math is the language of god" and all those cringy things "antisocial genius" wannabes say
>parents pressure me into doing a first year in economics-business/math, which I ace because it's a joke
>meanwhile talent is slowly fading away
>still decide to go back to pure math for 2nd year in a no-name uni
>"t-time to use dat IQ r-rite?"
>gf leaves me, get depressed, don't manage to work despite all the promises I'd made
>plus 70% of classes are some boring calculus shit which I've literally never seen the point of
>barely attend, still get first semester because of algebra and geometry classes
>second semester
>attend a grand total of 7 times
>fail miserably with 9.7/20
>have to retake a semester, don't even know how to do that or whether I can
>2 years behind, will never get into a good school or masters
>mfw literally failed at life because I thought IQ had any meaning
Fuck just writing it makes me depressed. I just want a second chance. I want to work hard and actually feel like I'm doing something. I want to be able to go to a nice school, get a meme finance or cryptography degree, make money doing things not everyone can and knowing I owe it to myself.
IQ ruined my life.

>> No.9133207

literally this.
I wasted so much years thinking I was special because of the IQ retardation.
teachers didn't help, as soon as word got out they equated everything I did as "genius". Shitty handwriting? genius. Handwavy explanations? genius. I was so convinced of it, I thought I was the only one who understood math, and thought anyone who was interested in their career or path was a retard who didn't see the true nature of "muh science". I was that guy who thought achievements didn't matter as long as I could visualize everything. Now I'm probably gonna be broke, I'm shit at math because "working is for idiots" and all the people I made fun of in high school study interesting stuff and will become researchers, startup owners, etc.
The IQ meme needs to die. If only I could go back in time and slap myself, tell me I'm not special, that I need to work like everyone else. Fuark.

>> No.9133208


Seek therapy and professional consultation. Mental health is important. Recover from this, and then kick ass.

>> No.9133214

unfortunately no professional is gonna erase two years of fucking around.
I went to a science/studies related forum (from my own country, meaning it deals with our school system, etc) recently and some guys straight up told me it was basically over for me at this point. Hope it was shitposting but I fear it wasn't.

>> No.9133233

Different country than yours, but in my university there are more than 10 active students more than 40 years old hoping to pursue a career in theoretical physics. those 2 years are just an illusion, it means nothing. Imagine if for some terrible reason you went in a coma for 2 years. It would be a terrible loss of time, but waking up from it would give you your life back, if you were willing to reach out and take it.

>> No.9133237

>so much years

>> No.9133247

thank you anon, I'm gonna try as hard as I can. I don't have anything better to do either. My country's uni system is known for not giving second chances though. Guess we'll see. I'm slowly regaining interest in math after 3 years of zombie mode so there's that.

>> No.9133431
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>102 thanks to Merkel

>> No.9133466

lol Most of the sub-80s are in africa.

>> No.9133507

i did, 780/780

>> No.9133588
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I'm assuming I receive a prize?

>> No.9133630

Sounds like you could have adhd.

>> No.9134323

Atleast you had a gf :)

>> No.9134365


hah, my sat results land me in short-bus territory.

>> No.9134388

Literally me. All the fucking whitey cumskins were fucking brainlet normies and I thought I was superior due to my superior verbal, physical, artistic, and math potential. Then I became a 15yo kid and started watching anime.

5 years later I'm a fucking loser of life, that can't even manage to go out without feeling social stress.

>> No.9134491

Remove all people who suffered from childhood illnesses, had drug addict mothers or mothers who did no prenatal prep, were not breast fed, were exposed to environmental toxins, suffered head trauma, drug users, and people with poor nutrition during childhood and the averge iq for whites goes up to 120.

An iq in the 0.5% is a fucking joke when the numbers are padded with so many of the afflicted. If you were not solving rubix cubes at 5 y/o or had a chess elo of 2.2k by 10 than you're a fucking redundancy.

>> No.9134539

What about Jews though?

>> No.9134566

What about them? Tay-sachs, canavan disease, and familial dysautonomia have killed off the jews with weak nuero genetic makeup. Its really fucking simple to understand.

>> No.9134578

they should eradicated, drug addicts or otherwise

>> No.9134593 [DELETED] 

>i respect someone who has held a job longer than 6 months more than anyone who uses IQ as a single metric of success.
So you respect a 18yo whore working in Prostitution for 7 months who barely can count the amount of cocks the takes each day.

>> No.9134598

>>9132476 #
>i respect someone who has held a job longer than 6 months more than anyone who uses IQ as a single metric of success.
So you respect a 18yo whore working in Prostitution for 7 months who barely can count the amount of cocks she takes each day.

>> No.9134611
File: 50 KB, 620x413, mark-zuckerberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashkenazi Jews are White people LARPing as Jews

>> No.9134843

this made me feel good roflmao

t. 98 iq from HEC

>> No.9136377

not surprising. are you the guy who's been making all the HEC/bschool threads recently?

>> No.9136501
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Yes I respect an 18yo whore because at least she is contributing to society however small. NEETS are the reason we have high taxes. Your mother should of aborted you instead of having her 20th child. Just kill yourself, at least your body will feed someone's lawn.

>> No.9136794

its as strong a correlation as different iq tests with each other

>> No.9136820

There's a reason why Mensa doesn't accept it anymore.

>106 IQ, measured with WAIS-IV
>2210 on old SAT (2011)

Epic just epic

>> No.9136836

>People with higher IQ study more
Citation needed. I've got a 150 IQ and I've never once studied in my life.

>> No.9136845

I have a 151 IQ and I study for fun.

It seems that low IQ and lack of passion go hand-in-hand.

>> No.9136848

>120 IQ and all of those apply to me


>> No.9136933

nope. measured 142 IQ here, brother has measured 131 IQ and we're both /tv/ browsing, meme spouting depressed neet dropouts.

>> No.9136941

Like I said.

Low IQ.

>> No.9136969

as I said though, measured at 142

>> No.9136981

Only a nigger

>> No.9136999

what did he mean by this.
Also I'm white, although probably not by the chon's autistic standards.

>> No.9137111

The 'any IQ below 135 makes you a brainlet' meme is /sci/s equivalent of /fit/'s
>If you're shorter than 6'5 then gtfo
My IQ(actually clinically tested) is 123 and I'm at a pretty fucking great grad school. I remember reading somewhere that if your IQ is at least 115 you have the cognitive endowment to preform at ALMOST about any job (physician, lawyer, etc)

>> No.9137123

I like your ad hominem

>> No.9137155

>I have a 150 IQ
Do you also have a 18" dick and work as a chef at Wendy's making $160,000 a year

>> No.9137171

Anime ruined your life? I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.9137662

I second this. I got 127 based on this test thing but my actual IQ score is 120. I definitely think IQ matters, but once you are beyond 115 it does not matter as much. My dad has an IQ of 138 and he is clearly smarter than me, but I can still keep up with him.

>> No.9137703
File: 38 KB, 565x600, incredible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got 2020/2400
>tfw just "pretty bright"

>> No.9138031

Not that guy but I sincerely doubt that fucking around and NEETing it up for 2-3 years will fuck you over THAT much.
If it does, can't you just lie and said you were struggling with depression or something, and then overcame it?

What country are you from btw? (If you don't mind me asking)

>> No.9138445

+1 hominem

>> No.9138497

Standardized tests probably only correlated with IQ if the participants don't study or have similar study time. My SAT scores were 500 vocab and 630 math I didn't study because I was a poor fag taking the test for free. Hell, I wasn't even sure I was going to college I was just going through hoops. When I took the GRE I studied hard and was in the 95% percentile.

>> No.9138499

tfw IQ is a meme....

>> No.9138526

French, we do have a pretty unforgiving system. You've probably seen me (or others) bitching about that in some other thread.
Unfortunately I didn't get diagnosed (and depression is kind of a meme term anyways) but I'm pretty sure that last year I met all of the criteria. Anyhow, there's not much else left to do than try now.
But there's no worse feeling than failing at your studies without being a normie because you can't even reassure yourself with "at least I lived, fucked tons of girls in college, had fun". I just spent this whole year lifting the pain away in the squalor of my tiny apartment with the blinds shut. I should be able to find the time to at least attend and work maybe 1h/week which would have landed me a good school by now.

>> No.9138654

>French, we do have a pretty unforgiving system
This, fuck jews, I hope the day of the rope is approaching.

>> No.9138666

I used to be mad at our system for our top schools being so hard to get into, but now I don't give a fuck. The level in uni is actually pretty much the same, and the pay isn't even that much lower, we don't have an autistic mindset and dumb competition system.
>mfw people prefer shit tier Polytech schools over a good master's because of "muh schools" meme.
the prepa+school system is kind of overrated. Also it seems that it's not going to last much longer, or at least it'll have less of a special status.
Are you the ENS guy by any chance?

>> No.9138692


>The level in uni is actually pretty much the same

Nope, at Polytechnique students learn about Langland's program in third year whereas there's barely any number theoretic class at uni's (even the Paris ones)

I don't know what happens at the ENS. They are probably working on Riemann's conjecture the first day.

Also it seems like, besides measure theory and complex analysis, the classes of third year at unis is but a subset of the classes of good prépas (topology, groups, differential equations)

>Also it seems that it's not going to last much longer

It's going to last as long as the jewish rule the country, unfortunately. The wrong side won.

>> No.9138723

Evidemment, on peut prendre des extrêmes. Le niveau en master à l'UPMC est sûrement meilleur que celui de Polytech Chambéry. Il y a des masters de bon niveau comme des écoles de bons niveaux. Et de l'aveu même de certains ex-préparationnaires, le niveau de maths en L3 n'a pas grand chose à envier au niveau de MP. Je pense que ce qui impressionne avant tout dans le cursus prépa+école c'est la pluridisciplinarité et non le niveau dans les matières prises individuellement. Ca c'est donc une simple question de travail et non de talent comme on l'entend souvent.
Pour ce qui est de la disparition des écoles, je saurais pas étayer mais j'ai l'impression que c'est imminent. Enfin pas une disparition en tant que telle mais une redéfinition. C'est à la fois du populisme (l'opinion publique est très contre ce système, va savoir pourquoi) et une volonté de faire comme tout le monde afin de pouvoir être mesuré sur les mêmes critères (Shanghai, y'a qu'à voir la façon dont ce classement est biaisé en défaveur de notre système).
Je suis pas hyper renseigné mais c'est l'impression générale que j'ai de la chose. Les grandes écoles augmentent leurs taux de recrutement, se regroupent, se rapprochent des universités, etc.

>> No.9138743

Two inconvenient truths:
1) Niggers are, on average, borderline retarded.
2) Eastern Asians are on average more intelligent than caucasians.

>> No.9138748

>1) Niggers are, on average, borderline retarded.
How is this incovenient ?
Easy-to-control, cheap labor for us, whites. Nobody likes cleaning toilets.

>2) Eastern Asians are on average more intelligent than caucasians.
True and this is sad, but this is nothing compared to some jews. Now that they mixed us with blacks, WE are cheap labor, for (((them))).

>> No.9138920
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you got to be kidding.